
Where Is Cannabis In The Ordo Amoris



The phrase has become popular, so why not share marijuana’s place in it?

Politicians have made the phrase popular with a modern interpretations, but it has people thinking. Where is cannabis in the Ordo Amoris? This ancient Catholic phrase has become today popular, but is an ancient concept rooted in Christian theology, particularly in the works of St. Augustine and St.Thomas Aquinas. It is usually translated as “order of love” or “rightly ordered love,” is it emphasizes the importance of prioritizing one’s affections and responsibilities in a hierarchical manner.

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People prioritize in a variety of ways, and it seems lately, people have been moving marijuana above alcohol, long the favorite intoxicant of choice.  But younger generations are moving away from it causing angst in the liquor industry.  California sober has become a thing where people leave booze for marijuana. And the big alcohol companies have seen drop in both sales and expanded markets. They have made major investments in marijuana and in come cases, hemp.

Photo by Roberto Machado Noa via Getty

The concept suggests love should be ordered with God as the primary focus, followed by oneself, family, neighbors, and then the broader community. The hierarchy is not meant to diminish the importance of loving all people but acknowledges that certain relationships carry more immediate obligations.

While there is a general hierarchy, the application of ordo amoris can vary based on circumstances. For instance, in cases of extreme need, one might prioritize a stranger over a family member if the stranger’s need is more urgent.

St. Augustine discussed the concept in his works, such as “City of God” and “On Christian Doctrine,” emphasizing that love should be directed appropriately to avoid sin. He noted that all people should be loved equally, but special regard should be given to those closer to us by circumstance. St. Thomas Aquinas expanded on Augustine’s ideas in his “Summa Theologica,” highlighting the importance of loving God first and then prioritizing those closest to us, such as family and community.

Of course, people interrupt to fit there needs, but basically it all comes to do well be other and treat others like yourself.  Although, the trend tends allows you move away form the love of alcohol to the more healthier love of cannabis.

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