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Can Magic Mushrooms Make You Paranoid Like Weed Sometimes Does?



paranoia mushrooms psilocybin

As more and more studies explore the potential therapeutic benefits of psilocybin, the main hallucinogenic ingredient in magic mushrooms, encouraging results are being found for several ailments that do not respond well to traditional therapies. In spite of this, many people find it frightening to venture into the world of psychedelics.


Much like the old “reefer madness” hoax surrounding cannabis, psilocybin and other psychedelics are rapidly losing their stigma in society. There is less evidence to support the claim that psychedelic experiences always result in psychosis and other mental health problems.


Studies show that emergency room visits related to psilocybin use are exceedingly rare, with most negative effects stemming from factors like mindset, setting, and substance combinations, often resolving within a day.


While acknowledging the inherent risks in any medical intervention, recent research has focused on examining adverse effects associated with psilocybin therapy for anxiety and depression. A meta-analysis published in JAMA Psychiatry by researchers from the University of Georgia, Larkin University, and Palm Beach Atlantic University scrutinized double-blind clinical trials spanning from 1966 to 2023.


The findings identify anticipated adverse effects of psilocybin therapy for depression and anxiety, but notably, paranoia and transient thought disorders were reported infrequently compared to other symptoms.


Reflecting on Past Research to Shape the Future


The authors of a recent study on psilocybin treatment for depression and anxiety disorders commence by highlighting the existing body of research on the subject. They note that while previous clinical investigations have primarily focused on efficacy, there has been a notable absence of emphasis on the safety profile of psilocybin.


In order to analyze the side effects associated with therapeutic dosages of psilocybin in the treatment of depression and anxiety, researchers reviewed a large number of relevant publications. These studies included randomized clinical trials that compared psilocybin to placebo groups or other comparators. Furthermore, based on previous clinical data, the researchers divided the delivered dosages into three categories: low (1-3 mg), moderate (10-20 mg), and high (20-30 mg).


The analysis involved six distinct studies involving a collective total of 528 participants. Notably, participants typically experienced adverse effects either immediately or within 24 hours following psilocybin administration. Despite common misconceptions surrounding psilocybin and similar psychedelics, the study authors found no evidence linking psilocybin to the onset of paranoia or transient thought disorders, which are characterized by sudden psychotic symptoms.


Among the adverse effects observed across all six studies, headache (with an incidence ranging from 2% to 66%) and nausea (ranging from 4% to 48%) were consistently reported. Anxiety was documented in three of the studies, with incidence rates ranging from 4% to 26%. The authors also highlight that all adverse effects, except for elevated blood pressure, were estimated to occur in less than 50% of participants.


Psilocybin Induces Manageable Short-Term Side Effects with Prompt Resolution


In their discussion, researchers emphasize the necessity of summarizing the acute adverse effects of psilocybin in treating depression and anxiety for healthcare professionals. They highlight that understanding these effects is crucial for effective patient counseling. The study reveals a statistically significant occurrence of headache, nausea, anxiety, dizziness, and elevated blood pressure, which aligns with the expected side effects of serotonergic antidepressants due to psilocybin’s mechanism of action.


The research documents three instances of paranoia and transient thought disorder in high-dose psilocybin across 128 patients, with therapist or facilitator assistance likely mitigating potential complications. While the incidence of paranoia and transient thought disorder appears low, the study underscores the importance of exploring these adverse effects further.


Conclusively, the study finds that therapeutic doses of psilocybin generally result in tolerable acute adverse effects that typically subside within 24 to 48 hours. However, less common adverse effects like paranoia and prolonged visual perceptual effects merit attention.


The authors advocate for larger trials to comprehensively assess adverse effects, particularly in populations with concurrent health conditions. They also call for research focusing on medication efficacy, alternative treatments, and the role of licensed therapists in managing adverse effects.


They recommend that guidelines for monitoring acute adverse effects encompass headache, nausea, anxiety, dizziness, paranoia, blood pressure and heart rate fluctuations, visual perceptual changes, physical discomfort, and mood alterations at a minimum.


Shifting Perspectives on Psychedelics


The research of the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, notably psilocybin found in magic mushrooms, reveals that cultural attitudes are progressively changing. Psychedelics, formerly stigmatized and feared, are increasingly receiving recognized for their promise ability to address mental health issues that are resistant to traditional therapy. This paradigm change represents a break from old narratives that presented psychedelics as inherently hazardous and without therapeutic potential.


The changing way that society views psychedelics is reflected in the expanding body of research that examines their potential therapeutic uses with ever-greater rigor and detail. The potential of medicines like psilocybin to facilitate remarkable healing experiences is becoming increasingly recognized as scientific research reveals the processes underlying these effects. This new insight emphasizes the significance of taking a balanced approach to psychedelics, acknowledging both their therapeutic potential and concomitant hazards.


Within this evolving landscape, the role of healthcare professionals and researchers is pivotal in shaping informed discourse and evidence-based practices surrounding psychedelic therapy. By fostering open dialogue and disseminating accurate information, stakeholders can dispel myths and misconceptions while promoting responsible and ethical use of psychedelics in clinical settings. Furthermore, by advocating for robust regulatory frameworks and comprehensive training programs, professionals can ensure the safe and effective integration of psychedelics into mental health care.


It is critical to foster a climate of respect, empathy, and understanding surrounding the use of psychedelics as society works to move past the stigma. Through the adoption of a balanced viewpoint that recognizes the possible advantages as well as disadvantages of psychedelics, we may effectively utilize their therapeutic potential while preserving personal health. In the end, the movement toward psychedelic acceptance and de-stigmatization is a big step forward in the search for novel and all-encompassing methods of providing mental health care.


Bottom Line


As research continues to uncover the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, particularly psilocybin, societal attitudes are shifting away from stigmatization toward recognition of their promise in addressing mental health challenges. This evolving perspective, mirrored by an expanding body of rigorous research, emphasizes the importance of informed discourse, responsible use, and comprehensive regulatory frameworks to ensure the safe and effective integration of psychedelics into mental health care. By fostering understanding and respect for the potential benefits and risks of psychedelics, society can move toward a more holistic approach to mental health treatment.





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Why Falling THC Test Results Matter




The fluctuating levels of reported THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in cannabis products have sparked discussions and concerns within the industry. Contrary to popular belief, the decline in tested THC levels does not necessarily indicate a decrease in potency. We examine the reasons behind this phenomenon, exploring how changes in testing protocols, sample selection, and laboratory practices contribute to these findings. As an industry, we cannot lose sight of the importance of standardized testing practices to ensure transparency and reliability in the market.

Just a few years ago, Justin Bieber boasted that he gets his weed from California. But recent testing indicates that the level of THC in California cannabis has fallen dramatically over the last year. Is it time for Bieber to find a new source? Probably not—but the industry shouldn’t shrug this news off either. Let’s look at what’s happening with THC testing across the country and consider what it means for consumers, cannabis businesses, regulators, and the industry as a whole.

Yes, tested THC levels are falling. Here’s why

California isn’t the only state that’s seen a drop in THC test levels. One recent article analyzed the THC percentage for 23 cannabis flower samples sold in Colorado, finding that the vast majority, 18 of 23, tested lower than the claimed range. Three samples contained less than half as much THC as their sellers claimed. Does that mean that weed is getting weaker? Not at all. Falling test results are far more likely due to changes in testing than to changes in the true levels of THC in cannabis plants.

Some of this has to do with sample selection. Every individual plant has a distinct genetic profile. Even in a controlled environment, each plant is influenced by the precise amount of light, nutrients, and water it receives (“epigenetic factors”). Some plants within a given crop will always be superior in quality, just as some flowers on any given plant will be average, while others will be exceptional. Cannabis producers should be taking a random sample from each batch for testing, but it’s often easy to—intentionally or otherwise—select more test samples from the best exemplars than from the run of the mill.

But it’s not all sampling error; labs may produce different test results from the same sample due to the protocols they use, or the stringency of their methods. Do some producers “lab shop” to find a lab that will report higher potency results? Almost certainly. Do some labs inflate their results to try to win more business? Again, almost certainly.

As states have gotten stricter about policing both sample selection and lab accuracy, tested THC results have fallen. But that doesn’t mean the product is any less potent.

Cannabis potency is complex. Does THC testing matter?

Cannabis isn’t as straightforward as something like alcohol. There’s no single value that determines how “strong” a product is or what effects it’ll have on a consumer. The potency of any particular cannabis product isn’t driven just by its level of THC but also by its overall cannabinoid and terpene profiles, the form of consumption, and the individual traits of the person using it.

Why does THC testing even matter, then?

At a consumer level—especially for those who use marijuana medically—differences in THC levels may influence the amount they consume, and the therapeutic or recreational benefits they receive. Consumers may also use THC test results as a benchmark for quality or value and therefore the price that they’re willing to pay for a product.

At the state level, discrepancies in lab results have led to heightened scrutiny. California has been fining cannabis businesses and suspending operator licenses for overreporting THC content, while Massachusetts is sending out “secret shoppers” to check on producers and dispensaries.

More importantly, though, inflated THC test levels damage everyone’s trust in the cannabis industry. THC isn’t the only thing marijuana is tested for, or even the most important; consumers, businesses, and regulators should all be able to trust the processes and results of tests for pesticides, toxins, and contaminants like mold. But why should anyone believe those numbers are reliable if THC levels are consistently overreported?

That leaves us caught in a double bind: consistency is all but impossible to achieve within the current fragmented legal structure, but without consistency, the industry isn’t taken seriously.

It takes an expert to legally navigate the cannabis industry

Every ethical player in the cannabis industry—from growers to retailers to consumers—would benefit from uniform standards in testing methods, controls, regulations, and oversight (not to mention legalized banking!). As it stands, cannabis businesses must try to reconcile a morass of conflicting, often confusing guidance, paying exorbitant taxes — at least for now –without receiving many of the benefits that other businesses receive. We have been working with cannabis industry businesses to navigate these issues for well over a decade. Give us a call if you think we could help.

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How Do You Get THC Out of Your System Fast?




how to get rid of thc fast

Let’s imagine you just found out you have a surprise drug test at work and you “may or may not” need to flush THC out of your system as fast as possible by, say, Monday.


Detoxing from cannabis involves waiting until all traces of the substance have cleared the body, a process influenced by factors like usage frequency and quantity.  If you need to flush all the weed out of your system within 10 days, order a Test Clear Kit here, they work well and have great customer reviews.  But what is going on with your body and why does your body still have THC in it after smoking weed?


Cannabis comprises various compounds, notably tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These substances bind to the same receptors as naturally occurring endocannabinoids, typically eliminated through urine and stool.


Detoxing from marijuana and managing cannabis use disorder involves a multifaceted approach. This includes goal setting with support, addressing withdrawal symptoms, managing physical and mental changes during detoxification, among other elements.


Given the individualized nature of substance use disorder, seeking professional addiction treatment is crucial. It allows for tailored detox strategies, managing potential side effects, handling marijuana overdose effects, and exploring diverse detox methodologies.


Understanding Marijuana Detox


Marijuana detox is the process of eliminating tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), marijuana’s psychoactive component, from the body. It is critical because THC can remain in the body’s fat cells even after marijuana usage has stopped, potentially resulting in positive drug test results or hampering efforts to achieve sobriety.


Marijuana detox is required to eliminate leftover THC from the system in those who are drug tested, such as sports, workers, or those in court. This protects against negative repercussions while also ensuring that testing protocols are followed.


The process of marijuana detox is essential to the goal of recovery. Removing THC from the body helps to terminate the cycle of reliance, lessen cravings, and make the road to recovery easier.


Additionally, persons suffering from marijuana-related health issues may require marijuana detox. Excessive or extended usage can be detrimental to both physical and mental health. Detoxification, which allows the body to rid itself of THC and its derivatives, may be able to mitigate any negative health consequences.  Could you pass a THC drug test with 2 hours notice? Let’s find out…


What’s the duration of cannabis presence in the body?


As per American Addiction Centers, here’s the estimated duration for cannabis detection:


Hair: Up to 90 days

Urine: 3 days to over a month, contingent on usage

– Saliva: Approximately 48 hours

– Blood: Roughly 36 hours


Moreover, a 2017 study found that cannabinoids may persist in sweat for 7–14 days.


The duration of these compounds in one’s system varies widely. Another 2017 study highlights that the strain of cannabis used is a significant factor. Different strains contain varying cannabinoid levels, influencing their presence in the body.


Usage frequency also plays a role. Prolonged cannabis use prolongs cannabinoid traces in the body. This implies potential positive tests months after cessation; some have tested positive for THC even 3 months post-discontinuation.


Other factors impacting cannabis detection duration include:


– Consumption volume

– Exercise frequency and type

– Dietary habits

– Metabolic rate

– Body fat percentage


Given these variables, pinpointing the exact duration of cannabis, particularly THC, in one’s system after use can be challenging.


Optimal Methods for Weed Detox


Detoxifying from marijuana is multifaceted, with no singular “hack” to navigate through withdrawal, cravings, and other challenges.


Achieving the best results in marijuana detox entails considering various factors. Effective marijuana detox involves:


1. Attending to physical well-being by addressing common symptoms like aches and pains during withdrawal.

2. Maintaining a balanced diet with ample water intake, consistent healthy meals, and avoiding stimulants like caffeine.

3. Prioritizing mental health care to manage emotional adjustments in brain chemistry, such as anxiety or depression.

4. Implementing strategies to prevent relapse and cope with cravings through support groups, therapy, or treatment centers.

5. Engaging in therapeutic activities to foster new interests and habits, often facilitated through outpatient programs or professional assistance.


There’s no shortcut to hasten marijuana detox. However, practices like hydration, nutrition, warm showers, and exercise can aid in physical comfort. Yet, the body and mind still require time to purge THC remnants.


Rather than expediting detox, it’s crucial to utilize this period with medical guidance to establish a foundation for relapse prevention and address withdrawal symptoms.


Though treatments and medical detox programs exist, there’s no quick fix or magic remedy to instantly eliminate marijuana from the system or pass drug tests.


Symptoms like red eyes can be alleviated with cold compresses and eye drops.


Natural detoxification remains the most effective approach. The liver plays a pivotal role in removing marijuana and other toxins. Maintaining overall health supports liver function, aiding in toxin elimination and restoring bodily balance.


Various products claim to assist individuals in eliminating cannabis traces from their bodies, available in forms such as:


– Tablets

– Capsules

– Mouthwashes

– Shampoos


However, the effectiveness of these detoxes may vary depending on the type of drug test undergone. For instance, detoxes targeting urine cleansing might not yield desired results and could even result in a contaminated urine sample.


This occurs because urine-focused detoxes operate by purging the kidneys. While eliminating THC, they may inadvertently remove creatine and diminish urine’s natural density. Consequently, these factors could lead to the test appearing contaminated, necessitating a repeat test.


The Importance of Professional Marijuana Detox


Seeking marijuana detox with medical oversight is essential for safety and efficacy. Healthcare experts can craft personalized detox strategies tailored to an individual’s unique requirements, objectives, and medical background. They oversee the detox process, offer guidance, and manage any potential complications.


Supervised detox guarantees appropriate support and care, with healthcare professionals recommending additional treatments or therapies to address withdrawal symptoms and underlying issues contributing to marijuana usage.


Furthermore, medical supervision ensures the individual’s safety throughout detoxification. Abrupt cessation of marijuana may induce withdrawal symptoms, potentially uncomfortable or harmful. Professionals can employ measures to mitigate these symptoms and advise on managing cravings for sustained abstinence.


Bottom Line


THC detoxification is a complex process influenced by individual factors like usage patterns and metabolism. While natural methods offer effectiveness, seeking professional medical guidance ensures personalized care and safety. From managing withdrawal symptoms to addressing underlying issues, professional supervision enhances the detox journey. Remember, there’s no instant solution for THC detox, but with patience, proper care, and professional support, individuals can navigate towards sobriety and improved well-being successfully. By understanding the importance of medical supervision, individuals can embark on a journey of detoxification with confidence, knowing they have the necessary tools and support to achieve their goals.





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MedMen, The $1.7 Billion Apple Store of Weed, Goes Bankrupt Just as Marijuana Gets Rescheduled in America




medmen goes bankrupt

MedMen Enterprises Inc. has admitted defeat, citing financial woes and an inability to settle its debts, revealed Amit Pandey, the former chief financial officer of the cannabis company, late Friday.

MedMen, once a celebrated pioneer in the cannabis industry and dubbed the ‘Apple store of weed,’ has been hit by a string of setbacks in recent years. These include financial woes, the shuttering of retail outlets, workforce reductions, legal battles, and internal disputes among top executives, all of which have led to the company’s current predicament.

In a press release issued on Friday, MedMen declared that they have carefully assessed the company’s and its subsidiaries’ current financial state. This assessment also includes their incapacity to meet financial obligations as they come and the imminent actions by secured creditors. To that end, they’ve reached the challenging decision to cease operations and initiate Bankruptcy Proceedings and Receivership Proceedings.”

Considering these factors and with no viable alternatives at hand, the Company’s board of directors concluded that proceeding with the Bankruptcy Proceedings and Receivership Proceedings was in the Company’s best interest,” the statement continued.

Here Are A Few Indications

Once revered as a titan in the cannabis industry, with a valuation soaring as high as $1.7 billion as a public entity, MedMen faced imminent financial collapse over a year ago, as revealed in a December 2022 regulatory filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. At that time, the company possessed a mere $15.6 million in cash while grappling with a staggering $137.4 million debt load.

Following its initial financial struggles, MedMen faced a series of challenges. Store closures and inventory liquidation began in California, and the company defaulted on payments, leading to severed partnerships with major brands. Landlords demanded overdue rent payments. Amid this turmoil, top executives and board members started to depart, signaling deeper turmoil within the company, as the Green Market Report reported.

What Caused the Downfall?

The crux of the issue likely stems from the company’s swift expansion, driven by the initial excitement surrounding the 2018 legalization of cannabis in California. However, as is often the case nationwide, legalization marked just the beginning, leading to confrontations with the intricate realities of an industry rife with regulatory barriers, hefty taxes, and hampered by federal law.

Despite enjoying early triumphs, MedMen encountered a slew of obstacles, including legal disputes, unsuccessful acquisitions, and competition from both legal and underground cannabis markets.

Six years following an IPO that propelled its valuation to over $3 billion, MedMen, a cannabis retailer, now holds negligible value. Its recent bankruptcy filing in a California court signifies the final blow in a dramatic downfall for a company emblematic of the broader trials facing the legal cannabis sector.

“MedMen has been ‘DeadMen’ for many investors for quite some time,” remarked cannabis industry analyst Alan Brochstein to Fortune. “While this outcome may have been foreseeable to some, not everyone anticipated it.”

MedMen swiftly penetrated the legal cannabis scene following California’s legalization of recreational use in 2016. Initially lauded as the “Apple store of weed,” MedMen’s retail outlets boasted “sleek branding” and a “premium design aesthetic,” as outlined in a 2022 investor presentation.

To capitalize on the anticipated surge in legal cannabis demand, MedMen embarked on an ambitious expansion, opening upscale storefronts in prominent areas such as Venice Beach, New York’s Fifth Avenue, and near the Las Vegas Strip. Riding a wave of positive media coverage and public excitement surrounding legal cannabis, the company enjoyed significant attention.

Under the leadership of co-founder Adam Bierman, who launched the venture in his twenties, MedMen made its debut on the public market in 2018 at slightly above $3 per share. Investor enthusiasm drove its share price to double by the year’s end.

Buoyed by early triumphs, MedMen aimed for rapid growth, accumulating hundreds of millions in debt and pursuing an extensive $682 million merger with competitor PharmaCann. However, the merger collapsed following a Department of Justice announcement of an antitrust investigation, exacerbating MedMen’s financial woes.

As the broader cannabis market faced headwinds, compounded by concerns over regulatory scrutiny of hazardous vape cartridges, investor confidence waned, hindering MedMen’s ability to repay creditors. They went public in 2018. And by the time we reached 2020, [MedMen] was in big trouble, remarked Brochstein. They took on too much debt and made overzealous promises.”

Throughout 2019, MedMen’s stock plummeted, shedding 92% of its value as the company grappled with exorbitant tax obligations and struggled to compete against unlicensed sellers offering lower prices. The onset of the pandemic, however, triggered a surge in demand, providing MedMen and other cannabis retailers with a reprieve through 2020.

The cannabis industry did better than anybody would have expected in 2020. Despite this unexpected boon, it proved insufficient. At its peak, MedMen boasted 25 branches nationwide and had ambitious plans for international expansion. However, today, all but two locations have permanently shuttered.

Bierman, the co-founder, was ousted in early 2020 amidst a slew of high-profile lawsuits alleging racism, stock manipulation, and misuse of company funds to finance an extravagant lifestyle complete with private security and customized Cadillac Escalades.

A Fall From Grace

MedMen’s bankruptcy filing, unveiling over $400 million in liabilities, marks the final chapter in its stunning collapse. Hindered by steep interest rates and sour investor sentiment, the company could not refinance its debt, eventually ceasing SEC disclosures altogether.

“The capital markets were cut off for them so they couldn’t fix their old mistakes,” noted Brochstein.

The once-vibrant unicorn of the cannabis industry now stands bankrupt, with assets valued at a mere $1 (yes, just a dollar) and liabilities totaling $410 million, as detailed in the company’s bankruptcy documents. Predictably, MedMen’s shares, dormant for weeks, face imminent delisting following its steep downward spiral in 2024. At the start of this decline, the OTC Marketplace devalued the company to zero in January.

MedMen’s complete downfall serves as a sobering lesson in the ever-evolving cannabis sector, where once a fault appears, the entire structure can unravel swiftly.






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