A $2 billion merger between Cresco Labs and Columbia Care is up in smoke a year after the companies announced the acquisition. Had it gone through,...
One of the most important business decisions cannabis businesses need to make is whether to lease or buy real estate. I have worked on too many...
Marijuana is not only becoming more mainstream, it is becoming a go to for those who want to adjust their lifestyle. The under 40s are...
The drug naloxone serves as a crucial lifesaving remedy against opiate drug overdoses, including substances like fentanyl. Studies indicate that naloxone has resulted in a 75-100%...
The Drug War in the Digital Era & Why Your elected Officials hate you! In the digital era, the War on Drugs has taken on...
As marijuana legalization continues to spread across various regions, many individuals are enjoying the recreational and medicinal benefits of weed. However, even in places where it...
The benefits of CBD, a non-psychotropic cannabinoid known for its therapeutic properties, continue to expand beyond our expectations. A recent scientific study published in ACS Applied...
Back in the day, you knew a guy who knew a guy, or you had a regular dealer, or you landed in a city for a...
The munchies are a part of the classic, hippy, stoner scene. Memes, jokes and lots of fast food wrappers can verify its place in the...
CBD for hair loss? Hair loss (or alopecia) affects millions of people worldwide. Both men and women can experience hair loss. Genetics, stress, and hormonal imbalances...