Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, the crowned “leaders” of the Freedom Convoy, begin their trial this week. The rationale is mischief, but the reality is that...
In Canada, especially in Vancouver, British Columbia, it’s a battle between Chinese heroin (fentanyl) and Canadian cannabis. Outside the allowable parameters of the debate is the...
How to solve the opioid crisis? Surely, there is no single solution since addiction is a complex problem. Any model that suggests that an addict has...
CBD for hair loss? Hair loss (or alopecia) affects millions of people worldwide. Both men and women can experience hair loss. Genetics, stress, and hormonal imbalances...
Cannabis ER visits rose during the covid hysteria, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC’s report found that cannabis-related emergency room...
New research from the University of Colorado Boulder shows how medical cannabis for cancer not only reduces pain and insomnia but improves the so-called “chemo brain.”...
Is “Cannabis Use Disorder” (CUD) causing all kinds of perioperative problems, or is it the effects of smoking? A new paper published in the journal JAMA...