Of Guns and Ganja: America’s Constitutional Conundrum If there’s one thing America is famous for, it’s guns – and lots of ’em! In the land...
MLK shared a vision about building a fabric of society, including everyone and working together. Can this happen with the marijuana industry? The swearing in a...
Everything you need for your growing journey, all in one place. ILGM, aka I Love Growing Marijuana, are reintroducing themselves. They’ve been one of the leading...
It’s MLK Day once again. I’ve been writing an MLK Day post on this blog for eight consecutive years. The theme of my posts is that...
The Safest Way To Consume Cannabis For Health, According To Science and Genetics Marijuana legalization continues to help thousands of people. Most especially those who...
It has become an annual MLK Day tradition here at Canna Law Blog to remind our readers that, first and foremost, cannabis is a civil rights...
Biden commutes drug sentences; Cannabis Caucus leader’s 2025 plan; IN & KY govs talk marijuana; VA legal sales bill advances; Yellen on psychedelics Subscribe to receive Marijuana...
Download The Podcast At Podomatic I speak to Varin about the parlous state of the Northern Ireland hemp industry. It has remained too long...
Psychoactive Listening – A Study on Weed and Music I’ll never forget the first time I truly “heard” Pink Floyd’s “Time.” Sure, I’d listened to it...
NEARLY three tonnes of cocaine and four military-grade weapons have been seized in a major drug bust along the Guadalquivir River in Sevilla. Spanish police reported...