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We are Experiencing a Great Awakening



great awakening with cannabis psychedelics

We are Experiencing a Great Awakening!


A monumental paradigm shift is underway in human consciousness, marked by the gradual decriminalization of the ancient entheogen cannabis. This powerful plant’s slow liberation from the shackles of prohibition heralds sweeping rejections of outdated control structures across our world. We stand at the early dawn of a new era – the long-prophesied great awakening foretold by seers and prophets across history.


The failed drug wars served to keep minds constrained within rigid boxes – easy prey for brainwashing and conditioning. But as the sacred cannabis flower cracks open consciousness, outmodedbelief systems collapse. What was once radical becomes self-evident to the waking mind.


It begins with small reforms, consciousness expanding inch by inch. But soon a critical mass arrives sparking an exponential awakening. The dam cannot hold back the floodwaters of change forever. The cracks grow into fissures racing across the façade, until all at once the barrier crumbles.


The awakening of humanity has always been inevitable. But now in these pivotal years at the turning of the great astrological cycles, the acceleration of evolution goes into overdrive. The shadows must give way to light. What we’ve waited lifetimes to witness is here – the unveiling of human freedom and potential in all its glory!


Cannabis and Breaking Mind Control


Why was cannabis made illegal and demonized back in 1937? Not because of scientific evidence – its medicinal properties were well known and praised at the time. But rather for its legendary power to radically expand minds and inspire questioning of authority.


The CIA once absurdly declared cannabis a “mind control drug” – but in fact it is the exact opposite. Early marijuana activists like Cathy O’Brien reported the plant’s unique abilities to help resist the CIA’s horrific MKUltra mind control experiments seeking to fracture the psyche. This benevolent plant silences the conditioned inner voices of control programs.


Classic psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin mushrooms were also hastily prohibited and smeared starting in the 1960s. Again, not because they were dangerous – quite the opposite. They reliably catalyzed profoundly liberating spiritual awakenings in those who tried them. The truth was that power-hungry elites knew they could never fully control citizens who found their inner divine nature through these substances.


Visionaries like Timothy Leary spoke openly about the incredible awakening and life-changing healing potential of psychedelics. He encouraged people to think freely for themselves – a huge threat to the system of social control. No wonder he was demonized and called public enemy number one!


The Mayans Were Right

Remember the hysteria about the world ending in 2012 according to the Mayan and Hopi calendars? Of course the literal apocalypse didn’t come – but their prophecy contained profound truth. The date 2012 indicated a monumental shift from one global age into another.


According to the ancient stargazers, December 21, 2012 marked the precise turning point when our Sun aligned with the dark rift at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, bridging cosmic world ages. While the physical world went on, our collective reality fundamentally transformed.


2012 initiated the gradual “midnight hour” of the passing Piscean era, characterized by hierarchical control structures, divisive borders, and rigid black/white duality thinking that limited human potential. We now steadily transition into the Age of Aquarius – an era of radical freedom, borderless oneness, and awakening to our divine capabilities.


This aligns with the Hindu concept of the great cycles of Yugas. The unevolved Kali Yuga age of materialism, corruption, and conformity is dying to make way for Satya Yuga – the golden age of spirituality, transparency, and unbounded consciousness.


The signs are all around us, if we have eyes to see them. Up is down and down is up. As the old fear-based structures collapse in confused chaos, revolutionary clarity begins to emerge. The veils are thinning. The dark unaware aspects of humanity are rising to the surface to finally be cleansed in the light of truth.


The ancient indigenous elders were right – the epochal year 2012 marked the beginning of our collective renaissance. What has seemed like apocalypse has actually been difficult rebirth pains. Take heart; we are midwives of the future being born!


From the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius


The passing Age of Pisces corresponded with the rise of institutionalized religions demanding blind faith and obedience to rigid dogmas. Hierarchical authority structures dominated society from top to bottom. Questioning established beliefs was forbidden and often punished harshly. Conformity to approved reality tunnels was everything.


But we now enter the Age of Aquarius, characterized by radical freedom, decentralization, and transcending false dichotomies. Outdated categories dissolve into fluidity, nuance, and unity. No longer will corrupt earthly gatekeepers be able to suppress knowledge of our divine spiritual nature.


Where Pisces enforced exoteric religious laws and obedience to intermediaries, the Aquarian ethos centers on direct spiritual experience through altered and higher states of consciousness. Its energy liberates the sacraments of psychedelics and cannabis to facilitate this awakening after their suppression for so long. That suppression was a keystone of social control. But now legalization and decriminalization are the cracks splitting the dam open. The divine waters of expanded consciousness will soon flood over and reshape society.


Drug Reform as Sign of the Times


As cannabis steadily gains acceptance, the re-emerging science around classic psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD also expands minds. Suppressed and demonized for decades, we now learn these substances can rapidly heal PTSD, depression, anxiety, addiction and much more when used responsibly.


This revelation profoundly threatens those profiting from the broken systems of control. Why take Big Pharma psychiatric medications your whole life to manage symptoms when just a few psychedelic journeys can permanently transform trauma at its root? No wonder the guardians of dysfunction resist this knowledge getting out.


Yet the truth surfaces anyway, stronger than their feeble efforts at censorship. Widespread medicinal use of psychedelics would completely disrupt the sickness at the heart of social systems based on greed, scarcity and fear. A population that has felt inner peace, oneness and tapped their own sacred divinity has no use for the parasitic deceptions of those who rule by division and enslavement.


The ascension cannot be stopped – the old empire built on lies is doomed. Psychedelics are the ultimate antidote to centuries of programming and control. In their reflection, outdated power structures have no choice but to dissolve. The future is unity!


The Sticky Bottom Line


The signs are clear – a monumental global shift is underway and accelerating! We are taking back our sovereign minds and embracing our divine potential. The old traps we once accepted blindly now fail.


It is an exhilarating yet chaotic time to be alive. But have hope – the cracks in antiquated structures are rays of light heralding a new era. An era of unity, creativity, peace and abundance for all.


This isn’t coming without its fair share of issues. Right now, the whole “gender debate” is a side-effect of the changing of the times. While I personally do not subscribe to the idea that a “transwoman is a woman”, as it would deny their journey to becoming a transwomen and degrade the concept of a woman down to external appearances – I do see it as an indicator of the changing of a time.


I believe, that the pendulums are swinging, and that there will be pushing and pulling from all sides until they settle into a new configuration. In all likeliness, in the next 20-30 years, we’ll have more “structure” to these debates. New norms will be established and new ways of interacting will commence.


I believe the great turning away will be happening too. Institutions have shot themselves in the foot with the Pandemic. Nobody trusts them anymore, meaning we’re going to have to come up with something new to replace them.


Right now you’re seeing the rigor mortis of the old system. Isn’t it funny that a bunch of 80+-year olds are fighting for the Presidency of the US?  This is the old system desperately trying to hold on to power. All these major instructions will begin to fall, new institutions will arise. Hopefully, we embrace a decentralized world where the individual has the freedom to express themselves as they see fit. If they want to do a sex change, so be it. If they want to do drugs, so be it. It should be the choice  of the individual always.


The Great Awakening has begun! It starts inside each of us. Shed limiting beliefs and see yourself and others with compassion. Darkness thrives in division – light is found in love. Step fully into your power. The promised future is ours if we simply accept it!


It starts by planting a seed, and letting it grow. Over the next 10-20  years, the society you know will be forever changed into something new. Old power structures will be taken down – sometimes violently. And a new age of spirituality will be born!


Put that in your pipe and smoke it!





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Cannabis News

AARP Dipsensary Discounts? – Cannabis Use by Older Americans Has Doubled in Just the Last 36 Months Alone




aarp on cannabis

Marijuana usage among older persons in the United States has nearly quadrupled over the past three years, according to a new research supported by AARP. Numerous users claim benefiting from cannabis use in pain management, sleep enhancement, mental health enhancement, and other areas.


More than one in five Americans 50 years of age and older reported using marijuana at least once in the previous year, according to a University of Michigan poll. Over one-tenth said they used it on a monthly basis. According to research, the number of older persons using cannabis will continue to rise as more states legalize it.


Of those who had used marijuana in the previous year, 81% stated they did so to relax, 68% to assist sleep, and 64% because they loved the experience. Furthermore, 63% utilized cannabis for pain treatment, with 53% using it to improve their mental wellness.


According to the AARP, 21% of Americans over the age of 50 currently use marijuana, nearly double the 12% reported in the previous 2021 poll.


According to the most recent data, 12% reported using cannabis at least monthly, 9% weekly, and 5% daily.


The poll also discovered that those aged 50 to 64, those in poorer health, and those from lower-income families were more likely to consume cannabis on a regular basis. In Michigan, where adult cannabis usage became legal in December 2019, consumption rates were even higher: 27% reported using it in the previous year, 14% weekly, and 9% daily or almost daily.


The Michigan Poll on Healthy Aging, which surveyed 1,079 Michigan residents and 3,012 people from other states, focused specifically on THC-containing products. The report’s authors emphasize the importance of further cannabis education.


Motivations Behind Cannabis Use Among Older Adults: A Growing Trend


According to the survey, adults aged 50 and older are turning to cannabis for various reasons, including:

– Relaxation (81%)

– Help with sleep (68%)

– Enjoying the effects/feeling good (64%)

– Pain relief (63%)

– Mental health or mood support (53%)

– Treating a medical condition (40%)

– Enhancing social gatherings/connecting with others (31%)

– Celebrating (26%)

– Experimenting (18%)


“As cannabis becomes legal, more people are using it, but we don’t yet have enough information to address crucial issues like, are there safe methods to consume it? Are there any suggested guidelines?” Bonar is a psychiatry professor at Michigan Medicine. “So, seeing these numbers rise without solid scientific data to guide people’s decisions is a bit concerning.”


The AARP-funded study concentrated on cannabis products containing THC, the psychoactive component that produces the “high.” This varies from CBD products, which are popular among older folks but contain just minimal quantities of THC.


Among regular cannabis users—those consuming at least monthly—56% said they had discussed their cannabis use with a healthcare provider, and nearly 79% believed that today’s marijuana is stronger than in previous decades.


However, Bonar pointed out that this means 21% of older adults might not realize THC levels have increased since the 1990s. She also noted that while 72% of people believe cannabis can be addictive, over a quarter remain skeptical.


The poll’s lead researcher, Jeffrey Kullgren, an internal medicine professor at the University of Michigan and a doctor at the Veterans Affairs Ann Arbor Healthcare System, emphasized the significance of addressing cannabis usage with healthcare practitioners. He noted that these discussions can aid in detecting potential medication interactions or symptoms of problematic use.


Cannabis as a Rising Alternative to Alcohol: Impact on Consumer Choices


According to a Bloomberg report earlier this month, the continued legalization of cannabis poses a “significant threat” to the alcohol industry as more people choose to use it instead of alcohol. The report predicted that this could “indefinitely” prolong the decline in wine and spirits sales.


In a research published late last year, a global investment bank mirrored these views, claiming that marijuana had developed into a “formidable competitor” with alcohol. Over the following five years, they predicted that the number of regular cannabis users will increase by roughly 20 million, while the number of alcohol users may decline by a few million. According to the research, as additional states legalize marijuana, sales of the drug might reach $37 billion in the United States by 2027.


Another research from Canada, where marijuana is allowed on a federal level, indicated a correlation between legalization and a decline in beer sales, suggesting that cannabis and alcohol are substituting for one another.


These results are consistent with recent polls regarding Americans’ perceptions of marijuana in relation to alcohol. According to a Gallup poll conducted last month, people believe cannabis to be less dangerous than nicotine-containing vape pens, alcohol, and tobacco. In addition, adult cannabis users have surpassed cigarette users in number.


According to a different survey conducted in June of last year by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and Morning Consult, Americans view marijuana as much less harmful than alcohol, cigarettes, and opioids, and they also think it’s less addictive than technology.


A different survey conducted in July found that more Americans use marijuana daily than consume alcohol. Additionally, compared to cannabis users, alcohol users are more likely to think that cutting back on their usage would be beneficial.


Comparably, a May research that appeared in the journal *Addiction* discovered that more American adults now use marijuana on a regular basis than do people who use alcohol.


Bottom Line


According to a new AARP research, marijuana usage among older Americans has nearly quadrupled in the last three years, with more than 21% of persons aged 50 and over currently smoking cannabis. Key benefits include pain reduction, sleep help, relaxation, and mental health support. As additional states legalize marijuana, this tendency is projected to continue, particularly among individuals aged 50 to 64. Furthermore, cannabis is widely perceived as an alternative to alcohol, with many users preferring it to drinking, potentially impacting alcohol sales. With marijuana becoming more socially acceptable, healthcare practitioners and regulators must address the absence of clear rules for safe usage, especially as cannabis products become stronger and more readily available.





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Turns Out the ‘Barstool of Weed’ Isn’t Cannabis.Net After All, But It’s Actually Barstool Sports Itself!




barstool marijuana cannabis industry

Barstool Sports Expands Into Cannabis Industry, Partners With Green Thumb Industries, often referred to as the “Barstool of Weed” since 2016, will happily relinquish that crown as Barstool Sports itself has jumped into the cannabis game with GTI!

In a groundbreaking move that highlights the growing intersection between sports media and the cannabis industry, Barstool Sports has announced a strategic partnership with Green Thumb Industries (GTI), one of the leading multi-state cannabis operators in the United States. This collaboration aims to elevate GTI’s cannabis brands, particularly RHYTHM and Dogwalkers Prerolls, through innovative content and marketing strategies that resonate with Barstool’s extensive audience. As cannabis continues to gain acceptance and legalization spreads across various states, this partnership marks a significant step for both companies in navigating the evolving landscape of cannabis culture.

“Being a fellow Masshole, I couldn’t be happier for Dave and his crew.” said Curt Dalton, managing director of “He has been at the cutting edge of partnerships in the legalization of online gambling, as well as now cannabis.” added Dalton.


The Rise of Barstool Sports


Founded in 2003 by Dave Portnoy, Barstool Sports has transformed from a small sports blog into a media powerhouse with a diverse portfolio of content spanning podcasts, video series, and social media platforms. With over 66 million monthly unique viewers, Barstool has established itself as a leading voice in sports entertainment, particularly among younger demographics. The brand is known for its irreverent humor, candid commentary, and engaging personalities, which have cultivated a loyal fanbase.


Barstool’s expansion into new markets has been a hallmark of its growth strategy. The company has successfully ventured into various sectors, including gambling and merchandise sales. By entering the cannabis industry, Barstool aims to capitalize on the burgeoning market while further solidifying its position as a cultural influencer.


Understanding Green Thumb Industries


Green Thumb Industries is a publicly traded company based in Chicago that operates across several states in the U.S., focusing on cultivating, manufacturing, and distributing cannabis products. GTI is known for its commitment to quality and innovation in the cannabis space, offering a wide range of products that cater to different consumer preferences. Their brands include RHYTHM, which focuses on high-quality flower and concentrates, and Dogwalkers Prerolls, designed for convenience and portability.


GTI’s approach to cannabis is rooted in social responsibility and community engagement. The company prioritizes sustainability and ethical practices throughout its operations while advocating for responsible consumption. This alignment of values makes GTI an ideal partner for Barstool Sports as both companies seek to normalize cannabis use and promote responsible consumption among their audiences.


 The Partnership: What It Means for Both Brands


The partnership between Barstool Sports and Green Thumb Industries is set to create a unique synergy that leverages Barstool’s extensive reach within the sports community while providing GTI with innovative marketing opportunities. Here are some key aspects of what this collaboration entails:


1. Content Creation


One of the primary focuses of this partnership will be on content creation that seamlessly integrates GTI’s products into Barstool’s existing media channels. This could include sponsored segments on popular podcasts like “Pardon My Take,” video content featuring Barstool personalities using or discussing GTI products, and social media campaigns designed to engage followers.


The goal is to present cannabis in a relatable and entertaining manner while educating consumers about responsible use. By utilizing Barstool’s humor-driven approach, the partnership aims to destigmatize cannabis consumption and encourage open discussions about its benefits.


 2. Brand Visibility


With millions of followers across various platforms, Barstool Sports provides an unparalleled opportunity for GTI to enhance its brand visibility. The partnership will allow GTI to reach new audiences who may not be familiar with their products or the cannabis industry as a whole.


Through targeted marketing campaigns and engaging content, GTI can effectively communicate its brand message while showcasing the quality and variety of its offerings. This increased visibility can lead to higher consumer interest and ultimately drive sales.


3. Navigating Regulatory Challenges


The cannabis industry faces numerous regulatory challenges when it comes to advertising and marketing. Many traditional advertising platforms impose strict limitations on how cannabis brands can promote their products. However, by partnering with Barstool Sports, a platform known for its innovative approach to content—GTI can navigate these challenges more effectively.


Barstool’s established reputation allows it to create engaging content that adheres to legal guidelines while still resonating with audiences. This partnership could serve as a model for other brands looking to enter the cannabis space without running afoul of advertising regulations.



4. Normalizing Cannabis Culture


As societal attitudes toward cannabis continue to evolve, there is an increasing need to normalize cannabis culture within mainstream media. Both Barstool Sports and GTI share a vision of promoting responsible cannabis consumption while breaking down stereotypes associated with its use.


Through entertaining content that highlights the benefits of cannabis whether for relaxation or social enjoyment, the partnership aims to foster acceptance among audiences who may have previously held reservations about cannabis use. By integrating these messages into popular sports culture, both companies hope to reshape perceptions around cannabis consumption.


 Cannabis Legalization in America


The partnership between Barstool Sports and Green Thumb Industries comes at a time when the landscape of cannabis legalization in the United States is rapidly changing. Over the past decade, numerous states have legalized cannabis for medical or recreational use, leading to an explosion of growth within the industry.

According to recent reports from industry analysts, the legal cannabis market in the U.S. is projected to exceed $41 billion by 2025. As more states consider legalization measures and public opinion shifts toward acceptance, businesses within this sector are poised for significant growth opportunities.



The economic impact of legalized cannabis extends beyond just sales revenue; it also creates jobs and generates tax revenue for state governments. States that have embraced legalization have seen substantial increases in tax collections from cannabis sales—funds that can be allocated toward education, healthcare, infrastructure projects, and more.


As major players like Barstool Sports enter this space through partnerships with established companies like GTI, they contribute not only to their own growth but also help shape an industry that has far-reaching implications for local economies across the country.



The cultural shift surrounding cannabis cannot be understated either; it reflects broader changes in societal attitudes toward substance use overall. As more people advocate for legalization based on health benefits or personal freedom arguments rather than stigma or fear-based narratives—companies like Barstool Sports are well-positioned to influence these conversations positively.


By engaging audiences through humor-infused storytelling around cannabis culture—whether discussing strains suited for game day or highlighting responsible consumption practices. Barstool can play an essential role in shaping how future generations view this plant-based product.


Future Opportunities


As this partnership unfolds over time there are numerous opportunities available not only within marketing but also product development itself! Some potential avenues include:


 1. Co-Branded Products


Given both brands’ strong identities there may be potential for co-branded products tailored specifically toward Barstool fans. Imagine limited edition pre-rolls branded with iconic catchphrases from popular podcasts or even themed merchandise that combines sports memorabilia with cannabis culture.


2. Events & Activations


Another exciting possibility lies within live events or activations where fans can engage directly with both brands! Whether through tailgates at sporting events featuring product sampling or hosting exclusive meet-and-greets these experiences could deepen connections between consumers while promoting responsible usage!


3. Educational Initiatives


Lastly education remains crucial when it comes to destigmatizing marijuana use! Collaboratively creating informative content focused on health benefits associated with different strains could empower consumers while reinforcing positive messages around safe consumption practices!



The partnership between Barstool Sports and Green Thumb Industries represents not just an exciting development within two distinct industries but also signals broader changes occurring across American society regarding perceptions around marijuana usage!


By leveraging each other’s strengths Barstool’s vast audience reach combined with GTI’s expertise in quality product offerings, this collaboration sets out not only to entertain but also educate consumers about responsible consumption habits while normalizing discussions surrounding marijuana use!


As we look ahead, it will be fascinating to see how this partnership evolves over time; paving new pathways not only for both brands but potentially reshaping cultural narratives surrounding one of America’s most controversial yet rapidly growing industries!





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How Social Media is Driving Change




cyprus marijuana legalization

In recent days, the conversation around cannabis legalization in Cyprus has reached a new level of intensity. About eight days ago, social media platforms like Twitter (now X), Facebook, and Instagram began buzzing with discussions, petitions, and activist campaigns advocating for broader access to medical cannabis and the legalization of personal cultivation. This surge of public interest and online activism comes after years of stagnation in the country’s cannabis policy implementation, despite medical cannabis being legalized as far back as 2017.

The Social Media Movement: A Force to Be Reckoned With

The current social media push began as a coordinated effort from various grassroots organizations and activists who were frustrated with the government’s slow progress in making medical cannabis available to patients who need it most. What began as a few isolated posts has now transformed into a powerful movement that shows no signs of slowing down.

Over the last eight days, platforms like Facebook, X, and Instagram have been flooded with posts, hashtags, and even paid advertisements advocating for the swift implementation of the medical cannabis law. The message is clear: Cypriots want immediate access to cannabis for therapeutic purposes and the right to grow their own plants for personal use.

Petitions supporting these changes are circulating widely, and the number of signatures is rapidly growing. Just this past week, one campaign calling for the legalization of medical cannabis and personal cultivation surpassed 1,000 signatures. The petition’s momentum is showing no signs of slowing down, with organizers now setting their sights on reaching 1,500 signatures and beyond. Once the campaign hits 2,000 signatures, organizers plan to submit their petition to the Ministry of Health, urging officials to take concrete steps towards implementation and reform.

The Broader Cannabis Landscape in Cyprus

To understand the current movement, it’s important to take a step back and look at the broader cannabis landscape in Cyprus. In 2017, Cyprus took its first steps towards legalizing medical cannabis, allowing it to be prescribed to patients suffering from serious conditions such as cancer. In 2019, the government expanded the scope of the law, extending access to patients suffering from chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and glaucoma. This legislative change brought hope to thousands of Cypriots suffering from chronic conditions.

However, despite the legal framework being in place, patients are still struggling to access medical cannabis due to bureaucratic and regulatory delays. As of today, there are still no significant efforts to issue the licenses necessary to start cultivation and distribution. This lack of action has left many patients without access to the treatment they desperately need, driving activists to take their message to social media.

Why Now? What’s Driving the Surge?

The recent social media buzz didn’t happen in a vacuum. Several factors have contributed to the sudden increase in online activity around cannabis legalization in Cyprus.

  1. Frustration with Government Delays: Patients who qualify for medical cannabis under the law have found that they cannot access it. While medical cannabis is technically legal, the lack of implementation means that those who need it are often left to seek alternatives in the black market, which is both risky and illegal.

  2. Global Momentum: Across Europe and the world, cannabis legalization is advancing. Countries like Malta, Germany, Luxembourg, and Spain have implemented more progressive cannabis laws, including personal cultivation models, which allow individuals to grow a small number of plants for personal use. Meanwhile, Canada, certain states in the U.S., and even Thailand have made significant strides in cannabis regulation. Cypriots are watching these developments unfold and are pushing their government to follow suit.

  3. Public Health and Economic Arguments: Advocates argue that legalizing personal cannabis cultivation not only provides critical relief for patients but also presents an economic opportunity for Cyprus. Legalizing cannabis cultivation could create new jobs and generate tax revenue, which could be reinvested in healthcare and education. Furthermore, regulation would help cut down on the black market, ensuring that consumers have access to safe, tested products.

  4. The Power of Social Media: Social media platforms have proven to be incredibly effective tools for organizing and rallying support. By using hashtags, paid ads, and viral content, activists are reaching a wide audience quickly and efficiently. In just a matter of days, thousands of Cypriots have joined the conversation, sharing posts and signing petitions to advocate for change.

The Role of Media and Influencers

As the movement continues to grow, traditional media outlets are starting to take notice. Cyprus Mail, and other media platforms have been covering the ongoing discussions about medical cannabis and the delays in implementing the law. These news outlets are amplifying the social media buzz, giving the movement additional visibility and legitimacy.

Moreover, key influencers in the Cypriot cannabis community have stepped up to the plate. Organizations like (Cyprus Cannabis Association) have been particularly vocal about the need for reform. Recently, Andria Andreou, President of CY-CA, expressed her support for the movement, proposing collaboration between activists and organizations to present a unified front to the government. This growing partnership between grassroots activists and more established organizations like CY-CA is helping the movement gain credibility and momentum.

What Happens Next?

With the petition quickly gaining signatures, the next step for activists is to continue applying pressure on both the Ministry of Health and the media. The goal is to keep the conversation going, ensuring that the issue remains front and center in public discourse.

As the campaign approaches 1,500 signatures, activists plan to strengthen their collaboration with organizations like CY-CA to amplify their message and gain further support. Once the petition reaches 2,000 signatures, the plan is to formally submit the request to the Ministry of Health, calling for the immediate distribution of medical cannabis in pharmacies, as well as the adoption of personal cultivation models similar to those in countries like Malta and Germany.

Additionally, activists are preparing to push for a public consultation on cannabis reform, allowing citizens to voice their opinions and concerns. This would be a major step forward, potentially paving the way for more comprehensive cannabis legislation that covers both medical and recreational use.

Why Personal Cultivation Matters

One of the most pressing demands of the movement is the legalization of personal cannabis cultivation. This model, which allows individuals to grow a small number of cannabis plants for personal use, has been successfully implemented in several European countries. Advocates argue that allowing personal cultivation would give patients more control over their treatment, ensuring that they have access to high-quality cannabis without having to rely on the black market.

Moreover, personal cultivation could help address the supply shortages that are likely to occur if and when the government begins to issue cultivation licenses. By allowing individuals to grow their own plants, the government can help ensure that patients have immediate access to the treatment they need while the industry develops.

The Role of the Health Minister: What Will He Do?

As the pressure mounts, all eyes are now on Health Minister Michalis Damianos, who has publicly stated his commitment to improving healthcare services. Recently, the Minister reiterated that “health is the ultimate good” and that his work focuses on ensuring patients’ rights. Given his statements, the question now is: Will he act on medical cannabis reform?

With over 1,000 signatures supporting cannabis legalization, the Minister faces increasing public pressure. His previous efforts to modernize health services and legislative frameworks suggest that the full implementation of medical cannabis laws could be the next logical step. Will he take the necessary steps to ensure that patients gain safe and legal access to cannabis?

The Final Push: Why Your Voice Matters

As the movement for cannabis reform in Cyprus gains traction, it’s more important than ever for citizens to get involved. Whether it’s signing the petition, sharing posts on social media, or reaching out to local representatives, every action counts. The more support the movement gains, the harder it will be for the government to ignore the growing demand for change.

In the coming weeks, the conversation around cannabis legalization in Cyprus is likely to intensify. With continued pressure from both social media and the media, there’s a real chance that the government will finally take action to implement the laws that have been on the books since 2017.

For now, the activists and advocates behind the movement are calling on all Cypriots to join the conversation and make their voices heard. The future of cannabis legalization in Cyprus is being written right now—and with enough public support, change could be just around the corner.





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