Welcome to August, stargazers! As our summer days begin to wane this month, we bask in the vibrant and fiery energy of Leo season. The Sun...
Video games addiction among young people is a growing concern. This phenomenon can be attributed to various psychological, social, and physiological factors. Understanding these factors can...
Welcome to July, Stargazers, and happy Cancer season. Sunny days ahead! This is a time to nurture ourselves and delve fully into our emotional depths. The...
When I first landed in Vancouver, British Columbia, as a college undergrad, one of my biggest questions, beyond how I would make friends in a new...
Dasani is the “chicken nuggets” of water—stripped, processed, and rebuilt from the ground up. Topo Chico mineral water helps bring out the flavor in a strain...
Happy June and welcome to Gemini season, Stargazers! This month promises a blend of bold opportunities and introspection shaped by key cosmic events. As the dual...
Welcome to May, Stargazers. May offers a harmonious blend of cosmic energies that resonate deeply with the grounded spirit of Taurus season. During this month, Pluto...
Fun fact: 4/20 2024 is a palindrome, man! That means it works forward and backwards—just like a grinder. Woah. Anyhoo, you can’t 4/20 without the right...
America’s tens of millions of stoners need not endure unequal access to their life-saving medicine and safer alternative to alcohol. They can vote with their feet...
Is it already April, Leafly Nation? So much progress has already been made since this time last year, with new states and new markets readying their...