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Spain’s Path to Medicinal Cannabis in Pharmacies: A Regulatory Insight



Therapeutic Use and Pharmaceutical Aspects in Spain

In Spain, the only cannabis-based medication available in pharmacies is Sativex, approved in 2010 for treating pain and spasticity in multiple sclerosis. Sativex contains THC and CBD and is dispensed in hospitals by specialized pharmacists.

Legally, cannabis has been considered a narcotic substance since the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961. However, interest in its therapeutic use has grown, with scientists, doctors, and patient associations advocating for its use in treating various pathologies.

The deadline for submitting contributions on the Draft Royal Decree that will regulate the prescription and dispensing of medicinal cannabis in Spain is March 4, 2024.

Legalization and Cannabis Culture in Spain:


Cannabis stands as the most widely consumed illegal drug in Spain. According to the 2017 EDADES report, 9.1% of individuals aged 15 to 64 surveyed admitted to having smoked cannabis in the past 12 months, with 1.9% consuming it daily. Predominantly, these are men (70%) with an average age of around 34 years old. 35% of respondents claimed to have tried the drug at some point. Spanish society exhibits considerable tolerance towards cannabis, as evidenced by a 2018 CIS survey where 84% supported its medicinal use and 47% endorsed both medicinal and recreational use, while 41% rejected it. Additionally, according to the European ESPAD 2019 report, 23% of Spanish students said they had tried cannabis at least once in their lifetime, with 12% consuming it in the last 30 days, ranking Spain as the third country in the EU in this regard, after Italy and France.

Article 368 of the Penal Code establishes penalties for the cultivation, manufacture, trafficking, and illegal possession of drugs, as well as for activities that promote their consumption. Consumption, possession, and cultivation of cannabis for personal use not intended for drug trafficking (up to 10 kg) are not considered a crime. However, consuming in public spaces is a serious offense, with fines ranging from €601 to €30,000. Spanish law does not distinguish between medicinal and recreational use of cannabis.

The legal status of cannabis varies by autonomous community. For example, controlled legalization was approved in the Valencian Community in 2018, while Catalonia has had a semi-legal situation since 1993, where licenses are granted for cultivation in private clubs, and consumption is allowed for their members.

The legal status of cannabis in Spain has been under review for several years. Additionally, since the 1990s, there has been an increase in medical research on cannabinoids and their interaction with the endocannabinoid system, as well as an increase in the development and marketing of cannabis-derived products, along with fairs dedicated to these products.

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Deb Goldberg

Lucas: Pot board skunked at the top




Reefer madness has broken out at the State House.

And unless something is done to contain it, the madness is likely to spread from the office of State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg, where it originated, to other parts of the building.

Once latent, there are fears that if the madness over marijuana spreads, people in the building could soon be forced to wear masks again, like they did during Covid-19, or get high from the fumes.

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Cannabis News

Creatine for Muscle Growth, But What About Creatine for Your Cannabis Plants and Soil?




creatine for cannabis plants


The question of whether to use creatine as a supplement for cannabis plants has piqued the interest of many growers, as creatine is primarily known for enhancing muscle performance and recovery in athletes. However, its potential application in horticulture, particularly for cannabis cultivation, warrants a deeper exploration. While some growers speculate that creatine’s nutrient composition, which includes nitrogen essential for plant growth, could benefit cannabis plants by promoting better growth and overall health, and that it may help plants cope with stress by enhancing their metabolic processes, leading to increased resilience and improved growth under challenging conditions, there is a significant lack of scientific research specifically addressing the effects of creatine on cannabis plants. Most claims regarding its efficacy are anecdotal and lack empirical support, and using creatine in excessive amounts could lead to negative consequences, such as disrupting soil chemistry, leading to nutrient imbalances and potentially harming plant health. If experimenting with creatine, it is crucial to start with a diluted solution, monitor plant health closely, and ensure that it complements a balanced nutrient regimen, as personal experience and careful observation will be key to determining its effectiveness in cannabis cultivation.Understanding Creatine…


 What is Creatine?

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound classified as a nitrogenous organic acid that plays a crucial role in energy metabolism, particularly in muscle cells. Its primary function is to facilitate the regeneration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which serves as the primary energy currency within cells. While creatine is predominantly found in animal-based food sources such as red meat and fish, it can also be synthesized endogenously in the human body from a combination of amino acids, including arginine, glycine, and methionine. This ability to be produced internally, along with its presence in certain dietary sources, contributes to creatine’s importance in maintaining cellular energy levels and supporting overall physiological functions, especially in tissues with high energy demands like skeletal muscles.

Forms of Creatine


Creatine is available in several forms, including:

  • Creatine Monohydrate: The most common and researched form, known for its effectiveness and affordability.

  • Creatine Ethyl Ester: A form that is claimed to be more easily absorbed but lacks substantial research backing.

  • Buffered Creatine: Designed to reduce the acidity of creatine, potentially improving its stability and absorption.


Potential Benefits of Using Creatine for Cannabis Plants


 1. Enhanced Energy Production


One of the primary functions of creatine is to facilitate energy production. In plants, energy is crucial for various processes, including photosynthesis, nutrient uptake, and growth. Some growers hypothesize that introducing creatine could enhance these energy-dependent processes, leading to more vigorous growth.


2. Nutrient Absorption


Creatine contains nitrogen, a vital nutrient for plants. Nitrogen is essential for the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, and chlorophyll, all of which are critical for healthy plant development. Some anecdotal evidence suggests that creatine may improve nutrient absorption in cannabis plants, potentially leading to better growth and yields.


 3. Stress Resistance


Cannabis plants can experience various forms of stress, including drought, nutrient deficiency, and pest attacks. Some proponents of creatine use argue that it may help plants cope with stress by enhancing their overall vitality and resilience. This could be particularly beneficial during critical growth phases or when plants are exposed to challenging environmental conditions.


 4. Improved Root Development


Healthy root systems are crucial for nutrient and water uptake. Some growers believe that creatine may promote root growth and development, leading to a stronger foundation for the plant. A robust root system can enhance the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients and water, ultimately contributing to better overall health.


 Concerns and Limitations


 1. Lack of Scientific Research


While there are numerous anecdotal reports regarding the benefits of using creatine for cannabis plants, scientific research on this topic is limited. Most claims are based on personal experiences rather than controlled studies. As a result, the effectiveness and safety of using creatine in cannabis cultivation remain largely unverified.


2. Potential Risks of Overuse


Using creatine in excessive amounts could lead to negative effects on cannabis plants. Over-saturation may cause water retention, potentially leading to root rot or other issues associated with overwatering. It is essential to approach any supplementation cautiously and monitor plant health closely.


3. Soil pH Concerns


Creatine may affect soil pH levels, which can impact nutrient availability and uptake. Cannabis plants thrive in a specific pH range (typically between 6.0 and 7.0 for soil). If creatine alters the pH significantly, it could lead to nutrient lockout or deficiencies, adversely affecting plant health.


4. Compatibility with Other Nutrients


Creatine’s interaction with other nutrients and fertilizers is not well understood. When introducing any new supplement, it is essential to consider how it might affect the overall nutrient balance in the soil. Compatibility issues could lead to nutrient imbalances, negatively impacting plant health and growth.


 Practical Considerations for Using Creatine


 1. Dosage and Application


If you decide to experiment with creatine, start with a diluted solution. A common approach is to mix a small amount of creatine monohydrate with water and apply it as a foliar spray or soil drench. Begin with a low concentration to observe how the plants respond before increasing the dosage.

 2. Monitoring Plant Health


Closely monitor your plants after introducing creatine. Look for signs of improvement, such as increased growth rates, healthier leaves, and robust root systems. Conversely, be vigilant for any negative effects, such as wilting, yellowing leaves, or signs of stress.


 3. Combining with Other Nutrients


Consider using creatine in conjunction with a balanced nutrient regimen. Ensure that your plants receive adequate macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and micronutrients (calcium, magnesium, iron) to support overall health. Creatine should not replace essential nutrients but rather complement them.


4. Timing of Application


Timing is crucial when applying any supplement. Consider using creatine during the vegetative stage when plants are actively growing and require more energy and nutrients. Avoid using it during flowering, as this stage has different nutrient needs and may be more sensitive to changes in the growing environment.




While the idea of using creatine as a supplement for cannabis plants is intriguing, it is essential to approach this practice with caution. The potential benefits, such as enhanced energy production, improved nutrient absorption, and stress resistance, are largely based on anecdotal evidence rather than scientific research. If you choose to experiment with creatine, start with small doses, monitor plant health closely, and ensure that it complements a balanced nutrient regimen. As with any cultivation practice, what works for one grower may not work for another, so personal experience and careful observation will be key to determining the effectiveness of creatine in your cannabis growing endeavors.





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Elevate Your Summer Bliss With Cannabis-Infused Ice Cream




Discover the Refreshing Delight: Cannabis Ice Cream Recipe

As the scorching sun graces us with its presence, the allure of cooling and delightful indulgences beckons. Today, we unveil our coveted recipe of the month – an exquisite guide to crafting cannabis-infused ice cream. A splendid embodiment of summer, this recipe promises a swift preparation process, bringing forth a captivating symphony of flavors. Immerse yourself in the concentrated benefits of cannabis, harmoniously blended into a lusciously sweet, nourishing, and flavorful dessert, a delightful gift from the aromatic terpenes residing within the cannabis plant.

Cannabis Cuisine: A Fusion of Pleasure and Advantages

Dive into the realm of cannabis-infused culinary pleasures and unlock a myriad of advantages. A prominent benefit lies in the safeguarding of your respiratory well-being, as this approach embraces no combustion or inhalation. Notably, cannabis boasts superfood status, boasting an impressive array of vitamins C and D, accompanied by enriching proteins. Culinary incorporation of cannabis yields a heightened and more potent effect, setting it apart from alternate consumption methods. The versatile nature of cooking with cannabis invites exploration, as it gracefully complements an array of gastronomic endeavors.

An Age-Old Delicacy: The Legacy of Cannabis Ice Cream

In a surprising revelation, the roots of cannabis-infused ice cream extend far beyond contemporary times. This delectable dessert, celebrated for its harmonious fusion of flavors, has graced culinary landscapes for years. The advent of cannabis legality paved the way for a plethora of recipes, each harnessed to showcase the plant’s distinctive attributes and benefits through oral consumption. The canvas of cannabis ice cream spans diverse techniques and flavors, even embracing a vegan rendition to accommodate lactose-sensitive individuals.

cannabis infused ice cream

Decarboxylation Unveiled: A Crucial Prelude

Before we embark on the journey through ingredients and their orchestration within our recipe, let us delve into a pivotal aspect – a lesson gleaned from our culinary odysseys. While the process of smoking or vaporizing cannabis initiates decarboxylation, transforming THCa into the renowned psychoactive THC, this alchemical transformation does not spontaneously occur during culinary endeavors. Thus, it becomes imperative to conduct decarboxylation prior to commencing the cooking journey. For an optimal outcome, embark on the act of finely grinding the buds, employing a grinder as your ally. Both leaves and blossoms hold their significance. Preheat your oven to a temperature ranging from 100 to 105°C (212-221°F). Gently distribute the finely ground cannabis atop parchment paper on a baking tray, allowing it to grace the oven’s embrace for approximately 45 minutes. Upon completion, the cannabis undergoes a visual metamorphosis, adorning itself in a resplendent golden-brown hue and an invitingly crumbly texture.

Embrace the Culinary Symphony: Ingredients Reimagined

Now, let us embark on the journey to assemble the building blocks of our cannabis-infused ice cream, meticulously harmonizing each ingredient for an enchanting ensemble:

  • Careful Cannabis Selection: Secure 2 to 2.5 grams of cannabis, mindfully chosen to align with the consumer’s preference. Opt for a variety that offers a non-sedative experience, ensuring your day remains vibrant and active.
  • Creamy Luxe: Envelop your creation in 500 ml of indulgent cooking cream, renowned for its opulent viscosity and vital fat content, preserving cannabis’s cherished properties and introducing a sumptuous texture.
  • Butter’s Embrace: Infuse 2 tablespoons of butter or olive oil, with butter boasting a higher fat quotient for a lush essence.
  • Sweet Melody: Infuse sweetness with 75 grams of sugar, or tread the path of wellness with an alternative sweetener. Options abound, including stevia, agave, maple syrup, coconut sugar, or birch syrup – each a gateway to delightful flavors.
  • Banana’s Charm: Embrace 2 ripe bananas, a seamless preparation choice that enhances both convenience and flavor. Should your palate favor an alternative fruit, an easy substitution awaits.
  • Salt’s Signature: Elevate the symphony with a hint of salt, a universal ingredient that elevates dessert creations.
  • Elevating Elixirs: Imbue your creation with character through 2 tablespoons of rum and 5 tablespoons of unadulterated honey, with purity contributing to a profound taste experience.

cannabis ice cream ingredients on a table

Artistry Unleashed: Crafting Your Cannabis-Infused Delight

With the meticulous assembly of ingredients, your culinary odyssey unfolds as follows:

  1. Begin by gently warming the cooking cream within a sufficiently deep saucepan over medium heat, ensuring avert from scorching. Stir continuously with a wooden spoon.
  2. Seamlessly introduce butter, salt, and sugar to the creamy concoction, stirring harmoniously until an enchanting amalgamation is achieved.
  3. Embark on the incorporation of crumbled cannabis into the symphony, utilizing a grinder or manual finesse.
  4. Transition to the fruity interlude by slicing and mashing the banana using a fork. Combine this essence with the mixture, accompanied by the beguiling presence of rum and honey. Fuse the elements through skillful use of a mixer until a creamy tapestry unfurls.
  5. Conclude the culinary crescendo by extinguishing the heat and allowing the composition to gracefully cool. Upon achieving the desired temperature, pour the masterpiece into a dedicated container, designed for the art of ice cream creation. Let this creation rest within the confines of your freezer for a minimum of 4 hours – a span that ushers forth the climax of your journey.

Savoring the Symphony: Indulgence Meets Patience

It is imperative to recognize that the consumption of orally infused cannabis necessitates a more extended onset period, requiring one to two hours for the effects to manifest. This measured pace magnifies the potency of the experience. Resist the urge to accelerate this journey, savoring the moment and allowing the cannabis-infused ice cream’s embrace to unfold at its own elegant tempo.

A Summer of Elevated Delight

In summation, embrace a summer interlude defined by the tantalizing grace of cannabis-infused ice cream. Elevate your culinary prowess, reveling in the fusion of flavors and effects that mark this delectable creation. As you indulge, remember the delicate balance between potency and patience, honoring the symphony of flavors that unfolds within each velvety scoop. May your summer be adorned with the freshest joys, guided by the spirit of this captivating creation.


  • How long does it take for cannabis-infused ice cream to take effect?
    The effects of cannabis-infused ice cream can take 1 to 2 hours to manifest due to the slower absorption through digestion.
  • Do I need to decarboxylate the cannabis before making the ice cream?
    Yes, decarboxylation is essential to activate the THC. This involves baking the cannabis at a low temperature before incorporating it into the recipe.
  • Can I use alternative sweeteners in the recipe?
    Absolutely! You can substitute sugar with options like stevia, agave, maple syrup, coconut sugar, or birch syrup to suit your preferences.

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