How can Canada’s Conservatives win over stoners? Or whatever you want to call Canada’s class of cannabis connoisseurs, entrepreneurs, employees, casual consumers, and medical patients. A...
Cannabis can be a great accompaniment for any kind of meditation, as really all that involves is presence. Following are some reflections about how to add...
A relatively recent discovery in modern medicine, the endocannabinoid system, encompasses a network of cannabinoid receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced naturally by the body) spread...
There’s a new covid variant out of Canada – BS 24.7. Symptoms include loss of self-awareness, emotional de-regulation, lack of empathy toward those perceived as “other,”...
For decades, growers have been focused on producing cannabis strains with the highest THC content possible to have a maximum high. High-THC means you’re getting...
Although there are different diseases and medical conditions that take people’s lives, in the US kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death. It’s also...
What is the future of the United States (U.S.) cannabis industry? While operators wait on the Biden administration to reschedule the herb and for Congress to...
The three great drivers of the human body is seems are coffee, wine and cannabis. Yes, there are more, but people to tend to focus on...
Marijuana makes you dumb. At least according to the tired trope surrounding its use. Back in the day, stoners were considered slackers and anyone who smoked...
When it comes to getting a good night’s rest, many cannabis imbibers turn to their favorite indica to help catch some zzzs. While the indica does...