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ICBC -“A 60+ Year Old International Cannabis Policy Agreement Serves No Useful Purpose In 2023”



We couldn’t agree more.

They write

Last week the United Nations’ International Narcotics Control Board issued a press release in which the international body expressed, “concern over the trend to legalize non-medical use of cannabis, which contravenes the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.”

In its 2022 Annual Report, the International Narcotics Control Board outlined the following, as also mentioned in last week’s press release:

  • notes that the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs classified cannabis as highly addictive and liable to abuse, and that any non-medical or non-scientific use of cannabis contravenes the Convention;
  • expresses concern that this trend among a small number of governments is leading to higher consumption, negative health effects and psychotic disorders;
  • finds the impact of legalizing cannabis on society difficult to measure because legislative models vary from country to country and data is still limited;
  • voices concern that many countries continue to have difficulties procuring enough controlled substances for medical treatment, including during emergency situations;
  • highlights that countries are confiscating a high number of non-scheduled chemicals and designer precursors used in illicit drug manufacture and is concerned about the global spread of these substances.

Coupled with the points listed above, the press release also provided various arguments and talking points to seemingly portray cannabis legalization in as negative a light as possible. The press release also seemed to ignore quite a bit of real-world context, so I figured I would provide some below.


One of the most popular talking points among cannabis opponents as legalization continues its march across the globe is that legalization violates the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. For many years opponents would point to the international agreement as ‘justification’ for preventing legalization efforts worldwide. After all, opponents benefit from the status quo, so it is not surprising that they will point to this particular agreement and leverage it to try to slow down the legalization process anywhere and everywhere.

Unfortunately for opponents, the legalization genie is already out of the bottle. Uruguay became the first country to pass a national adult-use legalization measure back in 2013. Canada followed suit in 2018. In late 2021, Malta also passed a national legalization measure. Germany is expected to see a governing coalition-backed legalization measure introduced in the near future, and that will likely result in a flood of other countries doing the same.

With all of that in mind, operatively speaking, the 1961 agreement is becoming more and more symbolic in nature with every passing year. If/when Germany passes an adult-use legalization measure and launches regulated sales, the relevance of the 1961 agreement will erode even further. That begs the question – why is it still around in 2023? Whether the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs exists or not, the reality of the situation is that more countries are going to legalize cannabis for adult use, and no amount of United Nations PR is going to stop it.

8 of the 13 People Who Hold Back Informed Debate On Cannabis Scheduling Worldwide


Another popular anti-cannabis talking point is that ‘consumption rates are increasing in places where cannabis is legal.’ This talking point is a scare tactic that doesn’t provide nearly enough context, presumably by design. For starters, assuming that consumption rates are truly increasing in all legal jurisdictions, cannabis consumption rates are also going up in places where cannabis is not legal, such as Japan, which opponents seem to always fail to point out.

Furthermore, data from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), which is one of the European Union’s decentralized agencies, demonstrates that the countries in Europe with the highest cannabis consumption rates are not those that have passed legalization measures. For young adults (age 15-34), which are often the focus of expressed ‘concerns’ from cannabis opponents, Czechia has the highest reported consumption rate (22.9%) for reported past-year use, followed by France (21.8%), Italy (20.9%), and Croatia (20.3%).

Malta is the only European country to have passed an adult-use cannabis legalization measure so far, and while it’s still very early in the legalization implementation process, the EMCDDA estimates that “around 4.3% of those aged 18-65 years reported having used cannabis during their lifetime” in Malta. That’s ‘at least once in a lifetime’ versus the ‘used in the last year’ measurement that was referenced in the preceding paragraph.

Being that the number is very low to begin with, increased access to cannabis may indeed result in more people consuming it in Malta in the coming years. Keep that statistic in mind when inevitably cannabis opponents start acting like the sky is about to fall over Malta. Even if the consumption rate doubled, it would still be less than 10%, which in the grand scheme of things is far from being on the high side of the consumption rate spectrum (no pun intended). All the while it is also worth noting that just because people may be consuming more cannabis, that in itself is not a bad thing.

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A 60+ Year Old International Cannabis Policy Agreement Serves No Useful Purpose In 2023

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Asia Pacific & Australia

It All Turned A Bit Bogan At Aussie Medical Cannabis Symposium




Thanks to Hemp Gazette for spotting this – I have to admit I missed it and unsurprisingly nobody made me aware of it The Linked in Post from the organisers Some Comments

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And Today’s Mass CCC Drama Is… plot to “take out” O’Brien as punishment for investigating serious allegations of cover-ups, abuse and misconduct within the agency.




C/- Grant Smith – Ellis

I do hope there is a Netflix scriptwriter following his posts – all this would make a perfect update to Parks & Recreation or The Office..

Here’s a taste of the latest episode


In shocking development, former Massachusetts CCC Chair Shannon O’Brien alleges State Treasurer Deb Goldberg violated court order in an attempt to keep secret details about a plot within the CCC to “take out” O’Brien as punishment for investigating serious allegations of cover-ups, abuse and misconduct within the agency.

Furthermore, say O’Brien’s lawyers, Goldberg attempted to spread this incorrectly redacted document to the press in an attempt to obfuscate the serious allegations directed at CCC staff (and currently being hidden from the public by way of these risky redactions).

A section of Thursday’s motion from former CCC Chair Shannon O’Brien, alleging violations of a court order by State Treasurer Deb Goldberg. (Released via MassCourts, 2/13/25)

O’Brien, in turn, is asking the court to order the entire document unsealed for pubic review as a sanction for Goldberg violating the court’s specific instructions as to redactions.

“Given the nature of the underlying proceedings, and the asserted bases for Plaintiff’s removal as Chair of the CCC, the Court is, frankly, skeptical that the administrative record itself is likely to contain a significant amount of protected personal information that satisfied the narrow definition of same under SJC Rule 1:24,” said judge Robert B. Gordan (who is specially assigned to the matter) in a prior ruling instructing Goldberg as to how to go about filing the redacted document in question. Read more background about that ruling here –

A section of the original court order that O’Brien alleges Goldberg violated. (Released via MassCourts, 1/30/25)

Then, in a strong, rebuke to Goldberg, Judge Gordon went on to say, …[T]he Treasurer has not identified, and the Court has not located, any case authority suggesting that an administrative record filed in the context of a review under G.L.c. 249 Section 4 or G.C.c. 30A is subject to the broader strictures of [the Fair Information Practices Act/FIPA], to claims of attorney-client privileges asserted after the subject information was disclosed in an administrative proceeding, or to a privet promised of confidentiality that a governmental agency may have extended to a complaining employee, such as would justify impoundment or redaction of the administrative record on those grounds.”

In turn, Goldberg’s shocking decision to attempt to hide most of the document in question from public view may well draw the ire of the court upon review thereof.

A hearing on the matter has been requested, but not yet scheduled, in Suffolk Superior Court.

’Brien alleges that a group of CCC staff members –attempting to cover up serious allegations of abuse, misconduct and corruption– “took out” O’Brien with pre-textual smears after she attempted to reform the beleaguered regulatory juggernaut.

Goldberg, O’Brien further alleges, is attempting to hide documents related to O’Brien’s suspension (and eventual dismissal) that may show a plot by Nurys Camargo, Shawn Collins, Cedric Sinclair and other CCC personnel to “take out” O’Brien with pretextual allegations of misconduct. Those documents are currently being kept private by Goldberg’s office because of the explosive allegations of misconduct (directed at some of Goldberg’s friends/allies) included therein.

Plenty more at


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Royal Queen Seeds Fund Campaign In Germany Saying There’s A Lot of Poo In Illegal Weed.. and yes hilarity ensues with puns about smoking good shit




Only one in five samples classified as “clean”

After eight months of work and with the fantastic support of over 200 volunteers, the submitted samples were tested for biological components, pesticides, and other drugs.* And the results were shocking: Out of more than 300 samples tested, only around 20 percent were classified as safe and clean products. The majority of the remaining 80 percent contained traces of substances such as human and animal feces, Covid-19, and influenza viruses. We also found traces of cocaine, ketamine, crystal meth, MDMA, and even compounds from hairspray, as well as traces of toxic pesticides that are classified as illegal in Europe.

Worst test results in Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich

How the individual cities performed in the study is shown in the following overview, listed in descending order from most to least contaminated samples from 30 German cities and 20 other European metropolises.

*Please see below for detailed information on the analysis methodology.

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