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The Weird and Wacky Roll Governor DeSantis is Playing in Legalizing Cannabis and Intoxicating Hemp in Florida



Desantis on weed

DeSantis is a weird character – Here’s why

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently vetoed a bill that would have severely restricted the sale of hemp-derived products, including those containing delta-8 and delta-9 THC which can produce intoxicating effects. The veto comes despite DeSantis’ vocal opposition to a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize recreational marijuana in the state.

In his veto message, DeSantis called the goals of the hemp bill “commendable” but said it would impose “debilitating regulatory burdens” on businesses and likely fail to achieve its intended purposes. He urged the legislature to revisit the issue next session and work with stakeholders to develop a more comprehensive regulatory framework.

DeSantis’ decision to block the hemp restrictions was cheered by the hemp industry, which argued the bill would have cost thousands of jobs and millions in lost revenue. At the same time, his opposition to legalizing recreational marijuana remains firm, arguing it is not needed when the state already has hundreds of medical marijuana dispensaries.

The contrasting stances highlight the complex landscape of cannabis policy in Florida. While DeSantis moves to constrain one part of the industry, he is defending another, raising questions about how he will approach these issues going forward. This article will examine the governor’s record and statements on marijuana and hemp to provide a clearer understanding of his overall perspective and its potential implications.


Positions on Drugs and Cannabis:

Governor Ron DeSantis has taken a complex and sometimes seemingly contradictory approach to drug policy, particularly when it comes to cannabis and hemp. On one hand, he has been a vocal critic of efforts to legalize recreational marijuana in Florida. He has argued that the state does not need expanded access to the drug, pointing to the hundreds of medical marijuana dispensaries already operating following a 2016 constitutional amendment.

However, DeSantis recently vetoed a bill that would have significantly restricted the sale of hemp-derived products, including those with intoxicating compounds like delta-8 and delta-9 THC. This move suggests a more nuanced stance that is not strictly prohibitionist but instead seeks to balance public health concerns with the economic interests of the hemp industry.

Motivations for Vetoing Hemp Bill:

In his veto message, DeSantis laid out his reasoning for blocking the proposed hemp regulations. While he acknowledged the “commendable” goals of the bill, he argued that it would place excessive burdens on businesses and likely fail to achieve its intended purposes.

Instead, the governor called on lawmakers to revisit the issue in the next legislative session and engage with relevant stakeholders to craft a more comprehensive regulatory framework. He offered specific suggestions, such as focusing on quality control, retail sales, labeling, and packaging. DeSantis also recommended measures like random inspections, standardized testing, and purchase limits based on the character and potency of products.

This approach suggests a desire to find a middle ground that addresses safety concerns while still allowing a legitimate hemp industry to operate. It also demonstrates a willingness to dive into policy details and seek input from affected parties.

General Character:

Based on his record and statements, Ron DeSantis emerges as a conservative politician who is not afraid to chart his own course on complex issues like drug policy. Rather than adhering to strict ideological lines, he appears willing to consider the practical implications of government actions and balance competing interests.

At the same time, DeSantis is not shy about taking firm stances on issues that are important to him, as evidenced by his strong opposition to recreational marijuana legalization. He is a skilled communicator who can clearly articulate his positions and reasoning.

Overall, DeSantis presents himself as a pragmatic conservative, guided by principles but open to nuance and compromise when necessary. His approach to hemp and marijuana policy reflects this tendency, as he seeks to uphold public safety and order while also respecting individual liberties and economic realities.

Of course, as with any politician, there may be other factors shaping DeSantis’ decision-making, such as political considerations or pressure from various interest groups.

A fuller understanding of his character and motivations would require a deeper examination of his background, allies, and aspirations. But based on the available evidence, he appears to be a thoughtful and engaged leader grappling with the challenges of a rapidly evolving policy landscape.

Now, personally, I’m a-political. However, I think it’s important that we look at these people objectively. I for one am not on board with many of DeSantis’ positions, however, when it comes to the Hemp Veto…he was incredibly nuanced in his approach.

Love him or hate him, DeSantis is an odd character.

So where does Ron DeSantis stand when it comes to the cannabis industry?

The reality is complex. On one level, his opposition to recreational marijuana legalization places him at odds with those seeking to expand access and commercialization. If the amendment passes, it could open up significant new opportunities that DeSantis seems reluctant to embrace.

Yet his veto of the hemp bill suggests he is not an implacable foe. By blocking restrictions that could have crippled the hemp sector, DeSantis threw a lifeline to a thriving industry. Had the bill gone through, it might have meant widespread business closures, job losses, and economic disruption.

The governor’s rationale for the veto, emphasizing the need for a more thoughtful and collaborative approach to regulation, offers a glimpse into his governing philosophy. Rather than reactionary prohibition or unchecked liberalization, DeSantis seems to favor a middle path that carefully balances competing interests.

In a sense, this centrist approach represents a departure from the polarized politics that often dominate discussions of cannabis policy.

Rather than adhering to strict ideological positions, DeSantis appears willing to assess each situation on its merits and craft solutions that work for a broad range of stakeholders.

Whether this model of leadership is the best for Florida, or the nation as a whole is an open question. Some may argue that bold, uncompromising stances are necessary to drive progress on critical issues. Others might counter that a more measured, conciliatory approach is essential for building consensus and ensuring stability.

As an apolitical observer, I believe the ideal leader is one who can rise above partisan divisions and make decisions based on evidence, expertise, and concern for the greater good. This requires a willingness to listen to diverse perspectives, a commitment to principled pragmatism, and the courage to chart an independent course when necessary.

In the end, Governor DeSantis’ record on cannabis is likely to be just one part of a larger legacy.

But it offers a revealing case study in the challenges and opportunities of leadership in a time of rapid change. As Florida and the nation continue to grapple with the complexities of drug policy, his approach may serve as a model, a cautionary tale, or a bit of both. The only certainty is that the debate is far from over.





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Cannabis News

Laying to Rest the Lazy Stoner Stereotype Once and for All with Research Facts and Figures




lazy stoner stereotypes

Laying to rest the Lazy Stoner Stereotype with Facts!

We’ve all heard it before: smoke weed, and you’ll become a lazy, unmotivated bum. The image is vivid – a glassy-eyed stoner sprawled on a couch, surrounded by pizza boxes, with a suspicious crust on their sweatpants that may or may not be dried Ranch dressing. This stereotype has been hammered into our collective consciousness for decades, from “Reefer Madness” to those infamous “This is your brain on drugs” PSAs.

But here’s the thing: anyone who’s actually indulged in the sacred herb knows this caricature is about as accurate as a weather forecast from a magic 8-ball. Yet, this lazy stoner trope has persisted, clinging to our culture like that mysterious stain on your favorite smoking shirt.

So, how true is all this anti-weed propaganda? Spoiler alert: about as true as the claim that your cat is secretly plotting world domination (though I’m still keeping an eye on Mr. Whiskers, just in case).

Turns out, science has a different story to tell. Recent research is blowing holes in these long-held myths faster than you can say “pass the bong.” Not only is the lazy stoner stereotype not based on facts, but evidence suggests that cannabis might actually help with motivation in the long run. Mind-blowing, right?

In this article, we’re going to roll up our sleeves (and maybe a joint) and dig into these common myths. We’ll lay them to rest with cold, hard facts and explore how cannabis can be a friend to productivity, not its sworn enemy. So, grab your favorite snack (munchies are real, after all), get comfortable, and prepare to have your mind expanded – and not just in the way you’re used to. It’s time to debunk the lazy stoner myth once and for all!

Let’s roll up our sleeves and dig into the nitty-gritty of these persistent stoner stereotypes. Like that one friend who still thinks the Earth is flat, these myths have stuck around way past their expiration date. But fear not, fellow cannabis enthusiasts – we’re about to drop some truth bombs that’ll make even the most ardent prohibitionists scratch their heads.

Myth #1: Weed Makes You Lazy and Unmotivated

Ah, the classic “lazy stoner” trope. You’ve seen it in countless movies – the glassy-eyed pothead who can’t seem to peel themselves off the couch. But according to recent research published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, this stereotype is about as accurate as a stormtrooper’s aim.

The study found that while being high might make you a bit less organized or more impulsive, it doesn’t turn you into a motivation-less blob. Lead author Michael Inzlicht emphasized, “These things can detract someone from getting stuff done, but we didn’t find it made them less hard-working, responsible or able to focus.” In other words, you might misplace your keys more often when you’re high, but you’re not going to suddenly forget how to be a functional human being.

Myth #2: Weed Kills Your Work Ethic

Another popular myth is that cannabis users are less willing to put in effort or work hard. However, the same study found “little evidence for an association between being high and a lack of motivation among cannabis users.” Turns out, stoners are just as willing to exert effort as they are when sober. So the next time someone accuses you of being a slacker because you enjoy a toke, you can confidently tell them that science begs to differ.

Myth #3: The “Weed Hangover” Will Ruin Your Next Day

We’ve all heard horror stories about the dreaded “weed hangover” – the idea that even after the high wears off, you’ll be left feeling sluggish and off your game. But guess what? The research found no evidence of any lasting “next-day effects” on emotions, motivation, or overall mental state. Once the high is over, so are its immediate impacts. Unlike alcohol, which can leave you hugging the porcelain throne the next morning, cannabis lets you wake up ready to seize the day.

So why do these myths persist? Well, it’s a classic case of prohibition-era propaganda meeting the stubbornness of the human psyche. These stereotypes were carefully crafted and disseminated during the height of anti-drug campaigns, designed to scare people away from the devil’s lettuce. The narrative of the lazy, unmotivated stoner was a powerful tool in the war on drugs, playing on fears of lost productivity and moral decay.

But here’s the kicker – even in the face of mounting scientific evidence, these myths refuse to die. Why? Because it’s far easier to program a mind than to deprogram it. Once a narrative takes root in the collective consciousness, it’s like a particularly stubborn weed (pun intended). It takes time, effort, and a whole lot of factual fertilizer to uproot these deeply ingrained beliefs.

Moreover, these stereotypes serve a purpose for those who benefit from prohibition. Big Pharma, the alcohol industry, and certain political interests have a vested stake in keeping cannabis stigmatized. After all, a populace that discovers the benefits of a natural, relatively harmless substance might start questioning other aspects of the status quo.

But fear not, my fellow cannabis connoisseurs. With each new study, each personal testimony, and each successful legalization effort, we chip away at these outdated myths. It may take time, but the truth has a funny way of coming out – kind of like how you can never quite hide the smell of good weed.

So let’s keep spreading the facts, challenging the stereotypes, and showing the world that cannabis users can be just as motivated, productive, and successful as anyone else. Who knows? Maybe one day, the only place we’ll see the “lazy stoner” stereotype is in cheesy old movies, right next to rotary phones and floppy disks.

Now, let’s blow your mind like a well-packed bowl – what if we could use weed to hack our motivation? That’s right, we’re about to turn the “lazy stoner” stereotype on its head faster than you can say “puff, puff, pass.”

While it’s true that being high might make you a bit more impulsive, here’s a little secret: that impulsivity can be your best friend when it comes to getting started on tasks. And let’s face it, starting is often the hardest part. How many times have you stared at a blank document, willing the words to magically appear? Well, a little herbal encouragement might be just what you need to break through that initial barrier.

Here’s the thing about weed – it has an uncanny ability to help you see what truly matters in your life. It’s like a BS detector for your soul. If you’re lacking motivation for something, cannabis isn’t going to magically make you want to do it. Instead, it’s going to nudge you towards what you genuinely want to do. This is why a musician can lose themselves in their guitar for hours while high, but might rather watch paint dry than do their taxes.

So, weed isn’t necessarily a motivation creator, but more of a motivation enhancer. It’s like a magnifying glass for your interests and passions. If you want to use cannabis to motivate yourself, the key is to first find the spark of motivation within the work you need to do. Once you’ve identified that, let Mary Jane work her magic to fan those flames.

Now, if you’re really struggling to find that initial push, here’s a pro tip: use cannabis as a reward rather than a kickstarter. Save that toke for when you’re done with your work. Suddenly, the prospect of a well-earned high becomes the carrot at the end of the stick. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can plow through your to-do list when there’s a joint waiting for you at the finish line.

And here’s the beautiful part – once you get started and see progress, it’s often hard to stop. It’s like your brain gets into a groove, and before you know it, you’re in the zone. You might even forget about that reward joint for a while (but don’t worry, it’ll still be there when you’re done).

Of course, this method isn’t one-size-fits-all. Everyone’s relationship with cannabis is unique, like a fingerprint but way more fun. For me, it’s been a game-changer. I use smoking as a reward when I’ve done good work, and sometimes, I’ll indulge during the creative process – especially if I’m doing something like 3D modeling where a little extra creativity boost can work wonders.

The key is to experiment and find what works for you. Maybe you’re most productive when you microdose throughout the day. Perhaps you prefer to save it all for a big end-of-week celebration. The beauty of cannabis is its versatility – it can be molded to fit your lifestyle and work habits.

So next time someone tries to tell you that weed and motivation don’t mix, you can laugh it off. Not only can cannabis coexist with a productive lifestyle, but when used mindfully, it can actually enhance your motivation and creativity. It’s all about finding the right balance and using this magical plant as a tool rather than a crutch.

Remember, the goal isn’t to be high all the time – it’s to use cannabis to enhance your life and work, not to escape from it. So go forth, experiment, and may your days be productive and your nights be dank!









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Top Natural Tobacco-Free Leaf Wraps for Cannabis in 2024




For cannabis smokers seeking the purest and most natural way to enjoy their herbs, King Palm offers the ultimate solution. Renowned for their commitment to high quality and purity, King Palm’s natural, tobacco-free leaf wraps and hand-rolled cones provide an unmatched smoking experience. Free from pesticides and impurities, King Palm ensures that every puff you take is as clean and flavorful as nature intended.

Unmatched Quality & Diverse Sizes

At King Palm, quality is never compromised. Each natural pre-rolled cone and leaf wrap is meticulously hand-rolled, guaranteeing a smooth and consistent burn every time. Our tobacco-free wraps are crafted from the finest natural leaves, ensuring your cannabis is free from any harmful pesticides or impurities. This dedication to purity means you can enjoy your cannabis without worrying about unwanted additives.

Understanding that every cannabis smoker has unique preferences, King Palm offers a diverse range of sizes to perfectly match your lifestyle:

  • Rollie – 0.5g
  • Mini Roll – 1g
  • Slim Roll – 1.5g
  • Slim Extendo – 3g
  • King Roll – 2g
  • King Extendo – 4g
  • XL Roll – 3g
  • XXL Roll – 5g
  • XXXL Roll – Limited Edition – 10+g

Whether you prefer a quick smoke or a longer, more indulgent session, King Palm has the perfect size to accommodate your needs. Each weight listed represents the capacity each pre-rolled cone can hold, ensuring you get exactly what you need every time.

Exquisite Flavors for Every Taste

Enhance your cannabis experience with King Palm’s exquisite range of flavors. From the zesty Lemon Haze to the rich Berry Terps and the indulgent fusion flavor 25 minis, there’s a flavor to complement every preference. Each flavor is carefully infused into the natural leaf, providing a delightful taste that enhances your cannabis without overpowering it.

Pure and Natural Leaf Filter Tips

King Palm takes purity to the next level with their Natural Flavored Filter Tips. Crafted from 100% natural leaf, these filter tips are tobacco-free and nicotine-free, offering a health-conscious choice for cannabis smokers who prioritize both flavor and well-being.

Key Features:

  • Innovative Squeeze-to-Pop Design: Enjoy effortless usage with a design that makes smoking seamless and enjoyable.
  • Hand-Rolled Perfection: Each filter tip is meticulously crafted to ensure consistency and quality in every puff.
  • Natural Flavor Infusion: Enhance your smoking experience with subtle flavor notes that complement your cannabis.
  • Eco-Friendly Choice: Made from natural materials, King Palm’s filter tips are a sustainable option for the environmentally conscious smoker.
  • Effortless Usage: Designed for ease, these filter tips provide a superior experience without any hassle.

Free from Pesticides and Impurities

King Palm is dedicated to providing cannabis smokers with the purest smoking experience possible. Our natural leaf wraps and filter tips are free from pesticides and impurities, ensuring that what you inhale is nothing but the best. By choosing King Palm, you’re opting for a cleaner, healthier way to enjoy your cannabis.

A Flavor for Every Mood

King Palm’s diverse flavor offerings ensure there’s something for every mood and occasion:

  • Citrus Sensations: Lemon Haze, Lemon Kiwi, Pink Lemonade
  • Sweet Indulgences: Banana Cream, fusion flavor 25 minis, Rich Chocolate, Strawberry Shortcake
  • Fruity Favorites: Berry Terps, Blue Grape, Green Apple, Watermelon Wave
  • Exotic Blends: Guava The Great, Honey Mango, Magic Mint, Peach Pineapple
  • Unique Twists: Irish Cream, Margarita, Pumpkin Cream, Red Reign

Each flavor is available in various pack sizes, including mini rolls, front pouches, and limited edition options, making it easy to find the perfect match for your taste.

Ready to Experience the Purest Smoke?

King Palm invites you to transform your cannabis smoking experience with their premium, tobacco-free leaf wraps and natural pre-rolled cones. Embrace a cleaner, smoother, and more flavorful journey that aligns with your commitment to purity and premium quality. Whether you’re rolling at home or on the go, King Palm ensures every moment is elevated with superior quality and exceptional variety.

Shop Now and discover why King Palm is the go-to brand for natural, hand-rolled leaf wraps for cannabis smokers in 2024. Elevate your smoking moments with King Palm—where quality meets purity. Also, explore their highly rated weed grinders, which include affordable high quality options.

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We Need to Legalize Weed and Decriminalize Smoking It




kamala to leglize marijuana

Kamala Harris Says ‘We Need To Legalize’ Marijuana For First Time As Democratic Presidential Nominee

In a groundbreaking moment for her presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris has publicly declared the need to legalize marijuana, a statement that has reverberated across the political landscape. During her recent appearance on the popular podcast “All the Smoke,” she stated unequivocally, “We need to legalize it and stop criminalizing this behavior.” As Marijuana Moment covered, this declaration not only highlights her commitment to cannabis reform but also positions her as a progressive leader within the Democratic Party as she prepares for the 2024 presidential election.


Harris’s comments come at a time when public perception of marijuana is shifting dramatically. With a growing number of states legalizing cannabis for recreational and medicinal use, and an increasing number of Americans supporting legalization, Harris’s stance may resonate with voters who prioritize social justice and criminal reform. This article delves into the implications of her statement, the historical context surrounding marijuana legalization, and what this means for her campaign and the broader political landscape.


The Historical Context of Marijuana Legalization


 A Brief Overview


The journey toward marijuana legalization in the United States has been long and fraught with controversy. Cannabis was widely used in the early 20th century for medicinal purposes until it became stigmatized during the 1930s. The passage of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 effectively criminalized its use, setting off decades of punitive drug policies that disproportionately affected communities of color.


The War on Drugs, initiated in the 1980s, further entrenched these disparities, leading to mass incarceration rates that continue to impact millions of Americans today. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Black individuals are nearly four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than their white counterparts, despite similar usage rates.


Shifting Attitudes


In recent years, public attitudes toward marijuana have shifted dramatically. A Gallup poll from 2023 revealed that 68% of Americans support legalizing cannabis, up from just 12% in 1969. This shift is particularly pronounced among younger voters, with nearly 80% of those aged 18-29 favoring legalization. As more states move toward legalization 33 states and Washington D.C. have legalized medical marijuana, while 21 states have legalized recreational use the conversation around cannabis is evolving.


Kamala Harris’s Position on Marijuana


A Longstanding Advocate


Kamala Harris has been vocal about her support for marijuana legalization long before her recent podcast appearance. As California’s Attorney General from 2011 to 2017, she faced criticism for her handling of marijuana-related offenses; however, she later shifted her stance to advocate for reform. In 2018, she co-sponsored the Marijuana Justice Act, which aimed to decriminalize cannabis at the federal level and expunge nonviolent marijuana convictions.


Harris’s advocacy is rooted in a belief that legalization can address systemic inequalities perpetuated by decades of harsh drug laws. By advocating for legalization and expungement, she aims to rectify past injustices and create economic opportunities for those disproportionately affected by cannabis prohibition.


The Podcast Declaration


During her appearance on “All the Smoke,” hosted by former NBA players Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson, Harris articulated her vision for a future where marijuana is legalized nationwide. She emphasized that “the war on drugs has failed” and highlighted how legalization could benefit communities historically marginalized by punitive drug policies.


Her statement is significant not only because it reinforces her commitment to social justice but also because it distinguishes her from President Biden, who has not fully endorsed legalization despite expressing support for decriminalization and expungement efforts.


Implications for Her Campaign



Harris’s declaration could energize young voters who prioritize social justice issues and are more likely to support candidates advocating for cannabis reform. As seen in previous elections, younger voters have become increasingly influential in shaping electoral outcomes. By aligning herself with their views on marijuana legalization, Harris may enhance her appeal among this demographic.



Legalizing marijuana aligns with broader criminal justice reform efforts that many Democrats advocate. By framing cannabis legalization as part of a larger strategy to address systemic racism and inequality within the justice system, Harris can position herself as a candidate committed to meaningful change.



As a leading figure in the Democratic Party, Harris’s stance on marijuana could influence party dynamics leading up to the primaries. While some moderate Democrats may be hesitant about full legalization due to potential backlash from conservative voters, Harris’s bold declaration could encourage other candidates to adopt similar positions or risk alienating progressive voters.


 The Broader Political Landscape


 Bipartisan Support for Legalization


Interestingly, support for marijuana legalization is not confined to one political party. Recent polls indicate that a significant portion of Republicans also favors legalization. This bipartisan support presents an opportunity for candidates like Harris to appeal to a wider audience by framing cannabis reform as an issue that transcends party lines.


Economic Opportunities


Legalizing marijuana has economic implications as well. The cannabis industry has emerged as a lucrative market, generating billions in revenue and creating thousands of jobs across various sectors. By advocating for legalization, Harris can highlight potential economic benefits that resonate with both liberal and conservative voters concerned about job creation and economic growth.


 Public Health Considerations


While advocating for legalization, it is essential to address public health concerns associated with increased access to marijuana. Critics often raise issues related to addiction rates and mental health effects. Harris’s campaign will need to navigate these concerns carefully by promoting responsible use and emphasizing education around potential risks while advocating for regulation similar to alcohol and tobacco.



Kamala Harris’s declaration that “we need to legalize” marijuana marks a pivotal moment in her presidential campaign and reflects broader societal shifts regarding cannabis use. As she positions herself as a progressive leader advocating for social justice and economic opportunity through marijuana reform, her stance may resonate deeply with voters seeking change. As we approach the 2024 election cycle, it will be fascinating to observe how this issue evolves within political discourse. Will other candidates follow suit? How will public opinion continue to shift? One thing is clear: Kamala Harris’s commitment to legalizing marijuana signals a new chapter in American politics one where progressive values intersect with pressing social issues. As Harris continues her campaign trail with this renewed focus on cannabis reform, it remains essential for voters to engage critically with these discussions and consider how policies around marijuana can shape not only individual lives but also communities across America. In conclusion, Kamala Harris’s bold assertion during “All the Smoke” encapsulates a growing movement toward normalization and acceptance of cannabis use in America a movement that reflects changing attitudes toward drug policy and social justice at large. As we look forward to the upcoming election cycle, one can only hope that this conversation continues to evolve toward greater understanding and equity in our society.





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