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Tripping with your significant other: Healing with psychedelic couples therapy



Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke once wrote: “For one human being to love another human being: That is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation.” 

In the early, oxytocin-saturated days of a new romance, loving another human being might seem all too easy. Later down the track, however, when the infatuation hormones wear off and the grind of everyday life sets in, roadblocks can pop up, communication can break down, and love can turn cold. 

Some cut their losses and run, while others try to talk it out or see a counselor. And some turn to psychedelics and therapy. 

“Psychedelic couples therapy offers a reset from the deep trenches that have become overly familiar relationship patterns,” said Sarah Tilley, psychedelic guide, founder, and CEO of Beautiful Space in the UK. “With the help of psychedelics, couples can detangle unconscious behavior, so they can embark on relationship version 2.0.” 


What are psychedelic mushrooms and psilocybin?

Psychedelic couples therapy has been around longer than you think

Like many elements of psychedelic medicine, the legacy of psychedelic couples therapy stretches way back. Early therapy focused primarily on MDMA, especially in the ‘70s, with pioneering psychedelic researchers Ann and Sasha Shulgin. They discovered that the substance was an excellent tool for encouraging communication and navigating relationship issues. 

Other researchers, such as George Greer and Requa Tolbert, conducted MDMA-assisted psychotherapy with couples in the mid-’80s, finding that the psychedelic could help overcome the fear of emotional hurt and promote introspection. 

The ‘80s also saw psychedelic psychotherapist Rick Ingrasci working with MDMA in therapeutic settings. Ingrasci treated about 100 patients with MDMA in approximately 150 sessions from 1980 to 1985, one-third of which were with couples. He thought MDMA helped dissolve neurotic fears so couples could communicate in honest, compassionate ways, and be authentic with themselves and their significant other. (Ingrasci was later accused of initiating sexual contact during MDMA sessions with clients and lost his medical license.)

MDMA was banned in the US in 1985, and added to the list of Schedule I drugs. MDMA-assisted couples therapy tapered off, although some practitioners continued underground. 


How to dose psychedelic mushrooms

Why do people turn to psychedelic couple’s therapy?

In the United States in 2020, there were 630,505 divorces (vs. 1,676,911 marriages). While this sounds like a lot, it’s important to note that divorce rates have actually been steadily declining in recent years, for a variety of  reasons. Divorce can carry weighty costs, both financial and health-related. In situations where the motivation for couples to stay together is high but serious problems are still present, psychedelic couples therapy can represent a transformative intervention.

Tilley, who holds psychedelic couples therapy and retreats through Beautiful Space, sees couples who seek healing for diverse problems. Unresolved long-term disagreements, communication troubles, major life changes, depression, or a lack of purpose are recurring themes. 

However, the most common issues that bring couples to Beautiful Space are about sex and intimacy.

“Something has changed and one or both have lost the desire to be aroused by the other,” reflected Tilley. “There might have been a breach of trust or a loss of body confidence, a change in hormones, or past sexual trauma interrupting intimacy. Some couples want help shifting from monogamy to an open relationship, while others want to find meaning after being married for 45 years.”

Tilley emphasized that many issues are underpinned by generational trauma, which occurs when parents unintentionally pass down trauma to their children. According to Tilley, psychedelics can be a powerful tool for breaking its shackles. 

“People don’t come for therapy on [generational trauma], but for most individuals in a couple, it’s what we end up working on,” said Tilley. “You come to understand how your childhood story, traumas, and inherited family patterns might play a part in the dynamics of your current relationship.”

Though the specific reasons that prompt couples to cross the psychedelic therapy threshold vary, nearly all who come to her have reached a fork in the road.

“They are facing separation or they need to try something very different,” said Tilley. “They might have children, a house, or a business together, so they see separation as an absolute last resort.” 


What is MDMA (aka Ecstasy or Molly)?

How can psychedelics help relationship issues?

Psychedelics work on the brain by interrupting negative habits. A single psychedelic session can transform one’s perspective, address detrimental behavioral patterns, and thus serve as  a powerful catalyst for change. These potent substances have been used for issues such as excessive overthinking, addictive behaviors like smoking and alcohol-use disorder, and even narcissism. Researchers believe psychedelics can be used to shift rigid, entrenched behaviors and habits to improve health and well-being.

Integrating psychedelics into therapy sessions can also provide individuals with profound perspectives of their  moods, behavioral patterns, and beliefs. This increased self-awareness may equate to greater relationship awareness.

“The psychedelic experience is individual to each person and results in individuation in the relationship,” said Tilley. “When couples are too entangled, it’s hard to take responsibility for what each brings to the relationship.” 

For Sarah Melancon, PhD, sociologist and certified sexologist, regular MDMA use with her partner has helped them address diverse personal and relationship issues. Melancon had long been living with social anxiety disorder and a communication disorder called selective mutism—a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in specific social contexts, such as in public places, or at work. Melancon believes MDMA helped her find her voice.

“The first time I took MDMA, it changed my entire life—parts of me were literally able to speak that had previously been frozen,” she said. 

Regular MDMA sessions every few months created space for Melancon and her husband to process issues, discuss the future, bond, and connect sexually. 

“MDMA allowed us to communicate freely with empathy and compassion. We could discuss issues that would normally cause a fight, and instead feel love and understanding for each other; we were able to explore sexuality together in ways I didn’t even know were possible,” she said. “Because of our time on MDMA together, my orgasms became a regular part of our relationship, which I had never even experienced with another person before.”

Melancon also stresses that MDMA shouldn’t be treated as a quick-fix relationship panacea. While the substance allowed her and her husband to share incredible experiences, they also had to work on building communication skills and address issues from past trauma, insecure attachment, and past relationships to keep the connection alive. Individuals and couples therapy has since helped them to integrate the insights from their MDMA experiences.


How do psychedelics work?

What happens during a psychedelic couples therapy session?

At Beautiful Space, the couples therapy program is a three-part course designed to reeducate relationship skills. It’s held both online and in person, and comprises 18 hours of therapy time over three months. Couples undergo two screening sessions and two preparation sessions ahead of the trip, and then a private one-day medicine retreat with psilocybin truffles, held in Amsterdam. Four integration sessions are held after the trip. 

According to Tilley, preparation helps the couple to understand their mindset and define a positive path forward. Research shows that mindset and intentionality play a major role in the psychedelic experience. 

Following the screening and preparatory sessions, couples then embark on the medicine day, which is structured as an eight-hour retreat. The medicine day begins with the couple further refining their intentions for the journey for several hours, focusing on their desired outcome. Tilley then leads them into the ceremony of preparing and consuming the truffles, and their individual trips begin. 

Couples journey separately with eye masks and music for around 4 hours, while the therapist acts as the “sitter,” holding space and making sure everyone feels safe and comfortable on their trip.

“Sometimes the couples take a break and talk to each other or to me,” said Tilley. “They might tell me a little of what is going on for them, which I write down, or they might want to take a break to embrace the other. These moments are beautiful, and I will step out of the room for a while to give a couple privacy.” 

When the trip is over, the last hour of the medicine day retreat is spent discussing what happened and relating it to the work the couple has been doing in therapy on themselves and their relationship. Tilley counts these among the most profound and meaningful moments she’s experienced as a therapist. Four further integration sessions following the medicine day retreat help to transform their mind-altering experiences into everyday change.

“Couples talk about their psychedelic experience together, discussing slivers of childhood memories, putting meaning into abstract visions, and relating them to very real-life challenges, regrets, and mistakes,” she said. “When the couple hears each other being so raw and honest, they inevitably feel compassion, and a big shift occurs in the relationship.”

And then there are also those, like Melancon, who consume psychedelics with their significant other at home, and without a therapist or guide present. 

“Typically, we would take MDMA in the evening, along with some supplements intended to offset potential negative effects on the brain and body, like vitamin C, magnesium, 5-HTP, and Vitamin E,” she explained.

“It would take about an hour or so to kick in, and then a few hours into the experience, we would typically take a second dose.” That second dose would see them talking and connecting until 3 or 4am, and then they’d rest the next day. 

Melancon acknowledges that their process was very casual and she would have carried out the sessions in a more formal setting with a trained therapist had that been available. Nonetheless, she only has good things to say about the MDMA sessions with her husband.

“While it was certainly not the only thing we needed for a happy marriage, I truly don’t think we’d be as happy as we are today, 15 years later, without it.”

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Emma Stone

Emma Stone is a journalist based in New Zealand specializing in cannabis, health, and well-being. She has a Ph.D. in sociology and has worked as a researcher and lecturer, but loves being a writer most of all. She would happily spend her days writing, reading, wandering outdoors, eating and swimming.

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cat cow

The Best 5 Yoga Poses To Help With Menstrual Pain




Sometimes you just want something to make the pain go away

It comes like like a dreaded alarm clock.  And if your monthly isn’t bad enough, many women suffer from dysmenorrhea, nausea, and terrible lower abdomen pain that can last for days during menstruation. Around 80% of women experience period pain at some stage in their lifetime. But 5% to 10% of women the pain is severe enough to disrupt their life.

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Prescription can be had, but there are other methods to reduce the pain.  Drinking plenty of water is important for this and general health. Avoid things with trans fat since it can increase inflammation. Cut back on caffeine is another way.  Also try applying heat or taking a hot shower. And to help provide both physical and mental relief, here are the best 5 yoga poses to help with menstrual pain.

Cat Cow

This pose is great to warm up your body, doing it slowly so you can feel every step of the way and you can release your tension and some of your pain.

Forward Fold

This pose strengthens the spine while stretching your hips. It’ll also provide relief for your back since the pose will stretch the back of your legs, hamstrings and calves.


This pose is also known as Corpse Pose, where you lay down and stay still like a corpse. Duh. This position lends itself to introspection and relaxation, controlling your breath and taking your mind away from the pain of your body.

Child’s Pose

This pose is great for back problems, gently stretching out your lower back muscles and relaxing them. Focus on your breath, on relaxing your hips, and your pain will leave you alone in no time.

Reclining Twist

This pose will give your back and hips a great stretch that’ll offer much needed release for your body, especially if experiencing strong cramps, while also stimulating your digestive organs.

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CBD vs. THC for Anxiety Relief: New Study Finds the Answer




A groundbreaking study conducted by the University of Colorado Boulder reveals that strains of cannabis high in cannabidiol (CBD) and low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are most effective at alleviating anxiety. This research, the first to examine the acute and extended effects of legal market cannabis products on anxiety symptoms, underscores the therapeutic potential of CBD, offering a safer alternative to THC-dominant strains and prescription medications for anxiety relief.

Cannabis has long been a subject of debate due to its varied effects on different individuals, with some experiencing relaxation and others facing heightened paranoia and anxiety. This study provides scientific backing to the anecdotal evidence, pinpointing CBD as the key compound for anxiety relief without the adverse effects associated with THC.

The research team embarked on a first-of-its-kind experiment involving 300 participants with anxiety, assessing their responses to different strains of cannabis with varying levels of THC and CBD. The study categorized the cannabis strains into three groups: THC-dominant, equal parts THC and CBD, and CBD-dominant, alongside a control group with no cannabis use.

Over the course of four weeks, participants reported their experiences, with those using CBD-dominant strains experiencing significant reductions in tension and anxiety without the impairment or paranoia linked to higher THC levels. Notably, even the THC-containing strains did not exacerbate anxiety over the long term, suggesting that THC’s anti-anxiety effects might still be beneficial compared to abstaining from cannabis use altogether.

This research, published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, offers compelling evidence of CBD’s role in anxiety management, potentially guiding legal prescriptions and product development in countries that have embraced medical cannabis.

Why It Matters: The findings highlight the importance of understanding cannabis’s chemical composition for therapeutic use, particularly for anxiety treatment. By distinguishing the effects of CBD from THC, this study paves the way for safer, more effective anxiety treatments that harness the benefits of cannabis without the risk of exacerbating anxiety symptoms.

Potential Implications: This study could significantly impact the medical cannabis industry, influencing the development of CBD-dominant products for anxiety relief. It may also inform regulatory policies and consumer choices, encouraging a shift towards strains and products that provide the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without the negative side effects associated with high THC levels.

Source: ScienceAlert

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animal health

CBD and THC for Animals




The Genetic Literacy Project reports on the emerging trend of using medical marijuana, specifically CBD and THC, for treating pets and zoo animals. This innovative approach, already legal and widespread for human medical treatment in various countries and U.S. states, is beginning to gain attention in veterinary medicine. Studies and anecdotal evidence highlight cannabis’s potential benefits for animals, addressing conditions like seizures, pain, anxiety, and more. However, the veterinary application faces hurdles such as legal restrictions, drug stigma, and a lack of comprehensive studies.

Medical cannabis has found its place in human healthcare, offering relief from various ailments. Its potential is now being explored beyond humans to include our animal companions. Veterinarians in some parts of the world, where it’s legally permissible, are beginning to administer cannabis and its compounds to a wide range of animals, from domestic pets to zoo inhabitants like parrots, turtles, and hyenas. The primary focus has been on treating conditions such as seizures, pain, and anxiety, especially in dogs, with many pointing to significant benefits.

Despite these promising developments, the path to integrating cannabis into veterinary practices is fraught with challenges. Legal ambiguities and prohibitions in many countries, including the U.S., create significant barriers to research and clinical use. Furthermore, the lingering stigma associated with cannabis and a lack of education on its medical applications in animals compound the issue, alongside a scarcity of peer-reviewed scientific studies to back up its efficacy and safety.

California represents a beacon of progress, with laws gradually opening the door for veterinary cannabis. This shift has sparked a movement among a small yet expanding group of international veterinarians. These professionals are dedicated to bringing cannabis into the veterinary mainstream through concerted efforts in education, research, and advocacy, aiming to overcome the hurdles that currently restrict its use.

Why It Matters: The exploration of medical marijuana in veterinary medicine represents a significant shift towards more holistic and potentially effective treatments for animals. This approach could revolutionize how veterinarians manage pain, anxiety, seizures, and other conditions, offering a new avenue of relief where traditional medications may fall short or produce undesirable side effects.

Potential Implications: As veterinary cannabis gains traction, we may see changes in legislation and an increase in research funding, leading to a broader acceptance and understanding of cannabis’s role in animal healthcare. This could result in improved treatment options for pets and zoo animals alike, enhancing their quality of life.

Source: Genetic Literacy Project

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