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The Best Stoner Side Hustles to Make Extra Weed Money in 2024



stoner side hustle

A Stoner’s Guide to Side Hustling


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know life’s gotten crazy expensive lately. It doesn’t matter if your paycheck is bigger than it used to be – everything costs an arm and a leg now. A gallon of milk will set you back more than your monthly utility bills!


With costs skyrocketing, a lot of people are looking for ways to supplement their income and bring in extra cash flow. Hey, we all like our comforts and little indulgences in life. So picking up a side hustle to fund those extras makes total sense. Plus, building up multiple income streams is how you create real wealth over time.


That’s what this article is all about – exploring three solid methods for generating supplemental income through your own entrepreneurial efforts. We’re not talking about get-rich-quick schemes here. Instead, these are techniques you can build sustainably into money-making systems to boost your bank account without killing yourself.


For all you stoners out there looking to subsidize your herb habit or just afford more of life’s finer things, we’ll dive into: 1) Using AI to create a passive income blog attached to products or ads, 2) Developing and selling your own products, and 3) Opening a brick-and-mortar Headshop. With some creativity and elbow grease, you can turn these side hustles into decent revenue streams.



We’re living in revolutionary times, folks. AI has completely transformed the playing field, ushering in a new era that most people still don’t fully grasp. I’m not exaggerating when I say this technological breakthrough is on the same level as the discovery of the internet itself.


AI has drastically reduced the effort and labor required for creating digital content and even physical products. With AI assistants, a single individual now has access to virtually infinite minds – able to tap into a vast pool of knowledge and find answers to any questions. It’s an unprecedented force-multiplier.


This democratization of AI means that anyone with a smartphone and internet connection theoretically has the ability to build a viable business in a relatively short timeframe. The barriers to entrepreneurship have never been lower when you can leverage AI to augment your skills and efforts.


Whether you want to write a book, launch a product, start a YouTube channel, or spin up an e-commerce store – AI can accelerate and empower you to make it happen as a lean, nimble solopreneur. You don’t need a huge team, millions in startup capital, or special expertise in every area. AI fills those gaps.


The enterprising folks who recognize this paradigm shift and start putting AI to work building their own business ventures will be the ones surfing the new wave of opportunity. If you’re still just going to a 9-to-5 without any irons in the fire, you’re already falling behind the curve.


In this AI-powered era, not building something of your own design – a source of self-directed income and a path toward financial freedom – means watching the world pass you by. This is the Renaissance 2.0, and AI entrepreneurs will be the pioneers and leaders. Don’t get left behind.



Can you still make money from blogging in 2024? Absolutely! The problem is most people simply don’t understand how to properly monetize a blog. Well, I’m here to tell you that blogging remains one of the easiest and most reliable ways to build a passive income stream. While I won’t dive into all the nitty-gritty details, I’ll provide the general path to take your blog from zero to cash flow in around 6 months to a year.


There are a few key things to keep in mind when starting a money-making blog: niche selection, content quality, posting frequency, traffic acquisition, and monetization analytics. Let’s break it down:


Niche – You’ll want to find a topic that intersects your personal interests and passions, but is also a proven “money niche” where people spend cash. Sports, for example, is generally a lucrative area of focus. But “sports” alone is too broad – you’d want to niche down further to something like “golfing.” The more specific and niche you get, the more you can realistically monetize. Just know that richer niches also tend to have more competition.


Content Quality – While AI can simply spit out generic articles on any topic, that low-quality output won’t draw an audience. Instead, use AI as an assistive tool while you provide the unique ideas, perspective, and editorial oversight. Come up with interesting angles, flesh out your outline, then collaborate with AI to craft share-worthy, media-rich content that you’d genuinely want to read yourself.


Frequency – Consistent publishing is less critical if you’re delivering ultra high-quality content that provides immense value. Still, try to post new longform content (1,000-2,000 words) at least once or twice per week. Quality over mediocre quantity.


Traffic – Paid advertising is the easiest way to drive traffic to your blog. But you don’t want to rely solely on that from the start. Build an initial audience for free via social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), video platforms like YouTube, sites like Reddit, and other online communities. Test content in these free channels first – if posts get solid engagement, then invest in promoting them as ads.


Monetization & Analytics – Once you have steady traffic, that’s where you can leverage your audience to make money through channels like affiliate marketing, brand sponsorships, banner ads, and more. Cannabis brands, for instance, have very few options to advertise online – so a high-traffic cannabis niche blog could earn thousands per month on autopilot from banner ads alone.


If you’re on a bootstrapped budget, I recommend spending only what’s needed to buy a domain and set up a basic blog. Use free email marketing tools to start building your list. Concentrate your effort on producing stellar content over many months. Once you’ve built up a loyal following and consistent traffic, connect your blog to something like Google AdSense to start monetizing. With diligence, your passive income blog could be earning a substantial side revenue within 6-12 months.



This option for generating income gives you more control over your revenue stream, but it’s also more difficult to execute. Building a successful digital product requires deeper marketing knowledge, demographic research skills, payment processing setup, tax considerations, and more.


There’s a lot involved in product development, but if you can create something that solves legitimate problems for people and makes their lives better or easier in some way, you’ve got a potential winner on your hands. The keys are ensuring your product is practical, accessible, and truly beneficial.


When developing digital products, keep these factors in mind: It should solve a real, widespread problem that your target audience experiences. Ask yourself – does it make their lives more convenient or fulfill an unmet need or desire? The more urgent and universal the problem you’re solving, the bigger the potential market. Accessibility is also critical – your product needs to be straightforward for anyone to access and use with little friction.


So what types of digital products might you develop? If you’re pursuing the blogging option to build a topical brand, some straightforward products could include ebooks, branded merchandise like t-shirts or phone cases, online courses, or membership sites. While you might not traditionally think of them as “products,” those are absolutely digital products you can package and sell.


The beauty of digital products is that you have infinite inventory available at essentially zero marginal cost. Once created, you can sell unlimited copies without any restocking fees or additional production costs. Theoretically, this allows for infinite revenue potential.


The biggest challenge in product development is generating consistent sales. You’ll need a solid marketing strategy and sales funnel in place from the very start, along with advertising budget to promote your offers to the right target audiences across the channels they frequent.


To get started, select your niche, identify the core problems or challenges that your prospective customers face, and examine how current solutions may be falling short. See if you can create something superior that better addresses those unmet needs in an exciting new way. Solve a tight, specific problem that plagues your audience, and they’ll open their wallets for your product.


Digital products also allow creative pricing and partnership models. You can enlist affiliates to promote your product for a revenue share. Or build in continuity with recurring subscription models for products like membership sites or software. You can even bundle products together into higher-perceived-value packages.


The keys are diligent research to validate demand, innovative problem-solving to create something valuable, and intelligent marketing to get your stellar product in front of the right buyer audiences. Do that, and you’ve got a turnkey system for generating digital income.


Option 3: Start a Headshop


I can’t tell you how many people I know that started with a small headshop in a small market, and after a few years are rolling in money. The truth of the matter is that headshops for the most parts, are perfectly legal avenues of making money.


Many of my friends have started with as little as $200 and over the course of a few years built their shops to be generating thousands of dollars per day. Of course, this side-hustle can easily become a full time thing, but if you’re a stoner looking to make some extra cash, here’s how you can do it.


When asking ChatGPT on how one would start a headshop with $100 this is what it had to say:


Starting a headshop with just $100 is a challenge but not impossible, especially if you approach it with creativity and strategic planning. The key is to start small, focus on high-margin items, and gradually expand your inventory and customer base.


Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  1. Market Research


  • Identify Your Niche: Understand what specific products are in demand within your local area or the online community you aim to serve. Are customers looking for smoking accessories, CBD products, or something else?

  • Know Your Competition: Identify what they’re doing well and what gaps you can fill.


2. Legal Considerations


3. Initial Product Purchase


With $100, your initial purchase must be very strategic.

 Focus on items that are:


  • High Margin: Small, inexpensive items that can be sold at a higher markup.

  • Popular & Fast-Selling: Rolling papers, lighter accessories, small glass pipes, or CBD gummies can be a good start.

  • Directly From Wholesalers: Buying directly from manufacturers or wholesalers can cut down costs.


4. Sales Platform


  • Start Online: Avoid the overhead of a physical store by starting with an online shop. Use free or low-cost e-commerce platforms like Shopify or Etsy to set up your shop.

  • Social Media Marketing: Use social media platforms to market your products. This is where your market research on your target audience comes in handy.


5. Customer Engagement & Feedback



6. Reinvest Profits


  • Expand Your Inventory: Gradually add more products based on customer demand and feedback.

  • Marketing: Invest in more targeted advertising (Facebook ads, Google AdWords) as you start to generate revenue.



I think everyone should be working on a side hustle in this capacity. A.I allows you to write like a copywriter, design like a graphic designer, and research like a master if you know how to ask it the right questions.


These days, the age of solopreneurs is very possible with an army of A.I bots behind them. In this article I provided three solid ways to generate money, more than 90% of you will do nothing about it, but for the brave few who will begin their venture…I hope this served you well!


Make some bank stoner!





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Cannabis News

The Dangers and Effects of THC Vape in UK




cbd oil vape king UK

People in the UK increasingly realize that CBD vaping is quite safe. Even NHS recommends CBD vaping as one of the relatively safer ways to quit smoking. Vaping is not without any harm, but it is much safer than tobacco smoking. Even more, CBD vaping is associated with some good health effects. However, now people are realizing that THC vape pens could be an even more potent way of enjoying CBD’s health benefits.

What is THC Vape?

If readers noticed that in the introduction of this text, we talked about CBD, there is a reason for that. THC vaping is different from CBD vaping, but not entirely. It has much in common with it.

The hemp plant is rich in many cannabinoids. Two major cannabinoids are THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol). It also has many minor cannabinoids in smaller amounts, like CBG, CBC, CBN, THCV and CBDV. CBD vape pens generally have all these compounds except THC.

However, THC vape differ in the way that they also contain small amounts of THC along with CBD, minor cannabinoids, and other beneficial organic compounds like terpenes for added flavour and enhanced vaping experience.

So, why do some of the vape pens have added THC in small amounts? After all, THC is known to be addictive and has mind-altering properties. Well, the explanation is simple: the secret is in the dosage. In smaller and legally permitted dosages, THC does not cause a high; it is safe and can have many health benefits.

When small amounts of THC are added to CBD, minor cannabinoids, and terpenes, it results in much more powerful health benefits. That is why some of the CBD-based clinically approved drugs also contain THC.

THC vape pens may also have some distinct benefits not experienced with CBD vape pens. This is due to “the entourage effect.” The entourage effect is a bit different from synergy. Synergy is like two-plus-two equal to five, meaning that using some compounds together results in a more potent effect, yet safety is not compromised. However, the entourage effect means combining two compounds may result in some unique health benefits not seen when those compounds are used in isolation. So, the entourage effect is more powerful and unique than synergy.

Therefore, using THC vape pens means some unique health benefits, although these vape pens contain THC in small amounts.

THC Vape: The Dangers

It is no secret that THC is the main compound responsible for all side effects of the cannabis plant. This substance is addictive and, at higher dosages, causes euphoria, has potent mind-altering properties, and may cause hallucinations.

However, there is one important thing to understand. All these effects of THC are seen at much higher dosages than those in legally produced THC vape pens.

Legally produced/sold vape pens in the UK, like those by CBDoilking, do not contain THC more than 0.2%. This is significantly lower than cannabis indica or marijuana, which may contain 25% or even more THC. So, there is no comparison between legal THC vape pens and marijuana. At these small dosages, THC does not cause euphoria or other side effects and has no addictive properties. It only has mild stress-relief properties at these dosages.

Secondly, THC vape pens sold by CBDoilking follow other important UK guidelines and legal requirements, which means that THC vape pens cannot contain more than 1 mg of THC. Hence, it is not just about low concentration but also about low amounts, thus ensuring its safety.

Safe and Potent THC vape pens

THC vape pens are for health-conscious individuals who would like to vape on a regular basis. It is safe and may have beneficial effects like reduced anxiety, improved mood, and enhanced sleep, and it may also help reduce pain sensation.

THC vape pen is even better than your regular CBD vape pen for quitting smoking. This is because it is better at reducing tobacco cravings.

CBDoilking sells one of the strongest THC vape pens in the market (75-80% CBD plus CBG along with THC in permitted amounts), and yet all pens sold on the platform follow strict legal guidelines. All the products undergo third-party testing and are proven to contain THC, CBD, and other minor cannabinoids within legally permitted and safe limits.

Another good thing about CBDoilking is that these excellent THC vape pens come in many flavours. These flavours are not due to some artificial substances but rather due to their content of terpenes. Terpenes are plant-based aromatic compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

CBDoilking offers vapes that are based on science, combining different natural compounds in the right ratio. This is both about safety and potency. So, these products are really good for those looking for something better, potent, and yet safe.

The Bottom Line

CBD vape pens have been around for some time, and their safety is well-established. They are an excellent way to quit smoking and also enjoy CBD’s health effects. However, some people are looking for something more potent. THC vape pens are good for such individuals. These contain all beneficial compounds present in the cannabis plant but in the right proportions.

THC vape pen is a new way to enjoy vaping. It is unlikely to cause any side effects as these products are made for regular use. Of course, one should not overdose on THC or CBD. It is important not to have more than a few puffs a day. Rare side effects like nausea or stomach issues might occur but are transient and short-lived. Such issues are rarely the cause of concern, except in a very small number of cases.

Thus, if you are looking for something better to reduce stress and overcome pain and anxiety, then a THC vape pen may be the right choice. Choosing something strong like the one offered by CBDoilking may be a good idea. Despite being strong, these vape pens contain THC only in legally permitted amounts and in concentrations proven to be safe and not cause euphoria.

To sum up, if you are already an experienced CBD vaper, it may be a good idea to give THC vaping a try.





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How to Buy or Sell a Cannabis Business: The Webinar Replay




For anyone who wasn’t able to join us on April 17th, the video replay of our webinar titled “How to Buy or Sell a Cannabis Business” is now available on our website. You can view it here.

The description of this webinar is also included directly below. Enjoy!


On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 12:00 pacific time, Harris Sliwoski managing partner Vince Sliwoski (Portland), Harris Sliwoski partner Griffen Thorne (Los Angeles), and Andy Shelley of CannXperts will present a free webinar entitled “How to Buy or Sell a Cannabis Business.”

Drawing on their extensive experience from representing businesses and entrepreneurs across numerous M&A transactions, including crucial state license transfers throughout the United States, our panelists will share insights and practical wisdom from their firsthand experiences in the legal cannabis industry.

  • Crafting and understanding Letters of Intent
  • Conducting thorough Due Diligence
  • Drafting and Negotiating purchase agreements and ancillary documents
  • Navigating State-Specific Regulatory Concerns
  • Managing Escrow Challenges
  • Optimizing Financial Arrangements: Purchase Prices, Holdbacks, Earnouts
  • Tackling Post-Closing Considerations

As always, we’ll also take Q&A, so please feel free to either submit questions when registering or you will be able to ask comments in chat during the webinar.

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Cannabis News

Is Thailand about to Change Their Cannabis Laws Yet Again?




thailand changing weed laws again

Thailand To Change Weed Laws Soon?

It’s Still Weed Paradise Right Now, So Go If You Can


Sure, weed is already legal in most of the United States.


However, for people who are in need of a holiday and want nothing to do but relax on a tropical Asian beach while enjoying a joint, the best place is still Thailand. Or at least, for now. Last June 2022, Thailand became the first nation in Asia to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes, albeit due to some governmental loopholes that allowed adult-use dispensaries to pop up like weed around the country.

Just a few days after weed was legalized, budding (pun intended!) entrepreneurs put up all kinds of weed shops and dispensaries. The smell of marijuana was soon prevalent all over, whether you were walking down a street in Bangkok or sunbathing in Phuket. These days, weed shops are as common as ATM machines or bubble tea kiosks.


We aren’t sure how long this is going to last. Over the last 1.5 years, throngs of tourists have come from all over the world to enjoy the globe’s newest weed haven. And while many cannabis businesses and farmers are thriving economically from the weed boom, some government officials are against it. As of the time of writing, the Thai government is working on regulating the cannabis industry much more tightly, so much so that smoking weed may not be such a liberal act to enjoy anymore.

Could Thailand’s weed heydays be this short-lived?

According to the news, Thailand’s health minister is set to ban recreational marijuana use completely by year end. A new bill is forecast to be discussed to parliament before session ends in October. Anutin Charnivakul, the public health minister responsible for initially proposing cannabis legalization, didn’t intend for weed to be as widely sold and consumed as it was. Instead, he explained that he merely intended for it to be used medicinally, helping farmers and other industries earn from the economic benefits of cannabis legalization.

“We have always emphasized using cannabis extractions and raw materials for medicinal purposes and for health,” he disclosed to CNN back in July 2022. “There has never once been a moment that we would think about advocating people to use cannabis in terms of recreation – or use it in a way that it could irritate others,” he added.


They likely did not anticipate or foresee that the tourism sector would experience a massive boom due to the said loopholes in cannabis law. Nobody knew that thousands of tourists would be coming from all over to enjoy partaking, and, helping to boost the tourist economy which was much-needed after the pandemic.


In a Reuters interview with Public Health Minister Dr. Cholnan Srikaew, he says that marijuana will only be permitted for medical use. Recreational users and cannabis growers who do not have a permit can expect to be charged with heavy fines, if the new bill is passed. “Under the new law, cannabis will be a controlled plant, so growing it would require permission. We will support cannabis cultivation for the medical and health industry,” he told Reuters.


The fines they are discussing are certainly steep: in the draft bill, it states that penalties of up to $1,690 can be charged to recreational users. Meanwhile, individuals who are caught selling weed or advertising its use can face a file of as much as $2,770, jail time, or even both.


The news to change Thailand’s once-ideal regulations regarding cannabis use was announced a few months ago, leaving businesses and other industries that are reliant on it, afraid and unable to make any plans for the future.


Can Tourists Still Smoke Weed In Thailand?

Until the government announces final changes to the weed law, tourists are still welcome to smoke weed and partake of recreational marijuana in various forms throughout the country. I just came from spending a few days in Bangkok, the nation’s capital, where hundreds of weed shops are still flourishing throughout the massive city.


Dispensaries are designed in fun, colorful interiors using bright colors and world-class marketing to attract smokers and consumers. We’ve walked into several different kinds of dispensaries and had no problems buying flower, edibles, vapes, and a variety of paraphernalia to consume either in the dispensary or in our hotel room. However, you do have to keep in mind that there are still rules in place.


For one, vaping or smoking weed in public places is still prohibited. Don’t be tempted to light up on the streets even if you can smell weed, because getting caught by the cops can lead to a $700 fine. That said, there are certain areas in Thailand where the law is a bit more – uh, relaxed. For example, in the backpacker central of Khao San Road, it’s not uncommon to see tourists lighting up at night. In the tourist beach areas of Krabi and Samui, there have been reports of tourists being able to easily light up a joint on the street with no problem.


Again, there’s no timeline of how long this is going to last. So if you can go to Thailand before the year end, when the new laws are expected to be set in place, go!





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