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CBD Oil for Muscle and Joint Pain Relief: What You Need to Know



Do you suffer from muscle and joint pain? If so, you may have heard of the growing trend of using CBD Oil to help provide relief. From topical creams to tinctures, CBD is becoming an increasingly popular way to treat muscle and joint pain. But what exactly is CBD Oil, and how can it help with pain relief? In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of CBD and what you need to know about using it to help with muscle and joint pain.

Can CBD Oil help relieve pain?

The research is not definitive at this time, and more studies are needed to answer this question. Some early evidence suggests CBD Oil may be useful for reducing certain types of chronic pain, nerve pain, and muscular symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis. A study shows that CBD Oil can reduce opioids in persons suffering from acute pain.

However, other studies have not found an effect of CBD Oil on muscle soreness and inflammation following exercise. Ultimately, more research is needed to understand the potential benefits of CBD for pain relief.

How topical CBD is effective for muscle soreness and pain

CBD topicals work similarly to other pain-relieving topicals like menthol and capsaicin. When applied to the skin, the endocannabinoid system in the body’s CBD may interact with cannabinoid receptors., which play an essential role in managing pain and inflammation. The endocannabinoid system sends signals regulating pain levels, inflammation, and even immune responses.

Topical CBD may effectively relieve muscle soreness and joint pain. In a study published in 2019 in the journal Rheumatology, researchers tested a CBD topical on rats with arthritis and found that it reduced inflammation and had an analgesic effect.

More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of CBD topicals for treating muscle soreness and joint pain. However, if you consider using CBD topicals for your aches and pains, you must discuss your plan with your doctor first. While the research is still in its infancy, early studies suggest that topical CBD may effectively relieve pain and inflammation.

But, if you decide to try it, look for products with clear labeling and a certificate of analysis to ensure you are getting the amount of CBD promised. I recommend OnlineCBDstore to purchase CBD products online because it is a registered CBD store with excellent customer reviews.

How oral CBD is effective for muscle soreness and pain

Oral CBD, or cannabidiol, works by entering the bloodstream and reaching cannabinoid receptors throughout the body. It is believed to have strong anti-inflammatory effects and could offer relief from inflammation-related pain, including muscle aches and joint pain. While there have been a few small-scale research on the effects of CBD on pain and soreness, most of these investigations have been carried out on animals.

It’s important to note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to approve CBD as a food additive or dietary supplement. However, oral CBD is widely available and legal in many states. It’s a good idea to speak with a CBD doctor if you’re interested in using oral CBD for muscle soreness or any other pain.

Should you opt for topical or oral CBD for soreness?

When it comes to treating muscle and joint pain, both topical and oral CBD can be effective. The key is determining the source and intensity of your pain.

Topical CBD, such as creams, ointments, and salves, is better suited for localized pain in a specific body area. These products are applied directly to the affected area and work by providing targeted relief and reducing inflammation. They are best for minor to moderate pain and can be used several times throughout the day. 

Oral CBD, such as capsules, tinctures, and edibles, are better suited for more widespread or chronic pain throughout the body. These products are ingested and travel through the bloodstream, providing more systemic relief from pain. They are best for moderate to severe pain and can provide longer-lasting effects than topical products. 

In many cases, a combination of topical and oral CBD can provide maximum benefit for pain relief. Talk to your CBD doctor if you’re considering adding CBD to your wellness routine to find out what’s best for you.

Online Medical Card Team

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Cannabis 101

What you Need to Know




Cannabis has long been utilized as a sleep aid. Numerous substances found in the plant, including THC, CBD, and CBN, are known to have soothing and relaxing properties. Cannabis interacts with the receptor system to facilitate sleep. This system is in charge of controlling a wide range of bodily processes, including sleep. As pain may be a key contributor to sleeplessness, cannabis can also help relieve pain, leading to good sleep.

Cannabis may be ingested in various ways, such as by eating, drinking, liquefying, and smoking. Cannabis has various effects that change based on the strain, how it’s used, and the user. Some people find that cannabis helps them fall asleep, while others discover that it intensifies their dreaming or makes them feel sluggish in the morning.

How does cannabis work as a sleep aid?

According to experts, cannabis can promote sleep by producing a dreamy, relaxed state. How cannabis affects sleep may also be affected by the type of cannabis product utilized. This is because different cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, have different effects on the body.

THC frequently makes a person feel high, pleased, and relaxed. THC provides soothing and sleep-inducing effects at lower dosages, while higher levels may make a person feel more awake or nervous.

CBD may have a calming impact on the body’s central nervous system. CBD has demonstrated the potential to decrease inflammation, discomfort, and anxiety. There are few studies on CBD’s impact on sleep. Although many people claim that CBD makes it easier to fall asleep, another study indicates that CBD may improve attentiveness, especially at lower dosages.

What makes THC and CBD a sleep aid?

The primary psychoactive component of cannabis, THC, has been shown to bind to the brain’s abundant CB1 receptor. THC’s typical psychoactive effects, such as sensations of relaxation and pleasure, are brought on by this binding. However, THC also interacts with the CB2 receptor, which is abundant in the immune system. This binding aids in reducing pain and inflammation.

Conversely, CBD doesn’t attach to the CB1 receptor. Instead, it interacts with the CB2 receptor and works to prevent THC from attaching to the CB1 receptor. For this reason, CBD is well recognized for balancing out THC’s intoxicating effects. Therefore, when you take cannabis before bed, the THC and CBD act together to help you fall asleep more quickly and remain asleep longer. THC binds to the CB1 receptor, causing you to feel calm and drowsy. CBD binds to the CB2 receptor and helps to prevent THC from attaching to the CB1 receptor. You can enjoy a decent night’s sleep by reducing the euphoric effects of THC.

How to use cannabis for sleep?

 Trying cannabis may be a good idea if you seek a natural solution to get more rest. Cannabis can aid in bodily and mental relaxation, facilitating sleep. Here are some suggestions for using cannabis to promote sleep.

  1. Select a CBD-rich strain of marijuana. CBD, a non-euphoric component of cannabis, may aid in promoting calm.
  2. Consider smoking or vaporizing cannabis before going to bed. You’ll be able to experience the impacts more immediately as a result.
  3. Topical medications can be used to relieve pain and tense muscles, which helps in falling asleep.
  4. Cannabis should not be used if you have problems falling asleep after consuming it. Some folks discover that cannabis makes them more awake at night.
  5. Start with a modest dosage and gradually increase it. It’s important to choose your dosage. Start small and build up as necessary.

Best cannabis types for sleep

Cannabis types with high CBD and low THC content are helpful for people to go to sleep. CBD is well-known for its soothing and relaxing properties, whereas THC is well-known for its psychoactive properties. As a result, for people looking to utilize cannabis for sleep, a cannabis variety with a high CBD-to-THC level is preferable. The following cannabis types are some of the top sleeping aid.


Harlequin is a Sativa-dominant hybrid with equal amounts of CBD and THC. This type is well-known for its energetic and uplifting qualities, making it perfect for daytime consumption. However, Harlequin can also be utilized at night to aid relaxation and restful sleep.


ACDC is a Sativa-dominant mixture with a very high CBD content and a low THC content. This strain is ideal for individuals who desire the advantages of CBD without the euphoric impacts of THC. Because of its uplifted and refreshing qualities, ACDC is best used during the day. However, ACDC can also be taken at night to help you relax and obtain a good night’s sleep.


Cannatonic is a hybrid with high CBD and low THC content. Cannatonic is renowned for its calming and sedating properties, making it the perfect drug at night.

Risks of CBD:

Cannabis can potentially interfere with other drugs you are taking for sleep or other problems. Cannabis may remain in your system for several days or even weeks, so if you are subject to drug testing, it is possible to test positive even if you haven’t just used it. Additionally, certain underlying sleep problems, like sleep apnoea, might worsen when cannabis is used. If you already have trouble sleeping, taking CBD as a sleep aid will likely worsen your insomnia.

Also, it is important to be aware of using cannabis for sleep due to the possibility of addiction. If you use CBD to fall asleep, you may develop cannabis dependence. If you are thinking about using cannabis for sleep, consult with your doctor first to explore the potential dangers and benefits.


Sleep is essential for our general health and wellness, yet many of us find it difficult to get a restful night’s sleep frequently. Cannabis as a sleep aid can be an effective approach for some people to obtain the rest they require. Try it out if you’re having trouble sleeping at night!

However, utilizing cannabis for sleep carries significant dangers as well. Before taking CBD as a sleeping aid, you must consult a doctor.

Online Medical Card Team

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