The phrase is youth is wasted on the young. The global anti-aging market is estimated to be worth about $62+ billion dollars. And estimated to see...
One of the things we love about marijuana is the fact that there are so many varieties to choose from. If you’re in a legal state,...
Once you start consuming marijuana, you start to learn that it’s a complex plant, with a lot going on in it. Experienced cannabis users know what...
More than two million people worldwide currently have a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). In the U.S. alone, an estimated 1 million people live with the...
While it is true that the cannabinoids in cannabis can have some effect on the skin and can treat itching and even skin diseases like psoriasis, marijuana’s...
Breast implants are still a booming business. As one of the most popular surgeries, over 300,000+ women go under the knife annually. According to the American...
Scruffy hippies getting high in a disorganized underground economy — this was how the weed manufacturing industry was painted in the (not too distant) past. But...
Irony is lost on bureaucrats and sometimes fairness can be skewed. This is our followup on our article about Amiruddin Nadarajan Abdullah, 64, better known as...
What comes to mind when you think about the essential items consumers regularly rely on? Probably rolling papers or blunt wraps, or elaborate bongs and...
Is there any section or industry without cannabis influence? It’s starting to look like there isn’t any, as, throughout history, cannabis users have displayed their creative...