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Article: Enablers of cocaine trafficking: Evidence of state-crime links from contemporary Honduras



Honduras’ geographic location makes it an ideal transit hub for drug trafficking towards the United States. And the relationships between criminals and public actors in all the steps of the smuggling are evident, as multiple documents reveal and Emilia Ziosi (University of Milan) analysed for the LSE’s Journal of Illicit Economies and Development.

Despite being a transit hub for cocaine and its chemical precursors since the 1970s, Honduras has emerged as a focal point for drug trafficking in the Americas in the last two decades. Direct cocaine flows to Honduras started rising especially after the 2009 coup d’état that brought down ex-President Manuel Zelaya (2006-2009).

The political instability created by the coup, coupled with the suspension of US counternarcotics assistance and the diversion of national resources to the maintenance of order and stability in the country, contributed to a drastic rise in direct cocaine-loaded flights from Colombia and Venezuela. However, there are other factors that explain this growth. The country’s geographic location, in between producer nations in South America, and the United States, one of the main destination countries for cocaine trafficking, makes it an ideal transit hub.

On top of this, important shifts in the global supply chain of cocaine as a result of suppression initiatives of the US war on drugs, a phenomenon known as ‘the balloon effect’, caused the disruption of trafficking routes in the Caribbean and simply moved transit routes to Mexico and Central America. This, coupled with internal factors such as weak capacity among law enforcement institutions and high levels of impunity and corruption, have contributed to Honduras’ growing importance as a major transit country for drug trafficking. By 2013, approximately 87% of all cocaine smuggling flights leaving South America were first stopping in Honduras.

The country has gained considerable international attention recently, with the passing of the extradition law between Honduras and the US in 2012 for matters of drug trafficking and terrorism. Several Honduran politicians, law enforcement officers and businessmen have been charged – and in some cases, sentenced – in the US for their connections with local transportista groups, small family-based criminal groups present in Central America who are in charge of storing and transporting drugs from one side to another of the country. This happened especially after the leaders of one of the most powerful Honduran transportista groups, the Cachiros, decided to turn themselves in in the US and started collaborating with the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) out of fear of being murdered by their rivals.

The Cachiros case in Honduras 

Most of the US official judicial documents concerning Honduran state actors’ alleged links with the Cachiros are available for public consultation on the United States Department of Justice website, as well as on online sources such as the InSight Crime foundation, El Heraldo, Docketbird, and Scribd. The documents reveal the extent to which the Cachiros were allegedly working side by side with politicians and law enforcement officials to receive large loads of cocaine and transport them westwards towards the border with Guatemala, and eventually to the US on behalf of Mexican drug traffickers. These documents are also an exceptional resource to elucidate Honduran politicians, businessmen and law enforcement officers’ alleged involvement and active and/or passive role within the trade.

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Enablers of cocaine trafficking: Evidence of state-crime links from contemporary Honduras

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Dad of Brit facing 60yrs in US prison for ‘trying to smuggle £3.5m in cocaine’ insists she is ‘only guilty of stupidity’




THE DAD of a Brit beautician facing up to 60 years in jail in the US after allegedly smuggling £3.5million worth of cocaine has insisted she is “only guilty of stupidity”.

John Hall, 59, defended his daughter Kim, 28, after she was detained at Chicago’s O’Hare airport as she was waiting for her connecting flight to Manchester.

The dad said she was offered the free holiday by people she met on an earlier trip to Portugal.

And he insisted all she is guilty of is “stupidity and naivety” as they desperately wait for news.

John said that she is “petrified” – and that at first she could barely speak to her family through floods of tears after the arrest.

The dad is convinced that Kim would have been “forced” to carry the drugs “without a shadow of a doubt”.

John told The Sun: “She’s not a drug smuggler.

“She was told that it would be money she was carrying. They got her phone and threatened her family and that’s why she did it.

“She’d been to Portugal with a friend and met people over there who contacted her when she was back saying they were into real estate in Mexico and she could go for a free holiday.

“Her friend declined but she said she would go.

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South Carolina: Deputies, Homeland Security make largest residential cocaine bust in Upstate county’s history




GREER, S.C. (FOX Carolina) – The Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office said they seized approximately $2 million worth of cocaine in the county’s largest-ever residential cocaine bust.

On Oct. 7, Spartanburg County deputies, Homeland Security Investigations, and the Greenville Upstate Carolinas Border Enforcement Task Force executed a search warrant at a home on Stirrup Court in Greer.

The home was unoccupied but investigators found 43 kilograms of suspected cocaine along with $419,000 in cash.

“This is the single largest seizure of cocaine from a residence in the history of Spartanburg County,” a spokesperson for the sheriff’s office said.

Deputies have developed a suspect in the case and said charges are forthcoming. The investigation remains active and ongoing.

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Prince Harry’s U.S. Visa Drug Case Quietly Closed, Details Sealed




The U.S. legal case surrounding Prince Harry’s visa application and his admitted drug use has quietly come to a close, with a federal judge issuing a sealed ruling. The case was initiated after Prince Harry’s public revelations in his memoir, Spare, where he openly discussed his past use of drugs such as cocaine and psychedelics. These admissions raised questions about whether he received special treatment from U.S. immigration authorities, as such disclosures could, under normal circumstances, complicate or bar entry to the U.S. under existing immigration laws.

The legal action was spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, which sought transparency regarding whether the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) followed standard procedure when granting Harry his visa. They filed a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to compel DHS to release Prince Harry’s visa records. The group’s argument was rooted in the public’s right to know if a high-profile figure like Harry was given preferential treatment in his immigration process.

The Sealed Ruling and Lack of Public Disclosure

The federal judge, Carl Nichols, closed the case quietly and opted to seal the ruling, meaning the public will not have access to the details of the decision. This has left many questions unanswered, particularly around whether Prince Harry’s admissions of prior drug use were factored into his visa application process. Under U.S. immigration law, prior drug use can be grounds for visa denial, especially if disclosed during the application process. However, because the ruling is sealed, it remains unclear if his application received special consideration.

Legal experts believe that sealing the ruling is not uncommon in cases involving privacy concerns or high-profile individuals. The closure of the case without public disclosure could be an effort to shield the U.S. government and Prince Harry from further scrutiny while allowing room for potential appeals or other legal steps that may be taken in private​.

Background and Public Interest

The legal scrutiny of Prince Harry’s visa application came after his candid admissions in Spare and various interviews where he spoke openly about using drugs, including psychedelics for therapeutic purposes. In his memoir, Harry detailed his use of drugs to cope with the mental and emotional stress following his mother, Princess Diana’s, death. He also admitted to using cocaine recreationally in his youth. His honesty sparked debates over whether someone with his history would ordinarily be permitted to live in the United States, raising concerns about the transparency of U.S. immigration processes when it comes to high-profile individuals.

The Heritage Foundation argued that the public deserved to know if DHS had granted Harry any exemptions or leniencies in light of his admissions. Under normal circumstances, U.S. visa applicants are required to disclose any drug use, which can lead to rejection or additional scrutiny in the application process. Despite these concerns, the judge’s ruling, by being sealed, avoids making any explicit details about Harry’s visa or potential leniencies publicly available.

Legal Precedents and Considerations

Immigration law experts have noted that while drug use is generally a red flag for visa applicants, there are pathways to admission even for those who have admitted to previous drug use. The case, however, has raised broader questions about the fairness and consistency of U.S. immigration enforcement. It is unknown if Harry’s celebrity status played any role in the handling of his visa application, and the sealed ruling leaves room for speculation.

Additionally, under U.S. law, drug use disclosed after entry into the country, such as through a memoir, does not automatically trigger deportation or visa cancellation. The DHS’s refusal to release Harry’s visa records—despite the public interest—further fuels debate over the transparency and fairness of how immigration laws are applied to individuals with high profiles.

Prince Harry’s U.S. Visa Drug Case Quietly Closed, Details Sealed
Prince Harry’s U.S. Visa Drug Case Quietly Closed, Details Sealed

The Heritage Foundation’s Argument

The Heritage Foundation, which pursued the FOIA lawsuit, has expressed disappointment with the closure of the case and the sealed ruling. They maintain that the public deserves to know whether Prince Harry was treated differently than ordinary applicants. The case, however, highlights a tension between the public’s right to know and the privacy rights of individuals, particularly those with a high level of fame and media attention.

Despite the Foundation’s push for transparency, the government’s stance on withholding the records reflects the complexities of balancing public interest with personal privacy, especially under the protections afforded by U.S. immigration law. The sealed ruling may indicate that no significant irregularities were found, but without public access to the decision, speculation remains.

What’s Next?

Although the case has been closed, Prince Harry’s visa status may remain a point of public interest, especially in light of upcoming political dynamics. Notably, former U.S. President Donald Trump hinted that, if re-elected, he might re-examine Prince Harry’s visa status, potentially opening up further political debates about immigration policies for high-profile individuals.

For now, the case’s quiet closure suggests that both the U.S. government and Prince Harry prefer to avoid further public scrutiny, keeping the specifics of his visa application confidential.


Prince Harry’s visa case, which raised questions about his admissions of drug use and how they were handled by U.S. immigration authorities, has been quietly closed with a sealed ruling. While the decision leaves many questions unanswered, it highlights the complex interplay between privacy, public interest, and immigration law. The public may never fully know whether Harry’s visa was granted under special conditions or if his case was handled routinely, but the debate over transparency in immigration decisions involving high-profile individuals will likely persist.

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