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Watching Porn Can Lead To Three Relationship Issues



Despite being almost outlawed in some states…porn is still very popular. But watch out if you are in a relationship!

Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia have all outlawed Pornhub…but it is still the 10th most visited site visited in the US and Canada.  When it happens, there is a surge in demand for virtual private network (VPN) services.  Texas alone had a 234% increase the day after a new state law took effect. Porn has been around for thousands of years and before a mass produced bible, there were massed produced naughty pictures. Some 66% of men watch vs 39% women, leading it to be another male centric industry.  But, to much watching porn can lead to three relationship issues.

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Porn has morphed significantly in the last 20 years. From print and “in person” video places and strip joints to online.  And since 2019, OnlyFans, where anyone can not only upload homemade videos, they can monetize it.  The era of “authenticity” is here including all body shape and interests. While there has been significant research on the effects porn, a study reported from Psychology Today argues when porn is pervasive or becomes key in a person’s life, it could produce major  problems.

The White House Rose Garden

Sexual Satisfaction

According to a study, the more someone view porn, the more they need to be satisfied. Surveying over 1,500 young adults, it concluded despite the outside factors and gender, even infrequent use of porn leads to some sexual dissatisfaction. Consuming large quantities can create false expectations for everyone involved, making them think actual, in person sex, works just as it does in porn. To help with this, limit the amount of viewing.

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Loneliness makes people turn to porn, and porn makes people more lonely, creating a two way relationship in which, no matter the order, each factor influences the other. A research that surveyed over 1,247 participants found porn use was significantly related to loneliness. Single men watched more porn than any other group, and loneliness could lead to porn addiction. These people who feel lonely turn to porn, which offers momentary relief but that later reinforces their feelings of being alone.

Relationship Stability

Another study conducted over 2,000 married individuals showed results suggest porn is capable of causing relationship breakups. People who started watching porn after entering a relationship had an 11% chance of a breakup compared to the 6% chance of non viewers of porn. These rates were much higher for younger people, where half of the 20 year olds ended up splitting.

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Of course, all of this information is correlational. You can’t say with certainty watching porn means you’ll face all of these problems, but studies prove there’s some form of relationship between porn and stress, even if they can’t pinpoint the cause. It is always key to approach this with clear understanding between reality and fantasy.

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The Best 4th Of July Cocktails




Independence Day is time for fireworks, family, bbqs, travel and fun!  The biggest holiday during the summer is also one of the booziest – and here are the cocktails to enjoy!

The Fresh Toast – Here are the best 4th of July cocktails to enjoy at every event. These are easy and will be a big hit!

July 4th is the big holiday in the summer and people make the most of it!  Travel, bbqs, fireworks, parades all on the buffet of fun!  And the centerpiece for most is a good drink….it is the 4th booziest holiday of the year. It is also a big weekend for marijuana, but with gatherings, most people reach for something cold.  Here are the best 4th of July cocktails embracing the hot weather, tasty flavors and simple classic.

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Watermelon is the perfect summer fruit – crispy, flavorful and hydrating, it has been a sticky favorite for years.  This cocktail gives it a great twist for outdoor actives.  Just be careful – it can be lethal!


Firecracker Shots

This could be the most delicious shot to celebrate Independence Day.  A little effort will make a big splash when you arrive these taste treats!  Great to kick-off the party or an extra special dessert!


Blue Layer

Red Layer


  • Squeeze the grapefruit segments into a shaker and drop in the fruit (or add fresh juice)
  • Add the gin, sweet vermouth and Campari to the shaker with ice, and shake until well-chilled
  • Place ice in a rocks glass and curl the grapefruit peel around the inside of the glass
  • Strain into the prepared glass

Rosé Spritz

Quick, easy and delicious – this is good for small and large groups as it can be assembled on the fly.


  • Mint for garnish


  • Fill a white wine glass halfway with ice
  • Add Prosecco, seltzer, orange liqueur and grapefruit juice and stir
  • Garnish with a grapefruit twist and a sprig of mint

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Mint Julep

The Mint Julep is an All-American classic drink celebrating horse racing, morning drinking and good bourbon!  What better beverage to have at 4th of July BBQ?


  • 8 fresh mint leaves, plus more for garnish
  • ¼ to ½ ounce simple syrup (you can make ahead)
  • 2 ounces bourbon
  • Crushed ice


  • In a julep cup or glass, muddle the mint leaves in ¼ ounce simple syrup
  • Add the bourbon and fill the cup with crushed ice
  • Garnish with mint

Simply Syrup

  • Combine 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water in a medium saucepan over medium heat
  • Bring to a boil, stirring, until sugar has dissolved.
  • Allow to cool, place in fridge to be cocktail ready

Remember to be careful on your consumption and drink plenty of water.  Have a great Independence Day!

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What To Know About Marijuana And Gun Ownership




Recently, there has been a series of high profile people have have been convicted which has started the conversation about guns and marijuana. Under federal law, felons are prohibited from owning or possessing guns. But,  some states allows a felon’s rights to own a gun after serving their sentence or a waiting period.  But it is a process. Roughly 32% of U.S. adults say they own a gun and 44%, report living in a gun household.

But almost half of Americans have tried weed at one point.  Of course, they haven’t committed a crime, they have just consumed marijuana. Almost 85% believe it should be legal in some form.  And over 50% of the population have access to legal cannabis.


But, if you own a firearm and use marijuana you are in violation of federal law. It is unlawful for an unauthorized user of a controlled substance, including marijuana, to possess, ship, transport, or receive firearms or ammunition. It is also unlawful to sell a firearm or ammunition to any person if the seller knows or has reasonable cause to believe that such person is an unlawful user of marijuana. In this context, unlawful use is based on federal law. Therefore, any person who uses marijuana, even if legal under state law, is prohibited from possessing or purchasing firearms or ammunition.

Should Budtenders Be Allowed To Carry Guns?
Photo by Lumppini/Getty Images

This prohibition does not apply to users of hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) or hemp products because these are not controlled substances for purposes of federal law, thanks to the 2018 Agricultural Improvement Act, known as the 2018 Farm Bill.

In order to purchase a firearm from a federally licensed dealer, an individual must complete Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) Form 4473, which asks if you are an “unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana,” and includes a warning that the recreational and medical use of cannabis under state law does not alter the federal Controlled Substances Act which makes it illegal to possess, manufacture, or distribute marijuana. It is a separate crime to lie about your marijuana use on the form. You can also be subject to heightened criminal penalties if found in possession of a firearm and marijuana at the same time.

RELATED: What Would Happen If Gun Laws Were Enforced Like Marijuana Laws?

If you are a medical marijuana user, it may be possible for law enforcement to obtain this information from a medical marijuana patient registry or state database to confirm your use of marijuana. Several states, including Maryland, have tried to protect medical marijuana patients by preventing state police from accessing the medical cannabis patient registry to verify whether a firearm applicant uses medical marijuana. However, some states, like Hawaii, explicitly grant law enforcement access to the state’s medical cannabis patient registry to evaluate whether an individual can legally possess a firearm.

RELATED: The Battle Between Gun Ownership And Medical Marijuana In Conservative States

Regardless of whether a state grants access to patient databases, the possession of a firearm and ammunition remains illegal federally if you are a cannabis user. Restricting access to medical marijuana databases simply makes it harder to determine whether a firearm applicant uses marijuana.

Firearms remain out-of-reach for cannabis consumers, even if your state has legalized cannabis. States cannot change the federal requirements for gun ownership and have no authority to supersede the ATF Form 4473 guidance documents that addresses marijuana use and gun ownership. Therefore, until marijuana is fully legalized on the federal level, it’s important to remember to keep your hands off those firearms.


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Top 10 Reasons People Consume Marijuana




Some of the top reasons people drink alcohol is to relax, for enjoyment, to be part of a group, to avoid physical and/or psychological pain, to experiment and for rebellion.  It has been around for thousands of years used in religious ceremonies, medical treatments, sensual moments and more. But, what are the top 10 reasons people consume marijuana today?  Well, there is some data, and it varies a little by age.

With legalization, all of Canada and over 50% of the US have access to legal marijuana, leading to it becoming more accepted.  Over 85% believe it should be legal in some form and the federal government has acknowledge is has health properties.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

Psychology Today published an article with the information. They took data from four different studies to discover use reasons and published some of the findings. The papers are typically based on secondary research. In other words, they rely on surveys and data collected from other sources which they use to build a “picture” of the average consumer.

Smoking Marijuana
Photo by PhotoAlto/Sigrid Olsson/Getty Images

Age does play a significant role for motivation. College freshmen make different decisions based on their limited life experience and social environment.  The first study looked at possible motivators for entering college students.

“The most frequently reported reasons included enjoyment/fun, conformity,  experimentation, social enhancement, boredom, and relaxation.”

Social acceptance was another high ranking category in this age group and it makes sense. When you’re finally “out of the nest”, you need a conduit to engage with other people. If people are smoking weed, you may feel slightly more inclined to try to “fit in”.

RELATED: 8 Reasons Why College Students Use Cannabis

Post college age is where the majority of consumers exist. Another study looked at this demographic to understand motivations for consuming cannabis. Not surprisingly, there is a far more nuanced list of reasons than the college aged demographic. According to researchers here are the top 10 reasons people consume marijuana.

  1. Relaxation
  2. Feeling good
  3. Medical uses
  4. Inspiration
  5. New ways of looking at things
  6. Coping with depression and anxiety
  7. Forgetting one’s worries
  8. Enjoyment of movies or music
  9. Better sleep
  10. Coping with boredom

Similar to alcohol, the top reason is recreation. But unlike alcohol, the next major reason is medical use, with a significant about of people using it to treat a variety of issues including chronic pain, cancer, seizures, anxiety, and more.

Coping with stress and anxiety is further down on the list, something different from alcohol.  But using substances to escape from long term issues is rather productive.  Like a glass at the end of the day, a gummy or puff from a vape it can just take the edge a rough day.  But doing it too much and indulging to much could be a reason to evaluate the motive.

The study researchers shared “Users are for the most part very self aware of their consumption habits, and alters their behavior when they see it as problematic.”

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