Once again the gateway theory—the belief that cannabis use leads to other drugs, popularized about 40 years ago—is being crushed by new evidence, this time finding...
The new year is always a time to look back and assess what went on last year. One of the big building news stories, is the...
Back in Australia Plants from the Daturagenus and the closely related, woody cousin, angel’s trumpet, are widely grown for their decorative flowers around Australia. Occasionally some...
Canadian cannabis grower SNDL interfered with an off-site union informational meeting for employees working at a cultivation facility and must remedy that interference by offering workers...
Truckers leaving workforce over marijuana; Booker on banking; DC medical cannabis expansion signed; MN legalization vote; BC drug decrim Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter in your...
The scent of cannabis, once considered unappealing, is now embraced by beauty influencers as they explore high-end fragrances. One such fragrance is Dirty Grass, a premium...
Few factors are more important to a cannabis company’s success than where it chooses to locate, be it a cultivator, manufacturer or retailer. Cultivators and manufacturers...
Experienced cannabis entrepreneurs know that ancillary companies such as construction and banking providers often charge marijuana businesses more than their non-plant-touching counterparts—the so-called “green tax.” The...
When it comes to borrowing money as a marijuana company, most roads lead to real estate. “The industry has challenges accessing capital markets that other industries...
When Jesce Horton began looking for his first warehouse to cultivate cannabis in Oregon’s regulated market, landlords for Portland properties routinely charged marijuana companies three to...