The agency regulating the marijuana industry is not “rudderless,” according to its acting chairwoman, and continues to work despite assertions that it needs a receiver in...
Four years after recreational sales began in Boston, there are just around 11 cannabis retailers total in all of Beantown. Because the city is such a...
While their pet parents celebrate Independence Day – dogs suffer during the fireworks…but CBD can help. The 4th of July brings out food, BBQs, parades and fireworks. It...
Recently, there has been a series of high profile people have have been convicted which has started the conversation about guns and marijuana. Under federal law,...
In a decision which will reverberate throughout the sports industry, the NCAA announced a major change with college players and marijuana. Cannabis has been scientifically proven successful to help with...
Some of the top reasons people drink alcohol is to relax, for enjoyment, to be part of a group, to avoid physical and/or psychological pain, to experiment and for...
The Cannabis Control Commission is broken by the law that established it and needs to be placed under the authority of a receiver by the end...
Summer is time to be outdoors and garden, play random sports or other activities reactivating muscles not used a while…cannabis can be your friend in helping with soreness. Summertime...
In a shocking surprise…medical marijuana patients, including veterans, may have had their information leaked thanks to the Governor. Florida voters have overwhelmingly approved of marijuana use...
Nationally famous for the White House Rose Garden, it also seems the Kennedy had another, special garden! The Kennedys are a storied political family which fascinates...