In the EU, mental health problems affect more than one in six people with considerable impacts for individuals and society and economic costs that exceed 4%...
Very Useful – Psychedelic Law Library – Watch The Video To Learn About The Site Source link
Cannabis has been gaining widespread acceptance and usage over the years, but it is not just humans that are partaking in the trend. Many pet owners...
February 20th is “Thank You Plant Medicine Day” where we celebrate the benefits and healing properties of plant medicine. Of course, this is a grassroots movement....
Cannabis has long been utilized as a sleep aid. Numerous substances found in the plant, including THC, CBD, and CBN, are known to have soothing and...
A Washington State Senate committee approved a massive overhaul to a psilocybin services bill on Thursday, gutting sections that would have legalized use of the psychedelic...
Browsing through an antique bookstore in Quito, I stumbled on a book called Shabono: A Visit to a Remote and Magical World in the South American...
Virginia’s Republican-controlled House of Delegates has consistently killed Senate-passed marijuana reform bills this session, and the latest legislation to be stopped in its tracks is a...
Looking for a legal and exciting way to experience the benefits of psychedelic substances? Look no further than psychedelic gummies! A new brand named Boomers (by...
Fed study: Teen marijuana use down as more states legalize; OK psilocybin vote; MD sales regs hearing; SAFE Banking op-ed Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter in...