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5 Things To Keep In Mind When Using Cannabis For Sleep



Cannabis and sleep go together like pillows and blankets. Here’s a few things you should keep in mind when using the herb to help you rest.

The Fresh Toast – Medications have side effects, so what about something natural. Here are 5 things to keep in mind when using cannabis for sleep

Despite being used as a sleep aid, NyQuil is not one. It is a popular assistant, but even with a virus it shouldn’t be used more than 7 days.  While roughly 50–70 million Canadians and Americans have ongoing sleep disorders, a little help is needed. Melatonin is also popular, if you are the someone where it works, you can take it nightly for one to two months. Melatonin can also take up to 1-2 hours to kick. Prescribed medications have a high potential for causing dependency. This not only can lead to addiction, but can stop working and leading to more insomnia. So what about something else natural.

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Marijuana can be a great tool for sleep. While more research is being done, there is evidence people with varying degrees of insomnia shows how effective marijuana can be for sleep.  But even for the occasionally sleepless night do to stress, minor pain, or other issues. It can work.  And it doesn’t need to be built up into your system, it works and then fades away. Here are 5 things to keep in mind when using cannabis for sleep.


Dosage, along with your level of experience with marijuana, matters when it comes to using the herb before bed. If you smoke too little, you might feel no effects. If you smoke too much, you might find yourself tossing and turning with weed-induced paranoia. If it’s your first time using marijuana for sleep, try your best to create a relaxing environment and avoid overstimulating yourself with too much screen time or alcohol. Pace yourself with your marijuana intake and be aware of your body and its cues; you’re better equipped to jump into bed once it feels right.

Method of consumption

Weed Edibles Have Sold Really Well During The Pandemic
Photo by Jonathan J. Castellon via Unsplash

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The way in which you consume marijuana will affect how fast or intense your reaction will be. If you consume an edible, be sure to give your body time to experience effects. If you’re vaping, smoking or using an oil, there’s more control and less planning necessary.

The type of cannabis matters

Whether you’re consuming a product THC or CBD based, or you’re consuming sativas or indicas, it’s important to know all the types of cannabis provide different effects. Indicas are the strains which tend to affect the body in relaxing and heavy ways, producing sleepy effects. Still, it doesn’t mean a sativa strain or a hybrid won’t make you feel sleepy. Marijuana is a trial and error type of substance; try different options and keep track of what works for you and what doesn’t.

Marijuana hangovers

If you’re not much of a night time marijuana consumer, the groggy feeling you might experience when you wake up can be puzzling. Although not as strong or common as regular hangovers, weed hangovers exist. Although not completely understood, these are more likely if you’ve been consuming low quality marijuana. To cope with them, be sure to drink lots of water, eat healthy goods and monitor your cannabis intake through the day.

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Changes in sleep and dreams

One of the most noticeable effects cannabis has on sleep is the lack of dreams. This is due to cannabis limiting REM sleep, which is the stage of sleep where dreams are likely to occur. Scientific studies have found REM sleep is important for learning and resting. There’s much we don’t understand when it comes to the relationship between cannabis and sleep. It’s important to monitor your marijuana usage and your sleep habits, especially if you feel like the sleep you’re having is not restful or good for you.

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The Benefits Of Consuming Marijuana Alone




Some times you want to relax and just chill in your own head – and that is 100% ok

Trivia night, parties, hanging with friends, sporting events…all group activities when you might imbibe in something to add to the fun atmosphere. Heading to a bar, going out to eat, or family events might including a bit of booze or a small toke.  Both can put you in the right mood. But here are the benefits of consuming marijuana alone.

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Drinking alone can cause issues as alcohol can have different effects. A big difference between marijuana and alcohol is the latter is a depressant. Cannabis, in the right dosage,  tends to reduce anxiety and can help battle depression.  Also, overindulges with weed leads to falling asleep, where overdoing it with cocktails can lead to blackout and serious help issues.

13 songs to add to your smoke sesh playlist
Photo by Matthew Henry via Burst

Marijuana is surprisingly effective and malleable when consumed alone. If you challenge yourself, it can be used for different activities including creative, social and physical. When getting the dosage right, weed can act as a stimulant for your brain, helping you journal and doodle, or for your body, pushing you to workout or clean and sort through your closet.

Another benefit is you can enjoy the wonder of being in a high state of mine.  Experts express they love watching a movie on a large screen as it makes them feel they are in the movie (probably not a good idea to watch horror films). It can almost make you feel like you meld with music. when you’re high because cannabis affects your sense of timing. When you smoke weed, your brain slows down and becomes more sensitive to the rhythms in music. It makes it easier to appreciate the subtleties in the music

Personal reflection and growth are other prime reasons for solo cannabis consuming. It allows individuals to immerse themselves in a deep journey into their own being, stripped of the distractions and outside influences that often cloud our understanding.  For introverts, this can be time to balance and recharge.

RELATED: How To Know If You’re Buying High Quality Marijuana

The best part about marijuana is you can enjoy it without ahangover allowing you the next day to be productive.  Before diving in to your solo marijuana journey and all of the perks it can result in, here are the best & safest practices.

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In a historic move the Drug Enforcement Agency announced it plans to reschedule cannabis.  Monumental shift in the marijuana industry.

After three years of waiting for President Biden to fulfill his promise of doing something about legal cannabis, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) announced its plan to reschedule cannabis. This follows the recommendations from Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Agency (FDA).  They are sending their recommendation to the White House Office of Management and Budget for review of the impact on the budget. The shifts acknowledged the medical benefits of cannabis and can pave the way for PTSD treatment for veterans, something the President and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA).

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“Moving to Schedule III is the single biggest thing that can happen to the US cannabis industry. It removes the 280E tax burden, increases medical research, and opens the investor base. Today is truly a tipping point for this burgeoning industry.” declared Jesse Redmond, Managing Director at Water Tower Research.


“This historic move from the Biden Administration to reclassify cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III reflects changes in the scientific and medical understanding of cannabis. It echoes moves in other countries around the world. Domestically, it lays the groundwork for federal tax benefits for the cannabis industry, as cannabis businesses will be treated like other businesses with regard to deductions and credits. It will also lower the costs and hurdles of conducting research on the plant and its products. Despite skeptics arguing that this spells the beginning of the end of the cannabis industry as we know, those doomsday scenarios fail to answer a basic question: why would the Biden Administration want to crack down on a substance that it classifies as “less dangerous” when it refused to crack down on the substance when it was a Schedule I substance? Little, if anything, will change at the state regulatory level, but that should not take away from the historic nature of this decision. Cannabis has been a Schedule I substance for 54 years, and despite multiple opportunities to reclassify it in decades’ past, today is the first time the US Government has been willing to say otherwise” shares John Hudak, Director, Maine Office of Cannabis.

Hudak is widely respected in the industry and has been a thought leader for the growing industry. The move reclassifies cannabis from Schedule 1 of dangerous drug with zero medical benefits to to Schedule III such as ketamine, Tylenol with codeine, and anabolic steroids. The timing is still unsettled, but there is hope it will have an impact in 2024.  The industry as been struggling under schedule III despite a huge growth of consumers.  This will also open the door more for mainstream companies to become involved in the market.

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“While this is great news for the cannabis industry, it’s too early to break out the Champagne,” said Lonnie Rosenwald, Partner at Zuber Lawler, LLP. “We don’t know yet when rescheduling will occur, or, perhaps more important, when the tax changes will take effect.  For companies and entrepreneurs considering entering the industry, rescheduling alone shoudl provide an incentive to launch their businesses. But existing cannabis businesses will have to wait to see whether they’ll be able to deduct business expenses on their 2024 or 2025 returns. We expect answers to these questions in the coming weeks.” says Lonnie Rosenwald, an attorney for Zuber Lawler, a national law firm which covers the cannabis industry.

This is a historic shift for the federal government and puts in more in line with the American Medical Association, most medical professionals, Canada and the general public.


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Can CBD Oils Help With Anxiety & Depression




War, relationships, political news, work at home or office, all adding to the stress of life.  For some, they can manage it and move forward, for others, it can be a pit of sadness…but most it seems experience anxiety and depression at some point. In a surprise, the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey finds  half (50%) of adults ages 18-24 reported anxiety and depression symptoms. It can causes sleep deprivation, loss of energy, and high blood pressure and general uneasiness.

It is tough to deal with it while maintain your life. It is always good to talk to a trained medical professional and there are prescriptions, but can CBD oils help with anxiety & depression?

california's absurd stance on CBD cosmetics
Photo by Anshu A via Unsplash

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol(CBD) can be extracted from cannabis plants, marijuana leaves, and hemp flowers. CBD products act as a natural remedy.  By consuming or using this product you will not get high or have any psychotic reaction. Numerous studies have been carried out on different products of CBD and a quality check has also been approved by the FDA.

Reports say that CBD has less than 0.3 % THC, which is very safe than a lot of other drugs and pills that are taken for mental health.

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CBD products are now legally consumed and distributed in many states and countries. The list includes countries like German, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, The USA & The UK.

Just like different brands of marijuana, there are also various brands of CBD oils available.

In the USA you can only use CBD products for medical purposes. It has to be prescribed by a licensed doctor for you to buy and consume it.

If your state has legalized the sale and consumption of cannabis products then it will be easier to find CBD oils in some particular cannabis clinics, shops, and online stores like CBD Oil Uk.

The Difference Between Stress And Anxiety

Stress is a short-term ailment that can happen regularly or once in a while and does not cause any serious damages. Besides, it can be managed easily.

If you face problems like frustration, exhaustion, muscle pain, digestive issues, and difficulty sleeping frequently then it is likely you are dealing with stress.

Anxiety is more severe than stress. It can not be alleviated easily. Instead, it is considered as non-stop excessive worry and fear even when everything is perfectly fine in your life.

Anxiety leads to a set of symptoms that are almost identical to stress but very serious. These include insomnia, difficulty in concentration, fatigue, and muscle tension.

It is important to differentiate the signs of stress and anxiety. Stress is a common cause of anxiety and to avoid anxiety symptoms, it is important to catch them early.

person holding amber glass bottle
Photo by Christin Hume via Unsplash

How CBD Products Can Help

Here are 4 ways CBD products can help reduce anxiety and depression-

1.CBD Improves Your Sleep Cycle

People suffering from anxiety often complain about the lack of sleep.

Excessive anxiety often interrupts your sleep cycle and lack of sleep can, in turn, result in more anxiety.

CBD has claimed to reduce anxiety levels. It has even shown positive results in clinical trials that is why the FDA has approved CBD in the first place.

RELATED: 5 Ways To Incorporate Effective CBD Products Into Your Everyday Life

CBD helps calm our minds and increases the chances of falling asleep naturally and without any disruption.

Also, studies have proven that little extra dosage of CBD creates a sedative effect on your body and helps to sleep and lets your brain rest. CBD products are now used to treat people with insomnia as well.

2.CBD Reduces Pain & Inflammation

Earlier we have discussed that stress and anxiety can cause muscle pain, headaches, and chronic inflammation.

CBD products are completely natural. The products have been proven to be a muscle relaxant and work better than any standard painkillers since it has no side effects.

CBD also works as anti-inflammatory drugs. It controls cytokine production which is generally responsible for various inflammatory diseases in our body.

This increased inflammation is also connected to higher levels of anxiety. Just like sleep and anxiety, this one is also a chain reaction.

Inflammatory diseases like psoriasis and arthritis can cause depression and anxiety in the long run. CBD oil helps to reduce inflammation and pain by reducing cytokine and affecting CB-2 receptors. This reduces pain and decreases the chance of getting an anxiety attack.

3. CBD improves mood

CBD is considered as a “Neuroprotective” material. “Neuroprotective” actually means it will protect nerve cells by keeping a safe functioning state of the nervous system.

Moreover, it decreases the oxidative stress of your brain.

By keeping your negative emotions in check, CBD helps you to improve your mood and keeps your brain calm and relaxed. It reduces unnecessary stress and anxiety.

4. CBD Helps Enhance Metabolism

If you have a poor digestive and metabolism system, it will affect your quality of life.

It will make you feel bloated and lethargic. Illness disrupts the natural functioning of your body and if it becomes more serious it causes stress and ultimately, leads to anxiety.

If you start consuming CBD regularly, it will improve your metabolism, burn unnecessary fat, and make you feel better.

Here Are The Most Popular Conditions CBD Can Treat
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How To Choose CBD Products

CBD has various types of products in the market including oil, tablets, edibles, beverages, creams, and vape. Although the overall vape sales slowed down during this year. Things are starting to look better.

But still, the CBD oils are the most popular ones by a large margin. Each of the types provides almost the same benefits with some unique advantages of their own.  CBD oils have to be consumed daily and provide the most health benefits. They are also the most concentrated ones.  CBD gummies are sweet and take a long time to take effect. CBD lotions are best for exterior physical discomfort.

Depending on your medical condition, you should consult with a healthcare professional who has experience with CBD to choose the right product.


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