Entering the cannabis industry can be as challenging as it is promising. You’ve recognized the potential in this rapidly growing market, but the process of local and...
Ingesting a dose of premium quality marijuana initiates an astounding burst of cannabinoids and terpenes, generating a unique sensation. The effect can span from being soothing...
Ukraine Is Finally Legalizing Medical Marijuana On December 21st, right before Christmas 2023, the parliament of Ukraine finally voted to support the legalization of medical...
Studies Say Pot Helps Anxious People Sleep Better With millions of people around the world struggling with anxiety, it’s one of the most common mental...
In the heart of Europe, Luxembourg, a country renowned for its scenic landscapes and rich history, has recently taken a path-breaking step by legalizing the personal...
By: Juan Sebastian Chaves Gil Approximately ten years ago, Uruguay became the first country to legalize the production and sale of marijuana, although regulations for recreational...
Science and data have made clear marijuana has some medical benefits. More research needs to be done, but cannabis has been used as medicine for a...
New Year, new you, extra weight, exhaustion from the holidays – all reasons to maybe make a temporary change in January – but what is right...
Leafly’s own Dr. Nick Jikomes breaks down what we know about how THC influences the body’s ability to exercise. In Part I, we learned about the...
Jimmy Kimmel has a way of making it into the news as a regular basis. Popular, funny and an understanding of the public. But does he...