It isn’t until our feet begin to hurt and suffer do we appreciate how much we use them. The phrase running around is all thanks to our feet. Up to 87 percent of people have foot pain at some time in their lives for different reasons. One-third of older adults have foot pain, stiffness, or aching feet. Many of these problems come from poorly fitting shoes.
Suffers try soaking their feet, massages, arch supports, pain relievers and many other ways to ease the pain, but have you thought of using CBD? It has anti-inflammatory benefits, which may help relieve some aches and pains in the feet.
Spring is here and summer is on the way, which usually means more outdoor time. Sports, hiking, pickle ball and long walks over a variety of surfaces means more activity and potential more general foot pain. Research is promising that CBD oil can reduce inflammation and have a similar effect to taking pain medication—but without the side effects. The results may vary for everyone, of course. If you have foot pain that doesn’t go away after a few days or weeks, you’ll want to see your doctor.
Symptoms of arthritis pain in your feet can include stiffness, tenderness, pain, swelling, and even reduced mobility. Studies have shown that CBD oil can help with many of these symptoms. In fact, researchers say that CBD oil is effective for treating pain and inflammation caused by arthritis with no side effects. More human studies are needed, but if you suffer from arthritis pain, CBD may be the answer you’ve been waiting for.
You know your favorite pair of heels or other shoes that you just can’t give up, but they kill your feet every time you wear them? CBD balm can come to the rescue. Rub it on before you slip on your shoes, and your feet will stay comfortable all night. (Plus put more on when you get home to reduce inflammation.) Want some proof? Celebrities already swear by it for when then wear stilettos on the red carpet—and some of them wear insanely high heels.
One ugly topic no one wants to discuss: Blisters. But they happen! (Especially if you are a distance runner or when you get new shoes that don’t quite fit right.) CBD oil is packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which may help. To treat one, make sure you clean your blister first. Then use a cotton pad soaked in CBD oil and dab it onto the affected area. Do this a few times a day, and your blister may heal faster than usual.
WIth warm weather, sandals, running barefoot and outdoors activities…it is a good idea to keep an idea mind and get a step ahead for the care of your feet.
Roughly 19% of the people suffer from joint pain – a daily struggle…but here is how medical marijuana can help.
Roughly 19% suffer from joint pain or some part of arthritis. Not only is it painful, it is disruptive in daily life. Some pain can be short term, like from sprains, an injury, tendinitis, or tendon inflammation, an infection of the bone or joint, or overuse of a joint. But some can be long term issues with an impact the patients like. Arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, bursitis, lupus and more can be long, lingering issues with pain. There is some hope, and cannabis might be one. Here is key information about joint pain and medical marijuana.
One study concluded about 20% of patients with rheumatoid diseases who actively consume cannabis report an improvement in pain. Cannabis contains key components which help reduce inflammation. More research needs to be done to to perfect treatment and dosage, but early indicators look positive for help. Another current benefit of medical marijuana or CBD with joint pain, is it helps with sleep, which is a problem with people in chronic pain.
Photo by Ake via
Medical marijuana, in the right dose can also be easier on the body. Long used as a natural pain killer, it is less addictive and the body responds positively. Currently used, orticosteroid injections have been a staple in managing pain and inflammation. With new research showcasing the long-term effects of one of the most used treatments, doctors and researchers are concerned about the risks of injections and the potential risks involved with cortisone.
A Boston University study found patients who had been given the medicine by injection found a risk for “accelerated adverse joint events after treatment.” Meaning, when a patient was treated for osteoarthritis or other joint pain via a shot of cortisone, it may have accelerated joint destruction and bone loss. The study also found certain preexisting conditions, such as older age and Caucasian race seemed to increase the risk for the outcome even more. Researchers recommended MRI pre-screening before injections were given to identify the area better and find if the danger could be accurately assessed before the dose was given.
Not only can medical marijuana be helpful, but so can CBD. The Arthritis Foundation has a guide to CBD for those that suffer from the condition. According to Dr. Daniel Clauw, a contributor to the guide, “Right now, it (CBD) appears to be fairly safe and might help certain types of pain.”
While CBD and THC can be used as part of a pain management regimen, they currently can not be the entire plan. Studies like the one conducted on cortisone treatments are bringing the conversations of cannabis and CBD to greater light and offering less stigmatization, but until more research is done, the best path for joint pain is still unknown.
Canada and 40 U.S. states medical marijuana law that permits adults, and sometimes children, to utilize the multipurpose cannabis plant. That means that despite its current Schedule I standing, which allows for no medical usages, people have made up their own minds, used their own eyes, ears and hearts to make decisions about their health.
Medical marijuana has many components to it, from cannabinoids to terpenes and flavonoids, all of which contribute to its therapeutic effects. This article, however, focuses on the benefits of the cannabinoid THC in particular. Though best known for its elevating properties, THC is medicinal at its core.
Chronic pain relief
Even in small doses, THC has been shown time and again to alleviate the symptoms of chronic pain. Though it may not wipe the pain out, it lends different tools to deal with said pain and provides relief from the hurt to the mental fatigue that pain brings.
THC is also responsible for bringing back appetites – a crucial part of healing for those living with HIV and the side effects of cancer therapy. These benefits can not be overstated, as keeping on weight is key to staying healthy.
It’s an enhancement herb
No matter if you’re watching your favorite sitcom or sitting down with a decadent piece of creamy cake, the THC in cannabis is going to make it better. We laugh harder, eat the best bits, appreciate art more intensely and the list goes on with THC enhancement. How could that not be healthy?
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THC is a powerful antioxidant
There are so many stressors out there that affect our health in a negative manner. THC and other cannabinoids act as antioxidants to protect skin health and protect against damage that could lead to cancer.
So many of the ailments out there are do to inflammation and THC is one of the best ways to combat it. Arthritis, depression, aches, pains and a whole slew of disorders could be alleviated by reducing inflammation where it counts. THC knows where it counts.
Though CBD usually gets the credit for anticonvulsant properties, THC plays a major role as well. Medical marijuana is used with great success to combat seizure disorders such as epilepsy.
THC, especially when found in a heavy indica, is an incredible sleep aid. For those with severe insomnia, mixing cannabis with melatonin at night is an almost guarantee to have you off into dreamland.