Cannabis News

Will the 4th of July Become the New Cannabis Liberation Day?



Smoke one for freedom! 4th of July is a day for Cannabis liberation!


The 4th of July holds immense significance for Americans as it commemorates the day when the thirteen colonies declared their independence from British rule in 1776. It marks the birth of the United States of America as a sovereign nation and symbolizes the principles of freedom, liberty, and self-governance that are fundamental to the American identity.


For many Americans, the 4th of July is a day of celebration, patriotism, and reflection. It serves as a reminder of the courage and sacrifice of the founding fathers who fought for independence and established the framework for a democratic society. It is a time to honor the values and ideals upon which the nation was built, including individual rights, equality, and the pursuit of happiness.


The 4th of July is often marked by various traditions and festivities. Fireworks displays illuminate the night sky, parades fill the streets with patriotic fervor, and gatherings bring families and communities together in celebration. It is a time for barbecues, picnics, and outdoor activities, creating a sense of unity and shared joy among fellow Americans.


Beyond the festivities, the 4th of July serves as a moment of reflection on the ongoing struggle for freedom and the pursuit of a more perfect union. It prompts individuals to contemplate the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and assess the progress made towards achieving them. It is a time to honor the achievements of the past while acknowledging the challenges that lie ahead in the pursuit of a more inclusive and equitable society.


But we’re not seeing that in everything are we? We’re seeing that “freedom” comes with restrictions, and those restrictions seem to be getting more and more each passing day.


Why Bodily Autonomy is the Hallmark of Freedom!


A slave is someone who does not own their own body. They are forced to do whatever their owners say. In the same vein, you are a slave as the Controlled Substance Act declares that “you do not possess the authority over your own body or mind to choose what you can and cannot consume”.


At the core of personal freedom lies the concept of bodily autonomy. True freedom entails having complete ownership of one’s body and the ability to make decisions regarding its well-being. When an individual or an agency can dictate what substances one can or cannot consume, it infringes upon their fundamental rights. The Controlled Substance Act, which categorizes cannabis as a Schedule I drug, effectively strips Americans of their right to exercise autonomy over their minds and bodies. This discrepancy raises questions about the authenticity of our freedom and calls for a reevaluation of existing laws.


The Controlled Substance Act, enacted in 1970 as part of the broader War on Drugs, classifies drugs into different schedules based on their perceived medical value and potential for abuse. Schedule I substances are considered the most dangerous and are believed to have no accepted medical use. This classification includes cannabis, despite mounting evidence of its therapeutic benefits and its acceptance for medical use in many states.


By categorizing cannabis as a Schedule I drug, the government denies individuals the right to make informed choices about their health and well-being. It restricts access to a substance that has been shown to alleviate symptoms of various medical conditions, including chronic pain, epilepsy, and cancer-related side effects. This infringement upon bodily autonomy not only limits personal freedoms but also hinders scientific research and medical advancements in the field of cannabis.


Furthermore, the government knows this is a lie. They hold patents on cannabinoids:


Patent No. 6630507 was granted to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2003. The patent covers the potential use of non-psychoactive cannabinoids to protect the brain from damage or degeneration caused by certain diseases, such as cirrhosis. Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism, which makes them useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of oxidation-associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory, and autoimmune diseases. The DEA’s refusal to reschedule cannabis in August 2016 triggered a backlash and a startling revelation.


Therefore, for the past 20-years, there has been a federal paradox occurring. On one side, the federal government acknowledges in a patent that cannabinoids has medical value. Yet due to the CSA, they claim that it has “no medical value”.


So which one is it?


Apparently, it’s “whatever the fuck they want it to be and you shut up for asking you peasant!”


You science, reason, logic – none of that holds any merit in the federal government. Those are only mechanisms for justifying policy. Policy dictates all, and the CSA (i.e the slavers agreement), basically strips you from your bodily autonomy, despite there being ample evidence that the technicalities of the document is being contradicted by the very entity that enforces it.


So without bodily autonomy – and with clear contradictions in the law…Americans have but one choice!




In the face of oppressive laws, using cannabis becomes an act of protest and a way to reclaim personal freedom. By choosing to consume cannabis, individuals challenge the unjust restrictions placed upon them. It becomes a powerful statement against a system that seeks to control and limit personal choices. Just as our founding fathers fought for independence, we can use cannabis as a tool to resist oppressive regulations and demand a more just and inclusive society.


The act of consuming cannabis is an act of civil disobedience, a refusal to comply with laws that infringe upon our bodily autonomy. It sends a message to those in power that we will not be silenced or controlled. By partaking in a substance that has been stigmatized and criminalized, individuals assert their right to make decisions about their own bodies and minds. In doing so, they challenge the notion that the government has the authority to dictate what we can and cannot consume.


Moreover, the act of planting a cannabis seed symbolizes the enduring spirit of liberty. Cannabis, with its resilience and ability to thrive, represents the freedom that can never be entirely suppressed. It serves as a reminder that our struggle for autonomy is ongoing and that we must actively work to protect and expand our rights. By cultivating cannabis plants, we assert our connection to the natural world and our inherent right to engage with it freely.


Additionally, normalizing cannabis use is crucial in the fight for personal freedom. By openly discussing our cannabis consumption and asserting our rights, we dismantle the stigma and misconceptions surrounding the plant. It is through open dialogue and education that we can challenge the narratives that have been used to justify its prohibition. By sharing our experiences and knowledge, we empower ourselves and others to exercise their freedom of choice.


Respect for individual liberty should be reciprocal.


Just as we advocate for our own rights, we must also respect the rights and choices of others. By promoting a culture of mutual respect and understanding, we foster an environment where personal freedom is valued and protected. This means recognizing that not everyone may choose to consume cannabis, and that is their right. It also means advocating for the rights of those who choose to use cannabis, ensuring that they are not unfairly targeted or discriminated against.


The act of smoking and planting weed is now a revolutionary act. Think of it as your own personal version of the “Boston Tea Party!”


Every time you take a dab hit, smoke a joint, toss one of your seeds into a municipal garden – you’re saying “Fuck you” to an oppressive regime bent on controlling every aspect of your life.


Smoke one for AMERICA!


Do me a favor and read the following Political Speech I wrote. How would you feel if any politician would say this out in the open?


My fellow Americans….

As we gather here today to celebrate the 4th of July, we must pause and recognize that our fight for freedom is far from over.


It is in this moment that we must reflect upon the essence of American liberty and acknowledge the significance of cannabis. Often misunderstood and unfairly stigmatized, cannabis emboldens the principles of bodily autonomy and the right to make choices free from unjust interference.


It is a symbol of our God-given entitlement to exercise self-determination and make decisions regarding our bodies, minds, and personal well-being.


The act of consuming cannabis becomes an act of defiance against a system that seeks to control and limit our freedom.


It is a powerful reminder that true liberty encompasses the freedom to explore our consciousness, expand our perspectives, and connect with our inner selves. We must not allow oppressive policies to curtail our innate desire for self-discovery and personal growth. Cannabis represents the resilience of the American spirit, the spirit that founded this great nation on the principles of freedom and justice.


Just as our founding fathers planted the seeds of a new nation, we plant cannabis seeds as a testament to our unwavering dedication to personal freedom.


The act of planting a cannabis seed becomes a symbolic gesture, a tangible representation of our commitment to nurturing and safeguarding the freedom that can never be entirely suppressed. It serves as a reminder that our struggle for autonomy is ongoing and that we must continue to advocate for a society where the principles of liberty, justice, and bodily autonomy are cherished and protected.


However, our fight for freedom does not end with the mere planting of seeds. It is our responsibility to normalize the use of cannabis and engage in open conversations about its benefits and the unjust laws that criminalize it. We must share our stories and experiences, dismantling the stigma and misconceptions surrounding cannabis. Education is our greatest tool in dispelling ignorance and fostering a society that respects individual autonomy. By doing so, we empower others to exercise their right to make informed choices about their own bodies and lives.


In smoking one for America, we not only celebrate the spirit of independence, but we also advocate for the rights of individuals to live their lives authentically and unencumbered. It is a call to action, a reminder that our journey towards freedom is ongoing. Together, we can stand up against oppressive policies and challenge the status quo. Through our collective efforts, our unwavering commitment to justice and liberty, we can shape a society where the principles of freedom and bodily autonomy are upheld.


As the fireworks light up the night sky on this 4th of July, let us come together, raise our joints, and share our stories. Let us continue to fight for the rights and freedoms that are our birthright as Americans. In doing so, we honor the spirit of our founding fathers, who envisioned a nation where personal liberty thrives. It is through our collective dedication that we will build a future where true freedom reigns, where individuals are free to live their lives authentically and unencumbered by unjust restrictions.


Thank you, and may God bless America.




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