Cannabis News

You Can Now Give $250 to $5,000 a Month to Fight Marijuana Legalization and Keep Weed as a Schedule 1 Drug



The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced last month that marijuana would be moved from Schedule I, where it was classified alongside substances like heroin as having no recognized medical benefits, to Schedule III, which permits some medical applications, as with ketamine. This news was met with approval from cannabis advocates, enthusiasts, and those who can see the logic in the decision, althoughor example. f it stopped short of full legalization or reclassification. However, within just a day of the DEA’s announcement, a prominent anti-cannabis group had already begun soliciting funds from its supporters to oppose the policy shift.


Smart Approaches to Marijuana’s Resolute Stand


Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) declared their intent to combat the proposed rescheduling of marijuana, asserting in an email sent on Wednesday that they would oppose the change vigorously, even considering legal measures if required. Naturally, they requested financial support for their cause.


The email contained a link to SAM’s “Rescheduling Legal Defense Fund,” touted to garner one-time or recurring monthly donations, ranging from $250 to $5,000. For those staunchly against cannabis, there were opportunities to contribute significantly more.


SAM is known for its outspoken stance on the perceived risks of marijuana. Their website suggests they aim to prevent the rise of a “next Big Tobacco,” a notion that some find dubious. Interestingly, despite claiming bipartisanship, SAM’s “About” section links to The Drudge Report.


The donation page outlines the purpose of the Rescheduling Legal Defense Fund, emphasizing its use to challenge marijuana laws and regulations, particularly the proposed Schedule III recommendation.


While clarifying that the rescheduling wouldn’t equate to legalization, the email warns of potential tax benefits for the cannabis industry and the normalization of high-potency THC products. SAM reaffirms its commitment to opposing the change through all available means, including legal action if necessary.


Their point about tax deductions is spot-on; it is a major benefit of the proposed rescheduling. Currently, cannabis businesses struggle to turn a profit due to stringent tax regulations. The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) predicts that reclassifying cannabis to Schedule III would ease the burden of tax code 280E on numerous state-legal cannabis enterprises. The Legal Intelligencer highlights that this change would lift the existing constraints on tax deductions imposed by 280E.


Addressing concerns about high THC content, while excessive THC consumption can indeed be uncomfortable, the argument against it feels worn-out. Comparing it to alcohol, which can lead to blackouts and even fatalities, underscores the relative safety of high-THC products, especially edibles. Legalization facilitates responsible use by ensuring products are clearly labeled, allowing consumers to select doses suitable for their tolerance and body weight. While there are 100mg gummies on the market, there are also 2.5mg options available. Research suggests that adult-use cannabis laws don’t contribute to increased teen substance abuse; instead, there are modest declines in alcohol and e-cigarette use. Responsible cannabis use, particularly with edibles, is crucial, but we must trust individuals to manage their consumption.


SAM’s president, Kevin Sabet, criticized the Biden administration for what he perceives as a predetermined decision lacking scientific support. However, as noted by Rep. Earl Blumenauer, the initial classification of cannabis as Schedule I was driven more by stigma than science. SAM’s swift reaction to the rescheduling announcement suggests that moving marijuana to Schedule III won’t eradicate this harmful stigma or signify the end of the War on Drugs.


Potential Impact on Cannabis Industry Finances and Taxation


The financial picture of the cannabis sector appears to be brighter with the planned reclassification of marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III, especially in regards to taxation. Cannabis firms already face severe financial obstacles due to tax rule 280E, which limits their ability to claim credits and deductions. This disparity inhibits overall growth and limits their ability to reinvest. But the move to Schedule III offers a chance to address these differences, bringing in more equitable tax laws that more closely resemble those that regulate other sectors of the economy.


Reclassification might be beneficial for state-legal cannabis businesses that are struggling with 280E, according to the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA), which has emphasized the possible advantages. Lawmakers have the opportunity to level the playing field, increasing the competitiveness of cannabis enterprises and boosting the overall economy by reclassifying the drug. A more strong and sustainable industrial environment as well as economic growth might result from the removal of the 280E’s restrictions, which would encourage investment and innovation in the sector.


Addressing Concerns Surrounding THC Content and Responsible Cannabis Use


Despite continuous conversations concerning marijuana rescheduling, the focus remains on resolving concerns about THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) strength and promoting appropriate cannabis usage. While excessive THC use can be uncomfortable, supporters emphasize the significance of educated consumer choice and clear product labeling in encouraging responsible usage. Legalization policies enable users to make informed decisions about their consumption by giving transparent information regarding THC content and dose, reducing the danger of overconsumption.


Cannabis products, especially those in edible form, are quite harmless when compared to other legal narcotics like alcohol. Legalization proponents contend that regulation and education may lead to responsible cannabis use, highlighting the significance of having faith in people to make wise decisions regarding their usage patterns. The case for legalization is further supported by research showing that laws governing the use of cannabis for adults are not linked to an increase in teen substance consumption. This suggests that appropriate regulation may successfully control possible hazards while encouraging harm reduction and individual autonomy.


Bottom Line


In light of the recent DEA announcement regarding the potential rescheduling of marijuana, fervent reactions from proponents and opponents alike have underscored the multifaceted nature of cannabis reform. Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) swiftly mobilized against the proposed change, citing concerns about THC potency and the economic implications for the industry. However, discussions surrounding the economic impact on cannabis businesses and the promotion of responsible use highlight the complexity of the issue. As debates continue, it becomes clear that the decision to reschedule marijuana will have far-reaching implications for various sectors, emphasizing the need for informed dialogue and evidence-based policymaking to shape the future of cannabis regulation and its societal impact.




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