Maryland lawmakers on Wednesday held a hearing on a bill to protect gun rights for medical marijuana patients in the state.
The House Judiciary Committee took up the legislation from Del. Robin Grammer (R) and four other GOP cosponsors days after a federal court declared that the federal ban prohibiting cannabis consumers from possessing firearms is unconstitutional.
That ruling is expected to be appealed, so it remains to be seen whether the federal ban will ultimately be rescinded. But in the interim, Maryland legislators are seeking to provide some additional level of protection at the state level.
“A person may not be denied the right to purchase, possess or carry a firearm under this title solely on the basis that the person is authorized to use medical cannabis” under state statute, the bill text says.
Grammer said at Wednesday’s hearing that the existing policy “puts average Marylanders in a bind,” and he said the legislation would resolve a disconnect where state law permits medical cannabis cardholders to carry firearms but blocks them from purchasing them.
“You can actually still obtain a permit to carry but you just can’t purchase a firearm,” the sponsor said. “If you have
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