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What is a CannaGar – The Fresh Toast



It seems the Mayas grew tobacco for medical purposes and developed the original cigar. Columbus and other explores brough tobacco and cigars back to Europe. It arrived around 1760 in North America when Israel Putnam returned from Cuba. He brought with him a selection of Havana cigars and large amounts of Cuban tobacco seed. In the early 19th century American domestic production started to take off and Cuban cigars also began to be imported in significant numbers.  The love of cigars became associated with a luxury pleasure, with Cubans being at the top.  But what if it went one better…what is a cannagar? The marriage of cigars and cannabis.

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Some people see cannabis like a fine wine.  Something to savor and enjoy.  For those cannabis connoisseurs who like a big smoke with a sophisticated flair, consider the cannagar. Its predecessor, the Thai Stick, originated in Thailand. They popular in North America during the 60s and 70s where troops brought the knowledge back with them from the Vietnam War. They faded out within a decade as the war on drugs escalated.  

A cannagar is a cannabis cigar that is smoked more like a cigar than a joint. Use a cigar cutter to trim the end before lighting up.  Consumers share cannagar pulls so much easier and burns hotter due to the hole for airflow, which is why you’d want to puff on it like a cigar rather than a joint. Set aside a couple of hours to enjoy the long burn time.”

Making your own cannagars can not only save money, it allows you to get as creative as you want by adding your favorite strains, wraps, and concentrates. However, the process for making cannagars by hand requires patience, and it can become a very tedious process if you’re making it without a cannagar mold. Using a cannagar mold will save you time and money and you’ll have a cannagar made within minutes. 

A cannagar mold is not good quality if it doesn’t feel durable (there are some that use a 3D printer and those can break pretty easily). The best cannagar molds will make life simpler by having a few steps and making it as easy as possible. They’ll also come as a kit and include just about everything you need to create your first cannagar.

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Like cigars, the pre-made cannagars available at dispensaries tend to be on the pricey side. Prior to paying for this premium product, do a little research and read the reviews.

The global cigar market size was valued at $41.5+million in 2021, a premium niche of the tobacco market. A legal market will see if cannagars become an equivalent.

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How Hemp Helps You Sleep




Not everyone has access to marijuana to help them sleep – good news, hemp is available.

it’s estimated 50 to 70 million Canadian and American adults experience sleep disorders or disturbances, and about one-third of adults don’t regularly get the recommended amount. Hemp has emerged as a promising natural remedy for those seeking better sleep. With its calming properties and potential to address various sleep-related issues, hemp-derived products are gaining popularity among individuals looking to improve their rest. Here is how hemp helps you sleep.

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Hemp contains several compounds contributing to better sleep quality. Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of hemp, has shown potential in promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, which can often interfere with a good night’s rest. Studies suggest that CBD may help individuals fall asleep faster and experience fewer sleep disturbances throughout the night.

When formulated and used properly, preliminary research and user reports suggest that hemp gummies improve subjective sleep quality. Users of quality hemp sleep gummies report feeling more rested, a better quality of sleep and fewer awakenings in the night. However, clinical research has shown that over consumption of THC negatively impacts the quality of sleep, especially with long term use.

Wana Brands has launched a hemp sleeping product nationally, Mike Hennesy, Vice President of Innovation shared the following about how it works. Naturally hemp-derived sleep gummies contain the same cannabinoids like CBD, CBN, and THC as cannabis or marijuana.  These ingredients interact with receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating mood, stress, and sleep-wake cycles. For example, CBD may promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, CBN can relieve discomfort and reduce awakenings, while THC can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep, especially at low doses. Together, they may help ease the mind and body into a sleep-ready state.

The best sleep products don’t rely on just one cannabinoid like CBN but instead use a combination of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other sleep-supporting ingredients such as melatonin. This is because the reasons for sleeplessness are multifaceted, and include trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, chronic, pain and anxiety. Each ingredient targets different root causes as well as synergizes with the other cannabinoids and terpenes for the best night sleep.

Longer lasting formulations can actually help reduce awakenings in the night. CBN has been shown in recent research to reduce the number of times you wake up in the night. Combined with other cannabinoids they can synergize to reduce discomfort and anxiety helping consumers stay asleep.

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If you do wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep products including CBD and CBG to reduce middle of the night anxiety and racing thoughts that can keep us awake, and they have only 1mg of THC so you wake up refreshed and not high in the morning.

For most people, hemp-derived cannabinoids are considered safe and non-intoxicating, with a low risk of dependence. When THC is included in small amounts, it can produce mild effects and can help us fall asleep faster. It generally poses a minimal risk when used in moderation, but there is a potential for dependence if overused, just like with any sleep aid. Adverse events are far more prevalent in pharmaceutical and even over the counter sleep aids than with hemp-derived cannabinoids.

The key is responsible use, including starting with a low dose and taking breaks when needed. If you rely on it every night at high doses, your body may adjust, and it can be habitual. But when used in moderation and with a well-balanced formula, cannabis can be a sustainable part of a healthy sleep routine.

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Can Marijuana Help Cholesterol – The Fresh Toast




Alcohol has some negative side effects, but cannabis could have one positive health benefit – it might help your good cholesterol.

In the late 1980s cholesterol test became come as the impact of it on the body and heart was becoming more evident. Research shows good cholesterol (HDL) helps remove excess cholesterol from the body, while “bad” cholesterol (LDL) can build up in arteries, potentially leading to heart disease. Alcohol and tobacco are known to be rough on the body, but can marijuana help cholesterol?

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Marijuana’s potential impact on cholesterol is an emerging area of research, offering both promising insights and areas for further exploration. While studies have yet to reach definitive conclusions, evidence suggests that cannabis may influence cholesterol levels in ways that could benefit cardiovascular health under certain conditions.

Cannabis contains cannabinoids like THC and CBD, which interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system. This system plays a role in regulating various physiological processes, including lipid metabolism. Some studies have indicated that marijuana use might improve cholesterol profiles by increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL), commonly known as “good cholesterol.” For instance, research published in BMJ Open found that marijuana users had elevated levels of HDL cholesterol, which is associated with better cardiovascular health.

Moreover, cannabis has demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to regulate blood glucose levels. These effects can indirectly support heart health by reducing risk factors associated with high cholesterol, such as diabetes and obesity. Additionally, cannabinoids like CBD may help protect the heart from oxidative stress and inflammation, further enhancing cardiovascular health.

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Cannabis has also been linked to weight management benefits, which can positively impact cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that marijuana use may reduce abdominal fat and improve metabolic parameters. Since obesity is a major contributor to high LDL cholesterol levels, these findings suggest that cannabis could play a supportive role in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

While some studies highlight potential benefits of cannabis for cholesterol and heart health, others caution against its risks. Daily marijuana use has been associated with an increased risk of heart failure and other cardiovascular issues. However, research also indicates that cannabis may reduce the risk of atrial fibrillation and improve outcomes following heart attacks.

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Food Asphyxiation Is Way More Dangerous Than Cannabis




Food asphyxiation is in the news today – and is WAY more dangerous than marijuana.

Food asphyxiation is in the news again. In the US alone, approximately 5,000 – 5,500 people die from choking on food or other objects annually. Factors like living alone, having dentures, difficulty swallowing, and certain foods (like bananas, marshmallows, or gelatinous candies) can increase the risk of choking. These numbers highlight the persistent danger of food asphyxiation and the need for increased awareness and prevention measures. And yet, it is really mention in the media or Congressional reviews. But food asphyxiation is way more dangerous than cannabis.

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Food asphyxiation, commonly known as choking, claims a significant number of lives each year. The elderly population is most at risk, with 90% of food-related choking deaths in 2022 occurring in individuals over 50 years old. This statistic underscores the importance of proper care and attention for older adults during meal times. These numbers highlight the persistent danger of food asphyxiation and the need for increased awareness and prevention measures.

yellow bananas

In contrast, deaths directly attributed to marijuana overdose are extremely rare and there is no documented case of fatal overdose from natural marijuana alone. This stark difference in mortality rates between food asphyxiation and marijuana use is noteworthy.

The disparity between food asphyxiation and marijuana overdose deaths is striking. While hundreds die each year from choking on food, marijuana overdose fatalities are virtually non-existent when considering natural marijuana use.

These findings suggest public health efforts might be disproportionately focused on substances with lower mortality rates while overlooking more common dangers like food asphyxiation. Increased education on proper eating habits, especially for at-risk populations like the elderly, could potentially save more lives than efforts to prevent marijuana overdoses.

To prevent choking, listen to your mom’s advice – eat slowly and throughly, cut food into bite size pieces, and don’t talk with your mouth full. And be mindful of food which may have small pieces or tiny bones.

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