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Cannabis is Now the Best Solution for Migraine Headaches According to 3 New Medical Studies



cannabis for migraines

When It Comes To Migraines, Cannabis Is Still The #1 Medicine

Studies Show That Migraine Sufferers No Longer Need Prescription Meds After Using Cannabis


Ask anyone who’s ever suffered from chronic migraines, and they can tell you that these headaches can rob you of quality of life. Migraines are by no means just any type of headache: they can result in symptoms such as irritability, nausea, and fatigue on top of the migraine pain. These symptoms, in turn, can be triggered by simple things such as lights, movements, and sound.


While some individuals experience acute migraines, there are many who suffer from chronic or long-lasting migraine episodes. These can last for several hours, making it impossible to continue with work and play. Migraines are also extremely common, affecting some 15% of the worldwide population.


Since there are so many different factors that can cause migraines, it can be difficult to treat. There are many things that can cause migraines, such as hormonal fluctuations (for women), alcohol use, lack of sleep, side effect of medications, and even genetics. There are a range of specialized pharmaceutical medications that have been developed to treat migraines, such as beta blockers and triptans such as eletriptan, sumatriptan, triptan, rizatriptan, and many more.

However, these migraine medications also may come with side effects. Triptans, in particular, are commonly associated with limb heaviness, fatigue, tightness in the jaw, chest, or throat, and myalgias.


That said, cannabis has been shown to be as effective as prescription medications without the side effects, or are even more effective!

The good news is that cannabis has been shown to be extremely beneficial for migraine sufferers. The human body has several endocannabinoid receptors, many of which are concentrated in the central nervous system as well as the brain. When you have a migraine and medicate with cannabis, the cannabinoids bind with these receptors to provide relief.


There are several studies that back up these claims, too.

In March 2024, the results of a study conducted by researchers from Yale University’s School of Medicine was published. The investigators polled feedback from 1,373 patients at a tertiary headache clinic, with less than a third of them reporting that they are current cannabis users.


For the cannabis consumers, a majority said that it either improved symptoms or at least reduced the frequency of migraines. Meanwhile, 63% of respondents said that cannabis consumption also helped them decrease or completely eliminate their prescription medications for migraines. “This is the largest study to date to document cannabis product usage patterns and perceived benefits for migraine management in a clinical headache patient sample,” concluded the study authors. “A majority of patients surveyed reported using cannabis products for migraine management and cited perceived improvements in migraine characteristics, clinical features, and associated risk factors,” they added.


Other Studies Back Up Cannabis’ Safety And Efficacy For Migraines


Researchers from the University of California at San Diego published results of a clinical trial last February 2024. The trials involved analyzing the safety and efficacy of herbal cannabis for 92 patients who suffered from persistent migraines. The cannabis flower used for the trial contained both CBD and THC.


The patients were randomly given vaporized cannabis in various ratios, containing a range of THC and CBD, as well as placebo after they experienced migraines. They researchers found that out of the 4 cannabis chemotypes, the vaporized cannabis with both THC and CBD were the most effective.

“Vaporized 6% THC + 11% CBD cannabis flower was superior to placebo for pain relief, pain freedom, and MBS [most bothersome symptom] freedom at 2 hours as well as 24-hour sustained pain freedom and sustained MBS freedom and 48-hour sustained MBS freedom,” said the authors. In addition, they found that the THC/CBD flower was more effective than placebo when it came to providing relief from photophobia, or light sensitivity, as well as sound sensitivity caused by migraines.


It’s also good to note that the participants did not report any adverse side effects during the trial. “Future research should include multicenter studies and long-term studies of benefits and risks with repeated use,” concluded the investigators.


There are also studies that validate the safety of cannabis in treating migraines. For one, let’s take a review conducted by investigators at the California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology. The investigators analyzed 9 recent studies which assessed more than 5,600 subjects.


“All the studies showed encouraging findings on the therapeutic effects of medicinal marijuana in migraine treatment. Additionally, medical marijuana is well-tolerated with fewer side effects and is safe to use in migraine patients,” the authors reported.

“The studies demonstrated that medical marijuana has a significant clinical response by reducing the length and frequency of migraines. No severe adverse effects were noted. Due to its effectiveness and convenience, medical marijuana therapy may be helpful for patients suffering from migraines,” they concluded.




If you suffer from migraines and want to give cannabis a try, check out options available in your neighborhood dispensary. Based on research, cannabis flower and other products that contain both THC and CBD are the most effective. However, cannabis isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and there is no standardized dosage recommendation for migraine patients just yet.

You may have to experiment with various products and doses to find one that works well for you. Of course, you can also ask your doctor or budtender to provide recommendations. Be open and you might just find the perfect cannabis product for your medical needs.



marijuana for a migraine headache


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Cannabis News

How Not to Roll a Joint : Common Blunders Beginners Make




how not to roll a joint

Imagine this: you’ve been introduced to the world of cannabis by a close friend in Sacramento who knows the ins and outs of rolling the perfect joint. You’ve enjoyed a few puffs here and there, basking in the friendship and relaxation it brings.

But then, a few days pass, and you find yourself craving that soothing sensation again. You decide to take matters into your own hands and roll a joint. And that’s where the trouble begins.

Rolling a joint seems like a breeze when you watch someone else do it – grind, roll, and puff, right? But when you try it yourself, it’s a whole different story. Don’t sweat it, though. This guide is here to help you go through the rocky road of joint rolling, focusing on what not to do.

Simply put, below, we’ll walk you through the common mistakes so you can enjoy that puff without the hassle.

The Grinder Grind: Avoiding the Powder Pitfall

Getting the grind right is key to a great joint. Many beginners either turn their cannabis into a fine powder or barely break it up. Both extremes are no-gos. If your grind is too fine, your joint will burn too quickly and unevenly. On the other hand, if it’s too chunky, air won’t pass through properly, making it hard to draw on the joint.

The goal is to achieve a consistency that’s neither too fine nor too chunky. Aim for small, even pieces to ensure a smooth burn.

To avoid making this mistake, use a quality grinder and turn it until you get perfect consistency. This balance ensures that your joint burns steadily without canoeing or going out. As a beginner, it might require a few trials and errors, but once you understand the right way to grind, rolling a joint will become quite easy.

The Stash Shortfall: Keep An Eye on Your Cannabis Supply

Another common mistake that newbie cannabis enthusiasts make is running low on stash, especially when rolling a joint. Just imagine: you come home tired from work, looking forward to unwinding with each soothing puff. But as you prepare, you find that you’re almost out of your favorite strain. Frustrating, right?

Well, It’s a common slip-up. That’s why it is recommended to keep tabs on how much you have left. Nevertheless, if you do find yourself short, there is no need to panic, as you can order your favorite cannabis products online.

In places like Sacramento, for instance, you can easily get flowers, pre-rolls, or extracts. Just look for Sacramento cannabis delivery– it’s super easy and convenient. You can choose from a wide variety of strains and have your selection delivered right to your doorstep.

This not only saves you a trip to the dispensary but also ensures you’re never stuck without enough cannabis to roll your next joint, enhancing your smoking experience and keeping the good times rolling.

The Loose-End Lament: Rolling Right

Stating the obvious, rolling a joint too loose or tight only results in product wastage. If it’s too loose, your cannabis might fall out, or the joint could burn too quickly because of too much airflow. You might find it hard to draw smoke through if it’s too tight.

So, what should you do? Well, the trick is to find a balance. Start by evenly distributing your ground cannabis along the crease of your rolling paper. Then, use your fingertips to gently shape the weed into a cylinder.

Next up, carefully tuck the unglued side of the paper around the cannabis, then roll it towards the glued edge. You want to moisten the adhesive strip of the rolling paper lightly. Think of it as sealing an envelope- not too wet or dry. Just enough so it sticks without tearing.

A gentle touch is important- roll it snugly but not so tight that you compress the cannabis too much. This technique ensures a smooth draw and an even burn, making your smoking experience much more enjoyable.

Remember, practice is essential. The more you roll, the better you’ll judge the right amount of tightness. Soon, rolling the perfect joint will feel like second nature.

To Sum It All Up

Rolling a joint might look simple, but there are plenty of little mistakes that can throw off the whole experience. That said, we hope this guide helps you sidestep those common pitfalls. Just keep practicing your rolling technique. Like any skill, it gets better the more you do it. Before you know it, you’ll be rolling joints smoothly and enjoying every puff.





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Cannabis Makes Gym Workouts More Fun Says New Fitness Study




smoke weed before a workout

New Study Says Cannabis Makes Workouts More Fun

Forget Performance-Enhancing ‘Drugs’; Just Smoke Pot


Despite the well-known importance of regular exercise, not everyone looks forward to an hour at the gym, running, or any other kind of popular workouts these days.


While there are some people who willingly wake up at the break of dawn to work out, or look forward to pumping weights at the gym after a long day of work, for the rest of us, it’s nothing but a chore. But guess what? Using cannabis right before your workout can change all that. There are seasoned cannabis users who have already integrated pot into their wellness routine that can tell you, anecdotally: weed makes working out so much more fun.


And now, there are studies to prove it.


A recent study from the University of Colorado Boulder is the first to investigate how cannabis sold in legal states can change how people feel about working out. The researchers were particularly interested in common obstacles people cite for not working out, such as lack of motivation and enjoyment, pain, and other factors.


For the study, which was led by professor Angela Bryan, investigators analyzed 42 runners who were already consuming cannabis for their running workouts. They were asked to undergo a baseline session which involved the researchers documenting fitness data from the participants.

After that, the participants were then asked to go to a dispensary and purchase some flowers which were either THC or CBD dominant. Both compounds are well-known among marijuana users, though CBD is more popular for its relaxing properties while THC is famed for its high. The participants were then made to undergo a follow-up consultation which involved running on a treadmill at a moderate pace for half an hour. During this time, they were also asked questions to gauge how motivated they felt at the moment, if they were enjoying It, if the exercise felt difficult, their perception of time, and pain.


“The bottom-line finding is that cannabis before exercise seems to increase positive mood and enjoyment during exercise, whether you use THC or CBD. But THC products specifically may make exercise feel more effortful,” explains Laura Gibson, the study’s first author. Gibson is also a research fellow at the University of Colorado Boulder’s Health and Addiction: Neuroscience, Genes, and Environment (CU Change).


“We have an epidemic of sedentary lifestyle in this country, and we need new tools to try to get people to move their bodies in ways that are enjoyable,” explains Bryan. “If cannabis is one of those tools, we need to explore it, keeping in mind both the harms and benefits,” she added.


The Results


The participants all seemed to share the same sentiment about the experiment, citing more enjoyment and a positive correlation to exercise such as feeling the “runner’s high” when they ran while stoned. According to the researchers, the participants who consumed CBD experienced a more heightened sensation of positive emotions compared to those who consumed CBD. This leads them to suggest that athletes may be able to benefit greatly from consuming CBD especially since it doesn’t come with the intoxication that THC does.


“It is pretty clear from our research that cannabis is not a performance enhancing drug,’ Bryan added.


There have been other similar studies done in the past.


For one, a study in 2019 found that marijuana helps make workouts more enjoyable while reducing pain. The study, which was published in Frontiers in Public Health, was conducted through online surveys taken from around 600 individuals who lived in states where marijuana is legal. Around 80% of respondents admitted to using marijuana before going to the gym. Meanwhile, 67% of them said that they use weed before and after their workout.


The researchers found that the participants who got stoned during their workout were able to do 43 minutes more of physical activity each week, compared to the people who didn’t consume cannabis around the time of their workouts. According to the participants, marijuana helped make the workout more fun while helping boost recovery.


“There is evidence to suggest that certain cannabinoids dampen pain perception, and we also know that the receptors cannabis binds to in the brain are very similar to the receptors that are activated naturally during the runner’s high,” explains Arielle Gillman, the study’s co-author, and a former PhD student in the University of Colorado at Boulder.


Can Marijuana Really Help With Motivation?



Back in the day, weed users were accused of being lazy couch potatoes. However, we can’t deny the data we have these days; pot seems to be a driving force when it comes to motivation in general. Whether it’s to help motivate one to work out or to work harder, there’s just something in cannabis that helps.


Back in 2019, the University of Colorado published the findings of a similar study whose results showed that marijuana use makes workouts more enjoyable and even motivates individuals to work out. According to the researchers, investigating cannabis use and its impact on health including workouts “is becoming increasingly relevant as cannabis legalization continues, a situation that has been associated with increased initiation of use among adults, and increased potency of available products in legalized states.”

The investigators polled 600 cannabis consumers online, to dig deeper into the link between their athletic habits and marijuana consumption. “Results indicated that the majority (81.7%) of participants endorsed using cannabis concurrently with exercise, and those who did tended to be younger and more likely to be male,” they wrote.


“Furthermore, participants reported that cannabis use increased the amount of exercise in which they partook, and that it not only increased their enjoyment of the workout but improved their post-workout recovery,” they wrote.


While there’s more we need to understand when it comes to cannabis use and how it helps motivation, these are certainly fascinating findings that contract the stoner stereotypes perpetuated by the war on drugs. It’s certain that when used right for your specific needs, cannabis can be a safe, and all-natural lifestyle enhancer, and definitely a tool that can help you build healthier habits.





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But What about the UN Drug Treaties?




germany imports 35 tons of weed

Germany had a record 34.6 tons of cannabis imported in 2023 for medicinal and research uses, a significant increase from previous years. This inflow highlights how Europe’s biggest medical marijuana market—which is federally regulated—is changing, as seen by the increasing interest that foreign organizations are showing in Germany’s cannabis sector. Notwithstanding a little slowdown in growth relative to prior years, the notable rise in imports underscores the nation’s critical position in molding the world’s cannabis industry.


The surge in cannabis imports coincides with significant shifts in Germany’s regulatory framework, particularly the abolition of the previous cultivation quota system. This system, which restricted domestic cultivation to a select few companies, compelled the nation to heavily rely on imports to meet demand. With the introduction of more flexible conditions for cultivating medical cannabis under the new legislation, Germany aims to reduce its dependence on foreign imports, ushering in a potentially transformative era for the domestic cannabis industry.


End of Cultivation Quota System: A New Era for German Cannabis


The abolition of Germany’s growing quota system, which marks a watershed moment in the country’s cannabis industry, promises a paradigm shift in cultivation dynamics. Only three companies were awarded permits to develop medical marijuana under the previous system, following a stringent application process. As a result, their total output was limited to 10,400 kg over four years. As a result, the shortage of supplies from domestic farms forced a considerable reliance on imports to meet rising demand.


However, with the latest regulatory revision, enterprises may now apply directly to the Cannabis Agency for permission to produce medicinal marijuana. This decision marks a shift from the tight quotas of the past, providing a more streamlined and accessible route for firms to engage in cannabis growing. Peter Homberg, a major person in Germany’s cannabis business, believes that the increased flexibility in cultivation conditions will progressively reduce the need for foreign imports, opening the path for more self-sufficiency in the home market.


Once the growing quota system is removed, there will be a great deal of freedom for expansion and innovation in the German cannabis industry. By allowing a greater variety of companies to engage in cultivation, the regulation change fosters a more competitive environment that is advantageous to development and diversity. Moreover, this is a significant step toward aligning German cannabis regulations with evolving international standards, therefore enhancing the nation’s competitiveness in the global cannabis market.


While the transition away from import dependence may take time to materialize fully, the dismantling of the cultivation quota system sets the stage for a transformative journey towards self-sustainability. As companies seize the opportunity to expand their cultivation operations under the new regulatory framework, Germany inches closer to realizing its vision of a thriving and resilient domestic cannabis industry.


Imports in Flux: Dynamics of Germany’s Medical Cannabis Market


Germany is a significant importer of medicinal cannabis, but its position is under examination due to changing market dynamics and regulatory environments. In the past, the country has been a vital market for foreign exporters, providing profitable prospects in the largest federally regulated medicinal marijuana industry in Europe. Nonetheless, recent legislative modifications, such as the removal of marijuana from the list of illegal substances, portend a possible reorganization of Germany’s import market.


The elimination of the requirement for patients to get specific prescriptions for medicinal cannabis has simplified access to the drug by removing marijuana off Germany’s list of illegal substances. Standard prescriptions, on the other hand, are sufficient, streamlining the procedure and maybe stimulating demand in the medical cannabis industry. This legislative change is anticipated to rebalance the import-export dynamics, which might change the way cannabis goods enter Germany and change international export tactics.


It’s unclear how long Germany will continue to rely on cannabis imports despite these legislative changes. The timetable for reaching self-sufficiency is still unclear, even though it is expected that domestic cultivation and the elimination of regulatory obstacles would eventually lessen reliance. The future course of Germany’s medicinal cannabis market may be significantly influenced by strategic alliances and infrastructure investments made by industry players as they traverse this transitional period.


Fostering Domestic Growth: Germany’s Cannabis Cultivation Outlook


The cannabis industry is seeing a radical change as Germany allows for larger-scale commercial cultivation. The possibility of obtaining cultivation permits offers domestic businesses a special chance to profit from the growing market for medical marijuana. Demecan’s managing director, Constantin von der Groeben, is upbeat about the industry’s potential for expansion and notes that his company is prepared to surpass prior production quotas in light of the current legal environment. This shift toward homegrown production represents a calculated attempt to foster self-sufficiency in the German cannabis industry. Although imports would still be necessary to meet demand right away, the granting of crop licenses indicates a more extensive commitment to developing domestic production capacity. The sector prepares for a period of innovation and growth as stakeholders look at opportunities for extended cultivation activities.


This pivot towards domestic cultivation signifies a strategic endeavor to cultivate self-sufficiency within Germany’s cannabis market. While imports may continue to fulfill immediate demand, the issuance of cultivation licenses signals a broader commitment to fostering indigenous production capabilities. As stakeholders explore avenues for expanded cultivation initiatives, the industry braces for a period of innovation and expansion, poised to redefine Germany’s role within the global cannabis market.


Nevertheless, the timeline for achieving full autonomy in cannabis cultivation remains uncertain. While strides are made towards bolstering domestic production, Germany’s reliance on imports may persist in the short to medium term. As industry players navigate regulatory nuances and operational challenges, strategic partnerships and investments in cultivation infrastructure are poised to shape the trajectory of Germany’s cannabis industry, laying the groundwork for sustained growth and innovation.


Bottom Line


Germany’s record-breaking cannabis imports in 2023 underscore the nation’s pivotal role in shaping the global cannabis industry. Regulatory changes, such as the abolition of the cultivation quota system, signal a transformative shift towards self-sufficiency in domestic cultivation. While significant progress has been made, the timeline for achieving full autonomy remains uncertain. Strategic partnerships and investments will be instrumental in navigating regulatory complexities and ensuring sustainable growth in Germany’s evolving cannabis market.





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