A newly published study finds that people who practice yoga after consuming marijuana experience improved mindfulness and mysticality, indicating that setting and behavior may play an...
The US House of Representatives seems to be struggling to find a Speaker. Since Matt Gaetz (R-FL) lead a revolt against Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Congress has...
The Catholic Church’s Synod on Synodality assembly delved into two crucial themes recently: the accompaniment of LGBT individuals and the topic of a female diaconate. Additionally,...
New Study Finds That Marijuana Is Effective In Treating Depression Among Elderly Patients Depression is a serious mental health issue that doesn’t just affect young...
How do people make any money or revenue with psychedlics? Legally speaking, how is anyone starting a business with shrooms and LSD? You may remember that...
man has pleaded guilty to importing about $40,000 worth of cocaine through the Hidalgo port of entry, court records indicate. Victor Torres, 28, is charged with...
With the boom in craft spirits of the last 15 years has come an avalanche of new-make spirits labeled “moonshine,” “white dog,” or “white lightning,” often flavored with...
A good and comfortable pair of jeans is something you want to keep in your closet forever. Finding them is hard, and, depending on their quality,...
Missouri lawmakers recently approved a Republican-led bill to expand research on the therapeutic benefits of certain psychedelics including psilocybin, MDMA, and ketamine. If passed, the bill...
Cannabis helps people ride all types of waves, from work stress to creativity blocks. But its most impressive feat yet may be helping consumers weather the...