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Colombian University Innovates with Genetic Cannabis Testing



Colombia’s been on the grind for the past two years (2020-2021), trying to legalize adult-use cannabis. But man, it’s been a journey with its fair share of roadblocks, even with some conservative parties backing it up. Right now, the country’s cool with folks having a personal stash, capped at twenty (20) grams of flower and five (5) grams of hash. Growing? You can have up to 20 plants, but you gotta get the nod from the National Narcotics Council, and stay within those limits.

Now, here’s a fun fact: Colombia’s home to about 1,200 cannabis strains, according to the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA). But here’s the kicker: most consumers and growers don’t really know what kind of ganja they’ve got or how much cannabinoids it’s packing. That’s why some sharp minds from the National University decided to roll up their sleeves and get to the bottom of what kind of herb is being grown and smoked in the country.

So far, the team’s checked out around 360 samples, and guess what? None of them matched the info on the labels sent over to the university’s Biology Department. That means growers and tokers don’t really know what they’re planting or puffing. Juan David Romero, the brainchild behind this project and backed by Professor Felipe Sarmiento, is leading this group of biologists in uncovering this cannabis genetic info gap.

Right now, they’re teaming up with a company called “La Santa Botánica” to dissect 20 cannabis strains. They’ve found some with a hefty dose of THC, that magic molecule with anti-cancer properties. They’ve also pinpointed strains rich in CBD, the wonder molecule used for conditions like epilepsy, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, anxiety, and even hemp varieties.

Thanks to Romero’s crew, they’re getting better at telling apart different cannabis strains. This global issue of not really knowing your weed? They’re tackling it head-on, using tools that help organize plant info and toss out any misleading label details.

Romero breaks it down: with these tests, they can spot cannabis genes early on, figuring out if the plant’s got that THC or CBD gene. This means growers can make smarter choices about what they’re growing, and businesses can stay on the right side of regulations.

This Colombian project? It’s leading the charge in Latin America, all happening in a state-of-the-art lab. The goal? Help growers, business folks, and scholars understand their cannabis strains, spot THC and CBD genes, and see what genetic mutations mean for the plant.


In a nutshell, this project’s all about fixing the cannabis info gap in Colombia and giving growers and industry peeps the lowdown they need. Being able to genetically ID cannabis strains? That’s a win for the industry and society at large. As for the cost of these tests, it’s $76,000 pesos for genotyping one gene and $390,000 pesos for the full package, which includes genotyping, sequencing, and bioinformatics analysis of two THC and CBD genes.

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marijuana growing

Unveiling the Magic: Cannabis and Baking Soda




Welcome to the world of cannabis cultivation, where every leaf holds the promise of a thriving harvest. In this glossy, we unveil a little-known secret that can revolutionize your approach to nurturing cannabis plants: baking soda. Prepare to embark on a journey where science meets horticulture, as we explore how this common kitchen ingredient can transform your cannabis garden. Discover the extraordinary benefits of using baking soda as a natural alternative to leaf fertilizers, unlocking the potential for deep, dark green leaves that thrive under the sun. Get ready to witness the magic of enhanced photosynthesis and enjoy a bountiful crop like never before.

Understanding the Power of Baking Soda:

Delve into the science behind baking soda’s remarkable properties and its effect on cannabis plants. Explore the concept of pH balance and how it directly impacts nutrient absorption and photosynthesis. Gain insight into the role of baking soda as a pH regulator, providing stability and optimizing the conditions for your plants to flourish. Learn about the natural compounds within baking soda that promote healthy growth and increased chlorophyll production, leading to vibrant, luscious green leaves.

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), possesses remarkable properties that can significantly impact the health and vitality of cannabis plants. Understanding the science behind these properties is crucial to harnessing the full potential of baking soda as a leaf fertilizer alternative.

pH balance plays a fundamental role in plant growth and development. The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, and cannabis plants thrive within a specific pH range. Baking soda acts as a pH regulator, helping to stabilize and maintain the optimal pH levels in the growing medium.

By adjusting pH levels, baking soda facilitates the absorption of essential nutrients by cannabis plants. When pH levels are imbalanced, certain nutrients become less available to the plants, leading to nutrient deficiencies and compromised growth. Baking soda acts as a buffer, ensuring that the pH remains within the ideal range for nutrient uptake and utilization.

a bowl of Baking Soda next to a cannabis plant

In addition to pH regulation, baking soda contains natural compounds that promote healthy growth and increased chlorophyll production. Chlorophyll is responsible for the green pigment in plants and is vital for photosynthesis—the process through which plants convert light energy into chemical energy. By enhancing chlorophyll production, baking soda boosts the plants’ photosynthetic efficiency, resulting in vibrant, luscious green leaves.

Furthermore, baking soda’s alkaline nature helps create an environment that encourages nutrient absorption and microbial activity in the soil. This can lead to improved soil fertility and nutrient availability, ultimately benefiting the overall health of cannabis plants.

The role of baking soda in optimizing pH levels, promoting nutrient absorption, and enhancing chlorophyll production is at the core of its power as a leaf fertilizer alternative. By delving into the science behind these properties, cultivators can grasp the underlying mechanisms by which baking soda positively influences the growth and vitality of their cannabis plants. Armed with this knowledge, they can apply baking soda effectively and confidently in their cultivation practices, unlocking the potential for lush, healthy foliage and robust harvests.

Baking Soda, A Sustainable Leaf Fertilizer Alternative:

Step away from synthetic leaf fertilizers and embrace a more eco-friendly and cost-effective approach with baking soda. Discover the advantages of choosing a natural solution that reduces chemical dependency and environmental impact. Uncover the simplicity of incorporating baking soda into your cultivation routine, from dosage recommendations to application methods. We’ll explore various techniques, including foliar sprays and soil amendments, ensuring you have the knowledge to make informed decisions for your cannabis garden.

Baking soda presents a sustainable and environmentally-friendly alternative to synthetic leaf fertilizers, offering numerous advantages for cannabis cultivation. By opting for baking soda as a leaf fertilizer, cultivators can reduce chemical dependency and minimize their environmental impact, aligning their practices with a more sustainable approach.

One of the primary advantages of using baking soda is its natural composition. Unlike synthetic leaf fertilizers that often contain artificial additives and chemicals, baking soda is a pure and simple ingredient derived from naturally occurring minerals. This natural aspect makes it a safe and non-toxic option for both the plants and the surrounding ecosystem.

Incorporating baking soda into your cultivation routine is relatively simple and cost-effective. Dosage recommendations are readily available, ensuring that you can provide your plants with the appropriate amount of baking soda without the need for complex calculations. Its widespread availability and affordability make it accessible to cultivators of various scales, contributing to its cost-effectiveness.

Baking soda can be applied through different techniques, offering flexibility and adaptability to suit your cultivation preferences. One common method is foliar sprays, where a baking soda solution is sprayed onto the leaves, allowing for direct absorption. Foliar sprays provide quick and efficient nutrient delivery, making them ideal for addressing nutrient deficiencies or promoting overall plant health.

Alternatively, baking soda can also be used as a soil amendment. By incorporating it into the growing medium, it gradually releases its beneficial properties, benefiting the plants over an extended period. This method ensures a consistent supply of nutrients and pH regulation at the root level, supporting the long-term health and growth of cannabis plants.

By exploring the various techniques and application methods, cultivators can tailor their approach to best suit their specific needs and preferences. This flexibility allows for experimentation and fine-tuning, ensuring that the benefits of baking soda are maximized within individual cultivation setups.

Embracing baking soda as a sustainable leaf fertilizer alternative signifies a conscious choice to reduce reliance on synthetic chemicals and embrace a more environmentally-friendly approach. By incorporating this natural ingredient into your cultivation routine, you can promote the health of your cannabis plants while minimizing your environmental impact, fostering a harmonious and sustainable ecosystem for both your garden and the surrounding environment.

baking soda cannabis plant with thumbs up

The Benefits of Deep, Dark Green Cannabis Leaves:

Delight in the beauty and vitality of deep, dark green cannabis leaves that serve as a testament to your gardening expertise. Learn how the enhanced photosynthetic capabilities achieved through baking soda application can lead to improved plant health, vigor, and resistance to stress. Explore the impact of optimal chlorophyll levels on nutrient uptake, flower production, and overall crop quality. Witness the transformation of your cannabis garden as vibrant, healthy leaves pave the way for a robust and abundant harvest.

Cultivation Tips and Best Practices:

Equip yourself with valuable tips and best practices to maximize the benefits of baking soda in your cannabis cultivation journey. From selecting the right baking soda product to understanding the ideal application frequency, we provide practical guidance to ensure you achieve optimal results. Dive into the world of organic gardening techniques, companion planting, and integrated pest management strategies that complement the use of baking soda, promoting a holistic and sustainable approach to cannabis cultivation.

  1. Selecting the Right Baking Soda Product: When incorporating baking soda into your cannabis cultivation routine, it’s crucial to choose a high-quality, food-grade baking soda product. Look for brands that offer pure baking soda without any additives or impurities. This ensures that you provide your plants with the best possible ingredients for their growth and development.

  2. Understanding the Ideal Application Frequency: To maximize the benefits of baking soda, it’s essential to strike the right balance in terms of application frequency. Generally, it is recommended to apply baking soda as a foliar spray every two to three weeks during the vegetative stage of plant growth. However, it’s important to monitor your plants closely and adjust the frequency based on their response. Over-application can lead to pH imbalances or other adverse effects, so it’s crucial to observe your plants’ behavior and adjust accordingly.

  3. Embracing Organic Gardening Techniques: Incorporating baking soda into your cannabis cultivation journey aligns well with organic gardening practices. Embrace organic fertilizers, compost, and natural pest control methods to create a sustainable and environmentally-friendly garden. By avoiding synthetic chemicals and focusing on natural solutions, you promote the overall health of your plants and contribute to a more sustainable ecosystem.

  4. Companion Planting: Consider incorporating companion plants that thrive alongside cannabis and complement the use of baking soda. Certain companion plants can deter pests, attract beneficial insects, and enhance the overall health of your garden. For example, planting aromatic herbs like basil or mint can repel pests and add fragrance to the garden. Research companion planting options and design your garden to create a harmonious and mutually beneficial ecosystem.

  5. Integrated Pest Management Strategies: Pests can pose a significant threat to cannabis plants, impacting their health and productivity. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a holistic approach that combines various strategies to control pests effectively. When using baking soda as a leaf fertilizer, integrate IPM techniques such as regular monitoring, proper sanitation, and the use of biological controls like predatory insects. By implementing a comprehensive pest management plan, you can safeguard your cannabis garden while promoting the natural benefits of baking soda.

  6. pH Monitoring and Adjustments: Baking soda is primarily used to regulate pH levels in the soil and enhance nutrient uptake. Regularly monitor the pH levels of your growing medium using a reliable pH testing kit. Aim for a pH range of 6 to 7 for optimal cannabis growth. If the pH deviates from the ideal range, adjust it by applying a baking soda solution in small increments until the desired pH is achieved. However, exercise caution and avoid drastic pH adjustments, as sudden changes can shock your plants.

By following these cultivation tips and best practices, you can harness the full potential of baking soda as a leaf fertilizer for your cannabis garden. Embrace organic methods, companion planting, and integrated pest management to create a thriving, sustainable ecosystem that supports the growth and vitality of your plants.

baking soda cannabis green leaves in a grow room

Showcasing Success Stories:

Discover the experiences of passionate cannabis cultivators who have embraced baking soda as a leaf fertilizer alternative. Hear firsthand accounts of their journeys, from the initial skepticism to the awe-inspiring results they achieved. Unveil the tales of robust plants, dense flowers, and exceptional harvests that have propelled these growers to new heights. Be inspired by their success stories as you embark on your own baking soda-infused cultivation adventure.

The Blossoming Enthusiast:

Meet Sarah, an enthusiastic cannabis cultivator who decided to explore the benefits of baking soda as a leaf fertilizer alternative. Initially skeptical about deviating from traditional synthetic fertilizers, Sarah took a leap of faith and incorporated baking soda into her cultivation routine. As she nurtured her plants, she noticed a remarkable transformation. The leaves turned a deep, lush green, and her plants exhibited unprecedented vitality.

Sarah’s awe-inspiring journey reached its peak during harvest time. She marveled at the dense, resin-coated flowers that adorned her robust plants. The aroma was intoxicating, and the potency of the buds exceeded her expectations. With each harvest, Sarah’s confidence grew, and her baking soda-infused cultivation adventure proved to be a resounding success.

The Sustainable Innovator:

James, a dedicated cannabis cultivator, sought a more sustainable approach to nurturing his garden. Intrigued by the idea of using baking soda as a leaf fertilizer alternative, he decided to give it a try. The results astounded him. Not only did his plants thrive with vibrant green leaves, but he also noticed a significant reduction in pests and diseases.

Inspired by his success, James embraced an organic gardening approach. He implemented companion planting, strategically placing marigolds and lavender around his cannabis plants to deter pests naturally. The harmonious ecosystem flourished, with ladybugs and bees becoming regular visitors to his garden.

James’s commitment to sustainability extended beyond his cultivation practices. He implemented rainwater harvesting and utilized homemade compost, further reducing his environmental footprint. His remarkable success story inspired fellow cultivators to adopt baking soda as a leaf fertilizer alternative and embrace a more eco-friendly and holistic approach to cannabis cultivation.

The Resilient Grower:

Mark, a seasoned cannabis grower, faced a daunting challenge when a sudden pH imbalance threatened the health of his plants. Determined to find a natural solution, he turned to baking soda as a potential remedy. Mark carefully adjusted the pH levels, incorporating baking soda into his watering routine, and witnessed a remarkable recovery.

Not only did the baking soda restore the pH balance, but Mark also noticed a visible improvement in his plants’ vigor and leaf color. Inspired by this success, he decided to continue using baking soda throughout the cultivation process. The resilience of his plants was astounding, as they weathered environmental fluctuations and thrived in the face of adversity.

Mark’s exceptional harvest left him in awe. The dense, resinous buds were a testament to the power of baking soda as a leaf fertilizer alternative. Through his journey, Mark discovered not only the benefits of baking soda but also the resilience and adaptability of cannabis plants when nurtured with care and innovation.

These captivating success stories showcase the transformative power of baking soda as a leaf fertilizer alternative. From vibrant leaves and exceptional harvests to sustainable practices and resilience in the face of challenges, these cultivators have unlocked the potential of their cannabis gardens. Their experiences inspire and invite others to embark on their own baking soda-infused cultivation adventures, nurturing plants that flourish with beauty, potency, and sustainability.

As we conclude this glossy, we invite you to embrace the transformative power of baking soda in your cannabis garden. From its pH-balancing properties to its ability to promote lush green leaves, baking soda offers a natural, sustainable solution that can elevate your cultivation experience. Explore the boundless possibilities, enjoy the rewards of vibrant foliage, and savor the satisfaction of a bountiful harvest. Embrace baking soda as your ally in nurturing healthy, thriving cannabis plants, and witness your garden flourish like never before.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using baking soda as a leaf fertilizer for cannabis cultivation?

Baking soda enhances photosynthesis, promotes deep, dark green leaves, optimizes nutrient absorption, and provides pH balance, leading to improved plant health, vigor, and resistance to stress.

How does baking soda contribute to sustainable cannabis cultivation?

Baking soda offers a natural and eco-friendly alternative to synthetic leaf fertilizers, reducing chemical dependency and environmental impact. It aligns with organic gardening practices, is cost-effective, and can be incorporated through various application methods.

Can you share any success stories of using baking soda as a leaf fertilizer in cannabis cultivation?

Cultivators have reported remarkable transformations, including deep green leaves, dense flowers, and exceptional harvests. Baking soda has helped them achieve vibrant plant health, resilience to pH imbalances, and sustainable cultivation practices.

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Amendment 3

Pot prohibition costs Florida at least $200 million per year




Floridians get to free the weed at the ballot box Nov. 5. What’s at stake? Scores of weed arrests, and at least $200 million per year in tax revenue for a massive, newly legal economy. 

Also, tens of millions of dollars more in criminal justice savings from fewer arrests, and prison sentences. 

That $200 million figure comes from a 2023 State of Florida economic analysis.

 A Leafly News analysis adds in the estimated cost of 66,000 annual arrests in Florida for weed, plus tax projections based on legalization in other states. The net fiscal impact could be many millions of dollars more.

A June Fox News poll has Amendment 3 passing with 66% of the vote. Eligible Florida voters should ensure they’re registered to vote by October 1.

The current penalties of pot prohibition


‘Marijuana is legal enough in Florida,’ some voters will say. ‘There’s already legal medical cannabis and hemp.’ 

There’s also prohibition. Prosecutors filed some 66,000 counts of possession of marijuana charges in Florida in 2023, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

“Florida is arguably among the leading states in marijuana-related arrests — if not the leader,” said Paul Armentano at NORML.

Holding a sack is a first-degree misdemeanor, and can get you a year in prison. By contrast, Florida Amendment 3 legalizes up to 3 ounces of weed and 5 grams of hash. Amendment 3 reads: “The non-medical personal use of marijuana products and marijuana accessories by an adult … is not subject to any criminal or civil liability or sanctions under Florida Law.”


It’s official: Florida will vote on legal weed in November!

It would be a game-changer in a state where a sandwich baggy of weed (over 20 grams) can get you a third-degree felony and five years in prison in Florida. The number of pot charges per year is increasing, reports state. 

How much does Florida pot enforcement cost?

So how much does 66,000 weed arrests cost Floridians? State analysts left it out.

Leafly estimates the bill for those charges alone start at $13.2 million.

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Each misdemeanor has to take a minimum of one police hour to issue, and one court hour to charge, notice, and arraign. Cops and court officials aren’t cheap. They can easily run $100 per hour when you factor in salary, benefits, and pension. 

Forgoing most weed arrests should save millions to tens of millions of dollars in law enforcement costs for weed per year.

Pro-legalization activists say the true number can be 10 times higher. 

In 2010, the pro-weed group Drug Policy Alliance calculated that each pot arrest costs a state $1,000 to $2,000. That’s $99 million per year in Florida cops writing pot tickets and courts serving paperwork.

California analysts predicted “tens of millions” in court savings before Prop 64 passed in 2016. California is roughly twice the population of Florida.

Floridians missing out on tax revenue, too

States with pot prohibition not only fork out dough to persecute potheads. Floridians forgo the tax revenue of economic activity already occurring on their block. That’s where the number really bites.

Legal weed would face Florida’s 6% state sales tax, plus local taxes, and fees.

Florida’s state economists see legal weed as generating “Based on other states’ experiences, … at least $195.6 million annually in state and local sales tax revenues once the retail market is fully operational.”

That $200 million may prove low. The conservative legislature would probably pass “sin taxes” on pot. Benchmarked to California revenues, Florida would rake in $500 million in annual taxes from legal weed.

What can Floridians do with $200 million in revenue?

the savings and tax revenue could pay for at least 2,000 new teachers

Passing Florida Amendment 3, would result in revenue and savings that are hard to fathom. One easy way to measure it: the savings and tax revenue could pay for at least 2,000 new teachers, at the going rate.

So that’s some back-of-the-envelope math for when people say, “Why legalize weed in Florida, isn’t it legal enough?”

Read on for more details. 

Counting more costs: Felonies, defense attorneys, and prison cells

When Leafly says “millions to tens of millions of dollars” in cops and court savings, we’re being conservative. Prohibition places measurable and immeasurable burdens on its targets and society at large. We’re not counting felony cases, nor the cost of defense attorneys, and imprisonment or supervision.

For example, a felony arrest can cost the defendant $10,000 to $15,000, stated Christopher Cano, Executive Director of Suncoast NORML. That money pays for pre-trial intervention rehab to expunge a first offense. 

“I know this for a fact because it happened to me in 2014,” Cano stated.

And then there’s the prison and probation costs, too.

  • About 3 out of 50 people heading into a Florida prison cell each year go in for holding weed or selling weed, according to state reporting.
  • About 140 people sit in a Florida state prison for pot. 
  • Each prisoner costs $88,000 for the prison bed, guards, and food each year, the state of Florida estimates.

A substantial reduction in pot prisoners yields millions of dollars more in savings.

We’ll keep updating this post as more info comes to light.


Florida Financial Impact Estimating Conference – Adult Personal Use of Marijuana – Serial Number 22-05 July 13, 2023

—‘Florida could legalize marijuana, but people arrested still face tough road’, Tampa Bay Times, July 11, 2024, via the Florida Office of the State Courts Administrator

California Prop 64 summary and text with fiscal analysis

Drug Policy Alliance, 2010, NY Prohibition Costs

Florida sales tax rate

Cost of Florida prison beds

Florida school teacher salary

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Marijuana Business Daily

Union’s initiative to organize Oregon marijuana workers nears ballot




An Oregon union has spent more than $2 million trying to get an initiative on the November ballot that would make it easier for marijuana retail and processor employees to organize.

The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 555 – one of the biggest unions in Oregon with tens of thousands of members – went the ballot route this year after failing to get a similar measure passed through the Oregon Legislature in 2023, according to Oregon Public Broadcasting.


Michael Selvaggio, political director for the Local 555, estimated the union spent $2.4 million on the signature-collection campaign.

The UFCW is optimistic the initiative will make the ballot after submitting more than 163,000 signatures to the Oregon secretary of state’s office by

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