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Cannabis News

A Few Hundred People in One Swiss City Will Get to Try Recreational Marijuana as Part of a Big Social Experiement



In Switzerland’s bustling metropolis, Basel, a rare opportunity has arisen. The city has just launched its pilot cannabis project, granting exclusive access to a privileged few. A select group of several hundred individuals will now be able to indulge in recreational marijuana, easily procured at local pharmacies.


Swiss authorities gave the green light for a daring experiment last year – a pilot project exploring uncharted territories. The Federal Office of Public Health eagerly embraced this endeavor, hoping to gain valuable insights into alternative forms of regulation. Through this project, they aim to shed light on the potential of regulated sales at pharmacies, which may serve as a foundation for future legislation.


The highly anticipated Basel pilot project is finally set to take off, with the full support of the University of Basel, the local government, and the city’s University Psychiatric Clinics. As summer draws to a close, nearly 400 participants will embark on a journey of discovery, buying various cannabis products at carefully chosen pharmacies in the city. Throughout the two 1/2-year studies, they will be closely monitored and questioned, offering valuable insights into the effects of marijuana consumption on both their physical and mental health.


The participants of this revolutionary project will be under strict surveillance by the watchful eyes of government regulators. They will be required to keep their newfound access to cannabis strictly to themselves and prohibited from sharing with anyone beyond the program.


To ensure full transparency, Vigia AG, a Swiss tech company, has joined forces with the Federal Office of Public Health to create the Cannabis Dispensary System. This cutting-edge software will provide reliable documentation of the dispensing of cannabis products, making it possible to track the movement of these goods with ease and lay the foundation for groundbreaking scientific research.


As the world navigates the uncharted waters of the cannabis industry, Switzerland is blazing a trail with its structured and transparent legalization process. Vigia AG, a pioneer in the field, is proud to be a part of this historic moment as the country sets a shining example for the world to follow.


According to the COO of Vigia AG, Philipp Hagenbach, the company is honored to provide the key players with the tools to track and document every step of the supply chain meticulously. He added that with the company’s innovative Cannabis Dispensary System, and Cannavigia software, they’re proud to be at the forefront of this landmark Swiss program.


In a recent press release, Vigia AG highlighted its commitment to this groundbreaking project and its role in shaping the future of the legal cannabis industry.


Traceability and Transparency

Vigia AG is making history as the official track & trace partner for the Federal Office of Public Health’s pilot trials. This collaboration between the government and a leading commercial player in the cannabis industry is a first of its kind in the sector. With its innovative software solutions, Vigia AG has taken its offerings to the next level, adding the Cannabis Dispensary System to its existing Cannavigia software. This powerful combination allows the companies responsible for cultivating cannabis for the projects to keep a watchful eye on their entire cultivation and supply chain, ensuring that the end product meets the highest quality standards.


The masterminds behind the projects will have the power to register participants and keep track of every detail with the help of cutting-edge software. The individuals in charge of the Weed Care study have been testing since September 2022. The software will closely monitor all sales and individual quantities dispensed to participants. With the software in place, only those authorized to purchase the products will be able to do so, ensuring the protection of consumers, particularly minors. This leads to a transparent and traceable supply chain that can easily be maintained in a future where cannabis is fully legalized.


The Cannabis Dispensary System gives the Federal Office of Public Health a bird’s eye view of the flow of cannabis in Switzerland. It helps fulfill their reporting obligations to the United Nations’ International Narcotics Control Board. With a solid commitment to privacy and security, the software ensures that the participants’ data is always kept confidential and stored under pseudonyms for ultimate protection.



Establishing Confidence in the Marijuana Industry


With the Narcotics Act and the strict regulations of the pilot trials in place, maximum transparency and compliance are a top priority throughout the entire value chain. For Vigia AG, maintaining openness and compliance extends beyond just meeting regulatory requirements and obtaining certifications. This commitment to ethical and responsible practices will be evident in the pilot projects.


By utilizing the software, the market players can have confidence that they will meet the future quality and information standards set by the Federal Office of Public Health. This way, Vigia AG and the other organizations involved in the pilot projects are working to build trust for the eventual legalization of cannabis and to offer a clear vision of what a future regulated market could look.


Switzerland Leading the Way in a Systematic Legalization Pathway.

Some countries, such as Canada, Uruguay, and Thailand, have taken steps toward decriminalizing or legalizing the recreational use of cannabis. However, these nations face challenges such as overproduction and persistent black markets. Businesses in these countries also encounter obstacles, such as limited access to banking services and insurance companies.


As one of the few nations exploring the potential of cannabis legalization, Switzerland is paving the way for a model system. By testing the waters with these pilot projects, the country can avoid the setbacks faced by other nations that have already legalized marijuana. The trials will allow for early detection of any issues while determining the ideal balance between over- and under-regulation.

The collaborative effort between private and public sectors in Switzerland highlights the importance of this kind of partnership in advancing the legalization movement. Other nations can see Switzerland as a shining example and learn from its trials.




The cannabis pilot project in Switzerland marks a historic milestone in the journey toward the possible legalization of marijuana. The collaboration between the government, academic institutions, and private companies set an example of a structured legalization process, making it possible to test the viability of regulation and ensure transparency along the supply chain.


With Vigia AG’s advanced software, the trial offers a unique opportunity to monitor the circulation of cannabis in real time and establish a solid foundation for scientific research. Switzerland’s innovative approach towards cannabis legalization will no doubt be a source of inspiration for other countries as they seek to establish a safer and more effective regulatory framework for the industry.





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Cannabis News

The Dangers and Effects of THC Vape in UK




cbd oil vape king UK

People in the UK increasingly realize that CBD vaping is quite safe. Even NHS recommends CBD vaping as one of the relatively safer ways to quit smoking. Vaping is not without any harm, but it is much safer than tobacco smoking. Even more, CBD vaping is associated with some good health effects. However, now people are realizing that THC vape pens could be an even more potent way of enjoying CBD’s health benefits.

What is THC Vape?

If readers noticed that in the introduction of this text, we talked about CBD, there is a reason for that. THC vaping is different from CBD vaping, but not entirely. It has much in common with it.

The hemp plant is rich in many cannabinoids. Two major cannabinoids are THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol). It also has many minor cannabinoids in smaller amounts, like CBG, CBC, CBN, THCV and CBDV. CBD vape pens generally have all these compounds except THC.

However, THC vape differ in the way that they also contain small amounts of THC along with CBD, minor cannabinoids, and other beneficial organic compounds like terpenes for added flavour and enhanced vaping experience.

So, why do some of the vape pens have added THC in small amounts? After all, THC is known to be addictive and has mind-altering properties. Well, the explanation is simple: the secret is in the dosage. In smaller and legally permitted dosages, THC does not cause a high; it is safe and can have many health benefits.

When small amounts of THC are added to CBD, minor cannabinoids, and terpenes, it results in much more powerful health benefits. That is why some of the CBD-based clinically approved drugs also contain THC.

THC vape pens may also have some distinct benefits not experienced with CBD vape pens. This is due to “the entourage effect.” The entourage effect is a bit different from synergy. Synergy is like two-plus-two equal to five, meaning that using some compounds together results in a more potent effect, yet safety is not compromised. However, the entourage effect means combining two compounds may result in some unique health benefits not seen when those compounds are used in isolation. So, the entourage effect is more powerful and unique than synergy.

Therefore, using THC vape pens means some unique health benefits, although these vape pens contain THC in small amounts.

THC Vape: The Dangers

It is no secret that THC is the main compound responsible for all side effects of the cannabis plant. This substance is addictive and, at higher dosages, causes euphoria, has potent mind-altering properties, and may cause hallucinations.

However, there is one important thing to understand. All these effects of THC are seen at much higher dosages than those in legally produced THC vape pens.

Legally produced/sold vape pens in the UK, like those by CBDoilking, do not contain THC more than 0.2%. This is significantly lower than cannabis indica or marijuana, which may contain 25% or even more THC. So, there is no comparison between legal THC vape pens and marijuana. At these small dosages, THC does not cause euphoria or other side effects and has no addictive properties. It only has mild stress-relief properties at these dosages.

Secondly, THC vape pens sold by CBDoilking follow other important UK guidelines and legal requirements, which means that THC vape pens cannot contain more than 1 mg of THC. Hence, it is not just about low concentration but also about low amounts, thus ensuring its safety.

Safe and Potent THC vape pens

THC vape pens are for health-conscious individuals who would like to vape on a regular basis. It is safe and may have beneficial effects like reduced anxiety, improved mood, and enhanced sleep, and it may also help reduce pain sensation.

THC vape pen is even better than your regular CBD vape pen for quitting smoking. This is because it is better at reducing tobacco cravings.

CBDoilking sells one of the strongest THC vape pens in the market (75-80% CBD plus CBG along with THC in permitted amounts), and yet all pens sold on the platform follow strict legal guidelines. All the products undergo third-party testing and are proven to contain THC, CBD, and other minor cannabinoids within legally permitted and safe limits.

Another good thing about CBDoilking is that these excellent THC vape pens come in many flavours. These flavours are not due to some artificial substances but rather due to their content of terpenes. Terpenes are plant-based aromatic compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

CBDoilking offers vapes that are based on science, combining different natural compounds in the right ratio. This is both about safety and potency. So, these products are really good for those looking for something better, potent, and yet safe.

The Bottom Line

CBD vape pens have been around for some time, and their safety is well-established. They are an excellent way to quit smoking and also enjoy CBD’s health effects. However, some people are looking for something more potent. THC vape pens are good for such individuals. These contain all beneficial compounds present in the cannabis plant but in the right proportions.

THC vape pen is a new way to enjoy vaping. It is unlikely to cause any side effects as these products are made for regular use. Of course, one should not overdose on THC or CBD. It is important not to have more than a few puffs a day. Rare side effects like nausea or stomach issues might occur but are transient and short-lived. Such issues are rarely the cause of concern, except in a very small number of cases.

Thus, if you are looking for something better to reduce stress and overcome pain and anxiety, then a THC vape pen may be the right choice. Choosing something strong like the one offered by CBDoilking may be a good idea. Despite being strong, these vape pens contain THC only in legally permitted amounts and in concentrations proven to be safe and not cause euphoria.

To sum up, if you are already an experienced CBD vaper, it may be a good idea to give THC vaping a try.





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How to Buy or Sell a Cannabis Business: The Webinar Replay




For anyone who wasn’t able to join us on April 17th, the video replay of our webinar titled “How to Buy or Sell a Cannabis Business” is now available on our website. You can view it here.

The description of this webinar is also included directly below. Enjoy!


On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 12:00 pacific time, Harris Sliwoski managing partner Vince Sliwoski (Portland), Harris Sliwoski partner Griffen Thorne (Los Angeles), and Andy Shelley of CannXperts will present a free webinar entitled “How to Buy or Sell a Cannabis Business.”

Drawing on their extensive experience from representing businesses and entrepreneurs across numerous M&A transactions, including crucial state license transfers throughout the United States, our panelists will share insights and practical wisdom from their firsthand experiences in the legal cannabis industry.

  • Crafting and understanding Letters of Intent
  • Conducting thorough Due Diligence
  • Drafting and Negotiating purchase agreements and ancillary documents
  • Navigating State-Specific Regulatory Concerns
  • Managing Escrow Challenges
  • Optimizing Financial Arrangements: Purchase Prices, Holdbacks, Earnouts
  • Tackling Post-Closing Considerations

As always, we’ll also take Q&A, so please feel free to either submit questions when registering or you will be able to ask comments in chat during the webinar.

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Is Thailand about to Change Their Cannabis Laws Yet Again?




thailand changing weed laws again

Thailand To Change Weed Laws Soon?

It’s Still Weed Paradise Right Now, So Go If You Can


Sure, weed is already legal in most of the United States.


However, for people who are in need of a holiday and want nothing to do but relax on a tropical Asian beach while enjoying a joint, the best place is still Thailand. Or at least, for now. Last June 2022, Thailand became the first nation in Asia to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes, albeit due to some governmental loopholes that allowed adult-use dispensaries to pop up like weed around the country.

Just a few days after weed was legalized, budding (pun intended!) entrepreneurs put up all kinds of weed shops and dispensaries. The smell of marijuana was soon prevalent all over, whether you were walking down a street in Bangkok or sunbathing in Phuket. These days, weed shops are as common as ATM machines or bubble tea kiosks.


We aren’t sure how long this is going to last. Over the last 1.5 years, throngs of tourists have come from all over the world to enjoy the globe’s newest weed haven. And while many cannabis businesses and farmers are thriving economically from the weed boom, some government officials are against it. As of the time of writing, the Thai government is working on regulating the cannabis industry much more tightly, so much so that smoking weed may not be such a liberal act to enjoy anymore.

Could Thailand’s weed heydays be this short-lived?

According to the news, Thailand’s health minister is set to ban recreational marijuana use completely by year end. A new bill is forecast to be discussed to parliament before session ends in October. Anutin Charnivakul, the public health minister responsible for initially proposing cannabis legalization, didn’t intend for weed to be as widely sold and consumed as it was. Instead, he explained that he merely intended for it to be used medicinally, helping farmers and other industries earn from the economic benefits of cannabis legalization.

“We have always emphasized using cannabis extractions and raw materials for medicinal purposes and for health,” he disclosed to CNN back in July 2022. “There has never once been a moment that we would think about advocating people to use cannabis in terms of recreation – or use it in a way that it could irritate others,” he added.


They likely did not anticipate or foresee that the tourism sector would experience a massive boom due to the said loopholes in cannabis law. Nobody knew that thousands of tourists would be coming from all over to enjoy partaking, and, helping to boost the tourist economy which was much-needed after the pandemic.


In a Reuters interview with Public Health Minister Dr. Cholnan Srikaew, he says that marijuana will only be permitted for medical use. Recreational users and cannabis growers who do not have a permit can expect to be charged with heavy fines, if the new bill is passed. “Under the new law, cannabis will be a controlled plant, so growing it would require permission. We will support cannabis cultivation for the medical and health industry,” he told Reuters.


The fines they are discussing are certainly steep: in the draft bill, it states that penalties of up to $1,690 can be charged to recreational users. Meanwhile, individuals who are caught selling weed or advertising its use can face a file of as much as $2,770, jail time, or even both.


The news to change Thailand’s once-ideal regulations regarding cannabis use was announced a few months ago, leaving businesses and other industries that are reliant on it, afraid and unable to make any plans for the future.


Can Tourists Still Smoke Weed In Thailand?

Until the government announces final changes to the weed law, tourists are still welcome to smoke weed and partake of recreational marijuana in various forms throughout the country. I just came from spending a few days in Bangkok, the nation’s capital, where hundreds of weed shops are still flourishing throughout the massive city.


Dispensaries are designed in fun, colorful interiors using bright colors and world-class marketing to attract smokers and consumers. We’ve walked into several different kinds of dispensaries and had no problems buying flower, edibles, vapes, and a variety of paraphernalia to consume either in the dispensary or in our hotel room. However, you do have to keep in mind that there are still rules in place.


For one, vaping or smoking weed in public places is still prohibited. Don’t be tempted to light up on the streets even if you can smell weed, because getting caught by the cops can lead to a $700 fine. That said, there are certain areas in Thailand where the law is a bit more – uh, relaxed. For example, in the backpacker central of Khao San Road, it’s not uncommon to see tourists lighting up at night. In the tourist beach areas of Krabi and Samui, there have been reports of tourists being able to easily light up a joint on the street with no problem.


Again, there’s no timeline of how long this is going to last. So if you can go to Thailand before the year end, when the new laws are expected to be set in place, go!





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