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Veterans with PTSD Experience Benefits from Service Dogs



A study published in JAMA Network Open reveals that service dogs significantly improve mental health outcomes for veterans with PTSD. The presence of service dogs helps reduce PTSD symptoms, including depression and anxiety, and enhances overall well-being. This research supports the therapeutic benefits of service dogs in providing emotional support and improving the quality of life for veterans struggling with PTSD.

Service Dogs as Therapeutic Allies for Veterans with PTSD

Introduction to the Study

A new study has revealed that veterans with PTSD gain significant mental health benefits from having service dogs. This finding emphasizes the therapeutic potential of service animals in managing PTSD symptoms.

Key Findings

The study found that veterans with service dogs reported reduced PTSD symptoms, including lower anxiety and depression levels, compared to those without service dogs. Additionally, these veterans experienced improved overall well-being and quality of life.

Therapeutic Benefits

Service dogs provide various forms of support that can help mitigate PTSD symptoms. These include:

  • Emotional Support: Helping veterans feel calmer and more secure.
  • Physical Assistance: Assisting with daily tasks and providing a sense of routine.
  • Social Interaction: Encouraging socialization and reducing feelings of isolation.

Importance of the Findings

These findings highlight the potential of service dogs as a complementary treatment for PTSD. They underscore the need for increased access to service dogs for veterans and further research into their benefits.

Why This Is Important

Understanding the benefits of service dogs for PTSD can inform treatment approaches and policies, improving support for veterans. It also highlights the need for broader recognition and funding for service dog programs.

Possible Implications

  1. Enhanced Access: Increased provision of service dogs to veterans in need.
  2. Policy Support: Development of policies to support service dog programs.
  3. Further Research: More studies to explore and validate the therapeutic benefits of service dogs.
  4. Public Awareness: Greater awareness and acceptance of the role of service dogs in mental health care.

What to Follow

  • Program Developments: Initiatives to provide more service dogs to veterans.
  • Policy Changes: Legislative support for service dog programs.
  • Research Studies: Ongoing research into the benefits of service dogs for PTSD.
  • Veteran Feedback: Reports from veterans on their experiences with service dogs.


Service dogs offer significant therapeutic benefits for veterans with PTSD, enhancing their mental health and quality of life. Continued support and research are essential to maximize these benefits and improve veterans’ access to service dogs.

Source: JAMA Network Open

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Study shows CBD can increase cannabis’ psychoactive effects




Had too much THC and need to reduce its effects? Generally, science and cannabis professionals say take some CBD, the non-psychoactive cannabinoid, to balance it out. But new research indicates that may not be a good idea. 

A recent study in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics found that CBD can actually increase the psychoactive effects of cannabis. This news may surprise many, as CBD has been touted as a substance that can block or reduce the psychoactive aspects of too much THC. The theory goes that CBD, due to its unique engagement with endocannabinoid receptors, can block the activity of THC, the most abundant cannabinoid and main driver of cannabis’ psychoactive effects. 

Can CBD reverse your high? 

The idea that CBD can block THC’s effects comes from a 2006 study by cannabis researcher Dr. Ethan Russo. Russo’s theory made sense at the time, based on the data available; the study discusses the advantages of the entourage effect, and noted that in clinical trials, “CBD is demonstrated to antagonize some undesirable effects of THC including intoxication.”


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But follow-up research has found mixed results in CBD’s efficacy for consistently reducing THC’s psychoactive effects. Some studies have found benefits to adding CBD to THC, such as reduced anxiety, paranoia and cognitive impairments, while others found CBD had no impact

This latest study shifts the conversation by providing the first piece of evidence that CBD might actually increase psychoactive effects from THC rather than blocking them. 

Can CBD increase THC’s pain relief?  

This study aimed to figure out whether adding CBD to THC would reduce psychoactive effects while still complementing its pain relieving abilities. The authors’ interests lay in how to make cannabis more accessible as a pain reliever, since many medical patients and recreational consumers seek out cannabis for pain management, but don’t want psychoactive effects for their day-to-day lives.

To examine the impacts of adding CBD, the researchers designed a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial. Thirty-seven healthy, adult participants ages 18 to 45 took part in the trial. All were previous cannabis users, but had not used cannabis more than once per month in the 6 months prior to the experiment, or at all in the previous 3 weeks. 

At each test session, participants were given oral tablets with 9 mg of THC and either a placebo or varying levels of CBD, from 10 mg up to 450 mg. Then standardized tests were performed to determine the psychoactive and pain-relieving effects of the varying treatments, including measures for subjective effects like alertness, mood, depression, paranoia, anxiety, and just “feeling high.”

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There were additional recordings of effects on cognition and motor function, like attention, stability, vigilance, and coordination. 

Large CBD doses can increase THC’s effects 

Surprisingly, the results show no reduction of psychoactive effects with higher levels of CBD. Instead, the highest dose of CBD (450mg) seemed to add to the psychoactive effects, with significantly higher scores on most measures. This enhanced psychoactive high was accompanied by elevated levels of THC and its metabolites in the participants’ blood.


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This suggests that the increased psychoactivity may result from the way CBD can alter metabolization of certain drugs by inhibiting enzymes involved in metabolizing chemicals like THC. 

Interestingly, the lower doses of CBD (10mg and 30mg) made no significant impact at all. 

Sadly, none of the doses of CBD increased levels of pain relief. Still, researchers point out that this does not invalidate previous research supporting CBD’s pain relieving effects. The fact that the participants were healthy volunteers, rather than patients with chronic pain challenges, could explain why the CBD did not increase pain relief. In patient populations, we may see different results. 

Will adding CBD increase your high? 

While these results do not support the theory that adding CBD to THC can reduce a psychoactive high or increase pain relief, take the study with a grain of salt. Despite the double-blind and randomized study design, the sample size was still relatively small, and thus limiting how far we can generalize the results. 

But before you remove CBD from your cannabis routine (or add it in to make your high even stronger), it’s important to note that the study found increases in psychoactive effects only with very large doses of CBD. These doses are much higher than what most consumers normally use. The study doesn’t suggest that low doses are likely to significantly increase your high—but the authors say it’s possible.

To add to the complications, CBD can have biphasic effects, which means that it can have one effect at a low dose, but a different effect at a high dose. Given this, and previous research suggesting no impact, or a reduction of psychedelic effects with CBD, we still don’t have much evidence to suggest that typical doses of CBD could enhance a psychoactive high. 

Based on the totality of the research, it’s clear that CBD and THC might interact in a myriad of ways when it comes to psychoactivity. This study expands the possibilities, suggesting the interaction is even more complex than we originally thought. 

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How wildfire smoke, retardant slurry impact human health, environment




While flames may be the most visual wildfire danger, experts say smoke and fire retardant slurry can have long-lasting effects on human health and the environment.

New research has linked wildfire smoke exposure to higher rates of dementia, reproductive health issues and lung and heart disease, and forest service employees say the iconic, red fire retardant slurry dropped out of planes has been linked to thousands of fish kills.

“There are hundreds of gases that are emitted from wildfire smoke, some of them in very, very small quantities,” National Center for Atmospheric Research scientist Rebecca Hornbrook said. “Some — like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides — are emitted in higher quantities, but some of those smaller quantity gases are actually even more toxic.”

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Will Cannabis Use Bring Epigenetic Changes?




Updated research has uncovered a significant link between cannabis use and epigenetic changes, which are alterations in gene expression that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence. These findings suggest that cannabis consumption could have long-lasting effects on genetic regulation, potentially impacting various biological processes and health outcomes. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Washington, highlights the complexity of cannabis’s impact on the human body and raises important questions about its long-term effects.

Understanding Epigenetic Changes

Epigenetics refers to modifications in gene expression that occur without altering the DNA sequence itself. These changes can be triggered by various environmental factors, including diet, stress, and substance use. The study found that regular cannabis use can lead to specific epigenetic modifications, particularly in genes related to brain function, immune response, and reproductive health. These changes may not only affect the individual but could also have implications for future generations if the modifications are passed down.

The Study’s Key Findings

The research focused on a group of participants who were regular cannabis users and compared their epigenetic profiles to those of non-users. The results revealed distinct differences in the epigenetic markers between the two groups. Specifically, the study identified changes in genes associated with neurological development and immune system regulation. These epigenetic alterations could potentially influence cognitive function, susceptibility to certain diseases, and overall health.

Potential Health Implications

The epigenetic changes associated with cannabis use may have significant health implications. For instance, modifications in genes related to brain function could impact memory, learning, and emotional regulation. Additionally, changes in immune-related genes might alter the body’s ability to fight infections or respond to inflammatory conditions. While the full extent of these effects is still being studied, the findings underscore the need for a deeper understanding of how cannabis use influences long-term health.

Implications for Future Research

This study opens the door for further research into the epigenetic effects of cannabis use. Future studies could explore how these changes interact with other environmental factors, such as diet and stress, to influence health outcomes. Moreover, research could investigate whether these epigenetic modifications are reversible if cannabis use is reduced or discontinued. Understanding these dynamics will be crucial for developing guidelines on cannabis use, particularly as legalization expands.


The discovery of epigenetic changes linked to cannabis use highlights the complex and potentially far-reaching effects of this substance on human health. As cannabis continues to be legalized and widely used, it is essential to consider these findings and their implications for both current and future generations.


  1. University of Washington
  2. Nature
  3. National Institutes of Health

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