Since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, the hemp industry has experienced explosive growth in the United States. Hemp-derived consumer products, such as...
Getting stopped for a marijuana DUI in Savannah, Georgia, can be a nerve-wracking experience. Your mind races with questions – Will I lose my license? Will...
A cannabis DUI conviction in California can have significant implications for your professional life, potentially affecting your current job and future career prospects. Immediate Employment Consequences...
Vermont’s laws regarding driving under the influence (DUI) of cannabis remain stringent despite the legalization of recreational cannabis. The state has established a regulatory framework that...
Efforts at cannabis legalization in the United States now emphasize social equity initiatives as a major priority. These projects seek to reduce the disproportionate impact of...
Cannabis edibles have become increasingly popular, but navigating the legal side can be a bit of a maze. Different states, countries, and provinces have their own...
Your thirst for affordable THC products is not far from being quenched. The ever-evolving cannabis industry provides numerous avenues for you to leverage, and CBD coupons...