Wednesdays are neither here nor there. It feels like being stuck in limbo, the furtherest away from the glorious weekends. In a happiness search, two American...
Did the cannabis company thread the needle on paying federal taxes to the US government? As wrote up in their summary of the Benzinga Cannabis...
Addiction to gambling, drinking, cannabis, food, and other drugs can take a toll on your life, affecting your health, finances, and relationships. While gambling used to happen...
Newsom’s Veto Letter In Full Source link
WIth marijuana use on the upswing and nicotine looking more like yesterday, a study reveals is THC or nicotine risker for youth. Conducted by the...
California recently passed a psychedelics decriminalization bill; the only problem is that the governor vetoed it. Read on for more information. California psychedelics bill This year,...
Certain hemp-derived products in Alaska will now be regulated by the state’s marijuana regulatory agency under new regulations passed by lawmakers. The change doesn’t affect all...
During the October 2nd episode of Conan O’Brien’s podcast, “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend,” on SiriusXM Garage, 32-year-old Ed Sheeran laughed while engaging in various discussions....
Smoking marijuana is one of the most difficult activities to hide, not only because of the goofiness and the red eyes most likely ensuing, but also...
With 23 recreational legal states and 40 medical, more parents are now worried their kids will be able to acquire weed easier than ever before. It...