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Can CBD Kill Mosquitoes? Research Reveals Surprising Results



In a significant breakthrough for the fields of pest control and natural insecticides, a recent study has revealed that CBD (cannabidiol), a compound derived from hemp plants, has the ability to kill mosquitoes, mainly mosquito larvae, including those resistant to conventional insecticides. Published by researchers at Ohio State University, the study explored the effects of hemp leaf extracts, that contains CBD, on the larvae of the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti), which is responsible for transmitting diseases like Zika, dengue, and yellow fever. This finding represents an exciting new avenue for sustainable mosquito control, especially as global efforts to combat pesticide resistance intensify.

CBD: A New Weapon Against Deadly Mosquitoes

The Growing Problem of Insecticide Resistance

Mosquitoes are among the deadliest animals in the world, killing more than 1 million people annually through the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases. Over the past few decades, mosquitoes have developed resistance to many synthetic insecticides, such as pyrethroids and organophosphates, which have been overused in both agricultural and public health applications. As these chemicals lose their effectiveness, there is an urgent need to find alternative, environmentally friendly pest control methods​.

The development of insecticide resistance is particularly alarming because it leads to higher transmission rates of deadly diseases. Public health organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) have highlighted the need for innovative solutions that target mosquitoes at their most vulnerable life stage: the larvae. This is where CBD could play a transformative role.

CBD as a Natural Insecticide: The Study

The Ohio State University research team created an extract from hemp leaves by soaking them in methanol. When this extract, containing CBD, was applied to mosquito larvae in a controlled setting, it killed all of the larvae within 48 hours. What surprised the researchers was the minimal concentration of CBD needed to achieve this high level of mortality, even in mosquito larvae that had developed resistance to conventional insecticides.

CBD’s mode of action appears to bypass the metabolic resistance mechanisms that protect mosquito larvae from synthetic chemicals. Unlike synthetic insecticides, which often rely on overwhelming the insect’s nervous system, CBD may interfere with protein interactions and cellular processes unique to mosquitoes, offering a novel way to target these pests.

Benefits of Hemp-Derived CBD as an Insecticide

CBD as an insecticide offers several distinct advantages over traditional chemicals:

  1. Sustainability: Hemp is a renewable resource that requires relatively few inputs, such as pesticides and fertilizers, making it an environmentally sustainable crop. Hemp has also gained attention for its ability to rejuvenate soil and sequester carbon, adding to its eco-friendly appeal.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Hemp cultivation has surged in recent years, particularly due to the popularity of CBD-based wellness products. This increase in hemp farming creates a byproduct in the form of hemp leaves, which could be repurposed for pest control, reducing waste and making the production of CBD-based insecticides cost-efficient​.
  3. Targeted Control: Traditional insecticides often have broad-spectrum effects, meaning they can harm non-target species such as bees, butterflies, and other important pollinators. Early indications suggest that CBD is more selective, primarily targeting mosquito larvae while leaving other species unharmed. However, further studies are necessary to confirm this selectivity and ensure minimal environmental impact.
  4. Human and Animal Safety: CBD is widely regarded as safe for human and animal consumption, a property that extends to its potential use as an insecticide. Many chemical insecticides are harmful to both people and the environment, but CBD does not share the same toxic profile. This makes it an attractive alternative for use in urban environments, where human exposure to pest control agents is high​.
Can CBD Kill Mosquitoes New Research Reveals Surprising Results
Can CBD Kill Mosquitoes New Research Reveals Surprising Results

Environmental Considerations and Potential Drawbacks

While the potential for CBD-based insecticides is exciting, there are also important environmental concerns that need to be addressed. Hemp is a rapidly growing crop, but large-scale production of hemp-derived CBD for pest control could have ecological consequences if not properly managed.

One concern is the impact on aquatic ecosystems. Mosquito larvae thrive in standing water, so any compound used to control them would likely enter these water systems. Researchers have warned that further studies are needed to assess the long-term effects of CBD on non-target aquatic organisms, such as fish, amphibians, and invertebrates. While CBD is generally safe for mammals, it may have unintended consequences in ecosystems that rely on delicate balances between species​.

Additionally, there is the issue of ensuring that the production of CBD for insecticidal use does not interfere with hemp’s biodiversity-friendly characteristics. As with any crop, scaling up production can have negative effects if not done sustainably, such as through the overuse of land, water, and fertilizers.

Broader Applications and Future Research Directions

The discovery of CBD’s insecticidal properties could extend beyond mosquito control. Researchers are now exploring whether CBD can be used against other agricultural pests, such as aphids, mites, and whiteflies, which cause billions of dollars in crop damage worldwide each year. If successful, CBD could become an essential tool in organic farming and integrated pest management strategies, helping to reduce the reliance on synthetic pesticides that damage soil health and biodiversity.

Another area of interest is genetic engineering, where scientists could potentially enhance the insecticidal properties of hemp plants, allowing them to produce higher concentrations of CBD or other cannabinoids that have pest-controlling effects. Such advancements could lead to the development of biopesticides that are even more effective and easier to produce.

Can CBD Kill Mosquitoes New Research Reveals Surprising Results
Can CBD Kill Mosquitoes New Research Reveals Surprising Results

State of Research on Natural Insecticides

CBD’s success as an insecticide is part of a growing trend toward using natural compounds to control pests. Natural insecticides, such as those derived from neem oil, pyrethrin, and bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), are already widely used in organic farming and public health initiatives. These substances are favored for their biodegradability and lower toxicity compared to synthetic alternatives​.

However, CBD could offer a key advantage over these other natural insecticides by targeting resistant mosquito species, which have become a major problem for global public health efforts. The next steps in research will focus on fine-tuning CBD’s application methods, determining optimal dosages, and ensuring that it can be produced and deployed at scale without negative environmental impacts​.

Conclusion: A Promising Future for CBD-Based Pest Control

The discovery of CBD’s ability to kill mosquito larvae opens up exciting possibilities for the future of natural pest control. As traditional insecticides lose their effectiveness and the environmental toll of chemical pesticides becomes more apparent, solutions like CBD-based insecticides could revolutionize the way we manage pest populations. With its sustainability, safety, and potential to target pesticide-resistant species, CBD could become a cornerstone of eco-friendly pest management.

However, as with any new technology, further research is needed to fully understand the long-term impacts and ensure that the benefits of CBD-based insecticides are maximized without compromising the environment. In the meantime, the hemp industry continues to grow, potentially transforming from a source of wellness products to a critical player in the global fight against pests.


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Frontier Airlines flight attendants vote to authorize strike




Frontier Airlines flight attendants voted to authorize a strike over a business model change they say has resulted in less pay, the Association of Flight Attendants announced Wednesday.

The vote was spurred by the Denver-based airline switching to a business model that includes more one-day trips and fewer multi-day trips for flight attendants, union leaders said in a news release.

“Frontier flight attendants are struggling to earn a living because of management’s new ‘out-and-back’ model. The impact of this change has turned our lives and our paychecks upside down,” AFA Frontier President Jennifer Sala said in a statement.

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UK’s First Psychedelic Trade Association Launched




On September 18, 2024, the UK launched its first-ever psychedelic trade association, Psychedelic Industry UK (PsyIndUK), marking a pivotal moment in the country’s psychedelic medicine sector. As psychedelic-assisted therapies gain recognition for their potential to treat mental health conditions like depression, PTSD, and addiction, PsyIndUK aims to unify and advance the UK’s psychedelic industry by fostering collaboration, promoting research, and engaging with policymakers and regulators​.

What is PsyIndUK?

Led by James Bunn, a prominent regulatory expert in the field of psychedelics, PsyIndUK brings together key stakeholders from across the UK’s psychedelic sector. The organization’s mission is to drive forward evidence-based, sustainable, and equitable growth of the psychedelic medicine industry. By working with scientific researchers, healthcare professionals, and regulatory bodies, PsyIndUK seeks to ensure that the development of psychedelics is conducted responsibly and safely​.

Why the Launch of PsyIndUK is Important

The launch of PsyIndUK comes at a crucial time. Although 2024 has seen promising developments in psychedelic research, it has also been marked by challenges, including overpromising and delays in regulatory approvals for psychedelic treatments. PsyIndUK aims to address these challenges by creating a unified voice for the industry, helping to streamline the development of therapeutic psychedelics like psilocybin, MDMA, DMT, LSD, and ketamine.

PsyIndUK’s core mission is to guide the scientific and clinical development of these substances while ensuring that regulations protect patient safety. The association will advocate for professional training in psychedelic-assisted therapy, ensuring that healthcare providers are adequately prepared to deliver these treatments in clinical settings.

Psychedelic Industry UK Chair Dr Rayyan Zafar added: “PsyIndUK is committed to rigorous scientific and medical research to guide therapeutic delivery, professional training for healthcare providers, and regulations to protect patient safety. We look forward to working across the sector to achieve this.”

Key Members and Founding Partners

The founding members of PsyIndUK represent some of the leading players in the UK’s psychedelic landscape, including organizations like Heroic Hearts, PsyAware, Psilonautica, and Volteface. The organization is open to a broad range of companies and institutions, providing them with access to working groups, networking events, and opportunities to influence policy​.

The founding members of PsyIndUK are as follows:

  • Heroic Hearts
  • Onaya
  • Psilonautica
  • PsyAware
  • Psych
  • Psychedelic Health
  • PsyEdu
  • Shortwave Life Sciences
  • Volteface

Collaborating for a Holistic Approach

PsyIndUK emphasizes a holistic approach to the development of psychedelic therapies. This means focusing on the whole ecosystem of the industry, from clinical trials to the eventual regulatory frameworks that will govern the use of these substances in medicine. With the growing body of research supporting the efficacy of psychedelic treatments, PsyIndUK is committed to ensuring that these therapies are introduced safely and scientifically validated​.

UK’s First Psychedelic Trade Association Launched A Significant Milestone for the Industry
UK’s First Psychedelic Trade Association Launched A Significant Milestone for the Industry

Global Context and Implications

The formation of PsyIndUK is part of a larger global trend toward integrating psychedelic therapies into mainstream healthcare. Countries such as the U.S., Canada, and Australia are also expanding research into psychedelics, and regulatory bodies worldwide are beginning to explore frameworks that could see psychedelics used to treat a range of mental health disorders.

By establishing a unified organization, the UK has positioned itself as a leader in the global conversation on psychedelics. The success of PsyIndUK could serve as a model for other countries looking to regulate and support their burgeoning psychedelic sectors​.

Conclusion: A New Era for Psychedelic Medicine in the UK

The launch of PsyIndUK marks a critical step toward creating a sustainable and regulated psychedelic industry in the UK. By fostering collaboration, promoting scientific research, and advocating for responsible policy, the association is poised to shape the future of psychedelic-assisted therapies in the UK.

As the demand for mental health treatments continues to grow, PsyIndUK’s work will be crucial in ensuring that psychedelics can be safely and effectively integrated into the UK’s healthcare system. With a focus on innovation, regulation, and collaboration, PsyIndUK is leading the charge toward a new era of psychedelic medicine.

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CBD and the Tobacco Industry: The Impact of Rescheduling




The intersection of CBD (cannabidiol) and the tobacco industry is evolving rapidly, with the potential rescheduling of cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III expected to reshape how CBD is integrated into tobacco products. At the same time, consumer demand for CBD-infused cigarettes and alternatives to nicotine has grown significantly, signaling a shift in the way both industries may operate in the coming years.

Rescheduling Cannabis: What It Means for CBD and the Tobacco Industry

The push to reschedule cannabis under U.S. federal law primarily targets marijuana-based products, but it has wide-reaching implications for hemp-derived CBD as well. Currently, CBD derived from hemp (which contains low THC levels) is legal under the 2018 Farm Bill. However, rescheduling cannabis to a lower category could reduce regulatory obstacles and clarify how CBD products, including those infused into tobacco, are handled legally.

While marijuana will remain restricted from being added to food or tobacco products after rescheduling, CBD from hemp may benefit from the change. This could potentially open the door for a broader market for CBD-infused smoking products, as regulators develop clearer guidelines around CBD’s inclusion in consumer goods like cigarettes. However, products that blend CBD and tobacco will still need to comply with FDA regulations, and manufacturers will be required to demonstrate that these products are safe for consumption​.

The Rising Demand for CBD in Tobacco Products

As traditional cigarette sales continue to decline due to health concerns and changes in consumer preferences, the tobacco industry is exploring new ways to innovate. One promising avenue is the creation of CBD-infused tobacco products. CBD cigarettes, often made with hemp flower instead of tobacco, are gaining popularity, especially among smokers looking for an alternative to nicotine.

CBD, known for its calming properties and potential to reduce stress, offers an appealing alternative for users who are seeking a healthier, non-addictive smoking experience. Many consumers are turning to CBD cigarettes as a way to alleviate anxiety, stress, and pain without the addictive qualities associated with nicotine.(

CBD and the Tobacco Industry The Impact of Rescheduling Cannabis
CBD and the Tobacco Industry The Impact of Rescheduling Cannabis

The CBD cigarette market is expected to grow substantially over the next few years, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30.5% from 2024 to 2030. This surge in demand is not just limited to the U.S.; markets in Europe and other regions where hemp-derived CBD is legal are also seeing increased interest in CBD-infused smoking products.

CBD’s Integration into Tobacco Accessories

Alongside the rise of CBD cigarettes, the market for tobacco accessories such as rolling papers, pipes, and lighters has also seen growth, particularly in regions where cannabis and CBD are legalized. Retailers are increasingly offering a variety of products tailored to consumers looking to incorporate CBD into their smoking habits. Hemp-derived CBD products, including low-dose CBD cigarettes, are becoming popular in convenience stores and other retail outlets.

This trend reflects a broader shift in consumer preferences, where people are looking for natural alternatives to traditional smoking products, especially as e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches chip away at traditional cigarette sales​. By offering a range of CBD-infused smoking products and accessories, retailers are able to tap into this growing segment of health-conscious consumers.

Challenges in the CBD-Tobacco Market

While the market for CBD-infused tobacco products shows promise, there are several challenges ahead. The regulatory landscape surrounding CBD remains complex, and public health concerns about the long-term effects of inhaling CBD raise questions that need to be addressed. Additionally, the FDA has yet to establish definitive guidelines for the inclusion of CBD in smoking products, leaving manufacturers and retailers uncertain about the future​.

Health experts are also scrutinizing the effects of inhalable CBD, particularly when it comes to potential risks associated with long-term use. Although hemp-derived CBD is seen as a safer alternative to nicotine, more research is needed to determine its full impact on lung health and other medical concerns.

Looking Ahead: The Future of CBD and Tobacco

As cannabis legalization expands globally and hemp-derived CBD becomes more widely accepted, the potential for CBD in tobacco products will likely continue to grow. Tobacco companies, recognizing the decline in traditional cigarette sales, are increasingly exploring how they can integrate CBD into their offerings, either as a standalone product or in combination with tobacco​.

The rescheduling of cannabis could further accelerate this trend, opening up opportunities for hemp-derived CBD products to be sold more freely and under clearer regulatory frameworks. As consumers become more educated about the potential health benefits of CBD, demand for products that blend the ritual of smoking with CBD’s calming effects will likely increase, paving the way for a new era in both the tobacco and CBD industries.

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