Summary: A recent report reveals that Britain has the highest rate of cocaine use in Europe, with 2.7% of adults aged 15 to 64 using the...
There seems to be bi-partisian support for medical marijuana to be an aide in treating PTSD. The VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act was introduced during summer...
Make some hot chocolate and settle in over winter break as Leafly’s Nick Jikomes, PhD, unshackles your mind from the chains of both THC and terpene...
2023 saw tons of new research come out related to cannabis. Below is a selection of some of the studies that caught my attention, with brief...
For all the ladies out there; a recent study on the efficacy of CBD-infused tampons, may bring some hope to the cramp-filled among us. Recent study...
A recent statistical analysis from the publication Quartz Advisors found that traffic fatalities declined or remained constant after states adopted recreational cannabis laws. The analysis—focused on...
The holiday season for most people is a fun time of the year filled with turkey, celebrations, and family and friend gatherings. Media reenforces is a...
With an growing opioid overdose issue, you’d think anything that can help, would be used immediately. Recent research (again) ties CBD use with a decrease in...
You really are what you eat, Leafly reader. We know that after you smoke weed, you will eat more in the moment—but as it turns out,...
An individually tailored cannabis regimen may ease symptoms of autism, according to an August study published by Frontiers in Psychiatry. The researchers studied 20 autistic patients...