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Does North American Weed Have A Viking Background



It is been find in the Karma Sutra – but did Vikings play a role with weed in North America?

While cannabis is having a moment globally as Canada, the US, Europe and more are looking to embrace the plant and invest in research to unlock more medical benefits, it has long be part of the global culture. The plants was first domesticated about 12,000 years ago in East Asia during the early Neolithic period. It has been part of documented ancient history in prehistoric societies in Eurasia and Africa. In appears in China, the Middle East, use spread throughout the Islamic empire to North Africa. In the mid 1500s, it spread to the western hemisphere.  And now, there may be a clue about it in North America.

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Archaeologists excavating and analyzing a Viking settlement in Newfoundland one substance raising some high-minded questions — cannabis. Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers focused on L’Anse aux Meadows, a site in northern Newfoundland, Canada where Vikings landed and settled around the year 1000. Previously scientists believed Vikings only stayed in this spot a short time, but their work uncovered the possibility Vikings may have stayed until the 12th or 13th century. And they might have had marijuana with them.

An archaeological team excavated a peat bog about 100 feet from the Viking settlement.  They found a layer of “ecofacts,” which are “environmental remains which may have been brought to the site by humans.” This layer was radiocarbon dated to the early Middle Ages and is where researchers discovered cannabis pollen, a plant not native to the area.

The question propose how was the cannabis used? Were they producing clothing from the plant’s fibers or smoking it for medical or potentially recreational reasons? It also could mean none of these things, reminded the study’s lead author and postdoctoral fellow at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Paul Ledger.

Earlier, marijuana was inhaled by Daoists, who burned it in incense burners. So it was used not only in religious ceremonies, but also for medical use including pain and other issues.  And in the Karma Sutra, it was used recreationally. Considering the hard life of a marauding Viking, a little pain relief and relaxation would be highly valued.

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More research is being done to see if humans local to the Newfoundland area and not Vikings could have been the ones responsible for the cannabis pollen. Viking scholars are curious about the find and will continue to investigate.

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The Presidential Debate May Have Helped Marijuana




The Presidential debate has fed the news cycle for almost two weeks…but is the real winner marijuana?

In a break from tradition, the two presidential candidate agreed to a new debate format hosted by CNN. Historically, the Commission on Presidential Debates ran the show, but both the leaders for the Republicans and Democrats went with a new, untested format for a 90 minutes, live debate. Since the June face off, media online along in person conversations continue to buzz about the results. But in a surprise, the presidential debate may have helped marijuana – making it a winner of the evening.

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After promising to do more for the marijuana industry, the Biden administration waited until the almost last year of his term to make a major move. At the end of 2023, he encouraged federal agencies to consider rescheduling. The Federal Drug Agency (FDA) and Health and Human Service’s (HHS) recommended cannabis to be rescheduled to Schedule III, with Schedule III drugs defined as having a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence (Schedule III drugs include ketamine, anabolic steroids, and testosterone). It now sits with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), which isn’t the biggest fan.

This rescheduling will have a significant impact on state-legal cannabis businesses and consumers. Which is key to marijuana success.  Roughly 85% believe marijuana should be legal in some form, but Congress and the Biden administration has been slow to act. But wit key young voters balancing weed along with political and economic issues….it is an easy win.

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While the process is slowly moving, uncertainty remains. The DEA is currently in a feedback phase. The DEA has not be overly excited and some congress members have been lobbying against the change. Noticeably, the medical community has backed rescheduling.

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Once the DEA publishes its proposed rule, it will be reviewed by the White House Office of Management and Budget (“White House”) and if approved, it would then proceed to a public comment period. Notably, the DEA could reschedule cannabis by issuing a final order and bypass the notice and comment period which would allow the change to become effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register.

The current administration needs a big win with younger voters and to show strengthen and relevancy. This could help push him and the VP to be more decisive.

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The Best Hacks To Have A Better Marijuana Experience




Sometimes you just want to up the experience – you deserve a treat or it was really a day – have we got a hack for you!

If you aren’t brand new to cannabis, you have gotten to know your high. Like alcohol, people tend to have a favorite which gives you an expected experience. It might have to do with taste, mood, or just a favorite go to. But sometimes, you want to change it up. You might want to to increases the chill, or the Monday was rough and you want to really wind down.  Study after study says Monday’s are seen as the roughest day of the week. To help, here are the best hacks to have a better marijuana experience. Hopefully this will help you chill and relax.

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These are meant to help in a crunch or add a little extra relaxation to your journey. These hacks are easy and can be used with things you might have around, especially if you are visiting and aren’t around your regular stuff.

A Penny

Many would say they are worthless, but they can come in handy in cannabis pinch. There are 150 billion pennies in circulation with another 138 billion in jars, on the street, in loafers, etc. If you don’t have a grinder handy, these is a quick hack to cutting your marijuana flower neatly and evenly. Take a penny and clean it thoroughly, then put your marijuana in a pillbox or small jar, drop the penny inside, close it up, and shake. Keep on shaking. After a vigorous workout, you’ll be left with some evenly cut marijuana.  Almost like magic.


Mint helps in a variety of ways with smoking or vaping. Mint leaves can give you a smooth and relaxing effect, helping you breathe easier.  If you feel a little adventurous, then the chocolate mint plant would be a great option. Its leaves smell like real chocolate. For the newer consumers, it can help you focus on something other than the munchies. It helps distract you from the urge of eating, similar to people who stop smoking tend to chew gum, mints can help keep your mind off blowing your diet.

Photo by Charisse Kenion via Unsplash


If you are having a gummy, why not include some chocolate? When the two are consumed together, the chocolate helps better activate the brain receptors which produce feelings of euphoria induced by the cannabis. Chocolate contains anandamide, a natural cannabinoid binding to some of the same receptors in the brain as THC. Darker and richer chocolates like dark cocoa powder or raw cacao nibs are especially beneficial because they contain higher levels of anandamide.

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The wink wink emoji for marijuana, broccoli can help you have after a particular stressful Monday. Broccoli is one of the best things to eat when consuming THC. The terpene will help the cannabinoids fight depression and reduce the pain. Broccoli contains high levels of terpene, Beta–caryophyllene, which binds to CB2 receptors in the body much like other cannabinoids. It can work synergistically with cannabinoids by helping to reduce pain, inflammation and depression. An excellent add on if you have had a tough day.

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Photo by Sharon McCutcheon via Unsplash

Compact or floppy discs

If you’re visiting your parents’ house, and in a pinch, you can rummage around and find some floppy discs. While most people will find them useless, they can help neatly pack bowls by using the middle hole of the disc. Easy, fast, and you’ll embrace a retro feel! May indulge in some 80s and 90s entertainment and let your cares sail away.

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The Best Tips For Surviving A Plane Middle Seat




Winter or summer – flying can be tough. Their is a new trend called rawdogging, but there are better ways to make flying cough, or gulp, in the middle seat better…

Travel is remaining strong and the airlines are packing in more and more people to the same planes. The average legrooms decreased from a comfortable 35 inches to a cramped 28 inches, often found on low-cost carriers. While the actual seat width has also shrunk by as much as four inches over the past 30 years, leaving many seats with a narrow 16-inch width. So long flights in the middle seat can be a challenge, but the good thing is the right prep and mind set can make it more tolerable.

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There is a new trend among some males called rawdogging. It takes the form of a monk-like asceticism while in the air, denying any entertainment, reading, food and just focusing on the space ahead. Apparently you can stare at the flight tracker as the only distraction. While meditation can make the trip a more enlightened experience, this sounds somewhat awful…especially for flights over 4 hours. Instead, here are the best tips surviving a plane middle seat.

Store your bag in the overhead bin

In order to stretch your legs and have some more space, take out all the items you need – headphones, water, books, tablets – and store your bag in the overhead bin. Just because flight attendants say there’s not enough space in the plane doesn’t mean that you should be in pain.

Have headphones and entertainment in hand

Having a middle seat means you are between two people, increasing the odds of having a talkative neighbor. Have a pair of efficient headphones in order to have an easy way out to talkative neighbors or just escape mental. Ways to lose your way while reading or getting lost in a movie another way.  Load something you have really loved or want to enjoy so you can savor it even in tight quarters. This could be your change to binge watch something on your list.

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Use the restroom before boarding

Before the whole plane boarding mayhem begins, make some time to visit the bathroom. Being in the middle seat means that you’ll likely be awoken by your window neighbor when they’re on their way to the restroom and you’ll have a hard time going there yourself if you’re shy about waking the person that’s on the aisle seat.

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Gummies – either CBD or marijuana

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago report low levels tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, does reduce stress. A discreet gummy can make the trip more relaxing and you might enjoy your entertainment of choice better. If you want the benefits without the high, consider a CBD gummy.  Just make sure you plan for the timing as most gummies take longer to absorb into the system.

Pay extra and avoid it

If you still find the middle seat too uncomfortable, pay extra for an aisle or a window seat and avoid all of this drama. While getting a seat upgrade generally comes with a significant bump in ticket price, you’ll at least have the space you want for sleeping and stretching.

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