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April Fools’ Day Was Meant to Be Celebrated at the End of April



In a revelation that has historians and pranksters alike reeling, recent discoveries from ancient Roman scrolls and medieval manuscripts suggest that April Fools’ Day, the long-celebrated tradition of jest and jocularity, was originally intended to be observed on the last day of April, not the first. This historical oversight, buried for centuries among misinterpreted texts and lost translations, sheds new light on the origins of a day marked by trickery and laughter.

When April Fools’ Day Was Meant to Be Celebrated?

The findings, published in the prestigious “Journal of Historical Anomalies,” detail how early celebrations of spring, renewal, and lightheartedness culminated in a day of mirth and mischief. According to Dr. Aloysius Chronologer, the lead researcher on the project, “The tradition of ending the month of April with a day of frolic and jest is deeply rooted in pre-modern European festivals. However, due to a series of transcription errors, calendar reforms, and linguistic misinterpretations, the observance of this day shifted to the beginning of April.”

The mix-up appears to have occurred during the transition from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, compounded by the varying adoption dates of the new calendar across Europe. This period of time was marked by confusion and the misalignment of dates, which, as Dr. Chronologer suggests, could easily have led to the displacement of traditional festivities by several weeks.

The article goes on to describe how the jests and pranks now associated with April 1st were originally part of “Vernalis Festum,” a celebration of spring’s end. Activities included elaborate hoaxes, the exchange of fanciful gifts, and public festivities where townspeople would don disguises and mock various societal roles, much like the modern practice of April Fools’ Day.

Despite this groundbreaking research, the suggestion to realign April Fools’ Day with its “original” date has been met with mixed reactions. Some traditionalists argue for the preservation of the status quo, citing centuries of cultural practice and the impracticality of changing a widely recognized holiday. Meanwhile, others see an opportunity to extend the period of springtime revelry and advocate for a return to historical accuracy.

“It’s fascinating to think how a simple calendrical error could shape centuries of tradition,” said Dr. Chronologer. “While it’s unlikely that we’ll see a global shift in the observance of April Fools’ Day, this discovery invites us to reflect on the origins and meanings of our cultural practices.”

In light of these findings, some communities have expressed interest in adopting the last day of April as a secondary day of jest, proposing a “bookend” approach to a month already famed for its capricious weather and spirit of renewal.

Whether or not the world will embrace a second day of trickery remains to be seen, but this intriguing slice of history adds depth and complexity to one of the most lighthearted days on the calendar. As April wanes, perhaps more than a few extra pranks and jests will find their way into the springtime air, honoring a long-lost tradition that was nearly forgotten.

*** This article is an April Fool’s Day joke ***

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The Best Refreshing Cocktails




Sometimes you want something light that tickles the taste buds but doesn’t weigh down your stomach….here are some refreshing cocktails.

Sometimes you just need to shake things up and get a fresh perspective. Whether a change of seasons, hard day, or just want need some cheer, you need a little fun boost.  Well here are the best refreshing cocktails to lighten your spirits!

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Cucumber Martini

Spa water usually has cucumbers in it because it is so refreshing. They are healthy with a mild but distinctly crisp and exhilarating flavor. Why not treat yourself to a cucumber martini?


  • 3 thick slices cucumber, plus thin slices for garnish
  • 2 1/2 ounces vodka or gin
  • 1/2 ounce dry vermouth
  • 1 cup ice


  1. Put thick cucumber slices in a cocktail shaker. Use a muddler or a wooden spoon to muddle to bring out flavor
  2. Add vodka and vermouth
  3. Add ice
  4. Put the top on the cocktail shaker and shake vigorously for at least 30 seconds
  5. Strain the mixture into a martini glass
  6. Garnish with a few thin slices cucumber

Brown Derby

Leaning into the great vintage cocktails, this 1930s drink will be a treat to your taste buds. The pairing of bourbon and grapefruit adds complexity and mellow undertones to the flavor.


  • 2 ounces bourbon
  • 1 oz grapefruit juice
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup
  • Splash of honey


  1. Combine bourbon, grapefruit juice, honey and simply syrup to a cocktail shaker
  2. Fill it with ice and then shake until very cold
  3. Strain the drink into a cocktail glass
  4. Garnish with grapefruit slice

Whiskey Sour

This historic drink has saved lives. While the recipe first popped up in 1862, believed to have been consumed much earlier.  Sea travel was difficult and like of fresh good and clean water lead to scurvy, a potentially fatal disease that was caused, in part, by a lack of vitamin C.  It was safe to drink whisky, rum and other spirits on trips and sailors would take vast amounts of citrus food.  Cominbing them was natural and a healthy option to avoid disease, now it is just a happy drink!

  • 2 oz whiskey
  • 1 oz lemon juice, fresh squeezed is best
  • 1 oz simple syrup
  • 1 cocktail cherry for garnish


  1. Combine whiskey, lemon juice and simple syrup in a cocktail shaker
  2. Add ice and shake until cold, about 30 seconds
  3. Strain into a lowball glass with ice
  4. Garnish with a cocktail cherry

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Tequila Smash

Smash drinks have been around for over a century and include the famed Mint Julep.  First noted in Jerry Thomas’s bar guide in the mid-19th century, these drinks are known to be perfect to provide good spirits and cooling atmospheres.


  • 5 fl oz Sauza Gold Tequila
  • 2 fl oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • .5 fl oz freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 3 fl oz honey simple syrupequal parts honey and water dissolved over medium heat- about 3 tablespoon honey and 3 tablespoon water
  • 8-10 mint leaves torn into small pieces
  • 2 cups crushed ice


  1. Make simple syrup by mixing 3 tablespoon honey and 3 tablespoon water in a small pan. Melt over medium heat until honey dissolves into water (about 1 minute), cool before adding to cocktail shaker
  2. In a cocktail shaker add mint leaves, lime and lemon juice, tequila, and honey simple syrup
  3. Shake for 30 seconds
  4. Fill cocktail glasses with about 1 cup crushed ice and pour in the cocktail mixture

  5. Garnish with fresh lime or lemon

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Key Tips For Consuming Marijuana At The Local Fair




Fall is the time county fairs, carnivals, and more come to time…while engaging in the fun, there are few tip to know if you are going to consuming marijuana

September is a highlight for country fairs followed by October for the Halloween carnivals. Elephant ears, Ferris wheels and midways all appeal to our childlike delight for fun, excitement, different foods and more. But what if you want to chill out while attending? Well here are key tips for consuming marijuana at the local fair?

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With over 50% of the country having access to legal marijuana, some are taking it for granted like it a beer and is accepted everywhere. But it is wise to think ahead, especially since you are with large groups of people – including families and kids. The Minnesota State Fair is the largest daily attended fair and the Texas State Fair, which is the largest in the country by total attendance, drew a peak daily attendance in 2023 of 141,410 but a total attendance of 2,341,449. Some parts of the fair are geared for kids, others for a mixed crowd, like the pirate ship and roller coasters.

Key Tips For Consuming Marijuana At The Local Fair

Fairs are a sensation extravaganza. The lights, noises, movements, smells and food appeal to all the senses. The midway is the main path or street fairgoers walk along to find sideshows, concession stands, and other amusements.

The first thing is be discreet, fairs are family events. Consider a vape or gummies over smoking. They provide less smell, so are less noticeable. With a vape you can also manage your high.

If you are new to consuming marijuana, consider a low level high so you aren’t overwhelmed by the mass amount of sensations. It will also let you experience both things without freaking out. Part of a gummy might put you in the right spot to absorb everything going on and appreciate it at the next level.

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The fair is about food, so know if you are prone to the munchies, this will be a fiesta of flavors. Consider eating beforehand or know this will be a cheat day. From fried butter to hot dogs, it is all going to look good.

Start slow on the rides. Let the high settle into your mind and body before boarding the scrambler. This gives your body time to adjust so there isn’t any unpleasant surprises.

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Some fun fact, cotton candy was originally called “fairy floss” and was invented in 1897 by candy makers William Morris and John C. Wharton of Nashville, Tennessee. It was introduced in 1904 at the St. Louis World’s Fair.

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5 Weed Friendly Last Of Summer Activities




Summer is winding down.  A mindset seems to change after Labor Day things are more fall than summer. But the sun is still shining, the temperatures are still up, the water still warm and life is still good.  So why not take a moment and really enjoy it and mix in a little extra with marijuana. Here are 5 weed friendly last of summer activities to make “pre-fall” extra fun.

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Hit the trail for a hike or long walk

heres what you should do if you want to hike with marijuana
Photo by Colton Duke via Unsplash

A long walk or hike can let the mind wander and observe the wonders of nature. The THC will let you relax and get exercise.  Pick an easy movement right, don’t litter and settle into let you mind explore nature. The serenity of the outdoors will seep into your brain and body.

Relax at the beach or lake

5 ways to add cannabis to outdoor summer fun
Photo by Chanikarn Thongsupa via

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While it is warm, it is great time to be on or near the water. There is something about water, the feel, the smell, the gentle movements that are enticing.  Just watching the water while high can bring a certain serenity your brain. Kick back and enjoy a vape, gummy or beverage and make sure don’t over indulge while near or in the water.

Lose yourself in a film

Photo by JESHOOTS-com via Pixabay

Losing yourself in a film is a year round activity, but if you have been busy during the summer, now is the time to plop on the couch, have a bit of a hit and watch the summer blockbusters….and maybe more the watch – really feel them. And by enjoying them know, it frees up to prep for the fall and winter movies and streaming about to hit.

Emerse yourself in art

5 Summer Activities To Do While High
Photo by Igor Miske via Unsplash

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Weed makes visual experiences better and emotional ones deeper, which is why watching a movie while high can feel much stronger than if you were to watch it sober. The same applies to a visit to a museum or an art gallery. While you might annoy your friend or whoever you’re with your deep musings, you will for sure be having a great time.

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Enjoy a picnic feast

Photo by Nils Stahl via Unsplash

Picnics are great, but high picnics are the best. Plan for a day alone or with friends spent at the park of your choosing, sharing a joint and eating delicious finger food. The more you plan it, the better, giving you the chance to bring speakers, a better selection of food, and more.

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