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Dominican Republic Banned Cannabis Themed Music & Media



While story after story comes in about the relaxing of regulation against cannabis, this isn’t true to all places, or at least, not in the same time frame. In some places it’s actually gotten worse. Read on to learn more about how the Dominican Republic views cannabis, and a recent move that actually banned music and media related to the plant.

The Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is an island nation in the Atlantic Ocean, east of the continent of South America and Mexico, and south of the United States. It shares its land mass with Haiti, which takes the west side, while the Dominican Republic is on the east side. To its direct east is the island nation of Puerto Rico, and to its west in the Atlantic, are the islands of Jamaica, Cuba (north of Jamaica), and the Bahamas (north of Cuba. Together, these islands, along with other smaller ones, make up the Caribbean Islands.

As of 2022, the country was home to approximately 10.7 million people, with Spanish as the national language. This is because the Spanish took over the island from the native Taíno people in the late 1400s when Christopher Columbus first landed in that area, making the Colony of Santo Domingo the first colony established by Spain in the new world area. Spanish rule finally came to an end in 1821 when the Dominican people declared their own independence. The island wasn’t split into halves until 1697, when the French claimed the west side, which became Haiti.

In the Caribbean region and Central America, the Dominican Republic has the largest economy according to the US government and World Bank, and is the most visited country in the island region. It’s the 7th biggest economy of Latin America in general. It actually holds the fastest growing economy in the Western Hemisphere in the last 25 years, growing at an average rate of 5.3% between the years of 1992 – 2018. Main industries include construction, manufacturing, mining, and tourism. Its beautiful beaches and industry of resorts, makes it a well-known destination.

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Dominican Republic cannabis laws

To put it bluntly (all pun intended), the Dominican Republic is not about weed. The plant is 100% illegal in the small island nation. The law Drugs and Controlled Substances came into effect in 1988 with the creation of The Advisory Council on Drug Abuse, and the passage of Law 50-88, which deals with the regulation of narcotic drugs. In 1997, the National Unit for the Prevention of Drug Abuse was established to oversee the implementation of drug law. The unit operates under the Ministry of Health.

The law illegalized the possession of all amounts of the drug; though when it comes to cannabis, different amounts are regulated differently. In the Dominican Republic, possession of cannabis is split into three categories based on amount. The penalties for each category are fixed and go as follows:

1-20 grams: Category 1 – This comes with a minimum prison sentence of six months, along with $1,500 Dominican pesos in fines. The maximum sentence for this amount category is two years in prison, and $2,500 Dominican pesos in fines. This is considered recreational use.

20 grams – 1 pound: Category 2 – It’s generally assumed that offenders caught with this amount are dealers or distributors. For this category, the minimum sentence is three years in prison, along with $10,000 Dominican pesos in fines. The maximum sentence is 10 years in prison, and $50,000 Dominican pesos in fines.

One pound plus: Category 3 – The final category is for the largest amounts, and is the harshest. Once more than a pound is reached, its automatically considered drug trafficking, and comes with a minimum sentence of five years in prison, with $50,000 Dominican pesos in fines. The maximum sentence is 20 years jail time. The maximum fine is established by the value of the contraband, or the trafficking operation itself. It is no less than this value, with $50,000 Dominican pesos as the minimum amount.

For hash, the numbers are different. Category 1 is up to five grams, Category 2 is between five grams and ¼ pound. And Category 3 is for anything over ¼ pounds. The same association of recreational, distributor, and trafficker, apply at the three levels.

Drug laws Dominican Republic
Drug laws Dominican Republic

But then it kind of throws away everything above by saying that a law was added in 1995 that states that once its considered that the person in question is intending to sell what they possess (whatever the amount), that it can’t be considered recreational, and must be considered trafficking. Which can invalidate the first two categories for any case, and bring on massive consequences for small amounts.

Is this still the case?

Finding the current drug laws for the Dominican Republic is not that easy, as the Organization of American States (OAS), the source used by most other articles on the topic, no longer displays the page with the above information. Nor does any other site that I could find, aside from the digitallibrary version I connected. In fact, under the ‘Policy on Drugs’ section under the Dominican Republic for the OAS, there is nothing.

This is where others linked to before, and implies that the aforementioned policy is possibly not applicable anymore. Although without a formal replacement policy, its hard to know what punishments there are. So while some aspects might have changed, I can’t verify this, and the above punishments technically stand.

In 2019, the OAS, via the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), put out the Evaluation Report on Drug Policies for the Dominican Republic. Though the report doesn’t go over legal repercussions for cannabis use, it does talk about other drug policy. The Dominican Republic instituted the National Strategic Drug Plan 2016-2020 several years ago. According to the report, this drug plan “adopts a human rights perspective, gender approach and social inclusion.”

It goes on to explain that “Local governments have been transferred responsibilities for implementing drug programs or interventions through formal agreements and coordinated work with local governments in the provinces,” and that these repercussions are related to how individual locations choose to handle them. This indicates that punishments for some crimes might be assigned only by local jurisdiction, and not by federal policy; but this is not completely clear.

The report continues that “For this purpose, the CND has an office focused on promoting, coordinating, training and providing technical support on drug-related issues to local governments and stakeholders through the Demand Reduction Directorate and the Planning and Development Department.”

Cannabis laws in Dominican Republic
Cannabis laws in Dominican Republic

What other important point does the report make in regards to how crimes are punished? “The law of the Dominican Republic does not provide for alternatives to incarceration for low-level drug offenses. In such cases, the current legislation is applied.” This also implies that the above mentioned punishments for anything over recreational use, might not stand.

It goes on, “The country does not have special courts and tribunals for low-level drug offenses. However, a court-supervised drug treatment (TSJ) pilot project, based on conditional suspension of the proceeding, has been under way in the National District since 2015.”

The reality is, its hard to know if the report is indicating that higher level possession cases are not bound to the given law. It might simply be pointing out that recreational use should be more flexible. But it also implies that individual locations have some amount of authority. For this country, as it is with many others, its hard to know exactly what’s going on. For that reason, though there is question, its best to assume the stated law is still in play.

Did the Dominican Republic really ban cannabis music and media?

Indeed it did at the end of 2022, which indicates that even if it looks like there was progress, there kind of wasn’t. On December 2nd, 2022 it was reported that the country actually updated Law 50-88 to “extend the prohibition on inciting the consumption of drugs and controlled substances through songs, clothing, and other means of dissemination”. This includes music, clothing, or anything else that in any way positively promotes cannabis consumption.

And it wants to go further. A few days after that amendment passed, another one entered the debate. This second bill, if it passes, would, according to the article in Dominican Today, prohibit “all types of music, publication, publicity, propaganda, or programs distributed through traditional media, social networks, or any other means that contain auditory, printed, or audiovisual subliminal stimuli and messages that encourage the consumption and illegal trafficking of drugs and controlled substances.”

You read that right, it includes social media, meaning even the personal communications of a person in their social world, could be subject to punishment via this article, which would amend Article 36 of Law 50-88. Currently, though Article 36 prohibits drug promotion, its less specific, and doesn’t account for sanctions. These new articles (which are nearly the same) involve anything so much as alluding to drugs, which realistically can get messy, as it seems to outlaw (and want to increase the outlaw) on things that might not actually be directly related.

Dominican Republic banned anything related to drugs
Dominican Republic banned anything related to drugs

It also indicates that any of this media and clothing that speaks of cannabis reform, is also banned. Which means there are now infringements in the political world of drugs, and on free speech in general, which goes against instituted measures to protect this right. Anything from a statement online, to a shirt promoting legalization, to a personal social media post, could land a person in hot water. Talk about the antithesis to progress!


Right now we’re in a ‘one step forward, two steps back’ scenario in terms of the Dominican Republic and cannabis. While the country made minor updates to drug policy that kind of look like a loosening of regulation, or a further consideration of the people; these latest legal pushes tell a different story. And its not a great one, either. Let’s hope there’s a plot twist coming.

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Biden Administration

The Feds Have Until November To Help Veterans




Soldiers have returned with PTSD and other serious ailments. The AMA and science said medical marijuana can help – but time may be running out.

In an acknowledgement from the medical community, the American Medical Association supports the rescheduling of cannabis to a Schedule III because it has proven medical benefits. A portion of the medical benefits help soldiers returning from service with both physical and mental scars. Unfortunately, time may be running out to help.

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Both Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did the research and agreed to the rescheduling. They are important organizations being clear it will help are military veterans. PTSD is real to the point of over 30,000 active duty personnel and veterans who have served in the military since 9/11 have committed suicide. That is the roughly the same amount of wiping out all of Fairbanks, Alaska.  More veterans committed suicide, almost 100,000, after Vietnam, than in the war (roughly 58,000). Opioid addiction, which medical marijuana can combat, is raging among veterans with PTSD and chronic pain. But leaders like Mike Johnson (R-LA) have worked hard to block help.

Photo by SDI Productions/Getty Images

While veteran facilities are federal property and therefore do not allow marijuana on premise, even in legal states, they have become supportive of medical marijuana. There have been significant treatment changes including:

  • Veterans will not be denied VA benefits because of marijuana use.
  • Veterans are encouraged to discuss marijuana use with their VA providers.
  • VA health care providers will record marijuana use in the Veteran’s VA medical record in order to have the information available in treatment planning. As with all clinical information, this is part of the confidential medical record and protected under patient privacy and confidentiality laws and regulations.

The clear case for medical marijuana has been proven by science, but with veterans, it is an important step to helping them in a return to civilian life. Representative Johnson has indicted with more control, marijuana could return to the outlaw status and the new GOP VP has stated he is not a fan of cannabis. The DEA must follow the recommendations and make a move quickly for this to happen and to help soldiers.

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Bipartisan congressional lawmakers are seeking to remove a controversial section of a Johnson approved spending bill which would block the Justice Department from rescheduling marijuana.

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Marijuana Can Bond Grandparents To Family




Like wine with dinner or a beer in the backyard, marijuana is becoming very common.

With almost 60% of adults drinking alcohol, it has been a staple of family events. Relatives including grandparents, cousins, adult grandkids and more have sat at a table and toasted with beer, wine or booze….and now cannabis may be in the mix.  As legalization has grown, cannabis is being embraced by more people and is popping at all sorts of family gatherings. And, it seems, marijuana can bond grandparents to family.

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In a third party survey sponsored by Sanctuary Wellness, some interesting data has given hope about intergenerational bonding. There are all sorts of concerns about boomers and Gen Z not relating, but marijuana like music is showing a positive trend. Nearly one in three have tried cannabis, far less than alcohol, but still a significant number.  In the survey, Millennials use the most followed closely by Gen X then Gen Z and finally Baby Boomers. And while a whopping 86% of Gen Z and Millennials support the legaization of weed…a full 71% of Baby Boomers do also.

Gen Z is slowly turning away from alcohol and feel they have way more stress than their grandparents.  Due to the embrace from the medical community, Boomers are starting to see cannabis as aid in dealing with chronic pain and sleep issues. The plant can be very effective without as many harsh side effects.

Once interesting factor in the survey is the use of gummies. Microdosing has become huge and Gen Z sees it as a way to manage anxiety.  With gummies, you see 76% use of Baby Boomers and 72% with Gen Z….far higher than Millennials and Gen X.

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For many Europeans, alcohol is a part of their culture and viewed as a social activity. In Italy for example, children are eased into drinking with a bit of wine at dinner. They’re taught from an early age that alcohol is something to drink casually and in moderation. Alcohol abuse is less coming in Italy and France due to the generation training.  Maybe marijuana, which has clear medical benefits, could be another thing which generations share to make for a better life.

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Data Says Summer Is The Time To Try New Things




While in school, summer was the dream. Weeks of days open to adventure, sleeping in, exploring and hanging with friends. It held a magical quality and there usually always seemed something new to try. It turns out people carry the feeling into adulthood, in fact, a majority of adults see the summer as a chance for a bit of adventure.

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Not everything is crazy like a cross country road trip, but maybe having different foods, camping or learning to grill. Data says summer is the times to try different things. One survey was clear 59% of people want to try something new this summer. Among the desires include 17% cited a desire to go to see a new state or city, while more than a third (39%) said seeing friends and family is a must for their summer vacation. Going bungee jumping, paragliding, trying marijuana and making your ice cream are also things people want to explore.

Photo by Cassie Gallegos via Unsplash

Some people have already made or have completed some of their summer wish list. Among the actives include waterskiing (44%), wakeboarding (43%), surfing (41%). Other want to learn something new like how to make water balloons, bowling and gardening. Others want to attend outdoor concerts, travel and most of explore.

And, some want to experiment with craft cocktails, summer drinks, and marijuana.

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Studies have previously discovered teenagers and college students were more likely to try alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana for the first time during summer months, but a study published in the Journal for General Internist Medicine, focused its attention on age groups including adults. In addition, the researchers were interested in the time of initiation for cocaine and hallucinogenic drugs for various demographics.

Palamar, an associate professor in the Department of Population Health at NYU School of Medicine, and other researchers suggested an explanation for why people were more likely to experiment with drugs in the summer. The emergence of music festivals and outdoor concerts along with more free time in the summer.

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