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CBD for Diabetes, What are the benefits?



CBD for Diabetes, What are the benefits?


Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects your metabolism and the way your body processes food. It can cause high blood glucose levels and insulin resistance, resulting in excess sugar in your bloodstream. There are 3 main types of diabetes (Type I, Type II, and gestational diabetes (diabetes while pregnant)) along with a handful of different types of diabetes, but they all share the same symptoms: increased thirst, frequent urination and fatigue. Diabetes can also cause more serious complications such as heart disease, blindness and amputations if left untreated or poorly managed. CBD oil has been shown to help manage blood sugar levels while reducing inflammation-related pain associated with diabetes; it may also assist with lowering insulin levels and alleviating some common symptoms associated with diabetes.

As mentioned above, Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes are the three main types of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and is associated with being overweight. CBD can help against weight gain and insulin resistance, which are both risk factors for diabetes. In 2020, a review showed that CBD could impact several factors that can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. These include anti-inflammatory properties, which help in the metabolism of glucose and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

A 2016 study looked at people with type 2 diabetes who took CBD. Researchers found that when combined with a THC-based compound, these patients could control their blood sugar levels better. The study also found that CBD lowers resistin levels, which can lead to insulin resistance. It also increases glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptides (GIP), which triggers insulin production and increases insulin levels. This study showed that CBD could help balance some of the hormones involved in the development of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a kind of nerve damage that is common in diabetes. Symptoms include pain and a burning feeling in the hands and feet. One study in rats showed that CBD could increase nerve cells that provide pain relief; this has not been proven in humans yet but it is promising. A similar mechanism leads to damage in the blood vessels of the eye in diabetes; this is called diabetic retinopathy.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. It can be extracted from industrial hemp and marijuana plants–and is legal to purchase and obtain in the US and a handful of other countries.

CBD is non-psychoactive and does not induce any high feeling like THC does. In fact, CBD actually blocks the effects of THC so that you won’t get “too high” if you take both together (though this doesn’t mean it’ll cancel out the effects entirely).

One of the main reasons people use CBD oil is because it interacts with receptors throughout our bodies called cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). These receptors are found throughout our nervous system but they’re most concentrated in areas like brain tissue, spinal cord tissue and peripheral nerves–which makes sense since these parts control things like moods/feelings; movement coordination; pain response etc…

What are some of the benefits of CBD for diabetes?

The benefits of CBD for diabetes include:

  • Reducing pain and inflammation. CBD has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and inflammation, which can help with diabetes-related neuropathy.
  • Helping you sleep better at night. Insomnia is one of the most common symptoms associated with diabetes–and it can make managing your condition much more difficult if you’re tired all day long! CBD has been shown to help improve sleep quality, so it can make all the difference if you’re having trouble getting enough restful shut eye.
  • Helping reduce anxiety or stress levels that come along with managing this chronic disease (which is often referred to as “diabetes distress”). Stress management techniques like yoga or meditation may also be helpful here; just make sure they don’t interfere with your medications!

How does CBD work to lower blood sugar and insulin levels?

CBD works to lower blood sugar and insulin levels by increasing the production of insulin in the pancreas. The cannabinoids found in cannabis have been shown to help to increase the number of insulin receptors in your body, allowing for more efficient use of this hormone. This means that more glucose will be taken up by cells for energy, reducing its presence in your bloodstream.

Can CBD be used in conjunction with traditional diabetes medications?

CBD may be used in conjunction with traditional diabetes medications, but it is important to speak with your doctor first.

If you are taking insulin or other medications that lower blood sugar levels, then you should exercise caution when using CBD or any cannabis product. It’s possible that the combination of these two could lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). If this happens, drink some juice or eat a snack and see if your symptoms improve before taking more CBD.

Cannabidiol may be a helpful ally in managing diabetes and reducing the symptoms associated with it.

CBD is a phytocannabinoid, a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis. It’s non-psychoactive and doesn’t produce the “high” associated with marijuana.

CBD has been shown to help with pain, anxiety and sleep problems by activating the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is made up of receptors throughout your body that respond to cannabinoids–chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant–to regulate various physiological processes such as mood and appetite control.


The benefits of CBD for diabetes are still being studied, but it appears that this natural compound has many potential uses as a treatment option for people with this condition. It can help lower blood sugar levels and insulin production in the body, which means less risk of complications like heart disease or stroke. It’s also safe for use in conjunction with other medications prescribed by doctors who specialize in treating diabetes patients such as yourself!

Here are some safe and tested products to look at.

If you are looking to receive professional advice from cannabis-friendly medical professionals, look no further than our expertise here at United Patients Group. We are the leading source for patient information on medical marijuana featuring medical insights, reliable recommendations from industry experts, and lab-tested product reviews. Contact us today to book your first appointment with us.

You may be pleasantly surprised on all the benefits this plant has to offer.

The post CBD for Diabetes, What are the benefits? appeared first on United Patients Group.

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Cannabis Can Help Introverts Be More Social




Introverts have a tough go, extroverts think they need help, bur really they need time and space to adjust and think. Some introverts have anxiety, but not all. Introverts can’t be “fixed” if they go to the right event. The truth is has more nuisance and marijuana might help some. Introverts like more quiet to concentrate, may take time to make decisions, feel comfortable being alone and feel tried after being in a crowd. Some might think of them as shy or quiet, which is true for some but, again, not all.

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Some research has shown introverted people tend to experience higher levels of anxiety. But not every introvert has social anxiety disorder, or social phobia.  Social anxiety disorder is one of the five main types of anxiety disorders. It is significant nervousness, fear, or apprehension in social situations or when thinking about social situations. It is the next level of being worried about social situation. Some good new is cannabis can help introverts be more social.

the average america hasnt made a new friend in 5 years
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Get togethers, big and small, are a way to experience new idea, meet potential friends or partner while engaging with new people. Sometimes it is just a work requirement which there is no escape. In the age of legalization, more introverts are sharing they are using microdosing as a way to manage social outings. Marijuana does not help every introvert and too much may heighten anxiety. Microdosing is 2.5-5mg at a time, which are about a half or quarter of a gummy.

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But cannabis doesn’t change the core of a person, rather it pulls them out of their habitual thought. Allowing them to step out of themselves and experience something different or new without too much of a thought. The main psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, THC, stimulates the part of your brain which responds to pleasure, like food and sex. Consuming unleashes a chemical called dopamine, which gives you a euphoric, relaxed feeling.

If you plan to try it, go slow and see how it works. If you have social anxiety, you might want to consult with a health professional.


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Can Depression Be Treated By CBD




There is an increased number of people diagnosed with depression, which may mean more people are open to be diagnosed and are seeking some form of treatment. Understanding depression is key. There are two general categories, situational and clinical. While similar, they are not the same. Medically, situational depression is an adjustment disorder with a depressed mood. It often resolves with time, and talking about the problem can ease recovery. Clinical depression, known medically as a “major depressive disorder,” can develop if the individual does not recover. This is a more severe mental health condition. Recognizing the differences between these types of depression is the first step toward getting help. Can depression be treated by CBD?

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If you are struggling with depression, talk to a mental health professional to develop a  treatment plan which might include CBD. Many people using CBD to treat a wide variety of health issues, including depression, anxiety, and stress relief. During the past few years, there has been growing popularity regarding CBD, or cannabidiol.

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CBD is one of the numerous substances isolated from hemp; however, the other primary substance is THC. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol and is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Even though a lot of people believe CBD can get you high, this is not the case. CBD does not have any psychoactive effects.

Yes, CBD can be used to treat depression. Many prescription medications treat depression by altering levels of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain that causes people to feel happy. There is some evidence that CBD can alter serotonin levels, making it an effective treatment for depression. Even though CBD can be helpful in certain cases, it also has the potential to interfere with other prescription medications. Therefore, if you are taking prescription medications for depression, you need to talk to your doctor ahead of time. This way, you can figure out if CBD will interact with anything you are taking. This could have an impact on the treatment plan.

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If you are trying to find CBD that can help you treat depression, you need to choose the right product. In particular, you need to pay attention to whether the product has any THC in it. If you take something with THC, you are going to feel psychoactive effects. Therefore, you need to make sure you do not operate heavy machinery. You should also think about how you want to consume CBD. Gummies tend to be very popular while some prefer to use substances which can be applied to the skin’s surface. Talk to a professional about the type of CBD product and dosage for treatment. This will allow it to be more effective.

Similar to other medical issues, depression can present in a variety of ways. Here are a few common symptoms of depression:

  • Issues falling asleep or staying asleep at night.
  • Changes in their eating habits, either eating significantly more or less.
  • Guilt about things that are not their fault.
  • Changes in an emotional state, leading to major mood swings including rapid mood swings ranging from happiness to sadness and anger.
  • Suicidal thoughts.

RELATED: How CBD Can Treat Symptoms of Depression Right Now

Anyone who suffers from depression deserves to have access to a trained mental health professional who can help them address these concerns. If you are working with a mental health professional to develop a treatment plan for depression, CBD could be right for you.

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Top 10 Reasons People Consume Marijuana




Some of the top reasons people drink alcohol is to relax, for enjoyment, to be part of a group, to avoid physical and/or psychological pain, to experiment and for rebellion.  It has been around for thousands of years used in religious ceremonies, medical treatments, sensual moments and more. But, what are the top 10 reasons people consume marijuana today?  Well, there is some data, and it varies a little by age.

With legalization, all of Canada and over 50% of the US have access to legal marijuana, leading to it becoming more accepted.  Over 85% believe it should be legal in some form and the federal government has acknowledge is has health properties.

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Psychology Today published an article with the information. They took data from four different studies to discover use reasons and published some of the findings. The papers are typically based on secondary research. In other words, they rely on surveys and data collected from other sources which they use to build a “picture” of the average consumer.

Smoking Marijuana
Photo by PhotoAlto/Sigrid Olsson/Getty Images

Age does play a significant role for motivation. College freshmen make different decisions based on their limited life experience and social environment.  The first study looked at possible motivators for entering college students.

“The most frequently reported reasons included enjoyment/fun, conformity,  experimentation, social enhancement, boredom, and relaxation.”

Social acceptance was another high ranking category in this age group and it makes sense. When you’re finally “out of the nest”, you need a conduit to engage with other people. If people are smoking weed, you may feel slightly more inclined to try to “fit in”.

RELATED: 8 Reasons Why College Students Use Cannabis

Post college age is where the majority of consumers exist. Another study looked at this demographic to understand motivations for consuming cannabis. Not surprisingly, there is a far more nuanced list of reasons than the college aged demographic. According to researchers here are the top 10 reasons people consume marijuana.

  1. Relaxation
  2. Feeling good
  3. Medical uses
  4. Inspiration
  5. New ways of looking at things
  6. Coping with depression and anxiety
  7. Forgetting one’s worries
  8. Enjoyment of movies or music
  9. Better sleep
  10. Coping with boredom

Similar to alcohol, the top reason is recreation. But unlike alcohol, the next major reason is medical use, with a significant about of people using it to treat a variety of issues including chronic pain, cancer, seizures, anxiety, and more.

Coping with stress and anxiety is further down on the list, something different from alcohol.  But using substances to escape from long term issues is rather productive.  Like a glass at the end of the day, a gummy or puff from a vape it can just take the edge a rough day.  But doing it too much and indulging to much could be a reason to evaluate the motive.

The study researchers shared “Users are for the most part very self aware of their consumption habits, and alters their behavior when they see it as problematic.”

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