Summer is time to be outdoors and garden, play random sports or other activities reactivating muscles not used a while…cannabis can be your friend in helping with soreness. Summertime...
This dish will transport you to a leisurely chill dinner under the Tuscan sun…and you can control the dosage. Italy is the second most popular...
In a shocking surprise…medical marijuana patients, including veterans, may have had their information leaked thanks to the Governor. Florida voters have overwhelmingly approved of marijuana use...
It is the summer solstice, a time to connect with the earth, the sun, and maybe a special plant… Around the world people will be connecting with Mother...
Despite being almost outlawed in some states…porn is still very popular. But watch out if you are in a relationship! Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North...
It used to be the thing to prevent marijuana use Roughly 65% of Congress members are white men around 60 or older who grew up supporting...
Nationally famous for the White House Rose Garden, it also seems the Kennedy had another, special garden! The Kennedys are a storied political family which fascinates...
It is the modern version of hieroglyphics and they have taken over written communication, but do you know what is used as a sub for marijuana?...
People are always pushing the edge – and VR is helping…but do you want to add a smell experience when watching porn? It is a massive...
Despite science, the AMA and public opinion – there is still a group trying to squash marijuana legalization. Marijuana has been around for a millennia, providing...