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Australia to allow magic mushrooms and MDMA for limited medical use



Australia surprised the world yesterday by announcing it will allow psilocybin and MDMA to be prescribed to treat certain health conditions, starting July 1 this year. 

The announcement represents a first for medical MDMA use in any country. As for psilocybin, the substance is available for adults 21 and over in the US state of Oregon, and will soon be available in Colorado. In Canada, it’s available for limited medical use.  

Australia’s new law will only allow specific uses: psilocybin for aiding in treatment-resistant depression, and MDMA to treat PTSD, for which research has shown promise. 

The substances will need to be administered in conjunction with psychotherapy—a process also backed up by research—likely similar to Oregon’s system of psilocybin administration and integration. Only psychiatrists with authorization from Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) will be allowed to prescribe the substances. 

This amendment to the substances’ legality came about through a change in Australia’s Poison Standards. Medical uses of psilocybin and MDMA will now be listed as Schedule 8 drugs, or controlled drugs, while other uses of the substances will still be labeled under Schedule 9, or prohibited substances. 

The Poisons Standards is regulated at the state or territory level, so while this amendment will take place nationwide, individual states or territories in Australia may opt out of the decision if they choose, similar to how when a US state legalizes cannabis, individual counties can opt out of cannabis sales.  


What are psychedelic mushrooms and psilocybin?

Despite the Australian government going forward with the decision, researchers in Australia are divided on the decision.

“This is a huge step for the treatment of PTSD and treatment-resistant depression in Australia, providing access to alternative interventions for individuals who have exhausted all treatment options,” said Sarah-Catherine Rodan, PhD Student at Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics, InsideOut Institute for eating disorders, University of Sydney. 

However, many researchers working on psychedelic therapies exhibited caution at the decision.

“There is initial evidence that MDMA can be beneficial in treating PTSD but there is much we do not know,” said Professor Richard Bryant, from the School of Psychology University of New South Wales. “The science is at a point where we can say it is too early to be prescribing MDMA for PTSD patients. Instead, we should be investing in research to understand how MDMA can be used in relation to proven treatments.”


What is MDMA (aka Ecstasy or Molly)?

Perhaps more important, the legalization of substances anywhere in the world destigmatizes drug use in general, a welcome step in combating the War on Drugs and creating a new narrative of substances. 

“MDMA was being used as medication in 1985, when it was banned by executive order of the President of the USA, and against the advice of medical professionals and administrative agencies,” said Dr. David Caldicott, Emergency Consultant and Senior Clinical Lecturer in Medicine at the Australian National University. 

“The safe ‘re-medicalization’ of certain historically illicit drugs is a very welcome step away from what has been decades of demonization. In addition to a clear and evolving therapeutic benefit, it also offers the chance to catch up on the decades of lost opportunity in delving into the inner workings of the human mind, abandoned for so long as part of an ill-conceived, ideological ‘War on Drugs’.”

Pat Goggins's Bio Image

Pat Goggins

Pat Goggins is a senior editor who handles Leafly’s informational content and specializes in cannabis cultivation after working for a commercial grower in Oregon. When not fixing typos, you’ll probably find him on a boat or in the mountains.

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Canadian wildfire smoke triggers poor air quality, health advisories in Colorado




Haze blanketed Colorado on Monday as wildfire smoke drifted from Canada, and the gray skies are expected to hover overhead for at least another 24 hours.

The wildfire smoke led the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the Regional Air Quality Council on Monday to issue public health advisories, recommending people limit outdoor activity. The smoke is increasing the amount of ozone and fine particulate matter in the air.

Air monitors across northern Colorado and the Front Range were showing high concentrations of particulate matter, which can be smoke, soot, ash or liquid particles that people can inhale.

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durable effects

LSD-Based Medication Yields Rapid, Durable Response




A recent study discussed on Medscape reveals that an LSD-based medication shows promising results in providing rapid and durable responses in patients. This medication has demonstrated effectiveness in improving symptoms with sustained benefits over time, highlighting its potential as a novel treatment option for certain psychiatric conditions.

Promising Results for LSD-Based Medication

Introduction to the Study

A groundbreaking study has shown that a medication based on LSD can offer rapid and long-lasting relief from psychiatric symptoms. This research suggests significant potential for the treatment of mental health disorders.

Key Findings

The study found that patients experienced quick and sustained improvements in their symptoms after taking the LSD-based medication. The effects were durable, indicating long-term benefits and stability in mental health.

Mechanism of Action

LSD’s interaction with serotonin receptors in the brain is believed to play a crucial role in its therapeutic effects. This interaction helps modulate mood, perception, and cognition, contributing to its effectiveness in treating psychiatric conditions.

Implications for Mental Health Treatment

These findings highlight the potential of LSD-based medications to revolutionize the treatment of mental health disorders. The rapid onset of relief and durability of effects make it a promising option for patients with conditions that are resistant to traditional treatments.

Why This Is Important

The study’s results underscore the need for innovative approaches in mental health treatment. LSD-based medications could provide new hope for patients who have not responded to conventional therapies.

Possible Implications

  1. New Treatment Options: Introduction of novel medications for psychiatric conditions.
  2. Further Research: Increased interest in studying the therapeutic potential of psychedelics.
  3. Regulatory Changes: Potential adjustments in drug regulations to accommodate new treatment options.
  4. Healthcare Integration: Integration of psychedelic-based therapies into mainstream mental health care.
  5. Patient Outcomes: Improved outcomes for patients with treatment-resistant mental health disorders.

What to Follow

  • Clinical Trials: Ongoing and future trials to validate and expand on these findings.
  • Regulatory Developments: Changes in policies regarding the use of psychedelics in medicine.
  • Market Trends: Adoption and commercialization of LSD-based medications.
  • Patient Experiences: Feedback and results from patients using these new treatments.


The study on LSD-based medication offers a promising new avenue for treating mental health disorders. With rapid and durable responses, this medication could significantly impact the field of psychiatry, providing new hope for patients and healthcare providers.

Source: Medscape, The study

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Veterans with PTSD Experience Benefits from Service Dogs




A study published in JAMA Network Open reveals that service dogs significantly improve mental health outcomes for veterans with PTSD. The presence of service dogs helps reduce PTSD symptoms, including depression and anxiety, and enhances overall well-being. This research supports the therapeutic benefits of service dogs in providing emotional support and improving the quality of life for veterans struggling with PTSD.

Service Dogs as Therapeutic Allies for Veterans with PTSD

Introduction to the Study

A new study has revealed that veterans with PTSD gain significant mental health benefits from having service dogs. This finding emphasizes the therapeutic potential of service animals in managing PTSD symptoms.

Key Findings

The study found that veterans with service dogs reported reduced PTSD symptoms, including lower anxiety and depression levels, compared to those without service dogs. Additionally, these veterans experienced improved overall well-being and quality of life.

Therapeutic Benefits

Service dogs provide various forms of support that can help mitigate PTSD symptoms. These include:

  • Emotional Support: Helping veterans feel calmer and more secure.
  • Physical Assistance: Assisting with daily tasks and providing a sense of routine.
  • Social Interaction: Encouraging socialization and reducing feelings of isolation.

Importance of the Findings

These findings highlight the potential of service dogs as a complementary treatment for PTSD. They underscore the need for increased access to service dogs for veterans and further research into their benefits.

Why This Is Important

Understanding the benefits of service dogs for PTSD can inform treatment approaches and policies, improving support for veterans. It also highlights the need for broader recognition and funding for service dog programs.

Possible Implications

  1. Enhanced Access: Increased provision of service dogs to veterans in need.
  2. Policy Support: Development of policies to support service dog programs.
  3. Further Research: More studies to explore and validate the therapeutic benefits of service dogs.
  4. Public Awareness: Greater awareness and acceptance of the role of service dogs in mental health care.

What to Follow

  • Program Developments: Initiatives to provide more service dogs to veterans.
  • Policy Changes: Legislative support for service dog programs.
  • Research Studies: Ongoing research into the benefits of service dogs for PTSD.
  • Veteran Feedback: Reports from veterans on their experiences with service dogs.


Service dogs offer significant therapeutic benefits for veterans with PTSD, enhancing their mental health and quality of life. Continued support and research are essential to maximize these benefits and improve veterans’ access to service dogs.

Source: JAMA Network Open

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