Cannabis News

Wait, A Big Pharma Medical Study Now Says Marijuana is Causing Heart Attacks and Strokes in People That Regularly Use Cannabis?



The cannabis world was taken back by a anti-pot headline claiming cannabis increases your chance of a heart attack or stroke by 34%.  The study implies weed is killing stoners by obesity and heart attacks while all the data says those facts just aren’t true.

What is going on here? decided to do a point vs counter point, let’s start with the “big news” to start article and what was put out there as a medical study.  Then, let’s take a deep dive into the facts vs sketchy details.

Shall we begin?

Regular Marijuana Use Increases Heart Failure Risk By 34%, Study Shows.

AHA members will hear presentations from two new studies that show regular marijuana use has been linked to an increased risk of heart-related problems such as heart attack, heart failure, and stroke. The AHA convention is being held in Philadelphia. Although these results suggest a link between marijuana use and cardiovascular issues, it’s important to remember that more investigation is required to establish causality and have a better understanding of the health effects of cannabis usage.


Heart Attack and Stroke Risk


The first study, led by Dr Avilash Mondal and his research team, sought to shed light on the potential link between marijuana use and an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Focusing on a population of individuals aged 65 and older, the study analyzed data from nearly 29,000 marijuana users who did not smoke traditional tobacco cigarettes.


In their investigation, the researchers found that 14% of this specific population experienced heart attacks or strokes. However, it’s important to emphasize that this study did not establish a direct causal relationship between marijuana use and these cardiovascular events. Instead, it highlighted a concerning association that warrants further exploration and research.


The study also uncovered specific risk factors that might contribute to this association. It revealed that individuals with cannabis use disorder who suffered heart attacks or strokes were more likely to have additional risk factors, such as being Black patients, individuals with AIDS, those with a history of alcohol or drug abuse, depression, or high blood pressure. These findings raise important questions about the potential role of marijuana in cardiovascular health, hinting at similarities with the adverse effects of cigarette smoking. Nonetheless, more research is needed to establish causation and fully comprehend the implications of these findings.


Heart Failure Risk


In the second study, spearheaded by Dr Yakubu Bene-Alhasan and his team from Medstar Health in Baltimore, researchers delved into the risk of heart failure associated with regular marijuana use. Their investigation encompassed a vast dataset, including information from 157,000 marijuana users, allowing for a comprehensive analysis.


Over a four-year follow-up period, the study unveiled a noteworthy finding: individuals who used cannabis on a daily basis had a 34% increased risk of developing heart failure compared to those who had never used the substance. What’s particularly striking about this discovery is that the elevated risk remained consistent across different demographic groups, including age, gender, and smoking history.


However, the study’s authors also made a significant observation when considering the presence of coronary artery disease. It appeared that when this pre-existing condition was taken into account, the risk of heart failure dropped slightly from 34% to 27%. This observation suggests a potential pathway from marijuana use to heart failure, indicating that further research is crucial to uncover the mechanisms behind this link.


Dr. Bene-Alhasan emphasized the importance of these results, encouraging more researchers to delve into the health implications of marijuana use, especially in terms of cardiovascular risk. While the findings are compelling, it’s essential to recognize that they do not definitively prove causation, leaving room for additional studies and investigations to validate and further explore these associations. These results emphasize the need for a better understanding of how marijuana may affect heart health.


Regular marijuana use has been associated with an elevated risk of heart-related issues, including heart attack, heart failure, and stroke, according to two recent studies scheduled for presentation at an upcoming meeting of the American Heart Association (AHA) in Philadelphia. While these findings indicate an association between marijuana use and cardiovascular problems, it’s essential to note that further research is needed to determine causation and better understand


Implications and Raising Awareness: Grasping Marijuana’s Impact on Heart Health


The emerging research findings regarding the potential connection between marijuana usage and cardiovascular well-being have far-reaching implications for individuals, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. Gaining an understanding of these implications is paramount for making informed decisions and addressing the potential health risks tied to marijuana consumption.


These studies emphasize the importance of spreading knowledge among the general public first and foremost. Those who use marijuana, whether for therapeutic or recreational purposes, should be aware of the possible risks to their cardiovascular system associated with its usage. This knowledge can enable people to make decisions supporting their health objectives and consider different medical treatment methods.


Healthcare practitioners play a pivotal role in this awareness campaign. Physicians and medical providers need to stay well-versed in emerging research and engage in discussions with their patients about the possible cardiovascular perils associated with marijuana use. Encouraging patients to have transparent conversations about their marijuana consumption and any pre-existing cardiovascular risk factors is essential.


Moreover, the results emphasize the need for additional investigation. Although some research indicates a possible link between marijuana usage and heart problems, the exact cause of the relationship is yet unknown. More research is essential to confirm these results and explore the underlying mechanisms in greater detail, including the possible involvement of coronary artery disease. These studies can help clarify the complex relationship between marijuana use and cardiovascular health.


Policymakers and public health organizations should also factor in this emerging evidence when formulating regulations and guidelines pertaining to marijuana use. It might be advisable to include cautions regarding potential cardiovascular risks on product labeling, akin to the health warnings displayed on cigarette packages. Public health campaigns can educate the public about the potential health hazards and promote responsible marijuana usage.


Bottom Line


A correlation has been observed between frequent marijuana usage and a higher risk of heart-related issues, such as heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes, according to recent research presented at the American Heart Association (AHA) conference. Even while these results are alarming, it’s important to understand that they do not prove a specific cause and effect. More research is required to investigate the underlying mechanisms and validate these relationships. The results of these research have implications for raising public, medical professional, and policymaker knowledge of the possible cardiovascular hazards linked to marijuana use. For those who use marijuana, having honest and open conversations with medical professionals is essential. Further research will help to elucidate the complex relationship between heart health and marijuana usage.


That was the headline America read on the anti-pot sites like CNN, but what is really going on in this study, let’s go through the facts and figure below..


When does Marijuana KILL you? -The Ghost of Anslinger Rises Again

Well folks, looks like reefer madness is alive and well in the hallowed halls of academia. The ghost of Harry Anslinger would be pleased to see the same old propaganda dressed up in lab coats peddled as “science” today. Some things never change.


As you know, debunking the latest round of hysterical anti-cannabis research is a hobby of mine at this point. I consider it a higher calling to dispel ignorance with facts and logic. Gotta keep the kids from swallowing whatever nonsense floats down the media pipeline these days.


So today we’ll be diving into a fresh new batch of sensational headlines warning marijuana will strike you down with strokes and heart attacks. Grab some popcorn and get ready to see prestige unravel.


I know, I know – not exactly shocking that the modern drug warriors cling to any sliver of data to prop up their tired narrative. It’s hard to teach old dogs new trips, even when the evidence against them is stronger than Sour Diesel.


But it never ceases to amuse me how far they’ll reach to frame cannabis as the new health menace coming for your children. Even as alcohol and tobacco continue racking up body counts in the millions. Always a fine line between comedy and tragedy.


Of course, behind the fearmongering, it’s usually just corporates pushing their pills while rubbing elbows with politicians. Can’t have folks medicating safely on their own supply, that would devastate pharma profits! Follow the money, friends.


You’d hope the lab coat folks would know better than parroting propaganda for clout and credentials. But alas, institution rarely cultivates wisdom or integrity. And the reefer madness zombie shambles on.


Well not to worry, your neighborhood cannabis skeptic is on the case, freshly baked and ready as ever to dismantle the latest drivel point-by-point. The abyss of ignorance calls out once more for illumination. Let us descend fearlessly towards knowledge together, shall we?



Well folks, let’s dig into this breaking reefer madness “research” striking fear about cannabis collapsing your dodgy tickers. Always pays to read past the screaming headlines before swallowing the clickbait.


Now I’m no fancy scientist, but a few glaring “red flags” stand out that make me scratch my head. Let’s explore, shall we?


First up – where are these alleged studies published? Oh, right…nowhere. They’re literally classified as “nonpublished” in the article. Very authoritative and peer-reviewed!


Nothing to see here folks, just some rando data coughed up at a conference. Totally the gold standard of research! But do go on about the extreme dangers.


Even better, the lead author admits the studies are purely “observational” and can’t actually prove causation. Correlation does not equal causation and all that jazz. But why let pesky details like that temper the fear factor?


Then we get the classic cherry-picking of any scrap of data remotely supporting an angle while ignoring contradicting info. Confirmation bias much?


For instance, alcohol and tobacco use wasn’t factored in apparently. Last I checked, those kill a few folks annually. And funny how decades of actual peer-reviewed research confirming cannabis’s neuro and cardio-protective benefits gets omitted.


Don’t even get me started on the absurd sensationalism of phrases like “cannabis use disorder” for anyone using weed regularly. Talk about loading language! According to this, half of seniors are now degenerate “abusers”. Reefer madness much?


And naturally, they admit these supposed risks mysteriously disappear when controlling for basic variables like high blood pressure. It’s almost like…unsafe older users with chronic conditions driving these correlations, not the spooky cannabis boogeyman? Radical thought, I know.


But details like that might deter the message – marijuana will murder your heart dead, full stop! It’s basically tobacco now, kids! Hello gateway drug circa 1936 rhetoric. Where’s the hysterical film reel footage?


I’m sure it’s entirely coincidence this laughable propaganda gets breathlessly promoted by corporate media who rely on Big Pharma advertising revenue. Total coincidence! No money trails here.


In summary – some highly questionable data of unclear significance gets spun into fearmongering clickbait to perpetuate the outdated reefer madness narrative. Tale as old as time.


But keep on fighting the good fight, noble researchers! Imaginary monsters must be slain to keep the populace controlled through fear, not empowered by facts. Otherwise they might start thinking freely, and we can’t have that now.


Back to the science laboratory for you to fabricate some more scare data. Be sure to avoid those pesky peer reviews – your corporate sponsors know best!



While cannabis often gets blamed for promoting laziness and poor physical health, accumulating scientific evidence reveals the opposite – marijuana consumers surprisingly tend to be more active with lower obesity rates.


In fact, hundreds of epidemiological studies over decades observe this consistent trend. Let’s examine some key findings exposing the “lazy stoner” stereotype as prohibitionist propaganda.


Back in 2011, a literature review in the British Journal of Pharmacology noted cannabis-using adults had “a lower prevalence of diabetes mellitus and a lower plasma HDL-C level” compared to non-users in large-scale studies. In other words, they were less likely to have metabolic disorders.


A 2015 study in the American Journal of Epidemiology followed over 33,000 Americans for 11 years. It found obesity rates were 33% lower among cannabis users compared to non-users. Interestingly, those who used cannabis longest in the study gained the least weight over time.


Researchers proposed cannabis may regulate weight gain by altering the body’s endocannabinoid system, which governs appetite and metabolism. The stereotype of the snacking stoner suddenly made little sense.


A 2016 study in Frontiers of Psychology quantified the exercise habits of cannabis consumers using accelerometer devices. Oddly enough, the data showed marijuana users engaged in more physical activity on average than non-users.


Other analyses echo these findings. A 2017 study in Drug and Alcohol Dependence found cannabis-using adults had 17% lower odds of obesity compared to never users. This was true even after adjusting for diet and lifestyle factors.


So despite the cliché image of the sluggish pothead, cannabis consumers consistently defy expectations by leading active lives. How does this track with claims that marijuana creates cardiac risk?


Firstly, proper causation has never been established, only loose correlations. But considering active lifestyles promote heart health, it’s odd cannabis would uniquely cause problems.


For instance, a 2006 study in the American Journal of Cardiology found cannabis-using adults performed better on treadmill tests than non-users, even those 15 years younger. Not what you’d expect for supposed cardiac cripples.


This matches a 2014 study in the Journal of Internal Medicine observing occasional cannabis consumers had lower insulin levels and smaller waist circumferences compared to abstainers. Again, indications of better metabolic fitness.


The pattern repeats at scale in epidemiological studies of tens of thousands of respondents. So the notion that cannabis paralyzes people into obesity and disease makes little sense given the weight of evidence.


At worst, marijuana appears neutral regarding physical activity and metabolic health. More likely, its consumers represent a demographic naturally inclined toward healthy living. The science has never supported outdated “Reefer Madness” stereotypes.


Of course, moderation remains wise as with any substance. And risks like psychological addiction exist with heavy use. But the myth of the lazy pothead who ruins their health is just that – a myth rooted in propaganda, not facts.


The data consistently shows cannabis users defy expectations by exercising more, maintaining better weight, and avoiding metabolic disorders compared to the general population.


So next time you encounter the trope of the inactive stoner, point to the overwhelming proof that it’s baseless rhetoric not reflecting reality. The active stoner is very real and going strong, despite the lingering misconceptions.



I have to laugh when shady studies claim weed’s somehow killing stoners via heart attacks and obesity. Because it contradicts reams of data showing cannabis consumers tend to be active folks with lower weights and metabolic issues. Someone failed Statistics 101.


Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy a questionable correlation to spice up a slow research day. But let’s be real – these scandalous conclusions are cooked up by suits looking to refresh prohibitionist rhetoric with a dash of pseudoscience.


Even with bottomless budgets to “prove the dangers”, the worst side effect they’ve pinned on cannabis after 50 years is extra pizza orders. Meanwhile, actual public health crises like alcohol and tobacco get a pass. Almost like there’s an agenda at play…


Make no mistake, these aren’t sober academics pursuing truth in good faith. They’re hacks paid by corporate masters to fabricate fear that sustains outdated policies killing more people than any joint ever could.


It’s time we call this greasy propaganda what it is – blatant mistruths distorting data to undermine a healing plant threatening pharmaceutical profits. But the people see through the haze.


The sticky bottom line is that truth will win out eventually, no matter how artfully spun. So consider the source next time shady stats demonize this sacred plant. And picture them sweating over messy datasets, desperately tweaking variables to vilify nature’s remedy.


The ghosts of Anslinger and his cronies still haunt hallways of power, churning out Reefer Madness for modern times. But the old lies burn up fast as the people wake to their healing birthright. So stay skeptical out there, friends. And blaze on towards the light of freedom.

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