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Star signs and cannabis strains: September 2023 horoscopes



Welcome to Virgo season, Stargazers! It’s time to sweat the small stuff—get your to-do lists, budgets, and plans in order.

As we say goodbye to scorching summer days and anticipate the mysterious allure of the upcoming spooky season, September brings with it a number of noteworthy celestial events. Mercury, the planet of communication, is still in retrograde until September 15. This means that all zodiac signs might experience some glitches in their communication, so make sure to double check plans, revisit old projects, and avoid making impulsive decisions.

Like Beyonce on the Renaissance tour, Virgo season is in full swing, catalyzing practicality, organization, and attention to detail. Those born under this sign might feel a surge of energy and clarity, while others can harness this Virgoan energy to declutter, plan, and set intentions for the upcoming months. It’s a period during which meticulous planning and a grounded approach will serve everyone well.

Lastly, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, enters retrograde until the end of the year. This longer retrograde phase encourages introspection and re-evaluation of our goals and aspirations. While it might seem like progress is slow, this period is crucial for realigning with our true desires and ensuring that we enter and/or stay on the right path. Embrace the unhurried pace, reflect on your journey, and trust that the universe has your back.

Your September horoscope


Leafly Buzz: 13 top cannabis strains of August 2023


Woman reading a book with a flower in her hair on green background and the word "Virgo"
(Savina Monet)

Happy Birthday, Virgo! Virgos, ruled by the planet Mercury, are known for their meticulous attention to detail and strong sense of duty. Those born under this sign are practical, reliable, and analytical.  Need something done right? Call your closest Virgo friend!

September shines a spotlight on Virgos, as it’s your season—a time when your natural traits of precision, organization, and introspection amp up. However,  with your ruling planet of Mercury in retrograde until the mid-month, you may start second-guessing decisions or overanalyzing situations more than usual. It’s essential to trust your intuition during this period and avoid getting bogged down in the minutiae. Remember, sometimes the bigger picture is just as crucial as the details.

Virgo season encourages all signs to embrace a more methodical approach, but for Virgos, it’s like coming home. This month practically begs you to set intentions, declutter your space, and focus on personal growth. Jupiter’s retrograde complements this introspective energy, prompting a deeper reflection on your aspirations and life’s direction. While you might feel the urge to push forward, this is a period of preparation and alignment. Take this time to ensure your actions resonate with your core values, setting a solid foundation for the months to come.

September strain: Sometimes you can’t help but see the world in black and white, Virgos, but we have a strain that helps you see the world in its full spectrum. Oreoz has an aroma reminiscent of campfire s’mores, with additional delicious hints of chocolate and diesel. The name and its creeping effects remind one of cozy indoor moments, perhaps enjoying some cookies with a warm beverage while the leaves turn outside.


Scales on sky background with rounded pipes and the word "Libra"
(Savina Monet)

As September unfolds, you Libras might find yourselves seeking balance more than ever, especially with the influence of Mercury’s two-week retrograde. This planetary shift throws a wrench in communication nuances; for Libra, a sign that prizes harmony and clear connections, this means listening will be essential to navigate conversations with patience and understanding to keep relationships in equilibrium.

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The grounding energy of Virgo season gives Libras an anchor to their airy tendencies. This month, consider focusing on tasks that require attention to detail, or delve into organizing aspects of your life that have felt a bit chaotic. Another retrograde in Jupiter makes introspection all the more necessary, encouraging you to reflect on your personal growth and future aspirations. While the world might seem to move at a slower pace, this suits Libras in aligning their actions with their heart’s true desires for a harmonious path forward.

September strain: September can be a transitional month, with the shift from summer to fall leading to potential stress, especially for Libras, who strive to keep balance. You need something sweet and relaxing, so try some Maple Leaf Indica, a strain that has stood the test of time and traveled far from its origins in Afghanistan. Its body-focused effects help with stress and insomnia, ensuring that Libras get their beauty sleep with a mind free of worries.


Scorpion and bongs on a blue and pink background with the word "Scorpio"
(Savina Monet)

September offers Scorpios a chance to delve even deeper (if possible) into their introspective nature, especially with Mercury in retrograde until September 15. This planetary movement can stir up intense emotions and bring unresolved matters to the surface.

For Scorpio, notorious for depth and passion, approach situations with a calm demeanor and seek clarity before making decisions. While your instinct might be to probe and investigate, sometimes letting things unfold naturally is the best course of action.

Virgo season brings organization and practicality, and provides a counterbalance to your intense energy. This month, Scorpios can benefit from making an effort towards meticulous planning and methodical execution in all endeavors. Jupiter in retrograde further invites rumination on broader life goals and personal growth. Embrace this slower-paced energy as it guides you in reassessing your path and ensuring that your actions align with your deepest desires and values.

September strain: You’re a rare one, Scorpio. As September, the new autumnal season, and its mysteries unfold, Rare Darkness seamlessly aligns with your profound depths. Embrace the month’s tranquil moments, allowing the strain to be your grounding anchor with its soothing effects and grape-flavored palate.


America’s tastiest THC vapes of Labor Day 2023 and beyond


An archer pulls a bow in front of a fiery orange weed background with palm blunts and the word "Sagittarius"
(Savina Monet)

September brings a blend of introspection and action for you, Sagittarius. Mercury in retrograde until September 15, you might find your usual forward momentum slightly tempered. Keep cautious with communication and avoid jumping to conclusions. For Sagittarius, a sign known for its adventurous spirit and optimism, this period is a (hopefully) welcome reminder to pause, reflect, and ensure that your actions are well-considered.

The grounding influence of Virgo season gives Sagittarians a fresh focus on the details—a contrast to their typical big-picture approach. This month, consider dedicating time to organizing your space or refining plans for future adventures. Additionally, with your ruling planet, Jupiter, in retrograde, you’ll feel drawn to reevaluating personal aspirations and beliefs. This might feel too slow at times, but this valuable period helps Sagittarius realign with their true north, ensuring their journey is both meaningful and fulfilling.

September strain: What haven’t you tried, yet, Sag? Sometimes a classic strain trumps even the most beguiling new genetic crosses. So reacquaint yourself with the flavorful Biscotti. This Cookies family strain gets its name after a baked good, and offers that creative kick perfect for those chilly fall mornings with a cup of coffee before the thrall of the day begins.


A horned goat and weed leaves on a green background with orange border and the word "Capricorn"
(Savina Monet)

September ushers in chilly temps and a period of reflection and recalibration for you, Capricorn. With Mercury in retrograde for the first half of the month, prepare for disruptions in your usual methodical approach. It’s a time to exercise patience, especially in communication and decision-making. For Capricorn, lovers of structure and discipline, this period will show you the importance of flexibility and adaptability, reminding you that an occasional detour can lead to valuable insights.

The influence of Virgo aligns well with Capricorn’s natural inclination towards order and diligence—call it an earth sign advantage. Tap into that Virgoan energy to refine your strategies, set clear goals, and perhaps even reorganize aspects of your personal or professional life. With Jupiter in retrograde, your broader ambitions and life’s trajectory might need an update. Embrace this languid energy as it guides your reflections and ensures that your efforts are in harmony with your core values and long-term aspirations.

September strain: Capricorn, we know you won’t settle for less. As autumn leaves begin their dance, rolling up some Cap Junky, a strain made in collaboration between two of the best breeders in the industry, will bring out the best of your steadfast nature this September. Cap Junky, also called Miracle Mints, offers a tranquil companion for your autumn reflections that’s bursting with creamy, menthol, and pastry terps.


water pitcher and weed pipes on sky background with word "Aquarius"
(Savina Monet)

September presents a blend of introspection and external shifts for Aquarius. The influence of Mercury in a two-week retrograde foresees unexpected changes in plans and a need for clearer communication. You love innovative thinking and independence, Aquarius, so this period is a reminder to stay receptive to feedback and pay attention that your ideas are conveyed with clarity. Time to revisit past decisions and perhaps make adjustments where necessary, ensuring that your path forward works in favor of your intentions.

Virgo season, with its focus on detail and organization, offers a grounding counterpoint to Aquarius’s free-spirited nature. This month, consider channeling the Virgoan energy to better structure your creative endeavors and streamline your routines. Jupiter’s retrograde motion further amplifies the need to reflect on your personal growth and future aspirations. While the pace might feel more contemplative than usual, this period provides Aquarius with a valuable opportunity to ensure that their actions and goals resonate with their true self and vision for the future.

September strain: Aquarius, as autumn’s golden hues unfold, Gold Leaf resonates with your unique spirit this September while proving a little mystery—after all, its exact genetic heritage has yet to be publicized. Ground yourself in the season’s gentle transformation, feeling harmony with each mellow moment while letting this decant indica strain bedeck your brain in a golden glow. 


Consumers will save money if cannabis moves to Schedule III


two fish swimming in stars and cannabis leaves on a blue background with bongs and the word "Pisces"
(Savina Monet)

September brings a gentle ebb and flow of energies for you, Pisces, with your natural deference to the rhythms of the universe. The presence of Mercury in a weekslong retrograde might stir the waters of communication, leading to obstacles to clarity in conversations. For you dreamy fish, this period invites you to get grounded and work so that your feelings and thoughts are expressed with both empathy and precision.

The influence of Virgo season emphasizes practicality and organization—a welcome balancing energy for Pisces. This month, harness the Virgoan traits to structure your dreams and turn them into actionable plans. With Jupiter (a co-ruling planet for Pisces) in retrograde, there’s a deeper call to reflect on personal aspirations and spiritual growth. Embrace this introspective energy as it guides your journey and ensures that your path aligns with your heart’s true desires and the greater cosmic dance.

September strain: Pisces, as autumn unveils its gentle palette and shortens the days, Misty Morning aligns seamlessly with your introspective September energies. This whimsical strain has unique earthy flavors and effects that wash over you like waves. Embrace the season’s transition, finding balance and serenity with each calming inhale. 


blunts and a ram with the word "Aries" on a fiery orange background
(Savina Monet)

September marks a transitional phase for you, Aries, as the warmth of summer fades and the allure of the spooky season lurks on the horizon. With Mercury in retrograde until September 15, get ready for some minor communication challenges. It’s a time to practice patience, especially when expressing yourself or making decisions. Double-checking (even triple-checking) plans and revisiting past conversations will help you navigate this period smoothly.

During Virgo season, the energy shifts towards organization and practicality. For Aries, this means tapping into a more methodical side, which doesn’t always come naturally. Use this time to declutter your space, set clear intentions, and plan for the months ahead. With Jupiter in retrograde, make time to reflect on personal growth and aspirations.

While the pace might seem slower than what you’re used to, this presents a valuable period for Aries to realign with their goals and ensure head in a direction that truly resonates with them.

September strain: To mentally prepare for the autumnal transition, roll up some of Lumpy’s Apple Fritter. This hybrid strain evokes the feeling and palate of warm apple pastries, perfect for the crisp fall weather and waning days. After a busy summer, September is the time for Aries to wind down and reflect, making this strain a perfect companion for introspection, evaluation, and planning for the rest of the year.


Bull on a green background with cannabis on the border and the word "Taurus"
(Savina Monet)

As September unfolds, Taurus will find themselves at the crossroads of summer’s end and the beckoning of the cooler season. The presence of Mercury in retrograde until the middle of the month induces a need for caution in communication. We know you value stability and clarity, bulls, so this might mean taking a moment to pause before speaking or acting. It’s a favorable time to reevaluate decisions and reconsider some paths you’ve been exploring in your professional and personal lives.

Virgo season, with its emphasis on organization and practicality, aligns well with Taurus’s natural inclination towards order and structure. This month, harness the Virgoan energy to refine your surroundings, streamline your routines, and set tangible goals. Meanwhile, Jupiter’s retrograde motion prompts a deeper introspection about personal aspirations and growth. Taurus should embrace this slower tempo, using it as an opportunity to ensure that their efforts align with their true desires and values.

September strain: You love the creature comfort of a rich meal, Taurus, and nothing goes better with the flavors of fall than Cornbread. This stony strain bred by Rare Dankness is known for its heavy, tranquilizing effects that deeply relax the body—it has a savory palate connoisseurs and casual consumers will love. After a busy summer, September is a time for Taurus to unwind and rejuvenate, and Cornbread makes the perfect companion for those cozy nights in.


America’s top weed cities of 2023 announced


two women looking at each other confidently on sky background with pipes in the corners and the word "Gemini"
(Savina Monet)

September ushers in a period of reflection and recalibration for always-on-the-move Gemini. With your ruling planet, Mercury, in retrograde for the next two weeks, you might find your usual quick wit and adaptability tested. Communication, a strength for most Geminis, may require a bit more care and focus this month. We advise a pause to think before making any major decisions or commitments, ensuring that your choices are well thought-out and in line with your long-term goals.

The grounding energy of Virgo season offers a counterbalance to Gemini’s airy nature. This month, Geminis benefit from embracing a more organized and methodical approach, in both personal projects and daily routines. Jupiter’s retrograde further emphasizes introspection, nudging you to reevaluate your aspirations and the paths taken to achieve them. While the pace might feel more meandering, this period is valuable for realigning with your true desires and setting a clear course for the future.

September strain: Treat yourself to a piece of the pie with Elderberry, a strain from Spain with flavors reminiscent of berries, wood, and tree fruit. This unique combination of sweet and astringent gives your taste buds a unique experience, perfectly suited to Gemini’s taste-making nature. As September marks the transition from summer to fall, the calming and relaxing effects of Elderberry can be perfect for those cooler nights when Geminis want to take a break and reflect.

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Dab rigs and a large crab on a blue background with the word "Cancer"
(Savina Monet)

September brings a gentle shift in energies for you, Cancer, and your deep resonance with the ebb and flow of emotions. With Mercury in retrograde for the first half of the month, you might find yourself reflecting more on past interactions and memories. Approach communication with a touch of caution, ensuring that your words are both kind and clear. While revisiting the past can be comforting for many Cancers, set intentions to stay present and avoid getting too caught up in nostalgia.

Virgo season offers a burst focus on order and practicality to whimsical Cancer, and an opportunity to ground their emotions and create a stable environment. This month, consider organizing your living space or setting clear boundaries in relationships to cement your sense of security. Jupiter’s retrograde further encourages introspection, so don’t slack on assessing your goals and how to achieve them. Embrace this period of reflection, allowing it to guide you towards a path that resonates deeply with your heart and aspirations.

September strain: You’re a sensitive soul, Cancer, and the changes in the planets and weather can take their toll. To stay alert and present in your day-to-day life, the sativa-dominant Apple Jack ​​has a reputation for helping users feel focused and energetic. It has the zesty pep of Jack Herer and the creative juices of White Widow wrapped up in a mouthful of skunky, apple terps. This strain will make the transition to shorter, cooler days easier while keeping your eye on the prize.


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Pink lion and joints on orange psychedelic background with the word "Leo"
(Savina Monet)

As September dawns, Leo, you might feel a shift from your typical fiery energy to a more subdued and introspective mood. The influence of Mercury in retrograde until September 15 can lead to some communication challenges. Leos thrive on clear expression and the intensity of the spotlight— so listen as much as you speak and be patient with both yourself and others. Taking a step back and reflecting before making decisions will serve you well during this period, we promise.

With the onset of Virgo season, you’ll get to channel organization, planning, and attention to detail through your innate vivacity. Take time to channel your creative energies into structured projects or refine ongoing endeavors. Jupiter in retrograde, as the planet of growth and expansion, nudges you to reevaluate your ambitions and ensure that your goals align with your true passions. While the pace might feel more measured than usual, it’s a valuable time for Leo to recalibrate and set the stage for future successes.

September strain: We know you don’t slow down for hardly anything, Leo, and you love the finer things in life. If you’re looking for a strain that can help you relax, reflect, and recharge as you transition from the fiery summer months to the cooler autumn season, Peach Crescendo awaits. This Ethos Genetics hybrid has a palate as complex as you, with peach, chem, and citrus notes on top of a balanced high that keeps you focused on the future. 

Check out last month’s horoscopes.

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adult-use cannabis

America’s yummiest gummies of summer 2024




The definitive US solventless gummy guide 2024

I’ve been on the gummy beat a long time, Leafly Nation, and I’ve had my fair share of flops and fabulous treats—from cup winners that send me to the moon to oily, gelatin-based trips that barely registered. I’ve found that no matter the consistency, the nano-techonology, or the flavor, the single greatest indicator of your gummy experience is how they get the weed in it. And the best extraction process, by far, is rosin

In dab communities, rosin (call it hash, call it hash rosin, call it whatever—you know what I’m talking about.) Solventless cannabis extraction isn’t the most efficient, but it keeps all the terps, ‘noids, and entourage compounds intact to elevate you well beyond distillate oil. I’ve scoured coast to coast for the best iterations of rosin and hash-based gummies for you all to make the most of these last weeks of summer.


Lost Farm THCv Mango Amerelo rosin gummies 

(Courtesy Kiva)

How to make a product stand out amongst crowded dispensary shelves has long plagued cannabis brands. How to make a new product stand out when nearly all your bags are bangers appears to be no issue for Kiva. They have awards, word of mouth, and sales in multiple states to prove that people will pick up what they put down, from espresso beans to mints to their ever-growing line of gummies and chews. I have tried dozens of Kiva products at this point, and I always come back to these, particularly with the high-THCv strain here that will keep you uplifted and away from too many munchies. 

See also: Jetty rosin gummies, CLSICS rosin gummies


How to order weed delivery online with Leafly


Camp rosin gummies

(Courtesy CAMP)

You think Simone Biles won Olympic Gold in Paris by coasting on her laurels? No, she worked even harder to be better than before. Edible brand Camp have done the same, working on their popular resin-based gummies to make them more potent, more flavorful, and with a more multifaceted experience. So now, they’re made with rosin! Consumers get three flavors to choose from—orange, blackberry, and peach—to enhance the mirages they may see in the Nevada desert. 


Suncrafted live rosin gummies

(Courtesy Suncrafted)

Even across multiple states, the Massachusetts-based Suncrafted Cannabis Co beat out all licensed gummy manufacturers and took gold with their Blue Raspberry rosin gummies at the 2024 NECANN cannabis awards in Boston earlier this year. They also took multiple awards for their solventless concentrates, proving that the proof really is in the solventless pudding. 


Landrace Hash Co rosin jewels

(Courtesy Landrace Hash Co)

Maine admittedly isn’t the most conveniently located hash Mecca, but it’s worth the trip. The Pine Tree State has an abundance of trees, and they know how to press them. Landrace Hash Co makes strain-specific rosin “jewels” because the edible experience is so valuable. And the strains they choose are elite, including Pineapple GMO and Waterlemon Road Dawg.  


Bursts rosin gummies by Sauce

(Courtesy Sauce)

Michigan has led the Midwest in product innovation and, Sauce’s rosin gummies are a testament to continuing to push the envelope. Think of it as pulling a piece off the ol’ slab, as these come packaged as one giant, 200 mg THC gummy ready to be divided into as much or as little as you can handle. 


SunMed + Airo Oria live rosin gummies

(Courtesy Oria)

SunMed is one of the biggest cultivators in Maryland, and one of the few committed to exclusively sungrown cannabis. Their relatively “crunchy” approach translates to flavorful flower that doesn’t sacrifice potency—and by extension, edibles that take consumers above and beyond. This collaboration with the vaporizer brand Airo brings consumers a citrus and blackberry gummy dubbed “Black Mamba” for an edible experience that stuns on impact. 


Happy Cabbage BLOX rosin gummies

(Courtesy Happy Cabbage)

Sometimes a single gummy is all you need—one enormous, potent gummy. Happy Cabbage make regular-dosed gummies, but they are known for their BLOX, 100mg of rosin-based THC in tasty, fruity flavors like Passion Orange Guava (sativa) and Midnight Melon (indica). Plus they’re vegan, gluten-free, and low-sugar to accomodate different dietary needs. 

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See also: Nelson and Co hash rosin jellies


Constellation Cannabis Gravity rosin gummies

(Courtesy Constellation)

When Washingtonians want to shoot for the moon and land among the stars, they find a constellation. Constellation’s Gravity gummies use solventless hash oil in a broad range of flavors and formulas, including high-CBG and CBD options for those who’d rather stay below under cruising altitude. 


Canyon Cultivation rosin gummies

(Courtesy Canyon)

It’s hard to stand out in one of the country’s oldest cannabis markets, but Canyon Cultivation has done it. Their expanded roster of “chew-its” include three new flavors, Paradise Punch, Blueberry Pomegranate, and Blue Raspberry, all with a live rosin formulation. Each gummy clocks in at 5 mg THC, and contain no gluten and minimal amounts of sugar. 

See also: Northern Standard live rosin gummies


Baked Bros hash rosin gummies

(Courtesy Baked Bros)

Get in the ‘zona with Baked Bros’ growing line of rosin-based gummies. Each flavor is meant to pair with the single-strain extraction, i.e., Frozen Guava rosin goes with the blood orange gummies. They’re also adding an Arizona punch flavor with Prickly Pear OG flower later this year, so stay tuned. 

See also: Copperstate rosin gummies

New Mexico

Verdes live rosin gummies 

(Courtesy Verdes)

New Mexico has proven its cannabis industry is all about the new. Verdes brand gummies pair their rosin formula with contemporary, cutting-edge flavor combinations, like blackberry gummies with a lavender-infused sugar coating, or watermelon gummies with a dusting of Tajin chile. 


Honeybee solventless gumdrops

(Courtesy Honeybee)

The Show Me State continues to show out in the infancy of its adult-use cannabis industry. The edible brand Honeybee makes many succulent flavors of their vegan gumdrops, and now add two solventless SKUs to the roster. Available in Tangerine Dream and Strawberry Basil Mojito, these rosin-fueled drops have just 5 mg of THC each, allowing you to munch on as many or as few of them as you can handle. 

New York/New Jersey

MFNY rosin gummies

(Courtesy MFNY)

The more cannabis knowledge crosses state lines, the better all cannabis lovers and medical patients will be. Marijuana Farms of New York, or MFNY, have taken some cues from California for their artisanal, small-batch approach to flower, prerolls, concentrates, and edibles. Their line of vegan gummies pair strains to the flavanoids in their fruit-based flavors—i.e., the cherry gummies pair best with Poddy Mouth’s savory terps. 

See also: Rezinators by Jaunty 


Mindful Indulgence Lodoz rosin gummies 

(Courtesy Lodoz)

Don’t let the name fool you—these rosin gummies feel anything but “low dose.” Mindful Indulgence partnered with local cultivator Tribe to concoct these rosin-based, nano-powered gummies in flavors like Peach Hibiscus and Strawberry Rhubarb to deliver a more vibrant experience without the dreaded edible wait time. They also produce a higher, 25 mg THC per gummy dose for those needing more efficient medicine. 


Cannabis Counter rosin gummies

(Courtesy Cannabis Counter)

The Big Sky State wants to be known as the Big High State. Their adult-use industry rolls out more and more beguiling products and formulas. Cannabis Counter have amped up their gummy line to a two-pronged approach, both made with live rosin and enhanced absorption. Consumers can choose between strain specific gummies like Papaya Bars, or a more effect-based approach with options like sleep and focus. 


On the Rocks rosin gummies

(Courtesy Verano)

Verano gets my nod for their new brand of solventless products including vapes, concentrated, and gummies, dubbed On the Rocks for its straight-up approach. Their rosin gummies deliver full-spectrum effects in tasteful flavors like Peach Mango and Sour Apricot Apple, the latter of which won third place at the 2023 Illinois High Times Cup. 

This story must end, but your gummy journey is just beginning, Leafly.

Hit the Gummies Near You page on Leafly to see what’s chewy, gooey, and lit near you. (Just be sure to select your location in the top right corner.)

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

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Best Dispensaries in Kansas City for 2024




Missouri hit the ground running when the state legalized adult-use cannabis is TK, building off their medical marijuana program. Kansas City is home to over 40 dispensary options for consumers, highlighting the Show Me State’s penchant for craft and pizzazz.

Whether you’re new to cannabis, or an experienced connoisseur looking for a new dispensary experience, Leafly did the math to find out what reviewers say are the very best dispensaries in Kansas City. Our newly updated Leafly List features the top dispensaries in Connecticut for 2024 based on dispensary reviews and ratings on


The best-rated weed dispensaries in Missouri for 2023

Highest-rated adult use and medical dispensaries in Kansas City

Locals in Kansas City value dispensaries that put an emphasis on customer education, comfortable environments, and friendly staff.

13531 Madison Ave, Kansas City, MO — undefined

“The best spot around if you’re out south. You’ll see a wide range of folks in there, customers and staff. The staff knows the products and can steer you to your needs. Do you need something a little lighter than “stuck on stupid” during the day? They got exactly what you need. However, on the other hand, if it’s a holiday or whatever the occasion, Tuesday, you are ready to get blazed. They got what you’re looking for. Whatever budder, badder, rosin, resin, live, greatful dead, flower, edibles, carts, pre rolls and on and on….they got it…”

706 Westport Rd, Kansas City, MO — recreational/medical

“Best local shop in town!”

1222 McGee St, Kansas City, MO — recreational/medical

“It was great customer service and easy to locate.”

4900 East Bannister Rd., Kansas City, MO — undefined

“It was great . I got in and out even though they were busy ,busy! Ordered on line and was there with it ready in 5min. Couldn’t ask for better service.”

2918 Southwest Blvd, Kansas City, MO — recreational/medical

“A very chill spot with great customer service. Celeste D was awesome and her recommendation was fire. Definitely will be returning.”

6200 Troost Ave, Kansas City, MO — recreational/medical

“Knowledgable staff; very friendly. Nice selection and great location.”

1421 Wabash Ave , Kansas City, MO — recreational/medical

“This place is to be loved all over the world.”

7130 Wornall Rd., Kansas City, MO — undefined

“Love coming here always had good deals and rewards. Kierra always has a smile and willing to help. Every one there is great. Awesome products and good service.”

4716 NE Vivion Rd Kansas City, MO 64119, Kansas City, MO — undefined

“I have never had a bad experience here. Everyone is always knowledgeable, friendly and willing to help.”

10420 Blue Ridge BLVD, Kansas City, MO — undefined

“I’m new to the area, and this store has been so amazing! Such a friendly group of employees who are extremely helpful and very informational. I love this store!”

9010 E State Rte 350, Raytown, MO — recreational/medical

“Bruce Banner was exactly what I needed. online order ready in and out!!”

5408 Prospect , Kansas City, MO — undefined

“I love it here. Everyone has always been so friendly and helpful, from the minute you walk in, even the security guards are delightful. I can ask a million questions, they do their best to answer all of them and I never feel weird or bad about asking. This is my favorite spot.”


Missouri marijuana laws

Selection criteria for Leafly List Kansas City

To calculate the highest-rated dispensaries in Kansas City, our Leafly List team uses a methodology based on quantitative and qualitative review data of dispensaries listed on Leafly in Kansas City. This list also uses quality indicators, like customer reorder rates and deals availability (in markets where discounts are legal). Our teams are dedicated to showcasing a wide variety of highly-rated medical and recreational dispensaries.

Remember, if you don’t see your favorite dispensary on the list, make sure you follow, rate, and review your favorite cannabis locations to let the world know where you find your favorite cannabis.

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Vancouver weed visitor’s guide 2024




When I first landed in Vancouver, British Columbia, as a college undergrad, one of my biggest questions, beyond how I would make friends in a new country, pick my major, and currency conversion rates, was where was I going to find weed?

Thankfully, Vancouver has been a big weed city for a long time, and British Columbia has a reputation not unlike Norcal’s Emerald Triangle—they don’t call it B.C. bud for nothing! Over 5 years into federal legalization of adult-use cannabis, Vancouver and (most of) Canada have built on the infrastructure of the medical/legacy days to offer consumers a wide variety of products and strains from both national, government-owned brands to family-run micro-growers serving their local communities. 

Next time you’re in Vancity, you’ll know where the dank is. Let’s go!

What are Van’s weed rules?

If you aren’t quite old enough to patronize a dispensary in the States, rejoice! Adults 19+ can legally frequent adult-use cannabis dispensaries, and possess up to 30 grams (or the equivalent in edibles, vapes, etc) while out and about. At home, you can grow up to 4 plants and possess no more than 1,000 grams of cannabis and derived products. 

Vancouver, like the Big Apple, allows public cannabis consumption …

Best of all, Vancouver, like the Big Apple, allows public cannabis consumption wherever tobacco smoking and vaping are allowed, with exceptions for parks (there are designated areas), playgrounds, public buildings, and near bus, train, and ferry stops. If your hotel allows it, you can also smoke in your room. 


Canada Cannabis 101

Vancouver B.C. has many dope spots. An excerpt of the Leafly map. (Leafly)

Excellent question! Vancouver is a big city with upwards of 80 dispensaries within the greater metro area. In the city proper, most walk-in stores are concentrated downtown; you can take a ferry to North Vancouver for a few more options. Most stores offer delivery services, and you can order cannabis on UberEats the same way you would a breakfast burrito.

Because Canada’s cannabis legislation is federal, dispensaries have two tiers. There are BC Cannabis stores run by the government under the province’s British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch, and there are privately-owned stores. The BC Cannabis stores offer better prices and wider selections from brands based all over the country; privately-owned stores may have more store ambiance and local options from craft growers.

Shop highly rated dispensaries near you:


A number of dispensaries across Vancouver offer pick up and delivery options to adults 19+. You can also order weed for delivery and pickup on UberEats from select dispensaries. Start a Vancouver delivery.

If you’re fresh out of YVR, you can head to Dutch Love on 8602 Granville Street, or  La Canapa up the street on 8002 Granville Street.

What is some good weed to buy in Van?

Shopping in a Canadian dispensary is a little different than the States—your weed can be from Ontario or Quebec or Newfoundland. I opted to stick to local BC cultivators with one Ontario exception. Here are six of the best buds I sampled. 


How to order weed delivery online with Leafly

I am high, what do I do now in Van?

For Van’s best weed attractions, go to:

  • Stanley Park
  • The downtown Art Gallery complex
  • The Amsterdam Cafe
  • Bloedel Conservatory (North Vancouver)
  • Vancouver Aquarium 
  • Pacific National Exhibition, aka The PNE, Playland amusement park (May–August)
  • A ride on the Seabus ferry
  • A Skyride gondola ride to the top of Grouse Mountain (North Vancouver)
  • Skiing and snowboarding at Grouse Mountain (North Vancouver)

Spotlight: Amsterdam Cafe

While smoking in public is now allowed, not everyone wants to light up in a smoking section, and Vancouver winters can be brutal. As of writing, dispensaries cannot host consumption spaces. But one of the most iconic North American smoking lounges is still kicking in Downtown Vancouver: the Amsterdam Cafe.

This is a one-stop shop for a comfortable, discreet sesh–the main floor hosts a full-service cafe with food and beverages. A $10 membership fee gets guests access to the lower-level lounge during the day, and the main floor in the evening. Bongs and rolling kits are available for rental. 

For Van’s best stoner munchie food, get:

  • Tim Horton’s, the (better) Dunkin Donuts of Canada.
  • White Spot
  • A&W, which is not only a root beer brand but an entire burger chain that rivals the American juggernauts McDonalds and Burger King.
  • Mello Donuts
  • La Belle Patate, for a wide variety of Canada’s best munchie food, poutine. 
  • Cactus Club Cafe


How Canada’s West Coast Became World Renowned for Cannabis Cultivation

Vancouver weed visitors frequently asked questions

What’s up with the weed lounges?

Unfortunately, dispensaries can’t yet get permitted for consumption lounges—yet. But the Amsterdam Cafe at 301 W Hastings Street, and Cannabis Culture next door both have discreet and stylish smoking spaces for locals and visitors. 

What does federal legalization mean for me and my shopping experience?

It means lots of options, mostly. You aren’t beholden to just your province’s selection of flower, vapes, edibles, or concentrates. I recommend chatting with your budtender, and doing research ahead of time; sometimes out-of-province products are older, or your local store won’t have the full selection. 

Can I bring weed into or out of Canada?

This is a BIG no no. Just because weed is legal at the federal level, it is illegal to cross the Canadian border with it or fly with it. So smoke it while you can, or leave it with a friend before you head home. 


How to grow weed in your home garden—with tips for every province

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