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Publicly Traded Cannabis Company Plans $500M (!) EB-5 Raise (!!)



Cannabis and business immigration don’t mix. Or at least that’s the conservative guidance we often give clients that come to us with that question. That’s not because a particular investment may not be sound, rather because federal law creates inherent conflicts between immigration eligibility and participating in a cannabis venture.

Kate Robertson at MJBizDaily reported on March 1, on a first of its kind development in the space. Bright Green Corp., a publicly traded company on the Nasdaq exchange is planning to raise half a billion dollars in foreign capital through the U.S. EB-5 program. At first blush, that seems patently insane. But, there are a few important aspects of Bright Green’s proposal and 2022 EB-5 regulations that, at least in principal, make it more of a wildly risky gambit.

Cannabis and immigration

U.S. Immigration law is contained in the Immigration and Nationality Act (“INA”). The INA is federal law and administered by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (“USCIS”). Similarly, in spite of dozens of states enacting legislation that allows for recreational or medicinal use of cannabis, it remains federally illegal to possess, produce, and sell under the Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”) as a schedule I substance. The INA contains many penalties and bars to U.S. admissibility for violating federal law, including the CSA. Among them are bars to admissibility to the U.S. in the first instance and bars to being able to naturalize as a citizen down the road. For analysis of cannabis and naturalization, see Canna Law Blog posts here and here.

The INA provides that a person who is or has been a knowing aider, abettor, etc. in the illicit trafficking of any controlled substance under the CSA is inadmissible to the U.S. This begs the question: is it the case that an investment in a cannabis business makes a person an “aider, abettor, conspirator” of trafficking in an illicit substance? Not necessarily. Most lawyers would likely say that an active investment, meaning also having a role in running the cannabis business would violate the INA. On the other hand, some may say that a passive investment (not having an active role in running the business) would not. In either case, we rarely get to this analysis because lawful residence in the U.S. is the goal for most immigrant investors. Rolling the dice on an investment with questionable approvability is often an untenable risk.

This might make one wonder, why would Bright Green try to raise capital through investment immigration in the U.S., if there is substantial risk the investment may not be approved in the first place?

EB-5 and cannabis immigration

The answer requires a brief discussion of EB-5. The INA contains an immigrant investor program at 8 USC § 1153(b)(5) that allows foreign nationals to apply for permanent residence by making a minimum investment in a new commercial enterprise in the U.S. that creates or preserves 10 full time jobs as a result. The program, known as “EB-5”, is much more complex but for or purposes here that will do. The EB-5 program has since its creation yielded tens of billions in foreign investment to the U.S. and likewise created or preserved hundreds of thousands of jobs for U.S. workers.

In March of 2022, the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act (“RIA”) was passed. The RIA contains much needed investor protection provisions and creates a stricter compliance and reporting regime for EB-5 project offerors and regional centers. Regional centers are USCIS approved economic entities that are now required to sponsor any EB-5 project with multiple investors (like Bright Green’s proposed project).

Regional centers now must submit applications called I-956F forms (formerly a voluntary “exemplar” filing) to USCIS before individual investors may file visa petitions. This filing must contain among other things extensive information and certifications about the offeror of the securities, the investment project manager, and all of the offering and investment documentation provided to investors. The filing contains every piece of information USCIS will scrutinize to determine project eligibility for purposes of EB-5 law. If USCIS approves an I-956F filing, that approval “shall be binding for purposes of the adjudication of subsequent petitions [filed by] immigrants investing in the same offering.” Before the RIA this was called an “exemplar” filing.

For many investment offerors with non-traditional projects, getting investors to subscribe to the offering will likely require such pre-approval before offering it to prospective investors. As Kate Robertson pointed out in her article, this appears to be what Bright Green has done. Given that an EB-5 investment in a cannabis business is potentially disqualifying under the INA, the I-956F filing affords the Bright Green the opportunity to have USCIS  review the filing and make a binding determination about its eligibility for purposes of EB-5 law before the offering. There is no chance any cannabis company, publicly traded or otherwise, could raise $500 million of foreign investor capital in the absence of pre-approval by USICS. But the question remains, is it approvable?

The Bright Green project

Bright Green states in its press release about the project that it has built a one million square foot greenhouse for an “agricultural complex to be the largest in the world for fully-integrated and federally compliant research and drug manufacturing”. EB-5 investor funds will be used for “for working capital requirements to operate its current greenhouse facilities in Grants, New Mexico”.

While “not yet fully complaint”, Bright Green already has a memorandum of agreement “approving” its operations to supply bulk cannabis to cannabis researchers from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), the agency tasked with enforcing the CSA. In principal at least, if the EB-5 cannabis investment is solely supplying cannabis to approved, licensed researchers pursuant to preexisting DEA approval then that is not “trafficking in an illicit substance” under the INA. This is because it is not a violation of the CSA to produce and sell cannabis to federally approved researchers. The CSA does provide for this kind of production to researchers who have gone through its highly rigorous process of approval.

It should be noted, however, that the company would need more than just a DEA letter approving this proposal in order to actually implement its plan. Further, it’s not at all clear that federally approved researchers need the amount of cannabis that the company’s 1 million square foot facility could generate. For an excellent discussion of Bright Green’s “plan” and its attendant issues, see this Substack post from Shane Pennington and Matt Zorn. Now, it’s certainly possible that only some of the enormous facility will be used for DEA approved cannabis production and other parts of the facility for non-cannabis production of other agricultural products.

With that being said, political winds shape agency action and it’s possible that a conservative administration is victorious following the 2024 presidential election. If federal agency policy like the Stephen Miller crafted, Trump Era USCIS were to reemerge, the consequences for the investors in Bright Green’s project could be nightmarish. Consider if the head of the DEA were to revoke Bright Green’s approval to produce federally legal research cannabis. That would throw the project and therefore the investors’ immigration eligibility into question under any interpretation of the INA. That is to say nothing of the attitude towards legal immigration at USCIS, which has yet to recover from the damage done by the previous administration. It is certainly possible that whatever favorable treatment this project is receiving now from the U.S. government changes course in 2025. Adjudication of EB-5  visa petitions at USCIS is currently taking between 5-7 years, so whatever happens following 2024, it will impact investors in this project.

What’s next?

Bright Green’s raise is ambitious to say the least and its federal cannabis allowance seems dubious. But, if approved by USCIS it would be the first raise of its kind pairing immigration and cannabis. Still, the project’s approvability relies on the DEA’s allowance of the company’s operations under the CSA. If the project is approved by USCIS, that will not mean that immigrant investments in cannabis business writ large are likewise approvable. Our conservative advice on this issue will remain the same until federal cannabis reform takes place, irrespective of Bright Green’s project approval.

We will monitor developments on this prospective raise and all things cannabis and immigration here at the Canna Law Blog.

The post Publicly Traded Cannabis Company Plans $500M (!) EB-5 Raise (!!) appeared first on Harris Bricken Sliwoski LLP.

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Alert: December 2024 Cannabis Regulation in Mexico: Navigating the New COFEPRIS Permitting Process Under the Judicial Reform




Alert: December 2024 Cannabis Regulation in Mexico: Navigating the New COFEPRIS Permitting Process Under the Judicial Reform

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Minnesota Office of Cannabis Management Issues Rejections to Majority of Social Equity Applicants




The Minnesota Office of Cannabis Management (“OCM”) has begun issuing final denials to the overwhelming majority of previously qualified social equity applicants (“SEA”s) ahead of its first statewide cannabis lottery on December 2 for 280 available “preapproval” cannabis licenses.

Flag of Minnesota in Marijuana leaf shape. The concept of legalization Cannabis in Minnesota. Medical cannabis illustration.

Per reporting from MJ Biz Daily, “The applicants who are barred from the lottery failed to complete the application process or acted improperly by submitting multiple applications or disguising the true investors in their companies, according to [OCM].” Obviously applying for more licenses than is allowed and/or concealing owners or financial interests are clear grounds for SEA application rejection. Other alleged “deficiencies” though may not be so cut and dry.

While state law does not permit appeals from denied applicants (which is not uncommon for states with cannabis licensing programs), impacted SEAs can still secure a review of their records submitted to the OCM within seven days of the rejection decision (by logging into their Accela Citizen Portal and pulling the internal record there).

The main issue emerging as a result of these rejections is the fact that the OCM did not consistently issue deficiency notices to rejected applicants if there was a material problem with their submitted applications (although as of October 16, the OCM had sent out deficiency notices to over 300 SEAs). In turn, there are instances here where SEAs were rejected for minor, seemingly non-material deficiencies in their applications (things like submitting incorrect corporate documentation that still contained the same information the OCM sought, or re-submitting documents upon request by the OCM only to be rejected for lack of the same document after-the-fact, or even blank denials altogether with no stated reason for rejection).

In an interview with the Brainerd Dispatch, Charlene Briner, the interim director of the OCM, cast these denied SEA applications into four categories:

  • Failure to meet the basic qualifying standards under state law (i.e., social equity applicant owning at least 65% of the business among others)
  • Failure to provide the requisite verification documents (i.e., legitimate business plans, source of funds, ID, etc.)
  • Hidden or inconsistent ownership or true parties of interest
  • Fraudsters (i.e., those trying to game the system by flooding it with multiple applications via proxy or otherwise by using the same address or phone number tied to the same person on multiple applications)

The first and second bullet points above are going to be the ripest ground for rejected SEAs to try to stop the OCM prior to the December 2 lottery, but that’s only if those rejected SEAs can very quickly obtain copies of their submitted documents (within 7 days of the rejection) and start the administrative litigation process and/or seek injunctive relief at the same time against the OCM.

What was once more than 1800 qualified social equity applicants for the lottery has been winnowed down to around 640. The OCM rejected applicants for a multitude of reasons, some of which are clearly legitimate and some of which appear to be questionably enforceable from the perspective of complying with Minnesota’s state constitution and its administrative procedure act.

If you’ve been impacted by an OCM rejection, you do not have much time to act ahead of the December 2 lottery. If you have questions about your potential civil or administrative claims against OCM due to a questionable SEA rejection, contact Jeffrey O’BrienHilary Bricken, or Nick Morgan.

Minnesota Office of Cannabis Management Issues Rejections to Majority of Social Equity Applicants

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Wait? My CBD Business May Be Racketeering? A Potential Existential Crisis We Have Been Warning About




Even the most responsible hemp operator should understand that it operates in a world full of risk. But I doubt many of them believe they might be accused of racketeering. Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments about whether to sanction a commercial trucker’s attempt to bring a racketeering claim against CBD companies, whose allegedly mislabeled products the trucker claims led to his firing.

As always, Sam Reisman at Law360 distills the issue nicely:

The case concerns an allegation that companies sold CBD products with detectable amounts of THC, purportedly costing plaintiff Douglas J. Horn his job as a commercial trucker after he tested positive on a drug test. Oral arguments on Tuesday hinged largely on whether Horn’s claims stemmed from a personal injury — which would be excluded from the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO — or whether his firing was an economic injury and therefore redressable under RICO.

In taking the case, the U.S. Supreme Court could resolve a 3-2 circuit split over whether the civil prongs of the RICO statute allow a plaintiff to seek damages for economic harms stemming from injuries to their person.

Again, from Reisman:

During oral arguments on Tuesday, the liberal wing of the high court expressed skepticism with the CBD companies’ rendering of the case, which they said foregrounded Horn’s ingestion of the product as the source of the injury, as opposed to his firing for a positive drug test.

Lisa Blatt, an attorney for the CBD companies, told the justices that agreeing with Horn’s interpretation of the statute would open the door for virtually limitless personal injury cases under civil RICO, as long as plaintiffs could allege some connection between their ingestion of a product and a loss to their business or property: “Respondent’s rule also leaves the personal exclusion [in civil RICO] toothless, since virtually all personal injuries result in monetary loss,” Blatt said. “It is utterly implausible that Congress federalized every slip-and-fall involving RICO predicates. Personal injuries are serious and may support state tort claims, but they are not the stuff of RICO.”

On the other side, conservative justices attempted to discern how to draw a line between bona fide economic claims and personal injury claims pleaded as economic claims.

Easha Anand, arguing on behalf of Horn, said the vast majority of personal injury claims, such as those alleging pain and suffering or emotional distress, would still be excluded even if Horn was permitted to pursue his RICO claim against the CBD companies: “In your average slip-and-fall case, you’re not going to be able to prove a predicate act, let alone a pattern of predicate acts, let alone a pattern carried on through a racketeering enterprise,” Anand said.

Justice Neil Gorsuch observed, “There’s a failure to warn that this product contains ingredients that your client didn’t know about and should have known about and had a right to know about. I would have thought that that would have been kind of a classic personal injury.”

The Takeaway

This is pretty scary stuff for CBD and other hemp operators. RICO is no joke and carries very serious penalties (both civil and criminal depending on who is bringing the suit).

From the perspective of a CBD manufacturer, it seems unfair to hold the manufacturer responsible to control how its products are used and, as in this case, the implications of that use (here, an alleged economic injury).

If the Court rules that CBD and other hemp manufacturers are subject to RICO charges simply by selling their products to people who do things outside of the manufacturers’ control, it could pose an existential crisis to the industry with potentially unlimited civil (and maybe even criminal) liability. We have warned about this before.

That said, while it’s always difficult to predict how the Supreme Court will vote on any issue, I do not believe the Court will push the hemp industry to the brink. I suspect the Court will either rule that the claims in the present case are personal injury claims excluded from RICO and/or provide guidance for how lower courts should examine such “mixed” claims.

We’ll of course provide additional information once we hear from the Court. Stay tuned.

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