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How Cannabis Can Help You During Lent




Even a planned sacrifice can use a little help, here is how marijuana can help you during Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. This time is observed in many Christian traditions, including Catholic, Lutheran, Moravian, Anglican, United Protestant, and Orthodox. It is usually a 40-day period, which echoes the time Jesus spent fasting in the desert. The time is thought to symbolize testing, trial, and renewal. In addition to donating time, talent and treasure along with self reflection, the true believer believes you should give us something you love. For some it is wine or alcohol, for others it could be more.Here is how cannabis can help you during Lent.

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Cannabis use during Lent, a traditional Christian period of fasting and spiritual reflection, is a complex and controversial topic requiring careful consideration. While some may view cannabis as incompatible with Lenten practices, others argue it can potentially aid in spiritual growth and personal reflection when used mindfully. Done correctly, it can help you reach your goals.

Studies suggest cannabis can be used as a replacement for alcohol and can improve overall health. It offers a range of benefits for those seeking to reduce or eliminate their alcohol consumption. CBD and THC drops are becoming popular substitutes, providing natural relaxation without the negative side effects associated with drinking. Unlike alcohol, which can lead to dehydration, impaired judgment, and potential long-term health risks, cannabis promotes relaxation and improved sleep quality without causing hangovers.

Studies suggest cannabis may help individuals maintain alcohol abstinence, with some patients reporting it as an effective substitute. The trend of replacing alcohol with cannabis is growing, with daily cannabis use surpassing daily alcohol use in the United States for the first time. Cannabis-infused beverages are also on the rise, offering a diverse range of options for those looking to socialize without alcohol.

In addition, many adherents of Lent are older, and a key benefit of cannabis is relief. For those dealing with chronic pain or anxiety, cannabis may offer relief without breaking Lenten commitments to abstain from other substances. Medical marijuana users have reported significant improvements in quality of life, pain levels, and overall functioning. This could allow individuals to focus more deeply on their spiritual practices without being hindered by physical discomfort.

Part of the  sacrifice is to reflect on the spiritual journey. Cannabis can promote introspection and heightened awareness, which aligns with Lenten goals of self-examination and spiritual growth. However, it’s crucial to approach this mindfully and avoid using cannabis as an escape or distraction from the purpose of Lent.

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Why Do Whales Keep Swallowing People




The are portrayed as sweet, kind and fun, but what’s up with them downing people like jello shooters?

The open waters are full of potential dangers including sharks, jellyfish, people on jet skis and more….but there is a new one recently which is surprising everyone. Why do whales keep swallowing people.  The chance of a whale swallowing you is smaller than winning the Powerball, but it is happening…and science isn’t quite sure why.

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There have been a few extraordinary incidents where people have been swallowed by whales, sparking both fascination and concern. These events, though extremely rare, have garnered significant attention due to their unusual nature. Such incidents are rare because whales generally do not target humans as prey. Humpback whales, for example, feed on small fish and plankton using baleen, making it physically impossible for them to swallow a human whole.

Why Do Whales Keep Swallowing People

In the last couple of days, a humpback whale briefly swallowed a 24-year-old kayaker last Saturday during a father-son excursion out on the icy waters around Chile’s southernmost Patagonia region. After being spat out of the whale, the son swam towards his dad’s pack raft and holds onto it as they pull away.

Another documented case is Michael Packard, a lobster diver from Massachusetts. In June 2021, Packard was briefly swallowed by a humpback whale while diving off the coast of Provincetown. He managed to survive with minor injuries, including soft tissue damage and a dislocated knee. Experts believe that poor visibility and the whale’s feeding behavior likely contributed to this accidental encounter.

Two girls were swallowed by a humpback whale while kayaking in California. The whale spat them out after a few seconds, highlighting the accidental nature of such incidents.

In addition, Since 2020, orcas off the Iberian Peninsula have been attacking sailboats, with at least three vessels sunk and hundreds damaged. These coordinated attacks typically involve orcas targeting the rudder, often approaching from the stern. Scientists believe that a traumatic event, possibly involving a female orca named White Gladis, may have triggered this behavior, which is then imitated by other orcas. Theories suggest the attacks could be for hunting practice or revenge. Despite the incidents, no human fatalities have been reported, but sailors are increasingly concerned about safety in these waters.

Whales, particularly humpbacks, feed by lunging through the water with their mouths wide open to engulf schools of fish. If something lies directly in their path, they might not always detect or avoid it in time. This feeding behavior, combined with factors like poor visibility, can lead to accidental encounters with humans.  So it is always good to be clear of you environment and what type of wildlife frequent the area.

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Marijuana Is Helping Those Over 65




As people ages, the body develops more issues…marijuana can help pause or manage some of the problems.

Marijuana is helping this over 65 to continue living their best life. Cannabis has become an increasingly popular treatment option for older adults who often suffer from chronic health conditions. These conditions include chronic pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, and various neurological symptoms. In fact, the staid AARP has began helping their membership unlock the benefits of marijuana to improve day to day existence. This move is allowing boomers to travel, play and have fun with friends and family.
From chronic pain to troubles sleeping, consumed in the right doses, marijana can be beneficial. One of the areas it can help is in intimacy. The benefits of the green plant can help some seniors with sex by reducing pain and distraction. Cannabis-infused topicals can help with pain from arthritis, stiffness, or injuries. It can help people get out of their heads and be more present with their partners, giving more focus and in the moment allowing things to flow better. And like food and music, marijuana can increase sensitivity to touch and enhance sensory perception. While it isn’t approved for erectile dysfunction, it can remove other barriers. 

Medical marijuana is effective in managing chronic pain, which is common among older adults. Studies have shown that a significant percentage of participants experience pain relief when using medical marijuana. It can help manage symptoms associated with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and neuropathy.

Many older adults use cannabis to alleviate sleep disturbances. Research indicates that a substantial number of users report improved sleep quality. It can also be used to treat anxiety and depression, providing relief for mental health concerns that are prevalent in this age group.

One of the significant benefits observed is the reduction in opioid use among older adults. Studies have shown that many participants decrease their reliance on opioid pain medications after starting medical marijuana treatment.

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Gen Z tends to use cannabis to relief anxiety and feel happier. The plant releases dopamine, which is one of the sources of happiness. Dosing is a key factor to hitting the right spot.

Despite the promising results, there is still a lack of comprehensive research on the efficacy and safety of medical marijuana in older adults. More randomized, controlled studies are needed to fully understand its benefits and risks. Additionally, concerns about cardiovascular risks associated with marijuana use highlight the need for cautious use and monitoring in older adults.

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