Dry January is increasing popular, but can cannabis help make it not seem so long?
Since it premiered in 2013 in the UK, it has grown increasingly popular. It received a boast after the covid pandemic when alcohol consumption and sales increased exponentially. The trend has stuck around though, thanks to younger generations. Alcoholhelp.com says 35% of Gen-Z aged 21-24 practiced Dry January in 2024. While it is known alcohol it is not healthy, taking a 31 day break can be difficult. Can cannabis help your Dry January?
Cannabis can serve as an effective substitute for alcohol during the month, providing relaxation and social lubrication without the negative impacts associated with drinking. Many individuals find that cannabis helps them unwind after a long day, much like how they might have previously used alcohol. Oils, gummies, and vapes tend to be the healthiest options to avoid lung damage or extra pounds. Microdosing has become increasingly popular also.
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For those experiencing alcohol cravings during Dry January, cannabis may help. It can assist in managing withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and nausea, making the transition to sobriety more manageable. While some may worry you are trading bad habits, marijuana’s effect on the body is less damaging.
Cannabis, particularly strains high in CBD, can offer a sense of relaxation similar to alcohol but without many of the adverse effects. It’s a natural way to de-stress and wind down, helping participants navigate the challenges of abstaining from alcohol..
Cannabis can enhance social interactions without the negative impacts of alcohol. Some strains can provide an energy boost and mental clarity, helping users navigate social events more comfortablyCannabis and hemp are great substitutes for house parties or on a Friday night. These products come in various flavors and can provide a refreshing experience without compromising on taste or effects.
The California Sober movement has become popular, especially among Gen Z. It recongizines marijuana is a healthier alternative to booze. Additionally, it is far less addictive than alcohol, with alcohol use potentially resulting in significant and potentially fatal physical withdrawal, which is not observed with marijuana. As a sign of the benefits it brings, legal cannabis sales usually tend to spike in January.
Cannabis has become popular for every adult age group- but the surprise is Gen Z and Boomers are using it for similar reasons.
Cannabis is fully legal to over 50% of the population and all groups are embracing its use. Proven healthier than alcohol, it has become much more common in all sets. Even Florida looks like it is going to vote for recreational cannabis. Long stigmatized as a way to get high, be lazy and lay about on the couch, it turns out it is become part of every day life…and part of a health regime. An example of how it is being used, Boomer and Gen Z consume marijuana for similar reasons.
It is become so accepted, AARP did a study about use among Boomers. AARP is the largest print magazine with 38 million readers…and their bulletin has 33 million. A huge validator for the demographic. It also shows they are more open to more mainstream cannabis. This falls in line by the positions of the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians.
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The AARP study revealed 21 percent ages 50-plus used some form of cannabis — be it food, drink, flower or another type— at least once in the last year, a report from the University of Michigan’s National Poll on Healthy Aging found. That’s up from 1 in 8 (12 percent) in 2021. In 2015 and 2016, roughly 3 percent of adults 65 and older used cannabis, according to research published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Roughly 68% of poll respondents who used cannabis products did so for help with sleep, the researchers found. Many also cited pain relief (63 percent), mental health, anxiety, and mood (53 percent) and relaxation (81 percent) as reasons for using cannabis.
What is interesting is Gen Z, the youngest adult generation, Gen Z, is an also a big fan of marijuana. They helped fuel the California Sober trend where you reduce or stop drinking and use weed instead. One reason Gen Z has embraced weed is it helps with anxiety and mood. They also use it for relaxation, way more so than other generation who tend to lean into alcohol.
What is interesting is some Boomers and Gen X are consume marijuana in a more traditional way by smoking. Gen X and Boomers new to consuming tend to vape and use gummies. The later two are more “on the go” and discreet and doesn’t have the smell. It is interesting the marijuana is bonding together two generations.
Edibles have become very popular – finding the right one for you is key!
With over 50% of the country’s population having access to recreational cannabis, it has gone mainstream. Over 85% of the population believe it should be legal in some form and now there is a whole movement around California sober. As access to legal marijuana gains, beer sales have flattened and people are curious. According to BDSA, almost 50% of those who have used cannabis, have used an edible – primarily a gummy.
Marijuana not only helps you to chill, relax or go on a fun journey, it also has clear medical benefits. Edibles are healthier for you body and lungs than vaping and smoking while capable of producing the same results. While smoking cannabis is a little healthier than tobacco, it is still not a great frequent habit. Additionally, edibles are likely to provide more pain relief and a stronger response from your mind and body.
Edibles are portable and discreet, allowing you to consume at a party, family event, or on the bus. No fuss, no muss and you can pop one in your mouth. According to BDSA, gummies represent at last 85% of the edible market.
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Edible makers infuse their foods with marijuana through a variety of ways, primarily with cannabutter and extracts. Cannabutter is the product that results once butter or oil is infused with cannabis. This mixture is then used to make brownies, chocolates, etc.. Cannabutter includes the benefits and limitations of the whole cannabis flower, providing you with the full spectrum of cannabinoids. This means that there’s THC, CBD, and more in these types of edibles but also that they’re more unpredictable.
Gummies and a few other products are usually made with extracts. Producers isolate THC or CBD in a lab and later add them to their products, making something that is more reliable and consistent. Edibles prepared with extracts are a good option for people who are looking for a specific effect.
Photo by Margo Amala via Unsplash
When it comes to dosage, if you are new – consider starting with 2.5-5 mg and see how it goes. One benefit of professional edibles is there is a generally a good dosing guide so you can manage your high. Where you want to chill at a concert of microdose to focus, you should be able to easily manage your high with a gummy. Traditionally baked edibles can crumble and might not travel as well.
Remember it usually takes between 45 minutes to an hour for an edible to kick in. Wana Brands started a trend by releasing a new edible called Calm which hits in 5-15 minutes. Being the first, you may have to wait for it to be in your area.
Dispensary purchased edibles also tend to have less of a “weed” flavor. Companies have employed chocolatiers and master candy makers to ensure the right taste along with the journey. Flavors go from cookies and cream to watermelon, so you should find the right flavor.
New Year, new you, extra weight, exhaustion from the holidays – all reasons to maybe make a temporary change in January – but what is right for you?
The holiday season is fun and full of indulgences, but it can leave you feeling a little wrecked in at the start of a fresh new year. January is the time of year when you make a fresh start and set goals to improve yourself. Get fit, lose weight, do more, focus – all great goals, but only 9% of people follow through on their new year resolutions. As people share their intentions, about 15% of people start Dry January, but it is the right or the practical solution? Trying to figure out Damp January, Dry January or California Sober depends on your goals.
Ask what are you trying to accomplish? Giving your liver a break, taking a general tolerance vacation from intoxicants? Perhaps you want to shed the extra holiday weight. The average weight gain during this time period is anywhere from 0.8 pounds to just under 2 pounds. Or maybe you just want to clear your head. Here is a guideline to help you make a decision.
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Damp January
Damp January is an initiative where people choose to reduce their alcohol and/or marijuana consumption during the month of January. It allows a more flexible approach, focusing on reducing intake rather than complete abstinence. Considering there is a 3 day weekend in the middle of the month, it can make keeping the goal a bit easier.
if you’re following Damp January, it means that you should be drinking in moderation, with a more mindful approach. Weight loss is a bit harder and you have should plan your consumption and set limits on amounts.
California Sober
California Sober is an initiative where people stop drinking and drugs other than marijuana. And they partake of marijuana in moderation. This is a more flexible approach and many people use vapes and gummies instead of alcohol at social events. Done correctly, this also can used to assist in weight loss.
Dry January is the OG of all three and it means stopping everything cold for 31 days. This is the least flexible approach, although slipping once or twice doesn’t mean you should give up. This is the best program for weight loss and giving your body a break. This is a tolerance break for both alcohol and marijuana users who have a high frequency of use.
Damp January, Dry January or California Sober can all help you mind and body.