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Where is it legal to smoke weed in public?



Cannabis legalization is sweeping the nation, but every state has its own laws and regulations–especially when it comes to smoking weed in public. In fact, most states with recreational cannabis laws bar public consumption. So where can you smoke weed in public? The majority of legal states ban any consumption in public places, relegating consumption to a private residence–unless you live in government-subsidized housing: then consumption at your home is still illegal.

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How To Add Daily Self-Care




Some days are crazy than others, but by folding in some self-care daily, every day can be more positive.

Not everyday can be easy, fun and productive, but with a little effort, it doesn’t have to be a full on miserable 24 hours.  Some days are more stressful and difficult, but there are a few things you can do to mitigate it helping both your physical and mental health. Routine is key as it is tough to remind ourselves to think of ourselves. Especially since most find it easier to default and spend time scrolling screens.

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As kids, we are taught behavior through repetition. Many educators find children respond well to a routine because research tells us consistent, positive practices can reduce anxiety.  Most people fall into some form of pattern, which may not be helpful or healthy.  Adding points throughout the day to jar our body into something positive. Here is how to add daily self-care.

Find one thing positive

Every day find at least one thing positive to appreciate. Be it a good cup of coffee, music while in the shower, smiling at people, you will see it will have an almost immediate impact.  Mix it up to help your brain register positive feedback throughout the day. It could even be allowing yourself to laugh at one dad joke a day.

Go outside

Fresh air and movement are two things which help the body adjust.  Despite the weather, it is lift for the brain. It not only cleans your lungs, it can also boost your mood, lower your heart rate, increase energy levels and even improve digestion. Take a few minutes everyday to talk a short walk, it doesn’t have to be long, around the block, from the back of the parking lot, or from one building to the next. The brace of the air will is good and the exercise will help your body recalibrate.

How Cannabis Can Help You Take Your Meditation Practice To The Next Level
Photo by Lua Valentia via Unsplash

Find a mental happy spot

While meditation is one way to help be calm, it isn’t the only way. Meditation can be practiced whenever you have some quiet and the ability to close your eyes and breathe deeply for a few minutes.

You can also find your happy place in thoughts, reflecting or planning a favorite trip, a certain hobby or spot, making a favorite dish or planning your dream meal. Shower time is the perfect space to do this, setting aside a couple of minutes where you can contemplate life alone with no sound except for the water (or singing if it is your happy place).

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Photo by Matthew Henry via Burst

Avoid your phone

Despite the many ways a mobile can help your life, it can also be the giver of the bearer of bad news.  Emails, calls, etc all causing disruption.  Set limits – only look at it for set amount of time in the morning.  Instead of scrolling screens with news, play solataire/patience. Find a time of day when you don’t need it, like when you’re focused on something, such as reading, stretching or watching a show. Put your phone down near you or keep it out of sight completely.

Most of all, make sure you and your phone don’t sleep together.  Give it a gentle good night at least 20 minutes before you head to sleep.

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Key Things To Know About Synthetic Marijuana




As 50%+ of the US has legal weed available, synthetic marijuana is still around.  Here is what you need to know about it

Marijuana has become increasing legal in the US, but it has not stopped the use of K-2, or spice. Created to provide similar reactions as weed, it has some significant drawbacks to natural cannabis. Often to be made to look like weed, it is not and the dangers are much higher. Here are the key things to know about synthetic marijuana.

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Synthetic Marijuana Claims Third Victim In Illinois
Photo by Jorge Alberto Mendoza Mariscal/Getty Images

What is it?

Synthetic marijuana/fake weed/Spice/K-2 is a blended product. Containing shredded plant material and chemicals made in a lab, manufacturers spray chemicals onto the shredded plant material to make it look like marijuana.  In reality, it is a group of manmade chemicals producing a “high” mimicking some of the effects of THC. Natural THC organically binds to the body’s cannabinoids, producing strong effects which can be euphoric and relaxing. Synthetic marijuana tries to do the same, but sometimes binds to the body’s endocannabinoid system in unpredictable ways. particularly since no one really knows what’s in these products.

Why is it dangerous?

Aside from its unpredictability, synthetic marijuana tends to bind more tightly to the body’s endocannabinoid system, creating a stronger relationship that’s harder to shake off. Side effects associated with synthetic weed are dramatic and dire, unlike the ones associated with regular marijuana use. According to the Cleveland Clinic, they include heart attacks, organ failure, seizures, psychosis, stroke, violent behavior, hypertension, and more. Researchers believe synthetic marijuana can make it more likely for people to suffer from psychiatric conditions, among them bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression. About a quarter (28%) of synthetic cannabinoid users experienced central nervous system depression or coma—when brain and spinal cord functions slow down and impair breathing, heart rate, and cognitive processes.

Men Who Vape Are More Likely To Have This Condition Than Non-Vapers
Photo by Itay Kabalo via Unsplash

RELATED: ‘Synthetic Marijuana’ Is A Dangerous Misnomer That People Need To Stop Using

Who’s at risk?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people between the ages of 20-30 are more likely to be exposed to synthetic cannabis, with men being more likely than women to try it out. Users tend to have already tried out cannabis or are regular cannabis consumers.

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American Heart Association

Naps Done Right Can Make a Huge Difference




Weekends are made for naps, but done right they can make your week better also!

The body is a machine which needs fuel, maintenance and downtime.  Around 30% of people don’t get enough night sleep during the week, which can cause problems during the waking hours. There has been a stigma around napping as being lazy, but often those “judging” are not giving their own body enough time to rest, refocus and beenergized for the challenges of day to day life.  Data shows it is good for you and naps done right can make a huge difference.

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Everyone is different and bodies need certain things to function, enough rest is one. Healthy sleep is one of the American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8, their guide for improving and maintaining health.  Naps can reduced fatigue, increased alertness, improve your mood and performance, and help with memory.  But there are some guidelines…don’t sleep too long, don’t nap to close to your bedtime, and the following key lessons.

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Figure out the right nap for the moment

The National Sleep Foundation shares there are three kinds of naps, each with their own patterns and effects. Planned napping, emergency napping and habitual napping. The first is when people sleep before they get tired, the second is when they nap because they’re exhausted and they have to, and the third is when they make a habit out of daily naps. Find the option that works best for you and you needs.

Naps should be short.

Productive naps are between 10-20 or so minutes. While we think of the more sleep the better, this is a case of a little goes a long way. Studies show a 10 minute nap can make people feel rested and prepared for the rest of their day. In fact, sleeping for over 30 minutes can disrupt in nightly sleeping patterns, which can alter your nights and productivity. Set an alarm for your naps, keeping them to a defined time, especially if you’re napping habitually and are not catching up on missed sleep.

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Once awake, start moving

Weekends can be made for lounging around and being lazy. Spend all day in bed or lounging in the couch and end up sleeping on and off.  But hese sessions can result in blurry days where the hours fly by and you end up feeling exhausted. It results in having trouble sleeping at night and not being rested. Days like these disrupt your circadian rhythms. Naps work best when they’re planned, with some activity and movement before and after.

Develop a schedule

Going to sleep at the same time every night provides plenty of positive results, helping you maintain a schedule and develop better sleeping habits. It’s the same with naps. “The brain prefers to anticipate something, not react to it. A nap is no different, which is why a scheduled nap always works better over the long haul when compared to a random nap.” This schedule shouldn’t force you to nap everyday, instead, it should help you nap more easily and feel more rested. Hope you can use the tips to make the most out of naps.

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