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United States: FDA Announces A Path Forward For CBD Consumer Products: A New Regulatory Framework Is Needed



Cannabis industry stakeholders waiting for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to forge a regulatory path forward for cannabidiol (CBD) in consumer products such as conventional foods and dietary supplements will now be waiting on Congress to act. FDA announced, on January 26, 2023, that its existing food and dietary supplements regulatory pathways are not appropriate for CBD products and that the agency does not intend to initiate rulemaking for CBD. Rather, FDA called for a new regulatory pathway for CBD products that “balances individuals’ desire for access to CBD products with the regulatory oversight needed to manage risks.”1Concurrent with this policy announcement, FDA denied three citizen petitions from trade associations that asked, among other things, for FDA to issue a regulation allowing CBD products to be marketed as dietary supplements. Companies waiting for certainty on the future of CBD product regulation will have to wait until Congress acts, perhaps, to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to establish a unique regulatory pathway for CBD.

This Advisory contextualizes FDA’s policy announcement in the recent history of its actions with respect to CBD, summarizes the key points of FDA’s announcement, and covers the implications for stakeholders.


Growth in the CBD industry followed significant changes in the legal status of hemp and its derivatives, most notably, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Public Law 115-334 (known as the 2018 Farm Bill). The 2018 Farm Bill legalized the cultivation and sale of hemp, defined as “[T]he plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant . . . with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.”2The law also amended the definition of marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to exclude hemp and its derivatives from the CSA’s definition of controlled substances.3Congress expressly preserved, however, FDA’s authority to regulate products containing CBD (derived from hemp) and other products containing hemp or hemp-derived compounds.4Thus, while hemp is no longer a controlled substance, FDA retained authority to regulate products such as CBD.

Indeed, FDA issued a statement on the day the 2018 Farm Bill passed, touting its awareness of the growing public interest in cannabis and cannabis-derived products, including CBD, and announcing the importance of clarifying FDA’s regulatory authority over those products.5FDA explained that it was unlawful to market CBD in food or dietary supplements, but also indicated that—

Pathways remain available for the FDA to consider whether there are circumstances in which certain cannabis-derived compounds might be permitted in a food or dietary supplement. Although such products are generally prohibited to be introduced in interstate commerce, the FDA has authority to issue a regulation allowing the use of a pharmaceutical ingredient in a food or dietary supplement. We are taking new steps to evaluate whether we should pursue such a process. However, the FDA would only consider doing so if the agency were able to determine that all other requirements in the FD&C Act are met, including those required for food additives or new dietary ingredients.6

Subsequently, FDA formed a “high-level internal agency working group” to explore potential pathways for dietary supplements and/or conventional foods containing CBD to be lawfully marketed, including consideration of the necessary statutory or regulatory changes and the public health impact of marketing such products.7FDA also convened a widely attended public hearing to obtain scientific data and information about the safety, manufacturing, product quality, marketing, labeling, and sale of products containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds. While FDA sorted out its approach to CBD, industry waited, and some companies sought to lawfully market CBD as a dietary supplement within the existing regulatory framework. For example, one company submitted a new dietary ingredient notification (NDIN) to FDA on March 3, 2021 for full-spectrum hemp extract (FSHE) which contains CBD.8FDA rejected the NDIN, however, having found that the FSHE, which contains CBD, was a CBD product precluded from marketing as a dietary supplement by the exclusion provision of the FD&C Act.9Following this rejection, it became clear to many that FDA’s position was settled and that FDA believed that lawful marketing of CBD as a dietary supplement was impossible absent FDA proceeding through notice and comment rulemaking to issue a regulation finding that CBD would be lawful in such products. Three citizen petitions, submitted in 2019, 2020, and 2022, requested that FDA take such action, though each would be denied alongside the January 2023 policy announcement, as we note below.

FDA’s January 2023 CBD Policy Announcement

FDA’s work and progress on regulating CBD took a turn on January 26, 2023, when FDA took coordinated action to issue the CBD policy announcement and deny the three citizen petitions that sought rulemaking on CBD. Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock’s announcement stated that after careful review by an internal FDA working group, FDA concluded that a new regulatory pathway for CBD was necessary; FDA’s current conventional food and dietary supplement regulatory pathways would not be appropriate for CBD. Such a pathway, would balance consumers’ desire for access to CBD products with the regulatory oversight needed to manage risks. According to FDA, safety concerns and limited ability to manage risks associated with CBD products under the existing food and dietary supplement authorities drove FDA’s policy determination. FDA noted that the agency reviewed studies pertaining to Epidiolex, published scientific literature, information submitted to the CBD public docket, and studies conducted and commissioned by FDA. It concluded that the use of CBD raises various safety concerns, especially for long-term use, including potential risks to the liver and male reproductive system and the risk for medication interactions. FDA also expressed concern about CBD exposures by certain vulnerable populations, such as children, and those who are pregnant. Ultimately, the agency could not see how CBD products could meet safety standards applicable to dietary supplements or food additives—for example, FDA lacked adequate evidence to determine the level of CBD that can be consumed, and the duration of consumption, before causing harm.

The agency all but explicitly asked Congress to act, stating that “FDA is prepared to work with Congress on this matter” and “FDA looks forward to working with Congress to develop a cross-agency strategy for the regulation of these products to protect the public’s health and safety.” It provided a light roadmap, including recommendations for including safeguards and oversight to manage and minimize risks associated with use of CBD products, such as clear labels, prevention of contaminants, CBD content limits, and minimum purchase age.

Finally, FDA turned to the topic of compliance actions and essentially preserved the status quo. Per Dr. Woodcock, “FDA will continue to take action against CBD and cannabis-derived products to protect the public, in coordination with state regulatory partners, when appropriate. FDA will remain diligent in monitoring the marketplace, identifying products that pose risks and acting within our authorities.” As FDA-watchers are aware, the agency has not initiated any industry-wide compliance action, but has more selectively targeted companies marketing products that in FDA’s view, threaten the public health and/or are marketed to children. The agency has particularly focused its compliance actions on products that make claims to treat diseases or other specific health conditions.10


FDA’s action (or inaction), depending on your viewpoint, likely disappointed some in industry who expected that FDA would issue a regulation. Ultimately, FDA’s stance leaves Congress in the driver’s seat when it comes to establishing a regulatory path forward for CBD. In fact, shortly after FDA’s announcement, Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA) (House Energy & Commerce Oversight Subcommittee Chair) announced that he was in contact with FDA regarding the CBD announcement and “look[s] forward to working with the FDA so we may create a safe pathway for these products to come to market.”11Rep. Griffith, and others in Congress, would not be starting from scratch. Dozens of bills, including those on which he worked, have been introduced in both the House and Senate that propose to regulate cannabis and/or CBD. Arnold & Porter’s comprehensiveCannabis State-of-Play Advisory highlights the legislation related to cannabis and CBD introduced by the 117th Congress.

As noted above, FDA did not announce a new compliance policy or stance with respect to CBD, and we expect that FDA will continue to regulate CBD largely the same as it has in the preceding years—by taking selective compliance action, particularly with respect to disease claims or products marketed to children, as it deems necessary. We will continue to monitor developments with respect to both CBD and cannabis.

© Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP 2023 All Rights Reserved. This Advisory is intended to be a general summary of the law and does not constitute legal advice. You should consult with counsel to determine applicable legal requirements in a specific fact situation.


1 Statement from Janet Woodcock, M.D., Principal Deputy FDA Commissioner, FDA Concludes that Existing Regulatory Frameworks for Foods and Supplements are Not Appropriate for Cannabidiol, Will Work with Congress on a New Way Forward (Jan. 26, 2023),availablehere.

2 7 U.S.C. 1639o(1).

3 Section 12619(b) of the 2018 Farm Bill also amended Schedule I of the CSA to exclude the THC found in hemp from the definition of “tetrahydrocannabinols.”

4See2018 Farm Bill, section 10113, § 297D(c)(1).

5 By the time the 2018 Farm Bill passed, FDA had already approved a highly purified form of CBD in a prescription drug, Epidiolex.

6 Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on signing of the Agriculture Improvement Act and the Agency’s Regulation of Products Containing Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Compounds (Dec. 20, 2018),availablehere.

7 Statement for FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., On New Steps to Advance Agency’s Continued Evaluation of Potential Regulatory Pathways for Cannabis-Containing and Cannabis-Derived Products (Apr. 2, 2019),availablehere.

8 FDA Response to NDI 1199 – Full Spectrum Hemp Extract (FSHE), FDA-2021-S-0023-0050,availablehere.

9See21 U.S.C. 321(ff) (excluding from the dietary supplement definition, an article that is approved as a new drug or authorized for investigation as a new drug for which substantial clinical investigations have been instituted and made public, which was not before such approval or authorization marketed as a dietary supplement or foodunlessFDA issued a regulation finding that the article would be lawful under the FD&C Act). FDA reached this conclusion because CBD is the active ingredient in an approved drug product, and the existence of substantial clinical investigations involving CBD had been made public. Additionally, FDA determined that CBD was not marketed as a dietary supplement or conventional food before it was authorized for investigation as a new drug.

10See, e.g., FDA Warning Letter to Naturally Infused LLC (Nov. 16, 2022),availablehere, (“[T]he Agency is particularly concerned that some of your products are in forms that are appealing to children. For example, your CBD Lollipops, CBD Gummies, and Delta-8 THC Gummies are in forms that would be attractive to children and could easily be mistaken for traditional foods that are commonly consumed by children. Furthermore, you market other products that consumers may confuse with traditional foods for humans, including CBD Infused Sugar and CBD and Delta-8 THC Infused coffees. Therefore, there is a risk that consumers of these products, including children, will unintentionally consume CBD or Delta-8 THC ingredients. Additionally, we note that the CBD coffee products appear to contain caffeine. Evidence suggests that CBD may affect caffeine metabolism and may increase and/or prolong caffeine’s effects.”).

11 Griffith Offers to Work with FDA to Develop CBD Pathway,InsideHealthPolicy(Feb. 2, 2023),availablehere.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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Banking On Buds: The Complex Interplay Between Cannabis And Commerce




In the ever-evolving landscape of American policy, the story of cannabis legalization unfolds as a testament to societal change and the complexities of governance. This narrative, however, is not without its dissonances, particularly in the realm of financial services.


In a nation marked by its pioneering spirit and the relentless pursuit of progress, the cannabis industry emerges as a vibrant tableau of innovation, marred by the shadows of regulatory uncertainty. As states across the Union chart their own courses, legalizing cannabis for medical and recreational use, they weave a patchwork of policies that stand in stark contrast to the federal government’s steadfast classification of the plant. This discord at the heart of cannabis commerce sets the stage for a deeper exploration into an issue that transcends mere legality, touching upon the very fabric of economic integration and societal values.

The Current Legal and Regulatory Landscape

At the federal level, cannabis remains ensnared in the Schedule I category of the Controlled Substances Act, a classification that denotes a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use. This designation, rooted in the drug policy of yesteryears, casts a long shadow over the burgeoning cannabis industry, constraining its access to essential financial services and stifling its growth potential. Banks and financial institutions, wary of the legal ramifications of servicing cannabis-related businesses (CRBs), find themselves at a crossroads, caught between the promise of a new market and the peril of federal reprisal.

Cannabis Banking and Legislation Timeline

The following timeline weaves together the historical context, pivotal moments, and potential future developments in cannabis banking and legislation, including the critical role of the SAFE Banking Act and the impact of reclassifying marijuana. It serves as a guide through the evolving relationship between the cannabis industry and the financial sector, highlighting the journey towards regulatory clarity and economic integration.

1970 – Controlled Substances Act (CSA) Enacted: Marijuana was classified as a Schedule I drug, indicating a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use, severely limiting research, and banking capabilities.
1996 – California Legalizes Medical Marijuana: Marks the beginning of state-led initiatives diverging from federal law, creating a patchwork of regulations, and increasing the need for banking solutions for cannabis businesses.
2013 – Cole Memorandum Issued: Although not law, it provides some protection against federal enforcement in states that have legalized marijuana, signaling a slight shift in federal attitude but leaving financial institutions wary of engaging with cannabis businesses.
2014 – 2019 – Incremental Banking Guidance: The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issues guidance for banks on serving cannabis businesses in compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act, but the banking challenges persist due to the overarching federal prohibition.
2019 & 2021 – SAFE Banking Act Proposals: The Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act was introduced in Congress, aiming to protect financial institutions that service cannabis-related businesses in states where it has been legalized. Despite passing in the House, it stalls in the Senate.
2020 – Present – Growing Bipartisan Support for Cannabis Banking Reform: As more states legalize cannabis for medical or recreational use, there is increased bipartisan support for federal banking reforms, including the SAFE Banking Act, to provide a safe harbor for banks.
2024 (Not So Hypothetical Future) – Marijuana Rescheduled to Schedule III: In a landmark move, marijuana is reclassified as a Schedule III controlled substance, acknowledging its medical use and lowering barriers for banking and research. This hypothetical future event would significantly alter the cannabis industry landscape. This is happening now.
2024 – 2025 (Future Outlook) – Implementation of the SAFE Banking Act: Following the reclassification of marijuana, Congress passes the SAFE Banking Act, easing many of the remaining financial and banking challenges for cannabis businesses. Financial institutions begin openly serving the cannabis industry, supported by clear federal guidelines.
2025 and Beyond – Normalization and Expansion: With the barriers to banking and finance removed, the cannabis industry sees a period of significant growth and normalization. Financial products and services tailored to the cannabis industry become widespread, and cannabis businesses are integrated into the broader economy.

Navigating the Dissonance: The Case for Reform

Amid the thicket of regulatory challenges and banking quandaries, a beacon of consensus emerges from the legislative realms. On May 2, 2024, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) issued a compelling appeal to the Department of Justice, urging the reconsideration of cannabis’s Schedule I status. “Currently, a total of 47 inclusive of states, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territories except American Samoa have legalized cannabis for medical and/or adult recreational use,” the NCSL articulated, highlighting the stark contrast between state-led initiatives and federal policy inertia. This plea for reclassification is not merely administrative; it is a clarion call for alignment, seeking to reconcile the federal stance with the lived realities of millions and the operational exigencies of a burgeoning industry.

Discussion Points

This moment of potential transformation invites a broader reflection on the implications of such a shift. The reclassification of cannabis and the enactment of measures like the SAFE Banking Act could herald a new era for not just the cannabis industry but for American society at large. It prompts us to question the role of federalism in drug policy, the dynamics of change in a conservative sector like banking, and the societal values that underpin our approach to regulation and commerce.

Furthermore, the push for reform illuminates the intricate dance between innovation and regulation. As we stand on the precipice of change, it is imperative to consider how financial institutions can navigate this evolving landscape. The integration of cannabis into mainstream commerce offers a unique opportunity to redefine the relationship between the state, the market, and the individual, challenging us to reimagine the boundaries of entrepreneurship, responsibility, and community in the 21st century.

So…Now What?

The conversation surrounding cannabis banking and federal reform is more than a policy debate; it is a reflection of our collective journey toward a more nuanced understanding of progress, governance, and the human experience. As we ponder the path forward, it is clear that the resolution of this dissonance will require not just legislative change but a reevaluation of societal norms and values. In this endeavor, entities like Ankura play a pivotal role, not as advocates for a particular outcome, but as navigators helping to chart a course through uncharted waters, ensuring that regardless of the direction we take, we move forward with insight, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to the common good.

Solutions: A Blueprint for Navigating the Green Wave Together

In the evolving narrative of cannabis legalization and its implications for the financial sector, the role of consultancy firms becomes not just relevant but indispensable. Amidst this backdrop, Ankura emerges not as a mere participant but as a guiding force, navigating the intricate interplay between regulation, commerce, and innovation. This section, far from a sales pitch, is a contemplation on the utility and insight that Ankura brings to a landscape at the cusp of transformation.

The Art of Navigation in Uncharted Waters

In the realm of cannabis banking, where the regulatory environment remains as fluid as the sea, Ankura stands as the seasoned navigator, charting a course through tumultuous waters. The firm’s approach, deeply rooted in expertise and foresight, transcends the conventional consultancy model. Ankura’s role is akin to that of a cartographer mapping the unknown, transforming the complexities of legislation and market dynamics into a navigable blueprint for its clients.

Crafting Compliance Amid Complexity

The crux of Ankura’s value lies in its nuanced understanding of compliance within the cannabis sector—a field where the ground beneath one’s feet shifts with regulatory whims. The firm’s expertise illuminates the path forward for financial institutions entangled in the Gordian knot of federal and state regulations. Through a bespoke blend of strategic advisory, Ankura empowers these institutions to not only meet the current compliance benchmarks but to anticipate and adapt to the regulatory evolutions on the horizon.

Fostering Growth Through Insight

Beyond the minutiae of compliance, the Ankura vision extends to the broader horizons of growth and sustainability for both financial institutions and cannabis-related businesses. The consultancy’s insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and legislative forecasts act as a beacon for clients navigating the competitive landscape of the cannabis industry. In this capacity, Ankura is more than a guide; it is a partner in cultivation, helping to sow the seeds of long-term success in the fertile ground of opportunity.

A Convergence of Expertise and Innovation

At the heart of the Ankura methodology is a commitment to innovation, a principle that resonates deeply within the cannabis sector. The firm leverages cutting-edge technologies and data analytics to provide solutions that are not only effective but forward-thinking. This approach reflects a broader philosophy: that the challenges of today’s cannabis industry are not roadblocks but catalysts for innovation, driving the development of more sophisticated, transparent, and efficient financial services.

And Finally: A Partnership for Progress

Ankura’s role exemplifies the partnership between expertise and ambition. This narrative is an acknowledgment of the critical role that insight, foresight, and strategic guidance play in navigating the complexities of cannabis banking. As cannabis legislation evolves, Ankura’s contributions are a testament to the power of collaboration and knowledge in shaping the future of industries and economies alike.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana




No national standard exists to determine how long someone should wait to drive after consuming marijuana. However, experts at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment recommend waiting at least six hours after smoking less than 35 milligrams of THC and eight hours after eating or drinking something containing less than 18 milligrams.

For reference, a “typical” marijuana cigarette contains at least 60 milligrams of THC, and most edibles contain around 10 milligrams per serving size. A 12-hour wait is safer, as the high (and subsequent drowsiness) from smoking a typical amount lasts far longer.

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How can it help distressed cannabis companies today?




Without the option to declare bankruptcy—due to federal illegality—the only recourse for cannabis businesses in distress to become solvent and / or distribute assets to creditors is to enter into an expensive and difficult judicial cannabis receivership. Receiverships are inherently adversarial, and the required input from third-party experts, lawyers and regular engagement with the courts can be incredibly costly.

Meanwhile, businesses operating in mainstream sectors have the ability to declare bankruptcy. This is also a court-ordered procedure that allows companies to satisfy lenders by liquidating assets, restructuring operations and finances, and to enjoy a break of sorts to make deals with creditors and renegotiate contracts and leases. Without a change to federal banking laws, cannabis companies are blocked from the benefits of bankruptcy, and the situation is only getting worse.

Given the current tight capital market environment, the increase in cannabis distressed assets, and the shortage of options to cannabis operators to address said challenges, is there a possible alternative option to alleviate the rather dire situation?


Genesis—Transition from Equity Financing to Debt Financing

Equity financing has been the most prominent way to raise capital in cannabis for the last several years. However,recent data collected by Viridian Capital Advisorsreveals that debt currently makes up 93% of capital raised by U.S. cannabis cultivation and retail companies, compared to 55.7% in U.S. industries overall.

This change in the capital-raising environment, which has led to an increased number of creditors in the sector, combined with continued market pressures on cannabis businesses to remain competitive, make it highly likely that the industry will inevitably see more receiverships.

Ultimately, while debt financiers are willing to lend cannabis businesses money, they expect to be paid back on time and often with high interest. If the business begins to struggle and enters a distressed phase that leads to receivership, the business assets will be sold off and the secured lenders will be the first to get paid, while the business itself is likely not to recover much.

Consider an Administrative and Collateral Agent

With receiverships punishingly expensive and the debt financing landscapebordering on predatorial, distressed cannabis businesses are desperate for any assistance or support available.  An Administrative and Collateral Agent (ACA) could be the alternative support required, benefitting borrowers, lenders and regulators alike, and offering a more cost-effective and less punitive option to courts, receivers and lawyers.

Instead of dealing with the courts and an expensive court-appointed receiver, cannabis companies seeking relief could turn to an ACA to facilitate mediation between parties and create alignment within the industry, which does not exist today.

An ACA could create a level of trust, transparency and complementary positioning with industry participants that simply has not yet existed in cannabis. The use of an ACA could challenge the competing perceptions that there is already alignment between regulators, operators and lenders, or that a useful alignment between these parties could ever exist.

An ACA could be a real and valuable tool for state governments and regulators as they begin to understand that it is in their best interests to assist cannabis businesses in their states in the face of continued federal illegality and restrictions. Under a private agreement between parties, the ACA would conduct something more akin to an administrative receivership as opposed to the traditional judicial receivership that is the only current option for insolvent cannabis businesses to seek relief.

Building upon a Cannabis Credit Rating Framework

Ideally, an ACA would work within an industry-specific credit rating system for cannabis businesses in distress in order to work within an established framework for potential investors. If cannabis companies are ranked across an equitable, systematic and formulaiccredit rating system, borrowers, lenders and regulators would benefit from the quantifiable transparency afforded by said rating, and debt financing would have an inherent regulatory-like structure to prevent predatory lending. By avoiding the courts, the distressed cannabis company would save time, money and create a more attractive scenario for potential lenders.

Initial Path to Mitigating Solutions

While the current challenges facing cannabis businesses today are well documented and have risen to both creditors and regulators attention, a viable solution has yet to be identified. Most likely no one solution exists beyond waiting for the economic and capital environments to evolve. Yet, mitigating options do exist.

The introduction of an ACA is one such option. Questions remain as to the mechanics, regulatory, operative and fiscal alike, as well as who to trust to take it on. The introduction of a credit rating framework is the first step to creating a solid foundation from within which an ACA can operate transparently and equitably. Any potential buy-in from regulators, creditors and operators remains an open question.

All of that said, there is today an unprecedented set of market forces that is pushing all cannabis stakeholders to think outside of the box. The still growing opportunities in the cannabis industry, the will of operators to survive and succeed, as well as the increasing exposure from creditors, all point to not only an acceptance for the need of an alternative, but to the drive to do things differently.

Is your cannabis business in distress? Would you benefit from expert guidance and support in deciding on whether to enter into a receivership?Reach out to United CMC today.

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