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Star signs and cannabis strains: January 2024 horoscopes



Hello Stargazers, and welcome to February: the month of love, chocolate, and all things cozy. This month’s marvelous alignment in the stars catalyzes a month of innovation and personal development. We find ourselves in the midst of Aquarius season, known for focus, progression, and originality, compounded by the movements of Mercury, Mars, and Venus. This planetary shift encourages us to review our ways of communicating, our passions, and our relationships. Now is the time to consider novel ideas and fresh approaches in various aspects of life, particularly our past obstacles.


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The new moon in Aquarius in the middle of the month means new beginnings and intention setting, underscoring February’s theme of transformation and personal evolution. Consider this an invitation for some quiet reflective time, enhanced by a soothing cannabis session to deepen your thoughts. Use this period to ponder your ambitions and explore ways to move beyond conventional methods to fulfill them.

The influence of Aquarius increases our appetites for learning. In your relationships, strive for honest and open communication, and appreciate the uniqueness of those around you. The essence of Aquarius honors individuality while recognizing the value of community and shared experiences. Let this month serve as a reminder to find harmony between your own desires and contributions to those around you, nurturing unity and mutual understanding.

Your February horoscope



Happy Birthday, Aquarius! Your special season in February is time of personal renewal and empowerment. The Aquarius season is further energized by the transit of Mercury, Mars, and Venus into your sign, each bringing a unique boost to your personal endeavors and self-expression. With Mercury, your intellectual abilities are heightened, and your communication becomes more effective and innovative. This is an excellent period for articulating your ideas and engaging in stimulating conversations that reflect your unique perspectives and ideas.

The arrival of Mars in your sign infuses you with increased energy and drive, so break ground on personal projects or take decisive action towards your goals. Your assertiveness and confidence surge here, helping you to make significant progress in areas that matter most to you. Venus in Aquarius enhances your charm and social appeal—a great time for personal interactions and forming new connections.

The new moon in Aquarius means it’s time to focus on what you want to achieve in the coming year and align your actions with your true self. This month, Aquarius, is about embracing your individuality and innovative spirit, and using this energy to propel yourself forward in your personal journey. Enjoy your season and the unique opportunities it brings!

February strain: You never fake the funk, Aquarius. A February filled with intensified feelings and love will go down a lot smoother with Chocolate Skunk. Its uplifting and pungent mix of the earthy, chocolatey tartness of Chocolope with the classic aroma of old school Skunk parallels your heightened emotions and the need for creative expression in your relationships. Whether you choose planning a romantic getaway or a cozy night in, Chocolate Skunk brings the focus and energy needed to make every experience more vibrant and memorable.


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The Aquarius season brings a wave of introspection and self-awareness in perfect harmony with your inner world and subconscious mind, Pisces. This period is accentuated by the transit of Mercury, Mars, and Venus into Aquarius each with their own roles to play. With Mercury, your thought processes turn inward to explore your inner thoughts and feelings more deeply. This is a time where you might find yourself contemplating life’s mysteries or engaging in more meaningful and reflective conversations.

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The entry of Mars into Aquarius energizes your inner self, giving you the courage to confront and work through buried issues or past experiences that may be holding you back. Venus in Aquarius brings a gentle and harmonious energy to this introspective journey, helping you to find peace and balance within yourself.

The new moon in Aquarius will have you considering what personal barriers you wish to break through or what inner truths you want to uncover. This month, Pisces, is about melding your natural empathy and intuition with the innovative and liberating energy of Aquarius for profound self-understanding and emotional clarity.

February strain: You have a sweet tooth, Pisces. A calmer February for you means Chocolate Cheesecake is the perfect strain to complement your relaxed vibe without skimping on flavor. This hybrid, with its chocolatey flavor and a mix of Chocolope, Russian Ghost Ruderalis, and Legacy Skunk, offers a potent yet soothing high ideal for your moments of solo self-care, enhancing your peaceful retreat and keeping you uplifted and content.



Aries, you’ll find yourself amidst a wave of refreshing energy and innovative ideas throughout Aquarius season. This month is particularly significant for you as Mercury, Mars, and Venus all make their way into Aquarius. The presence of Mercury in Aquarius sharpens your intellect and emboldens you to communicate your unique ideas. It’s an excellent time for brainstorming and collaborative projects, where your natural leadership can shine through in a group setting.

The entry of Mars into Aquarius injects a burst of energy into your pursuits, especially those involving teamwork or technology. You might find yourself more drawn to social causes or group activities where you can make a tangible impact. Meanwhile, Venus graces your social sector, enhancing your connections with friends and colleagues.

The new moon in Aquarius gives you a pivotal chance to set intentions in your social circle and long-term aspirations, reflecting on your goals and how to align them with the collective good. Remember, this month is about finding balance between your individual desires and the needs of the community around you.

February strain: Hey rams, this February, Chocolate Diesel is your perfect companion as you navigate a period of cultivating empathy and deep connections. Its uplifting and creative buzz mirrors your horoscope’s call for slowing down and making time for introspection, helping you balance your spontaneous energy with planning and intention. As you enjoy your solo time and ponder life’s big questions, let this mouthful of dark chocolate and gas enhance your journey.



Taurus, as you step into February and Aquarius season, focus on your professional and public life. This month is marked by the movements of Mercury, Mars, and Venus into Aquarius, so expect new unfoldings in your career and reputation. Mercury’s transit may increase communications and mental activity in your work environment, so take advantage of networking and sharing innovative ideas with colleagues. You may find yourself more involved in discussions and planning, where your practical insights can greatly contribute to the success of projects.

The arrival of Mars in Aquarius energizes your ambitions, pushing you to take bold career steps. This is a period where your determination and hard work can lead to significant achievements. Embrace new challenges and step out of your comfort zone. Venus softens the competitive edge, fostering harmonious relationships with superiors and coworkers, while the new moon in Aquarius helps you set intentions.

Reflect on your professional path and envision where you want to be. Remember, this month is about balancing your steady Taurus nature with the innovative spirit of Aquarius in order to grow and excel in your career while staying true to your values.

February strain: As you dive into a work-focused February, bulls, Chocolate Kush is here to bring a sense of calm and balance. After a long day of innovative thinking and relentless dedication, this strain’s relaxing effects are perfect for unwinding and rejuvenating. Embrace the harmony of hard work and well-deserved relaxation with Chocolate Kush, enhancing your evenings with its soothing touch and rich, earthy flavors. 



Aquarius season casts a spotlight on your quest for knowledge and expansion, Gemini. The transit of Mercury, Mars, and Venus into Aquarius, each playing a unique role in your journey. Mercury enhances your natural curiosity, so you may find yourself drawn to new subjects, eager to absorb information and share it with others. This is an excellent time for educational pursuits, travel plans, or exploring philosophical ideas that broaden your perspective.

Mars, concurrently, injects a dose of energy into your adventurous spirit, so be bold in your explorations, intellectual or physical. You may feel more daring and willing to step out of your comfort zone, but Venus softens your empirical experiences, ensuring that you connect with others while learning.

Aquarius’s new moon presents a perfect opportunity to set intentions for personal growth and expansion. What knowledge experiences are you hoping for this year? February is about blending your Gemini adaptability with the innovative energy of Aquarius, leading to exciting discoveries and new connections.

February strain: In your busy February, Gemini, the classic Chocolope is here to lift your spirits during those gloomy days. Its energizing and mood-enhancing effects are a perfect match for your need to balance hard work with mental well-being. As you find moments for self-reflection and nature, let Chocolope’s singular blend of melon and chocolate keep your thoughts bright and your creativity flowing.


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Cancer, the energies of February usher in a phase of transformation for you, highlighted by the transit of Mercury, Mars, and Venus into Aquarius, each bringing a unique influence to your deeper self. With Mercury, your thoughts and communications may turn (even) more inward, encouraging personal changes and inner truths. This is an ideal period for journaling, therapy, or any activity that helps you connect with your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Mars motivates you to address and overcome deep-seated issues or fears—a powerful time for harnessing the courage and drive to make significant changes in your life. Venus in Aquarius cushions this intense journey, bringing a sense of harmony and ease to remind us that growth can be a gentle and rewarding process.

The new moon also sets the stage for setting intentions related to emotional healing and personal transformation; consider what aspects of your life to renew or change. Remember, this month is about blending your intuitive Cancer nature with the liberating energy of Aquarius for profound personal growth and healing.

February strain: As you embrace newfound self-confidence this February, gentle crabs, Chocolate Fondue is the perfect strain to complement your bold, creative surge. Its uplifting and arousing effects will enhance your innovative ideas at work and in your personal life. Enjoy the funky concoction of sweet and cheesy notes of Chocolate Fondue as you experiment with new styles and bring a fresh spark to your relationships. 



The Aquarius season brings a focus on your relationships and partnerships, Leo, marked by the transit of Mercury, Mars, and Venus into Aquarius. Mercury’s move enhances your communication in relationships. You’ll find it easier to express your thoughts and listen to your partners, both business and personal. It’s a great time for meaningful conversations and finding common ground in your most important relationships.

Mars also energizes your partnership sector, spurring on initiating new partnerships, tackling issues head-on, or simply injecting more enthusiasm into your existing connections. But remember to balance this assertiveness with consideration for others’ perspectives, which the harmony of Venus may help with by smoothing over any rough edges that Mars might bring.

For the new moon in Aquarius, think about what you want to achieve in your partnerships and the collaboration needed to reach these goals. This month, the key for you, Leo, is to quell your natural leadership qualities with the collaborative spirit of Aquarius, fostering relationships that are both fulfilling and equitable.

February strain: A more introspective and creative February for you, Leo, means you need an inspiring strain. The landrace Chocolate Thai is your ideal strain to spark those great ideas. Its uplifting and energizing effects align perfectly with your need to focus inwardly while nurturing your creative spirit. And it holds a unique flavor that’s been perfected over generations. Let Chocolate Thai enhance your moments of solitude, helping you to organize your thoughts and emerge with clarity and renewed energy.



As you navigate February’s Aquarius season, Virgo, let it cast its influence on your daily routines and work life. This month holds some major potential for your day-to-day due to the transit of Mercury, Mars, and Venus into Aquarius. Mercury enriches your intellectual capabilities,, especially in your work environment. This is an excellent time for problem-solving and innovative thinking. You might find yourself more inclined towards brainstorming and coming up with unconventional solutions to routine challenges.

The entry of Mars into Aquarius adds vigor and energy to your work ethic, making you feel more driven to tackle tasks and productivity. This is a great period to initiate new projects or to put extra effort into ongoing ones. And don’t forget to rest! Venus in Aquarius eases the workplace atmosphere, fostering pleasant interactions with colleagues and, we hope, a more harmonious vibe.

The new moon in Aquarius is a key moment for setting new intentions and maybe adopting new habits that improve your well-being or efficiency. February’s focus for you, Virgo, is to blend your natural meticulousness with the forward-thinking energy of Aquarius, leading to a more enjoyable and productive daily life.

February strain: Don’t fight stepping into the spotlight, Virgo! February brings a heightened need for self-expression and persuasion, so Chocolate Chunk is here to help you strike that balance. Its calming and grounding effects are perfect for those moments when you need to step back, relax, and give yourself the space you crave. Enjoy the rich, earthy flavors of Chocolate Chunk as it soothes you after a day of hustling, complementing your journey towards a more harmonious and less conflicted month. 



Smile, Libra, as the energies of February and Aquarius season invite you to explore and express your creativity and joy. Mercury, Mars, and Venus moving Aquarius bring new vigor to your playful and romantic aspects. Mercury sharpens your communication, making it an excellent time for artistic endeavors, expressing your ideas in new, vibrant ways, and enjoying stimulating conversations with friends and loved ones. You might find yourself drawn to intellectual pursuits that also allow for creative expression.

The arrival of Mars in Aquarius arouses your pursuit of pleasure, potentially sparking new romantic relationships. Take the lead in matters of the heart and pursue what brings you joy with enthusiasm, whether it’s a new hobby, a creative project, or a crush; Mars provides the drive and confidence to explore these areas. Venus in Aquarius subsequently enhances your charm and allure, making it a favorable time for putting yourself out there.

Aquarius’s new moon also presents an opportunity to set enduring intentions. Think about what brings you happiness and how you can incorporate more of it into your life. This month, Libra, is about blending your natural affinity for balance and harmony with the risk-taking and free-spirited energy of Aquarius, leading to a fulfilling and joyful expression of your true self.

February strain: Hey Libra, why not unwind this month with some Mint Chocolate Chip? This strain lifts your mood while keeping you grounded, perfect for balancing out those overwhelming days and easing any insomnia or headaches. Plus, its sweet, minty aroma perfectly suits the decadent, chill vibe you need to keep things harmonious this month. Stay balanced and breezy, scales! 


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February wants you to focus on your home and family life, Scorpio, encouraging a nurturing and innovative approach in these areas. The transit of Mercury, Mars, and Venus into Aquarius plays a significant role in connecting with your personal space and loved ones. Mercury enhances your communication within your family and close circles, so make time for open discussions that lead to deeper understanding and future family projects. Your thoughts may also turn towards innovative ways to enhance your living space to better reflect your inner-self.

The entry of Mars into Aquarius brings a burst of energy to your domestic life—tackle those home-related projects and address issues with a direct approach. This energy can also manifest as asserting your independence within family dynamics. Meanwhile, Venus in Aquarius cools the atmosphere, fostering harmony and positive interactions at home.

The new moon in Aquarius is a key moment for setting new intentions for your home life and emotional foundations. This month, Scorpio, is about blending your depth and intensity with the innovative and communal spirit of Aquarius, creating a nurturing and progressive home environment.

February strain: When you need a little pick-me-up out of your usual magnitude, Scorpio, to navigate your successful February, Chocolate Haze is here to match your vibe! This sativa-dominant strain, known for its bold chocolatey notes and hints of spicy coffee, will keep you focused and creative, aligning with your strong negotiation skills at work. After a day of achievements (and possibly planning that countryside trip), unwind with Chocolate Haze’s euphoric and soothing high—the ideal companion for both your professional and personal victories this month. 



As you journey through February, Sagittarius, the Aquarius season highlights the realms of communication, learning, and fun little trips. This period is enriched by the transit and influences of Mercury, Mars, and Venus into Aquarius. Mercury will elevate your already sharp mind to new levels of agility and innovation. This is a fantastic time for intellectual discussions, learning new skills, or exploring new ideas. Your communication style may become more forward-thinking, and your mind drawn to unconventional topics or means of expression.

The entry of Mars into Aquarius energizes your daily communications and local travels, with more drive to vocalize your ideas and opinions, or follow your curiosity with short getaways. Be mindful of being too impulsive in your speech, as Mars can sometimes make you more direct than intended. Venus in Aquarius brings a harmonious touch to these interactions, smoothing over the edges and enhancing your social charm.

The new moon also asks you to consider new ways to connect with loved ones and share your newfound knowledge. This month, Sags, is about your natural enthusiasm for knowledge gelling with the innovative and community-oriented energy of Aquarius.

February strain: Sagittarius, as you find your inner strength and balance this February, Chocolate Oranges strikes the perfect mix to accompany your journey. Its indica-dominant blend of Mint Chocolate Chip and Orange Valley OG, but still offers a talkative, tingly, and giggly experience for those moments when you need to forgive and move past disappointments. Embrace the uplifting vibes of Chocolate Oranges as you connect with nature and focus on the true friendships that matter, making this month a time of healing and joyous discovery.



Stay sharp, Capricorn, as February and Aquarius season usher in a period of focus on financial and material resources; Mercury, Mars, and Venus moving into Aquarius each affect your approach to finances and possessions in different ways. Your thoughts and communications may revolve around new financial strategies or innovative ways to manage your resources with Mercury. Budgeting, planning, and discussing financial matters with clarity and foresight are key. You might find yourself more open to exploring unconventional methods of increasing your income or managing your assets.

The arrival of Mars in Aquarius injects energy and initiative into your financial sector. You may feel more driven to take action regarding your financial goals, like seeking new income sources, investing, or tackling debts. Mars encourages you to be proactive, but also cautions, against impulsive financial decisions. Venus in Aquarius will bring opportunities for harmony and balance in your material world—a favorable time for smoothing over financial negotiations and appreciating the resources you have.

The new moon in Aquarius is a significant moment for considering what steps to take to build a more stable and satisfying financial foundation. This month, Capricorn, is for aligning your natural practicality and discipline with the innovative and forward-thinking energy of Aquarius.

February strain: This is a month for frugality and budgeting, Capricorn. As you navigate a February that requires restraint, Chocolate Mint OG is your perfect companion. This strain, with its deep flavors of chocolate, mint, pine, and spice, mirrors your need for relaxation and mental rest after being everyone’s go-to advisor on top of your own planning. Let a bowl of these calming effects help you unwind and recharge, ensuring you’re ready to face the hustle and bustle with renewed energy and a clear mind. 

Check out last month’s horoscopes.

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Star signs and cannabis strains: July 2024 horoscopes




Welcome to July, Stargazers, and happy Cancer season. Sunny days ahead! This is a time to nurture ourselves and delve fully into our emotional depths. The moon resets its cycle, creating an excellent opportunity for new intentions and embracing a fresh start. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet evening under the stars or reflecting with a bit of your favorite weed, this month encourages intentional self-care and emotional well-being.

As the sun moves through Cancer, you’ll experience a greater focus on home and family. This period is perfect for strengthening bonds with loved ones and working to create a peaceful, cozy environment. Take some time to find pleasure in even the simplest of plans, like a relaxed day at home or a soothing walk in nature. The reset of the lunar cycle also encourages us to revisit any personal goals and make gentle adjustments as needed.


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Finally, July invites you to be kind to yourself and embrace the flow of life. With the calming influence of Cancer, stress releases its hold and moments of tranquility will come your way all the more smoothly. Whether through meditation, a favorite hobby, or a mindful cannabis session, allow yourself to unwind and recharge. Embrace the chill and nurturing energy of this season under The Crab, and you’ll find a renewed sense of peace and clarity.

Your July horoscope



Happy birthday Crabs! This month sizzles with profound transformation and emotional enrichment. The sun shines in your sign, amplifying your wonderful qualities of empathy, intuition, and nurturing. This is a powerful time for self-reflection and personal growth. You may feel a strong urge to prioritize your well-being and address any lingering emotional issues.

The supportive aspects of Mercury and Venus will enhance communication skills and social charm, making it easier to express your feelings and strengthen bonds. Embrace this period to reconnect with loved ones and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

As the month progresses, focus shifts towards financial and professional spheres. The full moon will illuminate your eighth house of shared resources and transformation, encouraging you to reassess your financial partnerships and investments. Take this fervent time to collaborate with others and explore new ways to enhance your financial security.


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Be mindful of any power dynamics in your relationships and strive for balance and fairness. On a personal level, this period may also bring profound insights and a deeper understanding of your desires and motivations. By the end of July, you may feel more empowered and in control of your destiny, ready to embrace the next chapter of your journey with confidence and determination.

July strain: Hey Cancer! July is your month to unwind and embrace self-care; you deserve luxurious flavors and feelings, and Papaya Cake is just the strain to help you do that. With its calming and relaxing effects, Papaya Cake will help melt away your stress and anxiety, aligning perfectly with your need for emotional balance and tranquility this month​​. Its sweet tropical flavors of papaya, mango, and apricot will add a delightful touch to your relaxation routine, making every moment of downtime feel like a mini-vacation​​.



For Leo, July is a month of introspection and preparation for new beginnings. The month begins with a reflective state, as the sun, your ruling planet, moves through your twelfth house of solitude and inner growth. This is a time to look inward, address any unresolved issues, and recharge your spiritual and emotional batteries. You might feel more withdrawn than usual, preferring quiet contemplation to socializing. Use this period to meditate, journal, or engage in other activities that nurture your soul. Tie up loose ends with old projects and clear the way for new endeavors.

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As the month progresses and the sun moves into your sign on July 23, you’ll feel a surge of energy and confidence. Embrace the shine and take the lead in your life. Your charisma and natural leadership qualities will feel prismatic, making it an excellent time to start new projects, set goals, and pursue your passions. Socially, you will attract positive attention and support from others. By the end of July, you are likely to feel more aligned with your true self and ready to embrace the future with optimism and vigor.

July strain: Hey Leo! July is your time to shine, and indulge in your decadent tastes. Hawaiian Snowcone is the perfect strain to keep your energy high and your spirits even higher. With its uplifting and talkative effects, this hybrid will keep you happy and engaged, just what you need for all the social gatherings and adventures coming your way​. Plus, its tropical citrus flavor is like microdosing the beach in every puff, helping you stay refreshed and ready to conquer whatever the month throws at you​.



For Virgo, July is a month of social connection and goal-oriented progress. The beginning of the month surges with the energy of Mercury, your ruling planet, moving through your eleventh house of friendships and social networks. This is an excellent time for collaborating with others, joining new groups, and expanding your social circle. Your analytical skills and practical approach won’t go unnoticed in team settings. You may also find yourself drawn to humanitarian causes and community activities, where you can make a meaningful impact. Embrace these opportunities to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones.

As the month progresses, the focus shifts towards your personal aspirations and career goals. The New Moon will illuminate your tenth house of career and public life, providing a fresh start or a new perspective on your professional path. This is a powerful time to set new goals, take on leadership roles, or pursue advancements in your career. You might receive recognition for your hard work and dedication, boosting your confidence and motivating you to aim higher. Financially, this period looks stable, but remember to stay organized and avoid unnecessary risks. By the end of July, you will likely feel more focused and determined, ready to take on new challenges and make significant strides towards your long-term ambitions.

July strain: Hey Virgo! July is all about embracing creativity and finding your zen, and celebrating your affinity for making permanent changes. So, Permanent Marker (our 2023 SOTY!) is the perfect strain to help you do just that. Known for its euphoric and creative effects, this potent hybrid will keep your mind focused and your stress at bay, aligning perfectly with your horoscope’s call for balance and inspiration this month. Plus, its unique flavor profile of soapy funk with hints of candy and floral gas will make every session a delightful escape​​.



For Libra, July is a month of professional growth and personal development. The first half of the month emphasizes your career and public life, as the Sun illuminates your tenth house of ambition and status. This period is ideal for setting new professional goals, seeking promotions, or launching new projects. Your natural diplomatic skills and charm will be particularly effective in navigating workplace dynamics and building alliances. You might receive recognition for your efforts, boosting your confidence and motivating you to aim higher. However, a sustainable balance of your professional ambitions with self-care to avoid burnout.

As the month progresses, the focus shifts to your social life and personal relationships. The New Moon brings fresh energy to your eleventh house of friendships and social networks, encouraging you to connect with like-minded individuals and expand your social circle. This is a great time for collaborative efforts and community involvement. You may find yourself drawn to group activities or causes that resonate with your values, offering opportunities for both personal fulfillment and broader impact.

Financially, this period looks stable, but it’s wise to manage your resources carefully and avoid impulsive spending. By the end of July, you are likely to feel more balanced and connected, ready to embrace new opportunities and deepen your relationships with those around you.

July strain: Hey Libra! July is a month for finding balance and embracing creativity, making the best compromise possible for a delicious future. It follows that Strawberries and Cream is the perfect strain to complement your vibe this month. This balanced hybrid will uplift your spirits and keep you focused and creative, making it ideal for navigating the social and artistic opportunities that lie ahead this month​. With its delicious strawberry and vanilla flavors, a relaxing yet energizing experience that helps manage stress and anxiety​​ will settle over you.


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For Scorpio, July is a month of expansive opportunities and deep introspection. The early part of the month takes influence from the sun’s presence in your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and spiritual growth. This period is excellent for broadening your horizons through education, travel, or philosophical exploration. Embrace the urge to seek out new experiences and knowledge that enrich your understanding of the world. Don’t shy away from opportunities to step out of your comfort zone, as this can lead to significant personal growth and fresh perspectives. Engaging in activities that stimulate your mind and spirit will be particularly rewarding during this time.

As the month progresses, the focus shifts towards your professional and public life. The full moon highlights your fourth house of home and family, urging you to find a balance between your career aspirations and personal responsibilities. This is a good time to address any issues on the home front and ensure that your domestic life supports your professional goals.

You may also experience a heightened sense of intuition and emotional depth, helping you to navigate complex situations with greater clarity and empathy. Financially, the latter part of July looks promising, with potential gains from past investments or career advancements. By the end of the month, you are likely to feel more grounded and in control, ready to integrate your new insights into both your personal and professional life.

July strain: Hey Scorpio! July is all about harnessing your intense energy and diving deep into creative projects. To help find clarity among the clouds, Kali Mist rises to complement your vibe this month. Known for its clear-headed, energetic, and creative effects, Kali Mist will help you stay focused and productive, aligning perfectly with your horoscope’s emphasis on creativity and adventure​. Plus, its spicy herbal flavors with hints of mint and tea make every session a refreshing experience.



Get ready, Sagittarius, July is a month of personal transformation and deeper connections. The beginning of the month brings a focus on your eighth house of shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. This is a powerful time for introspection and addressing underlying issues in personal and financial spheres. You may find yourself drawn to deep, meaningful conversations and experiences that challenge your perspective. Embrace this period as an opportunity for emotional and psychological growth. While you’re at it, review your joint financial ventures, investments, and debts to ensure everything is in order.

As the month progresses, the energy shifts towards your signature affinities for exploration and adventure. The new moon illuminates your ninth house of travel, higher learning, and spirituality, encouraging you to expand your horizons. This is a perfect time to embark on a journey, whether it’s a physical trip or educational pursuit. Your natural curiosity and love for adventure will guide you in exploring new cultures, philosophies, or areas of study. Professionally, this period can also bring opportunities for growth and advancement, particularly if you are open to learning new skills or taking on new challenges. The end of July brings a sense of rejuvenation and inspiration, ready to apply your new insights to your daily life and future plans.

July strain: Hey Sagittarius! July is all about embracing your adventurous spirit and connecting with your inner energy. We know you have a need for speed, so Hell Cat is the perfect strain to keep you uplifted and focused, matching your horoscope’s call for enthusiasm and creativity. With its talkative and euphoric effects, Hell Cat will help you stay engaged and motivated, making it ideal for both social events and personal projects this month​.



For Capricorn, July is a month of partnership focus and personal evolution. The beginning of the month highlights your seventh house of relationships, bringing attention to both personal and professional partnerships. This is an excellent time to strengthen existing bonds and address unresolved issues with loved ones or business associates via open and honest communication. You may also encounter new opportunities for collaboration or people who can significantly impact your personal or professional life. Embrace these interactions with a collaborative attitude, as they can lead to mutual growth and benefit.

As the month progresses, the emphasis shifts towards transformation and financial matters. The full moon illuminates your second house of personal values and finances, prompting you to reassess your financial strategies and material goals. This is a good time to focus on budgeting, saving, and informed decisions about investments.

You may find yourself more introspective, reflecting on what truly matters to you and how your resources align with your long-term aspirations. On a personal level, this period encourages deep self-examination and transformation–shed old patterns and embrace new ways of being. By the end of July, you are likely to feel more grounded and empowered, ready to move forward with a clearer sense of purpose and direction.

July strain: Hey Capricorn! July is all about embracing your ambitious nature and staying energized for the challenges ahead. Your keen tastes will appreciate Sour Tangie, the perfect strain to keep you uplifted and focused while tackling tasks with a smile. With its creative and elevating buzz, this sativa-dominant hybrid will keep your spirits high and your mind sharp, perfectly aligning with your horoscope’s call for productivity and enthusiasm this month​​. It also tastes like a tart glass of orange juice!



July is a month of productivity and health for Aquarius. The early month sees the sun illuminating your sixth house of daily routines, work, and wellness. This is an excellent time to streamline your daily habits, improve your work efficiency, and prioritize your physical health; this can manifest in organizing your workspace, implementing a new fitness regimen, or adopting new eating habits. Pay attention to the details and take a disciplined approach to your tasks, as this will yield significant benefits. 

As the month progresses, the focus shifts to your relationships and personal interactions. The new moon highlights your seventh house of partnerships, encouraging investment and energy into your closest relationships. This is a period for deepening connections with your partner, friends, and business associates. Open communication and a willingness to understand others’ perspectives will be crucial in strengthening these bonds.

You might also encounter opportunities for new partnerships or collaborations that can bring fresh energy into your life. The end of July, will have you feeling more balanced and harmoniously connected in both your personal and professional relationships.

July strain: Hey Aquarius! July is all about expanding your horizons and embracing new experiences, in a way only your independent streak can create. You love a twist in life, so A La Mode is the perfect strain to elevate your journey. With its euphoric and uplifting effects, A La Mode will keep you feeling creative and energized, perfectly aligning with your horoscope’s emphasis on exploration and social connections this month. Enjoy its creamy cookie aroma and fruity, cereal milk flavor as you venture through your summer adventures​.

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For Pisces, July is a month of creativity and romance. The beginning of the month brings the Sun into your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, and love, amplifying your artistic talents and passion for life. This is an ideal time to engage in creative projects, whether through art, music, writing, or any other form of self-expression. Your romantic life is also likely to flourish, with opportunities for new love or deepening existing relationships. Allow yourself to embrace joy and spontaneity, and don’t be afraid to take risks in expressing your feelings and ideas. Your natural intuition and empathy will guide you towards fulfilling and heartfelt experiences.

As the month progresses, the focus shifts towards work and health. The new moon will highlight your sixth house of daily routines, wellness, and service, urging you to establish healthier habits and improve your productivity. Make time to reassess your work-life balance and consider necessary adjustments to ensure your well-being. You may find new ways to enhance your efficiency at work or discover a renewed sense of purpose in your daily tasks. By the end of July, you’ll likely feel energized and ready to tackle your responsibilities with a clear mind and a positive outlook.

July strain: Hey Pisces! July is a month for embracing your imaginative and dreamy nature, and Mango Haze is the perfect strain to fuel your creativity and energy. This sativa-dominant hybrid provides energy and positive vibes couched in a tropical, tangy palate to keep you inspired and motivated throughout your summer adventures. Enjoy its mix of herbal and fruity aromas and flavor as you explore new ideas and let your creativity flow​.



In July Aries individuals are primed for a period of dynamic energy and growth. The beginning of the month brings opportunities for new ventures and projects, thanks to the favorable alignment of Mars, your ruling planet. This is a great time to focus on career advancements and personal goals. Your enthusiasm and determination will be high, making it easier to overcome obstacles and push forward. You have a knack for getting carried away, so keep an eye on overextending yourself, as the intense energy could lead to burnout if not managed properly. Remember to balance your ambitions with self-care and relaxation.

The latter half of July may bring some introspective moments, especially around the New Moon, which will illuminate your fourth house of home and family. This is an excellent time to reconnect with your roots and nurture your relationships. Issues that have been simmering under the surface might come up, providing a chance for resolution and healing. Financially, this period looks stable, but try to avoid impulsive expenditures. Focus on building a solid foundation for the future, both emotionally and materially. By the end of the month, you’ll likely feel more balanced and prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

July strain: Hey Aries! July is all about embracing relaxation and winding down after all that hustle—and we know you attack your goals with double, or even triple focus. So Triple Burger, with its potent THC and calming effects, is the perfect accoutrement to help you de-stress and find that zen you’re craving this month. This indica strain will soothe your stress, pain, and insomnia, making it ideal for those cozy, chill summer nights.



For Taurus, July has plenty of personal growth and financial focus in store. The first half of the month, marked by your ruling planet, Venus, enhances your charm and social appeal. This is a favorable time for networking and building relationships, both personally and professionally. You may find your communication skills particularly effective, helping you to articulate your ideas and persuade others. Career-wise, there could be opportunities for advancement or recognition for your hard work. Stay grounded and avoid overindulgence, as Venus can sometimes encourage a tendency towards luxury and excess.

As the month progresses, the influence of the full moon will bring attention to your finances. This period is ideal for reassessing your budget, investments, and long-term financial goals. You might discover new ways to increase your income or make more efficient use of your resources. On a personal level, this is also a time to address any lingering insecurities or self-worth issues, as they can undermine your financial decisions. Focusing on your inner values and building a sense of security will equip you to handle external financial matters. The end of the month promises a sense of stability and accomplishment, setting a strong foundation for future endeavors.

July strain: Hey Taurus! July is all about grounding yourself and finding inner balance, and for indulging in a little treat. What better way to complement your grounded vibe and rich tastes than with Wagyu? Wagyu will help you relax and enjoy the little pleasures in life, perfectly aligning with the steady and sensual energy of Taurus this month. Its balanced hybrid nature and unique flavors make it an ideal companion for those cozy summer evenings​.



For Gemini, July promises intellectual stimulation and social engagement. The early part of the month sees Mercury, your ruling planet, catalyzing your communication skills and curiosity. This is an excellent time for learning new things, engaging in creative projects, and expanding your social circle. You may find yourself drawn to new experiences and ideas, so embrace the travel bud or that itch for a new hobby. Your natural wit and charm will be at their peak, allowing you to navigate social situations with ease and make a lasting impression on others.

As the month progresses, the focus shifts towards your personal relationships and emotional well-being. The new moon highlights your second house of values and possessions, prompting you to reassess what truly matters to you. This can be a transformative time where you let go of superficial attachments and focus on building deeper, more meaningful connections. Financially, take the time to review your spending habits and make necessary adjustments for long-term stability. The latter part of July may bring some introspective moments, encouraging you to find a balance between your external achievements and inner peace. By the end of the month, you are likely to feel more aligned with your true self and ready to pursue your goals with renewed clarity and purpose.

July strain: Hey Gemini! July is all about harnessing your energy and creativity, and balancing sweet moments with the sour. Tangie is the perfect match for your vibrant spirit this month. Known for its uplifting and energetic effects, Tangie will help you stay motivated and focused, making it ideal for tackling new projects and adventures​. Its citrusy, tangerine aroma will keep you feeling refreshed and inspired, perfectly complementing the dynamic vibes of your July horoscope​.

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Star signs and cannabis strains: May 2024 horoscopes




Happy June and welcome to Gemini season, Stargazers! This month promises a blend of bold opportunities and introspection shaped by key cosmic events. As the dual powers of Gemini season descend, the focus remains on communication, learning, and social connections. This is a time to embrace curiosity and adaptability—a perfect recipe for exploring new ideas and expanding your social circle. The dynamic energy of Gemini and its ruling planet, Mercury, encourages openness and unbridled self-expression.

A major highlight this month is the harmonious Jupiter trine Pluto on June 2, an alignment that brings a wave of transformation and growth, urging you to tap into your inner strength and pursue your deepest ambitions. Make time to set long-term goals and carve out significant progress toward them. Whether it’s personal development, career advancement, or spiritual growth, this transit supports positive change and empowers you to make impactful decisions that will ripple far past June.


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As Venus, Mercury, and the Sun enter Cancer later in the month, the energy shifts towards home, family, and emotional well-being. This nurturing influence will catalyze you to prioritize self-care and deepen your connections with loved ones. However Saturn turns retrograde on June 30, so we encourage you to slow down and reflect on your responsibilities and commitments. This period may bring some challenges, but it also offers an opportunity to reassess and strengthen your foundations. Take this time to cultivate patience and resilience as you navigate the month’s cosmic currents.

Your June horoscope



Happy Birthday, Gemini! June is a vibrant and dynamic month for you as the Sun shines in your sign for most of the month, gifting you even more energy and confidence. This is your time to shine, embrace your natural curiosity, and explore new challenges. Whether you feel compelled to start a new project, meet new people, or learn something new, the lively energy of Gemini season supports your desire for growth and change. Use this time to express yourself authentically and enjoy the social buzz around you.

As Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into Cancer later in the month, your focus will shift towards financial security and personal values. This is an excellent time to review your financial situation, set new budget goals, and make sure your spending aligns with what you truly value. The nurturing energy of Cancer encourages you to create a sense of emotional and financial stability. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 30, take some time to reflect on your long-term plans and commitments. Ensure that you layi down a solid foundation for your future endeavors this month, and make any necessary adjustments to stay true to your path.

June strain: Serious Happiness aligns perfectly with your long-term goals, Gemini. With its uplifting and balanced effects, this makes the perfect secret weapon for keeping your energy high and your spirits even higher. Embrace the good vibes and let Serious Happiness make your summer unforgettable!


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June brings a mix of introspection and new beginnings for you, Cancer. As Gemini season unfolds, let the draw to reflection and personal growth guide your growth. This is a good time to take a step back and reassess your goals, habits, and inner desires. The adaptable energy of Gemini supports your exploration of new ideas and perspectives, helping you gain deeper insights into yourself. Use this period to clear away any mental clutter and prepare for the changes ahead.

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Venus, Mercury, and the Sun entering your sign later in the month will ignite a surge of energy and renewed focus on your personal needs and aspirations. This is your time to shine, Cancer, and to start new projects or pursue personal goals with enthusiasm. The nurturing energy of your sign enhances your emotional well-being and encourages you to take care of yourself and those you love. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 30, take some time to reflect on your long-term plans and responsibilities. Use this period to reassess your commitments and ensure that you are building a solid foundation for your future. This introspective phase will help you align your efforts with your true desires and values.

June strain: This June, make time for decadence as you dive deep into your emotions and growth, Cancer. Let the savory terps of Truffle Butter be your chill buddy. This strain is perfect for finding that balance and peace you crave, helping you relax and gain clarity during your transformative journey.



June brings a mix of social energy and introspection for you, Leo. As Gemini season unfolds, social gatherings and lively conversations will draw you in even more than usual. This is an excellent time to expand your network, share ideas, and engage in group activities. The vibrant energy of Gemini supports your natural charisma, making it easier for you to connect with others and shine in social settings. Embrace this period to build new friendships and strengthen existing ones.

As Venus, Mercury, and the Sun transition into Cancer later in the month, your focus will shift towards introspection and self-care. You may feel a stronger need for solitude and emotional nurturing, so lean into it and make time to reflect on your personal goals, recharge your energy, and address any lingering emotional issues. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 30, take a moment to reassess your long-term commitments and responsibilities. Use this period to ensure that your efforts are aligned with your true desires and that you are laying a solid foundation for future success.

June strain: As the days get longer, Leo, you have more time than ever to indulge in some Sunshine Daydream. While you’re out there lighting up the world with your vibrant energy and passion, let Sunshine Daydream and its blend of berry, citrus, and gassy terps lift your spirits even higher. Its dreamy, chill vibes will help you recharge and keep shining like the star you are.



June brings a blend of professional focus and social connection for you, Virgo. As Gemini season continues, your career and public image take center stage—don’t be afraid to set new professional goals, showcase your skills, and seek recognition for your hard work. The adaptable energy of Gemini eases your flexibility and openness to new opportunities, which can lead to significant advancements in your career. Embrace this dynamic period to network and communicate effectively in your professional life.

Later in the month, as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into Cancer, your focus shifts towards your social life and community involvement. Embrace the stronger desire to connect with friends and engage in group activities. This is a good time to nurture your relationships and participate in social events that bring you joy. Saturn turns retrograde on June 30, so put some time in your busy calendar to reflect on your long-term goals and social commitments. Use this period to reassess your priorities and ensure that your efforts are directed towards building meaningful connections and a supportive community.

June strain: As you focus on self-care and finding balance, Virgo, let the tropical tang of Fruit Punch be your refreshing companion. Its uplifting and energizing effects are perfect for keeping you motivated and grounded, helping you tackle everything with clarity and zest. 



June brings opportunities for personal growth and career advancement for you, Libra. Gemini season’s ambitious energies will inspire you to broaden your horizons through learning and exploration. This is a great time to pursue new knowledge, travel, or engage in activities that expand your worldview. The curious and adaptable energy of Gemini supports your intellectual pursuits and encourages you to embrace new experiences with an open mind.

As Venus, Mercury, and the Sun transition into Cancer later in the month, your focus will shift towards your professional life and public image, with a strong drive to achieve your career goals and gain recognition for your efforts. This is an excellent time to make strategic moves in your job, seek promotions, or take on new responsibilities. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 30th, take a moment to reflect on your long-term career plans and ensure that you are building a solid foundation for future success. Use this time to reassess your professional commitments and make any necessary adjustments to stay aligned with your true ambitions.

June strain: When life (and the stars) give you lemons, Libra, you know how to make lemonade. And the funky hybrid, Pink Lemonade, will make your days even brighter. Its refreshing and uplifting vibes will keep you balanced and social, perfect for your quest for peace and connection this month.


History: DEA agrees to move marijuana to Schedule III



June brings a mix of deep introspection and expansive opportunities for you, Scorpio. During Gemini season, keep your focus on personal transformation and shared resources. This is an excellent time to delve into your inner world, address any lingering emotional issues, and strengthen intimate relationships. The curious energy of Gemini encourages you to explore new perspectives and gain deeper insights into your own psyche. Financially, make a point to review joint assets, investments, and debts, ensuring everything is in order.

As Venus, Mercury, and the Sun transition into Cancer later in the month, your attention shifts towards learning and exploration. You’ll feel a strong urge to expand your horizons through physical and mental outlets like travel, higher education, or spiritual pursuits. This nurturing Cancer energy supports your quest for knowledge and personal growth. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 30, make time to reflect on your long-term goals and commitments. Use this period to reassess your plans and make sure they align with your true values and aspirations. This introspective phase can help you build a more solid foundation for your future endeavors.

June strain: Your mind is always processing something, Scorpio, but it can get overwhelming sometimes. Let Inzane in the Membrane fuel your intensity. This sativa from Ethos Genetics will lend you its potent, energetic effects to keep you focused and driven, helping you conquer your goals and embrace transformation.



June brings a focus on relationships and personal transformation for you, Sagittarius. As Gemini season continues, your interactions with others take center stage, so try to prioritize existing partnerships while forming new connections, and improve communication with those around you. The lively energy of Gemini encourages open dialogue and collaboration, making it an ideal period for resolving conflicts and deepening your understanding of loved ones.

Later in the month, as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into Cancer, your focus shifts to deeper emotional and financial matters. You’ll feel a strong urge to address shared resources, investments, and intimate bonds. This is an excellent time for financial planning and making sure that joint ventures are on solid ground. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 30, take some time to reflect on your long-term goals and responsibilities. Use this period to reassess your commitments and ensure that they align with your core values and future aspirations. This introspective phase will help you build a stronger foundation for your personal and financial well-being.

June strain: As you embrace adventure and new experiences this summer, Sag, let Full Moon be your cosmic guide. This Thai strain imbues uplifting and euphoric effects that will fuel your wanderlust and thirst for new experiences, making every journey even more exciting and memorable.



June brings a mix of professional focus and relationship growth for you, Capricorn. As Gemini season unfolds, work, health, and daily routines require your full concentration. This is an excellent time to organize your schedule, enhance your productivity, and adjust your habits. The adaptable energy of Gemini supports multitasking and finding innovative solutions to any challenges you may face in your work environment. Embrace this period to streamline your processes and make efficient use of your time.

As Venus, Mercury, and the Sun transition into Cancer later in the month, your focus shifts towards partnerships and emotional connections. You’ll feel a stronger desire to nurture your relationships and create deeper bonds, so prioritize quality time with loved ones and engage in activities that strengthen your emotional ties. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 30, take a moment to reflect on your long-term goals and commitments, particularly in your personal life. Use this period to reassess your relationship dynamics and ensure that your efforts are aligned with your true desires and values. This introspective phase will help you build more meaningful and supportive connections.

June strain: As you work hard and focus on your goals, a little treat never hurt anyone. Horchata by Compound Genetics will be your perfect chill-out companion. Its relaxing and uplifting effects will help you unwind and stay balanced, giving you the boost you need to keep climbing those mountains.



June brings a blend of creativity and focus on health for Aquarius. As Gemini season continues, a surge of creative energy beckons a desire for self-expression. This is an excellent time to engage in artistic projects, hobbies, and activities that bring you joy. The dynamic energy of Gemini supports your innovative ideas and encourages you to share your unique perspective with the world. Embrace this period to explore new forms of expression and let your creativity shine.

As Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into Cancer later in the month, your attention shifts towards health and daily routines. You’ll feel a stronger urge to prioritize your well-being and establish healthier habits. This is a good time to reassess your diet, exercise regimen, and overall lifestyle in support of your long-term health goals. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 30, take some time to reflect on your responsibilities and commitments, particularly your health and work routines. Use this period to make necessary adjustments and ensure that your efforts are aligned with your true needs and values. This introspective phase will help you build a more balanced and fulfilling daily life.

June strain: As you embrace creativity and new ideas, let Juicy Fruit be your inspiring sidekick. Its uplifting and euphoric effects, not to mention piña colada terpene profile, will spark your imagination, making your innovative visions even more vibrant and exciting.

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June brings a focus on home and creativity for Pisces. As Gemini season continues, your attention will be drawn to your domestic environment and family matters. This is an excellent time to make improvements around the house, spend quality time with loved ones, and create a nurturing space that supports your well-being. The adaptable energy of Gemini encourages you to communicate openly with family members and address any lingering issues, fostering a harmonious home life.


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Later in the month, as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into Cancer, your creative side will come to the forefront. You’ll feel inspired to engage in artistic projects, hobbies, and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. This nurturing Cancer energy supports your emotional expression and encourages you to explore new creative outlets. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 30, it’s a good time to reflect on your long-term goals and commitments; use this period to reassess your priorities and ensure that your efforts are aligned with your true passions and values. This introspective phase will help you build a solid foundation for your future endeavors.

June strain: As you dive into your dreams and creativity, get silly with it. Let Danky Doodle  be your mellow muse. Its relaxing and uplifting effects will help you find balance and inspiration, making your artistic visions come to life with ease.



Get ready, Taurus, June encourages you to balance you priorities between stability and growth. As Gemini season unfolds, your focus hones on financial matters and personal values. This is an excellent time to reassess your budget, explore new income opportunities, and make thoughtful investments; the adaptable energy of Gemini can help you find innovative ways to enhance your financial security and align your resources with your core values.

As Venus, Mercury, and the Sun transition into Cancer later in the month, your attention turns to communication and close relationships. You’ll feel a stronger desire to connect emotionally with those around you and express your feelings more openly—so don’t hold back! This period proves potent for strengthening bonds with family and friends, as well as re-investing in your mental and emotional health. Saturn’s retrograde on June 30 also urges you to revisit your long-term goals and ensure that your efforts point towards what truly matters to you. Take this time to reflect and make any necessary adjustments to stay on your desired path.

June strain: Need some help with your champagne problems, Taurus? Then Pink Rozay, with its calming and euphoric effects, is just what you need to unwind and indulge in some well-deserved self-care. Treat yourself to Pink Rozay and its unique blend of floral and fruity terps to help you embrace the blissful vibes this month has to offer!



June brings a mix of energy and introspection for you, Aries. The vivacity of Gemini season  will imbue you with a boost in social situations and communication skills. This is a great time to connect with friends, share ideas, and explore new collective interests. The dynamic energy of Gemini encourages you to be curious and open-minded, making it an ideal period for learning and engaging in stimulating conversations.

Later in the month, as Venus, Mercury, and the Sun enter Cancer, your focus shifts towards home and family, and you may find yourself craving comfort and emotional connection. This is a good time to strengthen bonds with loved ones and foster a nurturing environment within your relationships. With Saturn turning retrograde on June 30, take a moment to reflect on and potentially reassess your responsibilities and long-term goals. Use this period to take stock of your commitments and ensure you are on a path that aligns with your true desires.

June strain: Summer requires something sweet, wouldn’t you agree Aries? Candyland, with its uplifting vibes, is the ideal companion to fuel your bold and spontaneous summer plans without flying off the handle. Its confectionery and grape palate doesn’t hurt either. Get ready to shine and take on the world with a little extra spark from Candyland!

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Star signs and cannabis strains: May 2024 horoscopes




Welcome to May, Stargazers. May offers a harmonious blend of cosmic energies that resonate deeply with the grounded spirit of Taurus season. During this month, Pluto in retrograde encourages introspection and transformation on a deeply personal level. This is a time to reflect on restructuring your life and releasing hangups, particularly habits or dependencies that may no longer serve your higher purpose.

A significant amount of Jupiter energy this month brings expansion and growth opportunities, enhancing our optimism and desire to grow. This is an excellent time to explore new ideas and mindsets or reaching out into your community—renewal and possibility in your daily life is imminent. And with the DEA decision to federally reschedule cannabis, now is the perfect time to appreciate how cannabis helps us realize our full potential.


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To close out the month, the supportive alignment of Venus and Mars provides a favorable backdrop for relationships and personal projects as interactions between our desires (Venus) and actions (Mars) are more harmonious. This alignment fosters a nurturing environment for both love and creative endeavors, promoting deeper connections and successful pursuits. Embrace the stability and fertility of Taurus season to plant seeds in your personal garden, whatever that may look like for you.

Your May horoscope



Happy Birthday Taurus! As you celebrate your solar return, the cosmos highlights personal growth and self-improvement. Pluto in retrograde means look inward, and prepare to transform. This planetary position encourages you to dig deep into your core values and uproot old habits that may be holding you back. Like spring, rebirth and renewal, allow you to emerge more aligned with your authentic desires and ambitions.

Jupiter’s intense energy this month promises expansion in various aspects of your life, particularly your career and personal development. As Venus and Mars converge, your charm and attractiveness are at their peak—a favorable time for both romantic pursuits and beneficial new alliances in business. Utilize this period to solidify your goals and take decisive steps. The support from these planets provides a robust backdrop for launching new projects or taking risks in personal relationships.

May strain: Hey Taurus, celebrate your birth month this May with the deliciously sweet Strawberry Banana! Known for its relaxing and euphoric effects and Jamba Juice palate, it’s the perfect companion for soaking up your leisurely moments or unwinding after a day of indulgence. Lean into the lush, fruity flavors and let Strawberry Banana enhance your steady and sensual vibe all month long!



May brings an invigorating air of change for Gemini, just as the sun begins to warm your sign towards the month’s end. The presence of Pluto in retrograde fosters deeper psychological insights and confronting issues can no longer ignore. This period encourages reflection on your inner dialogues and the patterns that shape your communication—time to engage in self-discovery and to cleanse any outdated thoughts or behaviors that hinder your progress.

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The influx of Jupiter energy this month boosts your social circle and connectivity, offering abundant opportunities to expand your network and engage in stimulating exchanges of ideas. With Venus and Mars beautifully supported, your interactions are likely to be both pleasurable and fruitful, providing a solid foundation for both new friendships and professional collaborations. Harness these cosmic energies to propel your personal projects and nurture meaningful connections that can lead to exciting ventures or deeper interpersonal bonds.

May strain: Hey Gemini, supercharge your social superpowers this May with Tangerine Power! Its energizing buzz is just what you need to keep up with the flurry of social gatherings and new connections popping up. Its refreshing, citrusy notes match your zest for life to keep you lively and engaged while riding the high vibe of your horoscope this month!


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For Cancer, May’s Pluto in retrograde means activating deep-seated transformations in your sector of partnerships and shared resources. This planetary shift encourages you to re-evaluate your emotional investments and redefine the boundaries in your close relationships. Make to really think things through—how do you merge your energies with others in personal or business relationships, and do these unions truly support your highest well-being?

Meanwhile, Jupiter’s influence floods your career and public standing spheres this month, promising growth and expansion in these areas. You may find opportunities to step into leadership roles or to make significant progress in your professional endeavors. The support from Venus and Mars enhances your appeal and assertiveness, so you can pursue your ambitions with confidence. Embrace this period of professional and personal development, as the cosmos aligns to offer both challenges and rewards.

May strain: Sumptuous Cancer, as you navigate May’s emotional waves, why not sweeten your days with Blueberry Cheesecake? This strain’s comforting berry flavors and calming effects align perfect with helping you find your center during this reflective time. Cozy up and let Blueberry Cheesecake be your contemplation companion, bringing warmth and relaxation to help soothe those deep feelings.



May holds a dynamic promise for Leo, with the sun illuminating your sector of career and public image. The energetic influences of Taurus season drive you to assert your presence in the professional realm with renewed dedication and perseverance. Pluto’s retrograde nudges you towards introspection about your career path and the power dynamics within your workplace. Rather than making big moves, contemplate deep-seated ambitions and potentially re-strategize your approach to achieving your goals, ensuring that they reflect your true passions and values.

With a surge of Jupiter energy throughout the month, there is a pronounced focus on expanding your horizons and seeking knowledge. This can manifest as a desire to travel or pursue educational endeavors that broaden your understanding of the world. Venus and Mars provide harmonious support, enhancing your social interactions and making your charisma particularly potent. Use this time to connect with influential figures or engage in collaborative projects that can propel your professional aspirations. The alignment of these planets suggests that your efforts in networking and partnership building will be especially fruitful and rewarding.

May strain: Hey Leo, light up your May (even more) with the vibrant and cheerful Jillybean! Its bright, citrusy flavors and euphoric buzz are just what you need to amplify your natural charisma and pizzazz for life during this sociable month. Whether you’re hosting a party or hitting the town, Jillybean is your perfect sidekick to keep the fun and smiles going strong.



In May, Virgo’s focus shifts towards community and social networks under the influence of Taurus season. This period highlights your interactions within groups and urges you to examine the role you play. Pluto in retrograde prompts a re-evaluation of your contributions and the value you derive from social and professional networks—an opportune time to consider how these connections align with your long-term objectives. If any relationships or affiliations no longer serve your interests, break out the shears and prune them so more supportive and enriching associations can grow.

The influx of Jupiter’s energy enhances your financial prospects, particularly in shared resources and investments. This bountiful planetary influence encourages a more optimistic outlook on economic matters that attracts wealth, partnerships or investments. Venus and Mars in harmony smooth the way in your personal and romantic life, bringing a deeper connection with loved ones. Utilize this period to fortify both your financial and emotional bonds, taking advantage of the favorable cosmic conditions to build a more secure and satisfying foundation in all areas of your life.

May strain: Hey Virgo, May brings a season of reflection and personal growth that a strong high may interfere with. The high-CBD and earthy Harle Tsu will keep you centered and clear-headed with a gentle, calming effect for your moments of introspection and tackling detailed projects. Let Harle Tsu help you maintain your focus and tranquility, enhancing your ability to navigate this thoughtful month with ease.



For Libra, May illuminates professional and public sectors, highlighting career and long-term goals during Taurus season. Pluto’s retrograde motion influences deep introspection concerning your career path, urging you to reflect on your ambitions and recalibrate your goals. This can be a transformative period for your professional image or direction, encouraging a thoughtful examination of what success truly means to you and how you can achieve it while maintaining your core values of balance and fairness.

The expansive energy of Jupiter this month brings a broadening of horizons for international connections or higher education that can further your career or personal development. Venus and Mars, meanwhile, work in tandem to create an ideal backdrop for nurturing personal relationships and ensuring a supportive home environment. This cosmic setup encourages a productive blend of professional growth and personal stability, allowing you to advance with confidence in both domains.

May strain: Hey Libra, as you dive into a month full of social and romantic opportunities this May, let Lavender Jones elevate your experiences. Its calming yet euphoric effects match perfectly with your balanced approach, helping you charm your way through any gathering or date night. The floral notes further enhance your ability to make every connection this month even more harmonious and sweet.


History: DEA agrees to move marijuana to Schedule III



May invites Scorpio to delve into the realms of philosophy, higher learning, and broadened horizons as Taurus season activates sectors of long-distance travel and intellectual exploration. With Pluto in retrograde, this month emphasizes a deep internal transformation—question your long-held beliefs, worldview, or educational goals. It’s a period ripe for profound soul-searching and some potentially dramatic shifts in how you navigate the world around you.

Simultaneously, the influence of Jupiter infuses your interpersonal relationships with growth and expansion. This planetary energy fosters new connections and deepens existing ones, enhancing both personal and professional bonds. The supportive aspects of Venus and Mars significantly boost your charm and persuasiveness, making it an excellent time to engage in negotiations or collaborative projects. Embrace the opportunities to connect and learn from others, as these interactions may play a crucial role in your ongoing transformation and personal development.

May strain: Hey Scorpio, step into May with the intriguing, sumptuous depths of Black Cherry Soda  to complement your intense month of transformation. Its dark, fruity flavors and uplifting effects are perfect for navigating the profound changes and emotional insights set to ch/allenge you. Spark up Black Cherry Soda to enhance your resilience and add a touch of sweetness to your journey of self-discovery.



May finds Sagittarius embracing a powerful phase of introspection and regeneration, with the influence of Taurus season emphasizing sectors of transformation and shared resources. Pluto’s retrograde motion this month encourages a deeper dive into your personal psyche, urging you to confront and release outdated fears or dependencies. This is a key time for emotional and financial detoxification, allowing you to reassess what you value most in your deepest connections and perhaps recalibrate your investment strategies or commitments.

The abundant energy of Jupiter, your ruling planet, magnifies your career prospects by opening doors to new opportunities of public status and professional trajectory. This period promises expansion and growth in your chosen field, bolstered by your innate optimism and desire to explore new possibilities. Venus and Mars align favorably to enhance your personal allure and ability to persuade others, making it a great time to initiate projects or negotiate deals. Harness this dynamic energy to propel yourself forward, capitalizing on the cosmic support to transform both your personal and professional life.

May strain: Hey Sagittarius, get ready to amplify your adventurous spirit with a medal-winning performance this May with Acapulco Gold! Its energizing and uplifting effects are perfect for keeping up with your bustling schedule and the spontaneous trips that await. Light up some Acapulco Gold, let its legendary sativa boost fuel your wanderlust, making every journey this month truly golden.



For Capricorn, May is a period marked by a focus on relationships and legal matters, as Taurus season influences your sector of partnerships and binding agreements. Pluto in retrograde prompts you to examine the power dynamics within your closest alliances, both personal and professional. This introspective period is crucial for reassessing and possibly restructuring these relationships to ensure they are equitable and truly reciprocal. It’s a time to address any underlying issues that may be disrupting the harmony and balance you seek.

Jupiter’s expansive energy enriches your experiences with philosophical growth and travel, encouraging you to broaden your horizons literally and metaphorically. This planetary influence can bring a refreshing change of perspective, possibly through educational pursuits or interactions with cultures different from your own. Venus and Mars synergize to buoy your charisma and effectiveness in negotiations and relationship-building. Utilize this advantageous alignment to fortify your connections and explore new avenues for personal and spiritual growth.

May strain: Hey Capricorn, as May calls you to balance work with some well-deserved downtime, Platinum OG is here to help you switch off and truly relax. Its potent, calming effects are perfect for unwinding after a long day of tackling challenges, helping you recharge and find peace. Enjoy the earthy and musky aromas of Platinum OG to ease into your evenings, ensuring you’re rested and ready for whatever comes next.



May highlights a period of productivity and health focus for Aquarius, as Taurus season catalyzes daily routines and personal well-being. With Pluto in retrograde, it’s an essential time for introspection on habits and work-life balance. This planetary shift encourages you to reconsider your daily practices and routines, and eliminate those detrimental to your physical and mental health. May is a period for redefining your priorities so your lifestyle aligns with your overall wellness goals and enables you to function at your best.

Simultaneously, the expansive energy of Jupiter brings a wave of creativity and joy, urging you to engage more deeply with your hobbies and perhaps even turn a passion project into something more substantial. The supportive aspects of Venus and Mars enhance your relationships within your work environment and social life, fostering collaboration and mutual understanding. This is an excellent time to work on connections that are beneficial to your personal growth alongside new challenges with the support of those around you. Take advantage of this period to invigorate your routine with activities that bring you joy and satisfaction.

May strain: Hey Aquarius, embrace the cosmic energy of May with Space Queen, a strain as unique and vibrant as you are! Its cerebral high fuels your creative sparks and social interactions, perfectly aligning with this month’s surge in networking and new ideas. Light up some Space Queen to enhance your innovative thoughts and enjoy connecting with like-minded souls in ways only you can.



In May, Pisces experiences a surge of energy for creativity and romance as Taurus season casts a spotlight on joy and self-expression. With Pluto in retrograde, this period prompts you to delve into the deeper aspects of your artistic pursuits and romantic relationships. Reconsider what truly brings you happiness and fulfillment, and look to purge any creative blocks or emotional patterns that hinder your expressive potential. This transformative energy encourages you to reconnect with your inner muse and rediscover the pleasure in your passions.


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The abundant influence of Jupiter amplifies your home and family life, providing opportunities for expansion and improvement in these areas. Whether you’re considering moving to a larger space or simply redecorating to better reflect your current lifestyle and aesthetic, the planets support growth and positive changes at home. Venus and Mars ensure that your emotional connections are strong, enhancing harmony and understanding with loved ones. Embrace this period of emotional and domestic growth, as it lays a solid foundation for personal contentment and security.

May strain: Hey Pisces, as you navigate May’s emotional and creative depths, Magic Melon is your perfect companion to keep the vibes light and uplifting. Its sweet, melon flavors and mellow effects align beautifully with your imaginative and empathetic nature, enhancing your creative projects and emotional connections. Enjoy the gentle euphoria of Magic Melon to help float through this dreamy month with ease and inspiration.



In May, Aries rides a wave of proactive energy thanks to the vibrant Taurus season lighting up sectors of resources and self-worth. This month is about building on your assets and reinforcing your sense of security. With Pluto in retrograde, take the time to reassess financial strategies and personal resources, stripping away what no longer serves your growth and focusing on strengthening your economic foundations. Namely, how do your material possessions align with your long-term goals?

The abundant influence of Jupiter energy this May invigorates your aspirations and expands your thinking. Opportunities for personal development and professional growth are on the horizon, inviting you to think big. The harmonious support from Venus and Mars enhances your charisma and assertiveness in pursuing these opportunities. Relationships, both personal and professional, will benefit from your renewed energy and confidence. Embrace this period of growth and connection, and use it to propel yourself forward in all areas of life.

May strain: Happy May, Aries! This month is all about making money moves and staying measured as you make changes. Mimosa Evo and its uplifting effects echo your vibrant energy, and its citrus-forward profile quenches your thirst for bold flavors—perfect for embracing the lively spirit of May without sweating the small stuff.

Check out last month’s horoscopes.

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